Supervisor Horton proposed seeking a “Groundskeeper”. (See the January 13, 2021 Agenda.) Steve Jennings had been employed by the Town as Golf Pro for 37 years. He was also Greenskeeper. He signed the 2021 contract offered by the Town. The Town Board has not signed that contract. Below are comments.
If your email to the board has somehow been left out and you want it to appear here, let me know. Haven’t emailed your comments to the Town Board yet but want to? Click here. If your computer does not have an email program installed and all you have is webmail (for example, Road Runner or Yahoo) the procedure to send mail to the entire board is a bit more cumbersome: you would need to manually copy and paste the email addresses of the five town board members and the town clerk from the Directory page (see above) into your email.
(Comments about the Golf Course and Pro Shop fire may be found here.)
Town Board
Even out here in sunny Arizona we dream of returning to Nick Stoner Golf Club sooner than later. I recently have been a member at two different clubs — both dealing with revenue issues and ownership issues. Neither have had great outcomes mainly because of the expense/income ratio and the lack of qualified greenskeepers to keep the course in good repair. As you are aware of, from your own experiences with our course, you can see the expertise and expense necessary to keep the course in such good condition. The credit belongs to Steve who has maintained our course so well. Just drive down to Gloversville to see what happens to Pine Brook after a year of neglect. Nature returns with a vengeance. Another healthy recreational option is lost. The course is a jewel of the community and brings people to the lakes who may otherwise not come to CL. They spend money. They bring friends. It is a generational club with families belonging over the years. That history is also an intangible treasure not to be squandered. Based upon the history of the town board and property management you must be aware of the enormous task of golf course maintenance and personnel costs. Why not take some time until golfers return, lake people return and engage in a conversation about the future of the course?
Buy yourselves some time until there is some agreement on the best course of action. This is a strong opportunity to build bridges and make something special (again) for the town and perhaps heal the divide among the community.
Steve knows the course, has the expertise. Keep him for another year which gives the board an opportunity to make thoughtful decisions about the best direction to take in collaboration with those who use it. Patience and prudence is called for as the decisions you make tonight will have ramifications for years to come. Call me selfish — I want my granddaughters to play on this course as my mother and father did before me.
I have confidence that the board will thoughtfully consider reasonable action in this important matter. I hope you will share with the town what your plans are. Do you have another manager/greenskeeper, etc. already in place? What kind of timeline are you considering? This would be useful information for all of us to hear tonight. Thank you in advance for your careful consideration of this matter.
Stay warm and stay safe.
Margaret Butler
162 Sand Point Rd.
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I just want to let you know how upset I am about letting Steve Jennings being let go. I think it is a big mistake.
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
Steve Jennings is a tremendous asset to the Nick Stoner Golf Community. Steve and his team keep the course in fantastic shape all season long. The condition of Nick Stoner exceeds almost all the courses we play. And we play a LOT of golf in many areas of the country.
We play golf almost every summer day, so we see first hand how hard Steve works to keep the course in good shape.
It would be a huge mistake not to have Steve managing the course. A loss to all our fellow golfers.
Mike & Mary Cannon
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
The task of re-building the NSGC clubhouse will be a big challenge for the Town. It’s a great opportunity but it also has risks if mis-managed.
But the Town faces a much greater risk from mis-management of the course itself, the playing surfaces. If you lose the greens thru inadequate care you lose everything. Revenues plummet and restoration costs are massive. Does anyone there have any idea what it costs to re-build a green? Mowing and watering are the obvious and easy parts of the Greenskeeper’s job. The health of the turf grasses is the core of the job. Blow that and nothing else matters.
It does not appear that the people tasked with re-building the clubhouse and protecting the playing surfaces have adequate experience with golf course management. And since this Board and the involved committees seem to habitually resist openness and transparency it will be hard for citizens to react to mis-steps before real damage is done.
To be specific, it seems obvious that the course should remain under the care and supervision of Steve Jennings in this upcoming season. The clubhouse re-build and transition will be enough of a challenge without having to seek and rapidly hire a new Greenskeeper with the technical skills, training and experience to protect our course.
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
My wife Sue and I have been golfing at Nick Stoner since the late 80's. Fairway and greens in those early years were often dried out, brown and cracked. Through Steve Jennings' care they improved dramatically. Keep Steve please.
Joe Andrews
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
PGA Profesional Steve Jennings, my brother in law, and former PGA Professional, Guy Farina, my Dad, have maintained and managed Nick Stoner Golf Course for a total of 73 years.
I always felt appreciative to the Town of Caroga, and bragged to my fellow professionals how “job security” was a blessing the Farina family was graced with.
“Nothing Gold Can Stay”, as in the Robert Frost poem, was inevitable as the clubhouse burned to the ground in November.
Nick Stoner Golf Course is a “Gem”, therefore had been a yearly pilgrimage for me, for many years, to return in the summers to teach golf and to play the course.
When I was knee high, my Dad bought 2 new Harley Davison golf carts, and started a business to supplement his income so we could return every year to Nick Stoner. Guy was offered several other positions in the area through the years, but could never break away from the the Adirondak scenery, the security the job there, and the business HE created with offering golf carts. The course possesses such a rugged terrain, carts enables this course playable for challenged golfers, revenue for the club, speeds up play, etc.
I understand now all this revenue is to be handled by future management, but I snicker when I think of seeing my Dad underneath a cart fixing the brakes, tires, getting battery acid on his clothes, and the never ending gas cans in his car to keep them all going.
Golf Carts require lots of repairs and attention!
In the horse world there’s a saying, “no hoof no horse!”.
In the golf world, it’s “no greens, no course”.
This is where Steve Jennings is also a “gem”.
My hope is that the decisions this town board decides upon are revenue driven, with the insight and expertise to accomplish that goal.
Without Steve at the helm, that revenue goal will flounder.
Not only due to the time limitations of a season starting in 4 months, but due eliminating a professional with first hand experience for the job that has already proven itself, well done.
Blink an eye, and the golf “revenue” season will be over, as all of Adirondak residents already know.
Lastly, “Loyalty creates Revenue”.
Upon reading many comments here to the board, it’s obvious that Nick Stoner Golf Course has so many LOYAL golfers, like the “groupers” the “Vrooman’s league”, the “dew sweepers” and several other leagues that contribute to the Town’s “bread and butter” revenue, and they are all UPSET.
Depending on the “golfing experience” as a result of future Town Board implementations, this can be a win-win or a lose-lose for the entire Town of Caroga.
Thank you for including me in these emails, and hoping “the Gold” will be able to Stay”.
Janie C Farina
LPGA Professional and former “Caroga Laker".
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
Steve Jennings is an asset to the Nick Stoner golf course. His improvements and hard work have made the course a golfing destination.
Please keep Steve Jennings.
Sue Andrews
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
My family has been coming to Canada Lake since 1946. My mother played golf at the Nick Stoner golf course and I often went with her as a child. Once I was playing as an adult, I noticed a distinct difference between the condition of the greens and the course during my youth and how I found it in the 1980's when I began playing.
I guess my biggest question for you is: Why are you doing this? It makes absolutely no sense to me. Along with my lake mates, I hope you will reconsider your decision about Steve. I also hope your rebuilding of the club house will take into account the very special culture of the Canada Lakes, and build something that is in keeping with the special nature of the golf course and of the golfers, whose money keeps it all going and who know of what they speak.
Joanne Clark
327 Kasson Drive
Canada Lake
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
Although I am not a golfer, I am a year round resident of the Town of Caroga. The Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course is a valuable asset of the town, and I am concerned about its future. From reading local news and speaking with friends and acquaintances, it is apparent that Mr. Jennings has built the intangible asset “goodwill” throughout his tenure as the club’s pro. The personal relationships with the golfing community and this goodwill should not be discounted by the Town Board. If the Town of Caroga intends to make changes at the course, I urge the board to exercise prudence, retain Mr. Jennings (and the goodwill that he has built) for the time being, and utilize his knowledge with planned transitions. Let’s take this opportunity to build unity, positivity, and transparency within our wonderful community.
Kate Yvars
119 Avery Road
January 17, 2021
To: Caroga Town Board and Town Clerk
We were shocked and saddened by the devastating fire of the Nick Stoner Clubhouse. It is heartening to know that the town board is committed to rebuilding a clubhouse an maintaining the course.
I am a seasonal resident, and I have always enjoyed playing at Nick Stoner. My grandmother and grandfather, and my mother before me have been enthusiastic and avid fans of the course for years and now my daughters will begin to play there this summer hopefully.
The town has had a great asset by having Steve Jennings as the club pro. The course is always well maintained and the greens are beautifully cared for. He always manages to find a way to make the golf experience a positive one even when playing there infrequently.
It appears that the town board is dedicated to rebuilding and maintaining the course. I urge you as a board to do the right and best thing. Bring Mr. Jennings back for one more year as you continue to plan for the construction of a new clubhouse and all of the responsibilities required to keep the fairways and greens in great condition.
It is well known that the success in any endeavor greatly depends on the details of a well thought out plan. Do not be hasty. Again, Mr. Jennings could be of great help during the planning stages.
Andrew Mahoney, MD
Canada Lake6141 E. Miramar Dr.
Tucson, AZ 85715
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
During Steve Jennings 35+ year tenure at Nick Stoner golf course, the town of caroga and the avid golfers have been blessed with Steve's knowledge, leadership and expertise as a golf professional and groundskeeper. His fine efforts and hard work over the many years is a true indication of his dedication, pride and love for the golf course we all call home. Nick Stoner is made up of history and tradition. It is evident a golf course is as good as the groundskeeper that manages it. It will be a shame and a great disservice for all concerned if the board does not renew his contract. I have been a member of the course for close to 50 years as far back when Guy Farina was at the helm as golf professional. As others have cited Nick Stoner golf course was a “gem” during Guy Farina's legacy and is still a “gem” now under Steve Jennings' leadership. When Steve took over as golf professional he learned from the best. I believe it is in the best interest to renew Steve Jennings' contract for the upcoming 2021 year. Steve's expertise and course management knowledge will be a vital link in grooming the next groundskeeper. Give the new groundskeeper a chance to learn from the best and keep Nick Stoner thriving in a positive direction for many years to come.
Sarah A Maiello
Former Golf Coach and
Proud Member of NSGC
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
My father bought a house in Caroga on Canada Lake in 1963 when I was two. I started golfing on Nick Stoner when I was 7, along with my father and three brothers. I have a membership and play all season every year. I also participate in many of the tournaments run by Steve Jennings. He has been the workhorse for Nick Stoner and has done extremely well with very little to make that course the best it can be. He is always there and he and his son have done wonders over the years for that course. It is my strong belief that the years of knowledge that he and his son have about the Nick Stoner Golf Course will not easily be replaceable. It’s taken years for them to gain the knowledge they have and tweaked to find what works best in a tough location. It’s been a pleasure to play there for more than 52 years and I strongly hope that you will continue to keep him employed and pay him what he is worth. I currently own two homes in Caroga, and the Nick Stoner course is one of the main reasons I come to the Lake every year for most of the spring, summer and fall. Please reconcile with Steve to ensure this course continues to delight many for years to come. You have an opportunity to really upgrade the course with a new club house that has been needed replacement for years. The insurance money is a gift that should not be squandered and Steve is the right guy to keep the course going.
Best regards,
David Cannon
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
As a seasonal resident of the town since the 1950’s and a golf enthusiast and customer since the 1970’s I would like to register my opposition to replacing Steve Jennings as golf pro and greens keeper.
One has to remember only a number of years ago when the spring conversation centered around “how many greens were winter burned and bare this past winter?”
Thanks to the work of Steve and his crew, this is no longer an issue. The course has improved steadily under his management over the years.
This past year I played about 40 rounds at the Nick and the town should realize that we have a choice on where we play. I would hate to see the town make the mistake of firing Steve, generate significant backlash from golfers, encourage players to play elsewhere and have this important town revenue source diminish.
I find it troubling that after 37 years the town now feels this contract is not in their best interest.
Please retain Steve.
Richard Fink
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
My family has been playing golf at Nick Stoner since 1962, when Guy Farina was the Pro. My wife and I have had memberships since retiring in 2015. I grew up playing golf with my father, his friends, and my brothers. The golf course under Steve Jennings’ management is better than many other public courses we have played over the years. The greens are some of the best in the Adirondacks due to the hard work and effort of Steve and his team. We are looking forward to this year’s golf season and getting back to Canada Lake. It would be a huge mistake, in our opinion, to not renew Steve’s contract and hire someone without the skill, experience, and knowledge, along with an incredible work ethic that Steve has. We have seen him early in the morning cutting greens and late in the evening on one of the mowers. You will not be able to simply replace him. If you do, we likely will look elsewhere to play golf this year with our friends and family.
Stephen & Laureen Egan
The Work Steve Jennings did and why we need him back!
- Steve is a Golf PRO.
- Steve is the Groundskeeper.
- mows the course
- trims all areas of the course as needed
- maintains the cart paths
- manages & maintains the irrigation system to keep the course — fairways, greens from drying out during drought conditions. Knows how to properly blow out the system each fall.
- Steve changes the location of all 18 holes several times each week so the course was always different and challenging. (Some courses keep the same hole locations day after day, year after year.)
- Steve makes the schedule for all tournaments played during the season.
- He does the scoring for the big games as well as for most of the leagues.
- Steve did all the handicaps for all players and updated them usually monthly.
- Steve set the course up for particular games before those games were played.
- Steve gave golf lessons and would help any player out when they needed any part of their game tweaked.
- He gives private and group lessons and clinics. He gives group lessons for children who are interested in learning to play golf.
- Steve gave a talk on the new rules of golf and how they are to be used at one of our league meetings.
- Steve is the go-to person for any rule dispute.
- Steve can repair golf clubs — change grips, change the length of clubs, adjust modern clubs for any player, etc.
- Steve managed all the golf carts and repaired them as needed.
- Steve knows all the regular players and their abilities.
Steve’s son could do much of the maintenance work, however it takes a PRO, Steve, to be able to do all of it and make sure everything is done properly.
At such a time as this after the fire, I strongly urge you to hire Steve back as our Pro, Groundskeeper, and to maintain the new clubhouse. Steve knows the Nick Stoner Golf Course better than anyone. He is very capable and he cares for the success of the course for the town.
Dorothea Loomis
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
Bob and Lynn Yost are asking for you and the board to keep Steve Jennings on his job at the Nick Stoner Golf Course. Thank you.
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
Please keep Steve Jennings as grounds keeper, although im not a golfer, I have heard nothing but great things about him and our golf course.
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I was extremely surprised and disappointed to hear that you are contemplating not renewing Steve Jennings’ contract for the 2021 golf season, or, in the alternative, that you had offered him a contract at a substantially reduced salary. Your decision does not make sense, especially in light of the destruction of the clubhouse, the rampant rumors about the reasons for the fire, and the intense pressure to rebuild before April. Logic would indicate that you would want to maintain as much consistency and credibility as possible while you face this challenge, and reassure the public that services during the season will continue as they always have in an effort to entice people to come back this summer.
Steve has been in charge of our golf course for thirty-six years. This has been his career and he has established a life for himself in Caroga Lake while making himself an integral part of the fabric of our community. He has done an excellent job of maintaining the course and managing the clubhouse. He is professional, knowledgeable, and well-liked. As a result of the fire and the decision of the board to acquire golf carts rather than to allow Steve to replace those that he owned that were destroyed in the fire, he has already lost over half his source of income. Now you are attempting to eliminate or significantly reduce the remainder of his income, a decision that appears short-sighted at best, especially as he approaches retirement.
I do not accept that we do not have the money to pay his salary. We have always had the money to pay his salary, and a board that was initially willing to give itself significant raises, that did establish an unnecessary fund for “celebrations”, that hired a “confidential secretary” for the supervisor for the first time ever, and that chose, over substantial objections from townspeople, to override the tax cap and significantly raise our taxes would be hypocritical to claim that we cannot afford his salary, especially when he clearly earns it. I also do not accept the rationalization that Steve earns more money than do other golf pros, as that is not relevant when contemplating what is best for this town.
Once again, this decision seems “penny-wise and pound-foolish”. You have, to my knowledge, failed to share your reasons for this choice with the public; therefore, it is difficult to grasp why you would take such a risk when the future of the golf course is at stake. You have not found a replacement for Steve, and, frankly, are not likely to do so at the salary you apparently feel is appropriate and in the time frame within which you must work. Why would you throw away his knowledge and familiarity with the responsibilities that he has fulfilled for over three decades? It makes absolutely no sense.
I urge you to back away from this decision. Renew Steve’s contract at the amount which he has previously earned, and maybe throw in a raise, as you have shown a willingness to spread those around to your own benefit. Seek his input regarding building and stocking the new clubhouse. Instead of rejecting his knowledge and experience, accept it, use it, and pay for it.
Try to re-establish some of the trust you have lost during your tenure.
I request that this letter be read aloud and be made part of the record at the regularly scheduled Town Board meeting in February 2021.
Very truly yours,
Barbara S. Lee, Esq.
January 19, 2021
To: Caroga Town Board and Town Clerk
We were shocked and saddened by the devasting fire of the Nick Stoner Clubhouse. It is heartening to know that the town board is committed to rebuilding a clubhouse an maintaining the course.
I am a seasonal resident, and I have always enjoyed playing at Nick Stoner and I am looking forward to playing again for many more years.
The town has had a great asset by having Steve Jennings as the club pro. The course is always well maintained and the greens are beautifully cared for. He always manages to find a way to make the golf experience a positive one even when playing there infrequently.
It appears that the town board is dedicated to rebuilding and maintaining the course. I urge you as a board to do the right and best thing. Bring Mr. Jennings back for one more year as you continue to plan for the construction of a new clubhouse and all of the responsibilities required to keep the fairways and greens in great condition.
It is well known that the success in any endeavor greatly depends on the details of a well thought out plan. Do not be hasty. Again, Mr. Jennings could be of great help during the planning stages.
Catherine Bouvier Graves
Begnins, Switzerland
Summer resident Canada Lake
Danielle Newkirk
136 Kirchen Grove Road
Caroga Lake, New York 12032January 19, 2021
To: Caroga Lake Town Board and Town Clerk
I am a current resident of East Caroga Lake. I have spent the last 37 years playing golf at the Nick Stoner Golf Course. For all 37 years, Mr. Steve Jennings has been there, dedicating his time and love of the game to Nick Stoner Golf Course.
I have recently learned that the Town Board is considering replacing Mr. Jennings. I respectfully advise the Board that this will have a grave impact on the success of the course. I, along with many other residents, will no longer play at Nick Stoner without our golf pro, Mr. Jennings.
These potential actions of the board would be reckless, careless and heartless and be in complete opposition to the dedication that Mr. Jennings has displayed for this golf course.
It appears that the town board intends to rebuild and maintain the course. I urge you to do the right and best thing. Bring Mr. Jennings back as you continue to plan for the construction of a new clubhouse and all of the responsibilities required to keep the fairways and greens in great condition. This is wholeheartedly in the best interest of not only the golf course, but the community as a whole.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to thoughtfully consider my requests.
Danielle Newkirk
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I have been a summer resident at Canada Lake since 1960 and have played golf at Nick Stoner since then. I learned to play golf there and played with family and friends for many years. I even worked there during summers while in school. For myself and many the course is one of the hidden gems of our town and through the efforts of Guy Farina and then Stephen Jennings and his son Steve it has always been well maintained and managed. A golf course superintendent is an art and Steve Jennings is one. He has done a great job worked tirelessly for 37 years. He is an asset to Nick Stoner and the town of Caroga. I find it unbelievable that the town would not want to renew his contract especially in these trying times. I believe it would be a huge mistake. My father a very successful businessman taught me at an early age ones business is only as good as the people that work for you and both Steve Jennings and his son Steve are integral to the operation of Nick Stoner. Please reconsider your position and thank you for your consideration.
Jack Egan
Canada Lake
Saratoga NY
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
My husband and I are seasonal Gloversville residents who have golfed at Nick Stoner’s for years. We have been members of NS Ladies League, NS Men’s League, Couples League and Vrooman’s League as well as just playing for fun. We drive to Caroga because we love the course and enjoy it. It is always in great shape and this is solely due to Steve and his crew. His knowledge and constant care make the course very enjoyable to play. In reading all the comments, you can clearly see that Steve is highly respected by both players and the community. He works very hard to maintain the course.
We were also devastated by the loss of the clubhouse and are very encouraged by the board’s commitment to rebuild. However, a nice clubhouse means nothing if the course is in poor shape. If it is not maintained, the course will quickly be lost. Please renew Steve Jennings’ contract for the 2021 season.
Ed and Sharon Farhart
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
We would like to add our voice to the chorus of others who have expressed support for the renewal of Steve Jennings contract as the golf pro and groundskeeper for the Nick Stoner Golf Course. As noted by many others, Steve has the expertise and commitment to keep the course the hidden gem of the Adirondacks. He is a part of the golf experience that has kept all of the golfers in the area coming to this course as often as possible for generations and be a part of a positive golf experience. Everyone can attest that his tireless efforts and vison for the course that shows on every hole. It does not go unnoticed the hours spent in keeping the course in such great shape and it is appreciated by all who have played the course. Steve, his son and the entire staff have been wonderful stewards of Nick Stoner Golf Course that has provided this experience for generations of families.
Please consider what we know is a proven expert who has maintained and improved the course over the many years that he has been at the helm. We know what we have gained from his expertise and do not wish to find out what we will have lost without him. I urge the town to continue with Steve and hire him as the golf pro, groundskeeper and clubhouse manager. This would benefit the town and the community.
Bill & Jeanne (Egan) MacDonald
To whom this may concern,
It has come to my attention there has been discussion to look for a new operator at Nick Stoner Golf Course. I’m writing this letter to voice my opposition to this decision. My family and I are owners of a home on East Caroga and frequent Nick Stone Golf Course. Steve Jennings has dedicated his professional life to this course, and in doing so has gained life long supporters such as myself and many others I know. A golf course requires deep knowledge of the land, weather, drainage, etc. Mr. Jennings has been able dedicate the time and energy needed to master keeping this course playable through the treacherous weather that we all know Caroga battles — and not to mention, in great condition! The future of the course sounds very exciting, and it would be an absolute shame to not see Mr. Jennings involved.
Alex Prince | Real Estate Professional
TCS Management | Real Estate Sales, Leasing & Management
107 S 2nd Street, 3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I appreciate your efforts in attending to business matters in the town of Caroga. I respectfully request that you amend the contract of Steve Jennings to include different duties.
Considering now is a good time to change I believe there is a big difference between groundskeeper and greenskeeper. A groundsperson goes around and cuts the grass and fertilizes. A greensperson is someone that knows about horticulture, including fungus, watering, and how and which types of chemicals are needed in fertilizing and the like. Guess what; you can't just hire a groundskeeper and expect your greens to make it by the end of June. The course I play on has had a fungus on it for almost one year and once it takes hold you have great difficulty in eradicating the problem and players start going to other courses nearby. Please consider restructuring Steve's contract to reflect the importance of his expertise to oversee the greens and grounds in his new position of Clubhouse Operational Manager. Your not going to find a manager that has that expertise in Caroga. Instead of saying we don't want Steve Jennings why can't you just amend the contract or strike up a new one? Instead of being a “golf pro” his position could also include running a few clinics. Bump his salary up to $59,000 and if he can’t accept that without the golfcart business, so be it.
I don't care if he's there or not. I care that decision makers don't take the easy way out and sacrifice the quality of the golf course and get in a hole, so to speak.
Thank you for reading and hopefully considering this matter.
Will Ahrens
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
This a letter that I could never imagine writing. I had envisioned a letter to the council expressing my gratitude to all of you for your wonderful tribute to our friend Steve Jennings for his decades of service to the Town of Caroga Lake and Nick Stoner Golf Course. Steve gave his all to every aspect from his duties of PGA professional and his thousands of hours taking care of a course he loved. What you have done is to show such little respect to a man that gave you almost four decades of service to the town. Steve would never retire and leave Nick Stoner before he knew it would be left in qualified hands. You didn’t write a letter of thanks but told him he was not needed anymore. It seems like you rushed to this act instead of working with him for the most critical time Nick Stoner Golf Course has every had.
You will never find a more hard working PGA professional. I live near the 8th green and see Steve and his staff out working at sunrise and putting the golf carts away at sunset. He gave you 7 days a week for almost four decades. We saw his son Steve Jr. grow up at Nick Stoner and had the same love for the course as his dad. He worked just as hard as his dad to maintain our beautiful course.
The council should have realized the tax payers of Caroga should have be been informed of your reasoning. I’ve been a member of Nick Stoner for Fifty years. Your actions will result in the loss of memberships. If the course is not maintained properly more golfers will leave. It is amazing that a council with some with about one year of experience, none in golf would take this action.
I have spoken to many Nick Stoner members who are upset and sure you have made a mistake. It is not to late to rectify this decision. Please do the right thing and bring Steve back.
George & Judy Newnham
January 20, 2021
Eve Trombley
17 Stanford Court
Albany, NY 12209To The Caroga Lake Town Board and Town Clerk:
It has come to my attention that there may be significant changes being made to the staffing at the Nick Stoner Golf Course. In particular, I am devastated to hear that you, the Board, is considering the removal of Steve Jennings as the Golf Pro.
While you may not know me, I believe that I represent so many individuals who have been fortunate enough to golf with Steve Jennings on this unique course. As a Caroga Lake visitor, I was seeking not only a place to golf, but to find an establishment run by a pro with integrity, knowledge, skill, and most importantly, the ability to make me feel at home. Steve Jennings fulfilled all of these expectations.
As an ‘outsider’, I urge you to put aside your personal differences and to do what is best for the longevity of your community. You will not find another individual like Steve Jennings and if you choose to cast him aside, I can assure you that you will be losing not only local customers, but potential customers like me. People who want a new place to call home, people who will invest in the community, buy property, and support local businesses. You will be making a dire mistake by overlooking these potential benefits in order for your own political gain.
I urge you to reconsider and to continue with Steve Jennings as the Nick Stoner Golf Course pro.
Eve Trombley
Dear Town Board members,
I am asking you to reconsider your decision to replace our 36+ year Golf Pro/Greenskeeper/ Clubhouse worker/Groundskeeper, all around exceptional employee for the town of Caroga, and Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course, Steve Jennings.
I am interested in what prompted your decision. You haven't seemed to be too interested in the golf course, as demonstrated when the board chose a random town taxpayer to negotiate Steve's contract. That is the job of the town board and should have been done by you.
There is a lot of work to be done rebuilding our pro shop, re-stocking what is needed and so much more. No one knows better than Steve, what and where to purchase these items.
Steve should be getting a letter of appreciation, a raise, and a huge thank you from the board, not a boot out the door! In my opinion, it would be in the town's best interest to keep Steve, because if he goes, I'm afraid a lot of the members will go too.
Please keep Steve Jennings!
Valerie Scribner
136 Cty. Hwy. 111
Caroga Lake NY
Dear Town Board, come on folks...Ricky, Scott...what are you guys trying to do? Seriously. So many odd decisions that clearly are not in the best interests of the town. Your motivations are unclear; at best they demonstrate poor judgment; and at worst they are well...much, much worse. Raised unneeded taxes. Gave inequitable raises. Cut important programs. Held surplus funds to the detriment of your taxpayers. Showed no comprehensive plan for town investments or the use of the increased tax receipts. Confused capital needs with operating budget needs. Pressured out a well regarded assessor. Stopped public meetings through Zoom because the engagement of citizens was too high. After the golf clubhouse shockingly burned down, individuals unilaterally took over reconstruction plans. And now firing/removing the one person (Steve) who provides true expert service to one of the town’s only valuable assets (the Nick Stoner). Too many questionable decisions. Come on gentlemen — you need to do better with the power that you were granted by the voters — your intentions are unclear and your actions are dubious. We expect and deserve better.
Steve (Smith, Sand Point Road, Canada Lake)
I have been affiliated with Nick Stoner Golf Course since the 1950’s, starting as a caddie and proceeding as a player. Since Steve Jennings has taken over, he has kept the course in excellent condition and made several improvements. It makes no sense to me to not keep him on to train the next selected greenskeeper. He deserves to be hired back.
Richard & Lynne Semprevio
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
We are very saddened of the direction that the Town Board is taking concerning the Golf Course. And more so upset the way the board is treating Steve Jennings. This man has kept the Golf Course in great shape for many years (37). This board is very misdirected and whichever Board Members are driving this they need to some due diligence and look at past history. If you think that it could be run more efficiently than Steve has run it other golf courses should be looked at and the number of employees they use compared to Steve.
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I firmly believe not renewing Steve Jennings contract this year (and beyond) will be the beginning of the end for the Nick Stoner G.C. Steve is exceptionally gifted in specific course knowledge, operations management and course beautification. It still shocks me just how underpaid he is for the seemingly endless hours and attention he contributes to the course and it's management. Just his presence is comforting and integral to the “character” of Nick Stoner G.C.
I vote 💯% to keep Steve as Course Superintendent. Everything he does is undervalued and under-appreciated. Like others commenting before me, I believe it would be a great mistake and disservice to all of us who revere the course and it's storied history to jettison one of the main reasons we all love that course so much. Without the unique legacy of Guy Farina and the Jennings family, I dare say that course will be nothing but another lifeless, generic pasture for lifeless, generic people. You can't replace “character”.
I also agree with many of my fellow commenters that patience should be a priority virtue in this process. The future of a 100 year old course should not be determined in 4 months. That would be pure ignorance and great insult to more people than you can imagine.
Take your time. And, allow everyone a summer to collaborate and discuss future plans for the course and it's staff. Any board with integrity would listen closely and carefully to the thousands of supporters, whether local or not. That course is still a treasure regardless of a new building. It's the soul of the place that endures. It's the tangible joy of tens of thousands of past and present golfers who walked those fairways and registered deep memories on it's pristine, Adirondack links. It's as close to Ireland as any course I've ever played in the USA. We all appreciate the constant care it gets and the patient, deliberate improvements that appear. Something this special should rarely change, if ever.
A further thought: why not put off any new construction for 2021 and, rather, partner with the owners of the Nick Stoner Inn across the street to create a pro shop/clubhouse in their first floor? The east end of the building has a snack window already present that could become an easy half-way house for snack revenue. They already have an ample parking lot, not to mention a pub and rooms to rent. That building could be refurbished to compromise a legendary facility with amazing Adirondack character. With a little TLC and thinking-outside-the-box, that would be a magnificent, full-service destination that just so happens to overlook not only the 9th green but also the 18th. As it stands, it's the most overlooked and under-appreciated opportunity in Caroga.
Do the right thing. Go slow. Let us all have input. Collectively were smarter as a group than any one person. We all share palpable and authentic joy for that special place and it's special people. Let it continue. Let it flourish.
Thank you for the opportunity to comment. I look forward to the process with great anticipation and hope.
George H. Rohrs III
To the Caroga Town Board and Town Clerk:
As a Canada Lake homeowner for 14 years, a true constant has always been the Nick Stoner golf course. To the residents of our town, the course has served as many things: an accessible, well-maintained and challenging golf course, a place to meet with friends and family, a spot to learn the game of golf and work on your skills. It is a local lure in an area with few such bright spots.
Throughout it all, Steve Jennings has performed tremendous work year in and year out to maintain the course and its grounds. We play the course regularly every summer, and we are invariably impressed, not only with the way Steve manages the greens, but with the great spirit, commitment and welcoming attitude he brings to the course and clubhouse. Steve has significant expertise on what works and what doesn’t on the property, knowledge that is not easily acquired. To let him go after 36 years of exceptional service to Nick Stoner and the residents of Caroga will cause significant harm to both the quality of play at the course and the reputation of the Board in the eyes of town members. To what end?
As elected officials, you have a duty to be accountable to and transparent with your constituents. The circumstances surrounding this decision appear to lack both. We commend you for your apparent commitment to rebuild the clubhouse so tragically lost to fire. Steve should be a valued component of that rebuild. For the good of Nick Stoner and the Caroga community, renew his contract, please.
The Moriarty Family
236 Sand Point Road, Canada Lake
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
Like so many here we feel strongly that the course is in very good condition under Steve’s stewardship over the last 36 years, along with his son and crew. Steve knows the course and is invested in its long term success. Although turf management/agronomy is a “science”, it is not math … there is art and experience needed to make the science work. Steve surely knows more about what Nick Storer needs, than anyone. It would be a tragic waste to lose it, especially at this time (with the major capitol rebuilding required), on such short notice.
What is the board basing this change on? Seriously…. who on the board has the necessary experience to interview, question, and validate hiring a groundskeeper that will improve the conditions/situation at Nick Stoner. Let alone make sure the next people actually CARE about the course as much as Steve.
Also, what about a golf pro (we noticed that isn’t even a role listed... just club manager, projects manager)? Even without a driving range, pretty great to have access to a PGA Pro who will give a lesson. No fanfare, just help when players need it. Does the board not think there is value in that?? If the town saves a few thousand dollars a year, but loses a key service a golf course offers … you are not really saving money, just reducing scope.
What is the Board’s goal in replacing Steve? Saving money? This decision doesn’t only impact the expense side of ledger. It impacts the revenue, too. And be honest, do you really think you’ll save money by hiring 2 or more different people to perform the roles he serves? Does the board really believe it is best to get a new groundskeeper, new projects manager, new clubhouse manager … all the while trying to build the actual clubhouse.
Who on the board has the time (and expertise) to ensure and oversee the new staff. Someone will need to make sure they are doing what’s required. Does the board have that time, especially with all the other priorities the town board faces. DO NOT underestimate the value in simply not needing to direct or oversee new staff. Steve, Steve and crew already KNOW what needs to be done.
Any smart employer should surely know the value in retaining talent vs hiring new, unfamiliar staff. Most businesses understand the cost of staff turnover. Whatever you think you will save... you will pay WAY more in their learning curve.
Please remember … Nick Stoner is NOT Oakland Hills, nor Bethpage, nor Torrey Pines, and never will be. The goal is not to bring in players from all over the world, and ensure the course is perfect. The goal is to have a gem in the Adirondack Park (and we have one). It needs to be a place that people want to play repeatedly. Read here — healthy greens, tees and fairways. Just because the layout is wonderful, you can’t overcome poor conditions.
Another big part of this is that the whole Canada Lake community is interconnected. If you don’t know someone, you most surely know someone that does. Steve Jennings, his son, the Farina family before, are so much of what Nick Stoner is. Just like Fieldings are at the store. Remove these people and it’s just a new face with no history. A new staff may be super nice … they may even do as good a job as Steve. But they’ll need ton of time (decades?) to connect with this town, this course, these families. HOW DO YOU VALUE THAT? Personally, it is very important to me and my family to see Steve each summer. To know that my dad, and my grandfather were regulars at NSGC with Guy and with Steve. For me to see Steve and get a ticket (that hasn’t changed in my lifetime), it does remind me of my dad almost every time I see him. To believe that 30 years from now, there is a good chance that my grandkids will know young Steve and his kids when they check in. That is special. Please don’t try to save a “nickel” here, I promise it won’t be worth it in the long run.
If the board is determined to do this and IF (a big IF) the board has valid reasons to do this NOW … it would be very important to know what those SPECIFICS are… BEFORE a final decision in made.
Thank you for listening and considering this,
Andy & Katie Healey
375 Kasson Drive
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
We are asking you to reconsider your plans for a groundskeeper at Nick Stoner Golf Course. We suggest you keep Steve Jennings as Pro and groundskeeper. There should be no question that he has done a great job of making golf a pleasure for anyone who chooses to play golf there.
Steve is always congenial, helpful and interested in all levels of golfers. He greets people with a smile and is happy to instruct and share his vast knowledge of golf. He creates a welcoming environment for the players. A laugh comes easily to him. He is just the kind of Pro a golf course needs. He is approachable.
Steve has done an amazing job of keeping and improving the course. The greens have been better than you can find on many golf courses. This is not an easy task. His knowledge is invaluable. If the course starts to deteriorate it won’t be long before attendance starts to drop. Golfers want good greens on which to perfect their skills. Steve’s attention to the greens have kept the attendance of golfers up!
Steve holds clinics for various groups of golfers. He does a great job with the children who attend his clinics. He is calm and cool with the kids and they leave with a feeling of success. That camaraderie is not always present with many golf pros. There should not be any question about needing a pro at the course and Steve is the pro of choice.
This year especially we suggest the need for a sense of normalcy in any way possible. It doesn’t take much for golfers to find a new course. This year they will have to adjust to a new clubhouse and a new routine. At least if they can see their friend and pro, Steve Jennings, that might be all it will take to have them give the course a try. It would be an error to lose this asset at Nick Stoner Golf Course. Be careful with your decisions.
Judy and Doug Smith
Green Lake Road
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
After being associated with Steve Jennings for most all of his tenure at Nick Stoner, I am shocked to learn that the Board is considering not hiring him back for the 2021 season. As any dedicated golfer is aware, keeping the greens in good condition, especially in a harsh climate, is no easy task. Once the greens are lost, it is nearly impossible to regain their former condition. Steve has proven his exemplary knowledge in this area; a knowledge base that likely cannot be matched.
As the Board is aware, this is certainly an unprecedented year. A year that requires Steve’s unparalleled expertise, not only for the course maintenance, but for his leadership in managing all aspects of the pro shop, including much enjoyed tournament play. We all can agree that Nick Stoner Golf Course is a true gem of the Town and it would certainly be a detriment if the contract of our dedicated golf pro, Steve Jennings, is not renewed. I implore you to reconsider.
Richard Sullivan
Canada Lake
After reading the letters to the Caroga Lake Town Board in support of Steve Jennings, there is one huge point seen — that Steve Jennings cares. Whether you are a hacker or a scratch golfer, Steve has always cared that your time spent at Nick Stoner Golf Course was enjoyed by you!
For 36 years he has dedicated his time and energy into maintaining and running a golf course in the Adirondacks, while keeping thousands of golfers very happy with their time spent there. How do you juggle the tournaments, the groups, the family reunions and individual players throughout the golf season and keep everyone happy? Ask Steve! Any golf course would be fortunate to have a Pro/Superintendent who is dedicated to what he does and put in the time it takes to maintain and keep Nick Stoner Golf Course in great shape on the budget and small workforce he has. It is truly amazing — thank you Steve and young Steve for all you do!
Based on Steve's expertise, experience and dedication, the Town Board should not only extend, but also increase Steve's contract to keep Nick Stoner our golfing gem in the Adirondacks.
Bob Johnston
Long-Time Golfing Member
My husband bought our camp in 1965 in Caroga and it has given us much joy to spend summers there. Part of that fun has been playing golf over the years at Nick Stoner Golf Course.
We have played in the Monday night couples for several years, my husband played with men groups, and I played many years with the ladies on Tues. and with my family and friends.
Steve Jennings has always been courteous, helpful and efficient in getting everyone out of the course. He has always been knowledgeable about the rules of golf if questions arose and has helped with scoring and listing the outcome of the games.
When returning every spring, it always amazed me how great the condition of the course was, after many a hard winter. Steve and his minimal staff have always done an amazing job keeping it mowed and maintained in beautiful condition.
Why would you now remove him after so many loyal years of dedication and hard work?
After many years of enjoying the golf at Nick Stoner I absolutely think it would be a huge mistake to remove Steve and I’m sure many of my friends feel the same way.
Please share this letter with Scott Horton and the other board members.
Kathryn M.Lynch
Dear Town Board,
As a very long time member of Nick Stoner [I stated when Guy Farina was pro] and have been playing golf there ever since. I can't imagine playing at Nick Stoner without Steve Jennings there. Steve has treated the course as if he owns it, and the many improvements over the years have shown how dedicated Steve is. Steve has the great character to get along with everyone, and make everyone feel welcome. During his many years at Stoner Steve has worked from daylight to dark, seven days a week, from early spring to late fall, plus during the winter months, working on the equipment so it would be ready to go in the spring. Steve has the knowledge and training and the licenses to use the chemicals to keep the course in the great shape that it has been in over the years. Steve Jennings has been very under appreciated and underpaid since he has been there. For a large part of last season Steve and his son maintained the course with very little extra help. There is not a course anywhere else maintained by just two people. If you want to keep Nick Stoner going as a golf course I suggest that you do the right thing and bring Steve and Steven Jr. back to keep Nick Stoner great.
Dick Boles
Dear Council Members,
I am dumbfounded that the Town appears to be looking for both a new pro and greenskeeper rather than keeping Steve Jennings.
This feels like another Sherman’s fiasco — decisions hastily made based on faulty conclusions that have not been completely thought through and vetted. The “simple” decision to have the Town run the cart fleet has already turned into a debacle with Steve. I can understand why Steve might have been upset. Revenue from managing cart fleets is a critical income source for most golf pros at smaller municipal golf courses. What other consequences from that “simple” decision do we have to look forward to?
Having a new greenskeeper is more risky than having a new pro. If mowing the fairways, cutting the greens and irrigation were the only things a greenskeeper needed to know, I could probably do the job. Weed control, fungus management on the greens, fertilization, aeration, pest control, equipment repair and maintenance are just a few things that are at least as important as cutting/watering. It's a tricky dance to keep very short grass on the greens that's constantly mowed healthy. One misstep and the greens become horrible if not unplayable. Maintaining a golf course is part science and part art. Courses right next to one another can be so innately different that they will perform very differently in any given year. Soils may be different. Growing environments may be different. That is why professional greenskeepers take courses on golf course management (the science part) and then get on the job training as an assistant for several years before taking a head greenskeeper job (the art part).
I have golfed at Nick Stoner since 1958. I have seen firsthand everything Steve has done since the day he began. Under his watch, he has made numerous and substantial improvements to the golf course. No one can deny he works tirelessly from dawn to after dark on all aspects of running a golf club 7 days a week for the entire season. While there have been some years that greens have issues from wintering over, these have been few and no golf course is immune from winter. As others have attested, the conditions of the course year in and year out have been exceptional — especially given the resources Steve has had to work with.
I have no idea what the interactions have been between Steve and members of the Council. To be honest, I don’t care. The only thing I care about is the course continues to be well managed. Bringing Steve back ensures that. If you were really thinking long-term, you would also hire an Assistant to learn the ropes and be capable of taking over as soon as 2022.
Please put personal feelings aside and sign the contract to bring Steve back next season.
Jim Meinhold
168 South Shore Rd
West Caroga Lake
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
The Town of Caroga is about to embark on perhaps the most important decision the future of the town will see in a long time. I have been a member of Nick Stoner for over twenty five years, of the Pinebrook golf club for twenty three years. I grew up on Antlers golf club where I also caddied, Amsterdam Muni on and off for ten years.
Yes! You could say I’ve played a lot of golf. During that time I’ve seen a lot of good decisions made concerning golf courses, and some not so good. You’ll soon be reaching a crossroads where if you make the wrong decision you might not be able to reverse the outcome. You’re very lucky to have had Nick Stoner under the loving care of Steve Jennings. As even a non golfer can tell he has had more than a lifetime commitment to the course and the townspeople.
He has the knowledge and experience that you can use for the asking. It would ensure the future of the most valuable resource the town currently owns is a continuous success. To dismiss him in a time when you can make use of his experience would be very shortsighted. He would be able to give you the insight needed, at a cost that you’ll never get from anyone else ever. I’ve seen courses not hire a Superintendent and lose five greens the first year. Don’t lose him at a time when he can be your biggest value. In today’s world people know the value of a very good conditioned golf course. Steve has given this to the town for years. Is that not enough of a reason to keep him as a resource for the future of the town? Who on the town board has more knowledge and insight into the nuances of running and maintaining a successful golf course. When you bring your car to a dealership to have it serviced you’re paying anywhere from a low of fifty to as much as a hundred dollars an hour. Can you imagine how much it would cost to have such specialized equipment on the golf course serviced. Many courses have their own mechanics to service their equipment. Yes! The hats that Steve has worn over the years are many. He has performed as a course superintendent, head mechanic, golf pro, course maintenance and repair person. He has added to the value of the towns most valuable resource.
You have a once in a lifetime opportunity to see that your most valuable resource is headed in the right direction for the future.
Make the right decision for your towns future and future success of the Nick Stoner golf course.
Sincerely yours,
John “Jack” Vidulich
Steve has done a fantastic job at Nick Stoner. The hours he puts in the course is amazing. Always friendly and witty, Caroga Lake and Stoner would be lost if the board doesn't hire him back.
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I was informed of Supervisor Horton’s ill-conceived proposal for seeking a groundskeeper recently. I am writing the Town Board today to offer my comments against this proposal. My extended family have owned homes on Canada Lake and visited the Nick Stoner Golf Course for 4 generations. This wonderful course has played an extremely important role in the growth of my extended family’s relationships. I personally played the Nick Stoner for over 40 years. For the last 25+ years my family has arranged an annual two day tournament that draws family members from across the country. Over this time we have experienced the Course conditions improve significantly year after year even after harsh winters. Steve Jennings has treated our family as honored guests and good friends as I am sure he has done with many of the local and not so local visitors. I am sure there are many qualifications called for in this position that is so very important to this tight knit community. I believe Steve is superior in many of those qualifications, some of which may be less apparent to the casual observer. Steve Jennings should be recognized as a local treasure not a disposable asset.
Thank you for the opportunity to offer my opinion.
Tim Healey
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I was saddened to hear from a fellow member of the golf course that the board is looking to let Steve Jennings go. Steve has poured his heart and soul into the golf course for many many years. To him it’s not just a golf course, he takes great pride in the upkeep of it. Shame on all of you that are looking to abandon him.
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
As an active golfing member of Nick Stoner golf course from 1970 to 2000 it provided me with the opportunity to observe and appreciate just how valuable a golf professional is to a successful golf course. Providing a golf shop stocked with merchandise, maintaining golf carts, giving lessons, organizing golf tournaments and golf outings, welcoming new golfers. This is just a few of the many jobs a pro does. The Town of Caroga is moving forward with The Caroga Lake Music Festival and the new bike trail which bring people to our town to, also, enjoy our beautiful lakes and good restaurants. Now the town board has the opportunity to make a decision that will add to these accomplishments. Contact the PGA and the LPGA and start looking for a new pro to succeed Steve when he retires. The Nick Stoner golf course has a great history and is well known throughout the area. Hopefully, the town board will seriously consider that a golf pro is necessary for a successful golf course.
Sydney Greenwood
802 S. Shore Ease Caroga Road
Caroga Lake
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I am writing to add my disappointment and opposition to the removal of Mr. Steve Jennings from the Nick Stoner Golf Course. Many have more eloquently given their reasons from a long-term relationship and experience standpoint already so I will provide my rationale from purely a golfers and business perspective. Prior to purchasing a residence on Canada Lake in 2007, I was a member at the Saratoga National Golf Club. The first time I played the Nick Stoner Municipal Course, and every time since then, I was blown away by the wonderful condition of the course, especially the greens. For anyone that golfs, the greens are the most important and most difficult part of the course to maintain. I was amazed that a municipal course with a fraction of the funding could have greens that not only rivaled, but exceeded, the conditions of those at such a prestigious course as Saratoga National. There is only one way that can be done and it is by the person that understands exactly what they are doing. For the Nick Stoner golf course, that person is Steve Jennings, hands down, no question. To lose that knowledge and run the risk of the course conditions deteriorating will result directly in substantially reduced revenue potential. Please reconsider your decision and retain Mr. Jennings.
Thank you,
Steve Kamppila
Sand Point Road, Canada Lake
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I find it very disturbing that Steve Jennings is not returning to Nick Stoner Golf Course for the 2021 golf season. He has been the glue that has held that golf course together all these years. He is an asset that no one replace unless you plan to hire 3 or 4 more people. I will seriously think twice where I will golf in 2021.
Bob Peck
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I hope that the Town Board will appreciate and fairly consider the input that has come forward from the Caroga Community. Hasty decisions cannot necessarily be easily remedied.
Martha Price
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I sincerely hope that you take all the comments that you have received concerning Steve Jennings seriously. Nick Stoner Golf Course is an Adirondack gem. The main reason for this is Steve Jennings. He has worked tirelessly for years to keep the course in great condition given the resources he has had. I have heard many visitors comment on how a little Adirondack course could be so well kept. It's because of Steve.
It would be a big mistake on your part not to bring him back. On the contrary, you should go out of your way to make sure that you do not lose him.
Furthermore, Steve has always taken a personal interest in the members and was always eager to help in any way he could.
You will never find a better worker and more importantly, a better man. Be smart and bring Steve Jennings back to Nick Stoner.
James Donovan
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
As a lifelong loyal member of Nick Stoner I want the ENTIRE BOARD to know the work Steve Jennings has done over the last 36 years, has made the Golf Course what it is today. Without his dedication and knowledge, the course would not have the loyalty customers and members you see year after year. Without Steve at the helm, I can guarantee the course will not hold up as it has in the past where you are able to golf from April - November.
You can always bring in new blood, but I can also guarantee they will NEVER have the DEDICATION that Steve Jennings along with his son and his loyal crew have. If this action is a quick way to make some money you are mistaken as I feel your memberships will be way down including tournaments held.
Philip Ferrara
S Shore East Caroga Lake
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I have been a golfer at Nick Stoner for many years as my parents in previous years. I strongly urge you to reconsider your poor decision not to bring back Steve Jennings. For many reasons all stated in previous letters he is the person you need now more than ever. Please reconsider your decision.
Amy Beard
Dear Town Board, Town Clerk and Gene Centi,
It is difficult to comprehend why you think moving on from Steve is a smart decision, not to have a plan of succession makes matters worse. Steve has been a loyal, hardworking employee for Nick Stoner. I am hopeful that you can make amends with Steve, put the dollars aside and do right by the Town. Making an abrupt decision such as this will only cost the Town more money than you thought you could save.
This season already feels as if you are starting from scratch. The course is without ball washers, tee signs, benches to sit on, not even a single rake etc. The amount of work to be done is overwhelming and February is around the corner. It is approaching the point where people will decide where they will play golf in 2021: will there be leagues, tournaments, youth programs to participate in? Who will score the tournaments, keep handicap cards, who is going to run this course? The community has a right to know your plan. Perhaps in the upcoming meeting, these topics should be discussed, in place of the updates on “soft goods, and apparel orders”.
I understand that the board never anticipated this type of undertaking, it is large and encompassing. With that being said, the situation will become more challenging if you decide to continue with your decision. Capitalize on Steve’s expertise to get the course on its feet and stabilize this situation. Steve should be able to finish his tenure at Nick Stoner Golf Course in a respectable manner. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Doug Anderson
Long-time Member of Nick Stoner G.C
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
Hi, I’m sending this letter to give our opinion about Steve Jennings. We joined Nick Stoner for the first time this year and it was the best thing that we did. We golfed many times and Steve was so helpful. He knew that we always rented a cart. He had it ready for us when he saw us pull in. He helped us with some tips about golf. My husband got a new driver and he came right out helped us adjust it and told him what he was doing wrong and how to correct it. He never asked for any money for his pro knowledge. He was always so nice and polite and would tell us if there was a tournament so we wouldn’t have a cart if we wanted to golf. If for some reason that you lose Steve you will lose over 30 years of experience. The fairways were great, the greens were fantastic. The course was always picked up after a storm. Steve and young Steve were there for all of this. I do know that when new boards come in they want to change everything. But I was always taught. If it’s not broke and it works. Just leave it alone. I do know that Steve is thinking about retiring in a year or two. So why doesn’t the board look for a new person that could work along side with Steve for the next year or two to learn the ropes. Caroga Lake has lost so much in the past years with everyone closing down and people moving out. You don’t want to loose what you have in your golf course. With the experience and knowledge that Steve has to run and maintain the course in almost perfect conditions.
Please consider to keep Steve Jennings running the golf course until he is ready to retire. And I’m sure Steve will help the next person that takes over for a easy transfer of the reins at the Golf Course. Thank you for listening to us.
Kathy & Beaver (Lee) Bradt
336 McGregor Road Gloversville
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
After being a long time member of NSGC and learning to play golf some 50+ years ago there from my grandfather and under the tutelage of former Pro Mr. Farina and current PGA Pro Mr. Jennings it is my dismay at the direction the Town Board is discussing in the possible attempt to replace Mr. Jennings. The value, expertise, and professionalism brought to both members and the public is unsurpassed by Mr. Jennings. His dedication, ability to get the most out of the course conditions within limited budget and employee constraints is exceptional. This coupled with his credentials as a certified PGA Professional and expert Greens Superintendent would be equally hard to replace. The difficulty in managing this balance within a limited budget will not be evident to the average golfer or non-golfer alike. However, Mr. Jennings ability to perform these functions are remarkable. In addition, his values and commitment to both local and seasonal residents speaks for itself. I possess an extensive background formally and professionally in both the field of Horticulture and Forestry with over 38 years’ practical experience. Being employed in these areas lends me the ability to know budget constraint commitments, employee issues, and public interaction and mitigation that is required to manage a successful field operation. Mr. Jennings accomplishes these tasks and does so with a smile. He is not only an asset to the NSGC and community but also a treasure. Please take these concerns into serious consideration in reviewing your final decision.
Aric A. Dicruttalo
159 Vrooman Rd, Caroga Lake NY 12032
ISA Certified Arborist and Utility Specialist NY-1213 AU
Regional Forester
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I’m writing this email to announce my very strong support of maintaining Steve Jennings as Nick Stoner’s golf course pro/superintendent. I look forward to playing Nick Stoner every summer. I do not want the many enjoyable experiences that I’ve had over the years playing Nick Stoner to change. I live in Clifton Park, I drive over an hour to play the course every Sunday. The clubhouse can be rebuilt. However, I do not believe that you could find a more qualified golf pro than Steve Jennings. Steve has proven his ability to maintain great course conditions at Nick Stoner. Steve not only works endless hours, he also makes golfers feel welcome at the course each time they come to play. In my opinion, Steve Jennings remains hands down, the most qualified person to run Nick Stoner.
Bob Clarkin
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I have been a member of Nick Stoner golf course for almost 50 years. You can not be serious about letting Steve go. There is no one available I’m sure that will have the work ethic that Steve has. He truly loves the course and it shows every day during the golf season. His commitment to making the members and non members feel at home will never be duplicated. Just remember that the course is now as popular as ever and is a destination for a lot out of town visitors. They bring much needed revenue to the local businesses. To be honest with you it really should be up to Steve as to when he wants to retire. And even then he should be retained for at least a year to make sure his replacement understands the everyday workings of the course.
Dave Henry
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
A rather discomforting development has come to light recently, i.e. the termination of the service of a valued and dedicated employee by the Caroga Town Board.
Over the course of more than 30 yrs., Steve Jennings has dedicated his life to the maintenance and constant improvement of the Nick Stoner Golf Course. He has proven himself to be a devoted, hardworking and reliable asset as both club pro and greenskeeper. The golf course has consistently improved in the thirty years I have been a member of this course due to his diligence.
At this difficult time, with the loss of the pro shop, clubhouse and equipment due to the fire, it would seem to be the worst possible time to terminate the services of Steve Jennings.
As a long time member of the course, I would hope that you seriously reconsider your actions.
Kent Smith
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I recently heard from my aunt and uncle that you are considering not signing the contract for your current greenskeeper and pro, Steve Jennings, which is absurd in my opinion.
After attending NC State to pursue a degree in Turf Management, I decided to become a golf professional and completely understand how important local knowledge about an area is in maintaining a golf course. Why would you even consider bringing someone else in, especially considering you already have someone that has signed on to continue his current position?
The fact that he re-signed a contract with the Town after the fire, that destroyed the clubhouse, should also speak volumes at how dedicated Steve is to Nick Stoner!!!
I have played Nick Stoner dozens of times with my Uncle George and one year, I came back from my studies at NC State and had the pleasure of playing in the Member-Guest with my uncle and we WON the tournament. With a better grasp and knowledge about greens keeping, due to my studies, I was amazed at how nicely conditioned the course was, especially the greens, which is remarkable considering that the course is at the Foothills of the Adirondack Mountains.
Steve has nearly 40 years dedicating himself to the betterment of Nick Stoner and by not signing a contract for another year is a travesty. So, do the right thing for Nick Stoner, the membership and for Steve and sign him back for at least another year.
Thank you for taking the time to read this,
Rick Newnham
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
As I read through the concerns and comments of the golfing community it became apparent to me that the current golfers, at your municipal course, are very happy with and support the quality of the work done by Steve Jennings. I include myself in this group.
As I pondered a correspondence to you, I thought, “What do I know about golf course maintenance?” or “What qualifications does an effective golf pro have?”. With these questions in mind, I did some research and found:
In addition to the above site, I quote the Requirements and Responsibilities of the Club Golf Pro from the site:
Head Golf Professional is responsible for the overall day-to-day operations and services of the golf course, including the golf shop, tournaments, practice facilities, and cart fleet. Ensures golf facilities are properly maintained. … To be Head Golf Professional typically requires 5 years experience in the related area as an individual contributor. 1-3 years supervisory experience may be required. Extensive knowledge of the function and department processes.My questions to the Town Board are these: Doesn’t Steve Jennings do all of the above and doesn’t Steve Jennings do all of the above really well? Is there actually a reason to replace Steve Jennings?
Thank you for your time and consideration to my concerns.
Lois Miller
119 Dolgeville Point
Caroga Lake, NY 12032
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
My husband and I have owned a home in Caroga Lake for 60 years. Before that my husband has been vacationing at Caroga since 1937. My husband Jack and his whole family have always enjoyed and played golf at Nick Stoner. He was friends with Guy and Steve. He still enjoys playing golf at Nick Stoner. Our family including our four nephew, son-in-law, daughter and granddaughter all play at Nick Stoner.
Caroga Lake, Nick Stoner and the people in this area is one of the reasons we retired here. Other members of our family have purchased homes and camps here also.
Steve works very hard maintaining and keeping the grounds in excellent condition. This is in addition to his regular job as club Pro. We have had visitors who have played golf all over New York and New Jersey and are amazed at the condition of the course.
At this time when the clubhouse has to be rebuilt and some of the tees changed how can The Board get rid of the one person who knows the working of the course and the grounds. This is the worst thing that The Board can do, they should be offering him more money to take care of the grounds and being the club pro.
The board should speak to the golfers and the members and not take it upon themselves to make this decision on their own.
Lucille and Jack Clochessy
Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Kathleen Lungren, 52-year-old daughter of John (Jack) and Lucille Clochessy. I have been coming to Caroga since I was born. I grew up playing golf on Nick Stoner with my father and with Guy and Steve. I Continued to play there and met my future husband there on that course. We are now married 24 years and our daughter grew up on that course with Steve. She took lessons from Steve and ended up the women’s golf captain of Nyack High School as a Junior. She was offered college scholarships to play golf.
This all because of Steve as a pro and groundskeeper of the course and running the whole operation at Nick Stoner with all his heart and soul. He cares about the course and the people. We are not only his friends we are his extended family. He has seen family’s grow and unfortunately family’s lose members. I agree with my parents (John and Lucille Clochessy) to remove Steve now with needing to rebuild the clubhouse and move some of the greens and fairways around there is no one that knows that place better to accomplish this at this time. We were all devastated by the loss in the fire. A little piece of each of us and the memories died in that fire. And now to remove the one person who was the face and backbone of that course is just inexcusable. How this was not discussed with the paying members of the course and the community is just wrong. Caroga Lake is what I have always called “My happy place” because of Nick Stoner and the memories and people like Steve. My husband and I are planning on moving to Caroga in the coming year or so and it’s because of people like Steve and the community we are doing so.
Kathleen Lungren
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I know I am repeating what everyone else has stated before, but I and most, if not all of my golf groups, will follow Steve Jennings, where ever he goes. Give the man what he deserves and transition out with a normal business like transfer and it will most certainly double triple your memberships. You will not win by nickel and “diming” your way out of a few thousand dollars. This is such an easy business decision to make … pay him and keep him. Thank you for posting this e-mail.
Phil Priolo
Member and player at Nick Stoner since Guy Farina days.
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
Let me begin by stating how saddened I was in November when I learned that the clubhouse/golf shop had been destroyed by fire. I am pleased to know that the Town of Caroga and members of the board are planning to rebuild. I appreciate the efforts that will be made by all involved to accomplish this major project. Like many who have written before me, Nick Stoner GC has been a huge part of my golf and personal history. I have so many fond memories of playing NSGC with my father and brother years ago as well as with my three sons and daughter in recent years. I have also been fortunate to have met and golfed with some of the finest individuals our area has to offer at NSGC. For many of us, heading to Caroga Lake to play a round of golf at Nick Stoner is like “Coming home”.
Traditions and sentiments are strong with me, as well as with many others regarding NSGC, but what you as a board should realize is, traditions and sentiments will not bring golfers back day after day, week after week and season after season if the playing conditions are poor. I can repeat all the praise given to Steve Jennings for his tremendous efforts in guaranteeing a well maintained course but I doubt that it’s necessary. The condition of play that has brought so many back year after year is what is most important and speaks to the great job that Steve has done.
I have read that Steve plans to retire after this season. If this is true, it is unfortunate that a succession plan was not already in place. It seems as if ownership for this falls back on the previous board and a compromise is warranted by the current board to find a way to bring Steve back for the 2021 golf season.
Kevin Kucel
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I am writing to give my support for Steve Jennings. It is hard to think of Nick Stoner without him.
My first memories of Nick Stoner we’re walking with my father on Sundays. As a teenager, I started golfing at Nick Stoner a lot with my father and friend Mike Fratangelo.
Steve was always friendly and willing to answer any questions. My first hole in one came when I was 16 yrs. old. Steve was as excited as I was. Steve was a friend and someone that I looked up to as more than a golf pro. He was really good to the teenagers. As I got older, I realized how Nick Stoner was such a beautiful course because of Steve. He worked long hours, his love for this course became real to me. He was Nick Stoner. His long tenure 37 years has not changed him. He works as hard today as he did for 37 yrs.He is the most dedicated golf pro you will ever find. I hope the town board have an open mind and do the right thing. Caroga Lake can be proud of his years of service. Do the right thing, bring Steve back.
George Newnham Jr.
My father bought a house in Caroga on Canada Lake in 1963 when I was two. I started golfing on Nick Stoner when I was 7, along with my father and three brothers. I have a membership and play all season every year. I also participate in many of the tournaments run by Steve Jennings. He has been the workhorse for Nick Stoner and has done extremely well with very little to make that course the best it can be. He is always there and he and his son have done wonders over the years for that course. It is my strong belief that the years of knowledge that he and his son have about the Nick Stoner Golf Course will not easily be replaceable. It’s taken years for them to gain the knowledge they have and tweaked to find what works best in a tough location. It’s been a pleasure to play there for more than 52 years and I strongly hope that you will continue to keep him employed and pay him what he is worth. I currently own two homes in Caroga, and the Nick Stoner course is one of the main reasons I come to the Lake every year for most of the spring, summer and fall. Please reconcile with Steve to ensure this course continues to delight many for years to come. You have an opportunity to really upgrade the course with a new clubhouse that has been needed replacement for years. The insurance money is a gift that should not be squandered and Steve is the right guy to keep the course going.
Best regards,
David Cannon
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I am following up on the letter I wrote many weeks ago. I was surprised to see that the golf course superintendent job posting was placed by Gene Centi on Turfnet on approximately January 18. It appears the board never had the intention of working things out with Mr Jennings. This is highly disappointing as well as surprising as the out pouring of support for Mr Jennings seems to indicate that retaining Jennings for another season especially during this transition represents the will of the golfers if not a majority of the community. 66 letters ought not to be ignored.
This is a wonderful opportunity to repair the division plaguing our town. And to thoughtfully execute a plan for NSGC over the long term.
I hope the town board plans to explain why this change in direction is warranted. The innuendos about mismanagement and other rumors of malfeasance are just that … unsubstantiated rumors. To contribute to ending a man’s lifetime career based upon what I am unsure of is short sighted and in my opinion harsh and unnecessary, not to mention the perils it puts the course in.
This is the time when transparency and community engagement actually could turn the tide in Caroga. Take the high road.
Please enter my letter into the record.
Margaret Butler
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk:
I have been reading the numerous e-mails and comments regarding Steve Jennings, Golf Pro/Greenskeeper, at the Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course.
I have played at Nick Stoner’s for over 20 years and have always enjoyed my golf experience. The course was always in good shape despite the many challenges the climate and geography presented.
The golfing community has a gem of a course that has successfully benefited the area socially and economically for years. Steve Jennings role in that success cannot be understated. He has steered that ship for the over 30 years, with confidence and expertise. With a new clubhouse on the horizon, who better to guide it into the future?
John Poling
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
Good morning, again this is Phil Priolo, a 50+ year member and player at Nick Stoner golf course. this is a follow-up to my previous email. I feel that this post from Scott Horton should be part of the total response, as a part of the decision to keep Steve Jennings in his position as golf pro and superintendent. Please read and explain to the public what happened in 18 months of pure adulation to and of Steve Jennings, to the now, complete 360 degree opposite. Please tell us Scott, we all need to know the reason for your paradigm shift. See below from this direct post from Scott Horton’s personal public Facebook wall. Scott Horton, Caroga Supervisor. Read it, it’s an eye opener.
From Scott Horton Caroga Supervisor:
I had the pleasure of visiting the Nick Stoner golf course yesterday. Steve Jennings, our Golf Pro for thirty-five years, is one very remarkable individual. In a few days I will tour the entire operation, all 120 acres of it, hole to hole, tee to green.
I was able to spend about an hour there, talking with Mr. Jennings while he serviced the golfers by collecting greens fees, and serving them snacks and beverages. I wanted to get to know what it takes to operate a golf course.
It is mind boggling what Steve and his staff have to do, and the number of hats Steve wears. In addition to being the Pro, he helps mow, does the chemical treatments on the greens (for which he has the required license), sets the holes in the greens, manages the operation of the facility, rents and maintains the golf carts, and then repairs the mowing equipment which is badly in need of replacement. Oh, and yes, he does his own building maintenance too.
In essence, Steve is our general manager as well as one of the working staff. He is solely responsible for the golf course which operates almost 24 hours per day, seven days per week, for six consecutive months per year. Without a break! There is Always something to be done.
The other night at the “Meet the Candidates” gathering at Town Hall, the golf course was mentioned and I suggested that this is an under-utilized facility. I added that the addition of a driving range would enhance the attractiveness of the course and create demand.
So I asked Steve about that. He said that the course would greatly benefit from more play, and that his current staffing levels could support a moderate increase in play. The course itself has a lot of additional play capacity but would require more operating capital. He said a driving range would be very beneficial, but there are challenges in constructing one. (This was also suggested by an audience member at the “Meet the Candidates”.)
My response was that it can be done.
The topic of cart paths also came up at the Town Hall gathering the other night. Steve agreed that paved paths would be beneficial and would require a lot less maintenance; maintenance time that he has so little of.
I asked him what it would take to increase play. His thoughts, summarized, are that the course needs capital improvements.
A few years ago he had 300 memberships; today he has 140. Mr. Selmser, you should take a look at that.
So, with Steve, I put on my management hat and asked questions about budgets, capital replacement programs, operating costs, the financial structure, five year and ten year plans; all those sorts of general management criteria. In addition, I asked Steve how my idea of a Parks and Recreation Board would fit into his program. He thought it could assist him in and relieve him of some of his day to day duties, allowing him to spend more time managing the course.
This is how the Town Board manages the golf course:
Every year the Board, during its budget session, funds the golf course for the following year by using the current and past year's operations as a guide. That is the money with which Steve has to run the course the following year.
If the golf course has a good year, the Town takes all that money and puts it back into the general fund. If the year is not so good, the Town takes what is left over and puts that back in the general fund as well. What a way to motivate a manager!
I know nothing about running a golf course, but I do know about running businesses and facilities. This is not the way to structure the organization of the golf course. We are lucky we haven't lost Steve.
The Town has never asked Steve for a long range operations plan and never asked for a scheduled equipment replacement plan. This puts the golf course into a financial straight jacket. The golf course is not allowed to sock away any money for contingencies.
This is a course with two of the most unpredictable major factors, weather and mechanical equipment, that affect the operation of this business. There is no financial cushion under Steve's direct control.
The Parks and Recreation Board would be a government structure that would provide for the oversight and fiscal control of this property and Sherman's (if the voters decide to keep Sherman's), protect the taxpayers' interests, and promote and develop these facilities for the benefit of all.
Steve is the General Manager and COO of this golf course. Mr. Selmser and the Town Board, please treat him as such.
This is MY comment, not Steve's. He never complained to me or said one negative thing about the Board, but rather just truthfully answered my questions. This is solely MY statement.
On a much happier note:
Steve informed me that the Nick Stoner golf course is coming up on its 90th birthday. Remarkable. It deserves a birthday celebration.
I would love to see an event held this Fall to celebrate this notable 90th birthday.
Can I get a volunteer to organize this celebration? I am sure the Wards at the 19th Hole would be happy to host the event. Perhaps Richard Nilsen, our Town Historian, would provide photos and historical information.
What a wonderful time that would be. We could sit upstairs in front of the fireplace and hear about the golf course's history and its future.
Thank you again Steve, for spending some time with me and thank you too, for all of your hard work and dedication. You are doing a remarkable job and I look forward to the tour.
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
Stop the presses!! It turns out the strongest endorsement of Steve Jennings value and contributions comes not from any of the sixty-some golfers who’ve written to the Board, no, that most glowing praise comes from Scott Horton! You really cannot make this stuff up. One has to ask therefore, where is the impetus to get rid of Steve Jennings coming from? Perhaps we need to learn more about the secretive PLRT committee and its role in this awful mess.
Before or during the Feb 10 golf committee and Board meetings the following questions need to be publicly responded to:
1) Who made the decision to let Steve Jennings go?
2) What are your personnel cost projections for staffing the temporary pro shop, managing the carts and maintaining the golf course for the 2021 season? What were those costs in 2020?
3) What is the amount of the insurance settlement and what can those funds be used for? Will insurance cover the $2,200 per month rental of the old firehouse?
4) Your job posting in golf publication Turfnet says the course superintendent will report to the head of the PLRT committee. What qualifications does that person have to oversee a golf course? And why not have such a critically important Town employee report to the Supervisor?
5) What exactly is the status of your search for a new superintendent? And for other personnel to staff the pro shop and greens-keeping crew?
6) How many meetings has the golf committee held in the three months since the fire?
7) Where will the new clubhouse and cart barn be located?
8) In the 12/9 Board meeting the PLRT committee chair projected $54,000 in cart revenue rental. What is that estimate based on? And what is your profit (or loss) projection after lease, fuel, insurance, maintenance and personnel expenses are factored in?
Thank you.
Chris Rohrs
Dear Town Board and Clerk,
The burning of the Clubhouse was a tragedy. However, as with most tragedy comes opportunity. We have a tremendous opportunity to bring our town jewel back in spectacular fashion. There is much work to be done.
- Where will the clubhouse be located?
- Where will we house the carts and equipment?
- How will the various aspects of the course operations be managed?
- Who will help guide us with these decisions?
- What is the final insurance settlement?
- Will we need additional funding from the tax payers?
I am confident that the Board, the Parks Committee and the Golf Committee will labor through these questions and the Town anxiously awaits the release of a comprehensive plan that outlines timeframes, and budgets.
That however is where my clarity and confidence ends. It is my understanding that the Town met with Steve Jennings on numerous occasions and that an agreement was made and that a contract was drafted for Mr. Jennings to remain in a Supervisor capacity with primary responsibility being the maintaining of the course grounds for one more year. It is also my understanding the Mr. Jennings signed that contract and that in response, the Town Board, not only didn’t sign the contract with the agreed upon terms, but went ahead and posted a job add for that very position on Turfnet.
Mr. Jennings has done a tremendous job of maintaining and improving our course on shoestring budgets for decades. His depth of knowledge on everything golf far exceeds that of anyone on our board or these committees. Why, for the love of God, would we not leverage his guidance to navigate these waters? Why would we not leverage stability during a time of chaos?
Why on top of all of the other projects we have going on in this town would we bring in an unproven entity during this challenging transition?
Wouldn’t it be more prudent to sign the contract that was agreed to by both parties? Then let’s take the year to do a thorough search and fully vet the best candidate to become the guardian of our jewel for the next several decades. They will certainly have some big shoes to fill.
Dan MacIvor
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
We have read thoughtful, insightful, and well-articulated letters by Chris Rohrs and Dan MacIvor, as well as comments from NSGC golfers through a Facebook group including over 65 members. We wholeheartedly support the statements and concerns addressed to you, members of the Town Board and Town Clerk, by Mr. Rohrs and Mr. MacIvor.
We have raised our family of golfers on the Nick Stoner Golf Course each season. Both our daughter and son played Varsity Golf for their high school teams, as well as on their middle school club teams.
Golfing on NSGC afforded each of them practice on a course that gave them challenges and play-time helping them to prepare for their competitive seasons. It also gave our family years of enjoyment playing golf together introducing the course to relatives visiting the area and friends from outside the Town of Caroga.
We also created many memories bringing Caroga Lake Music Festival resident artists on the course introducing the game of golf or helping some of the performers to get reacquainted with the game, thus contributing to yet another reason for them to fall in love with Caroga Lake and want to return each summer.
We have watched the course improve consistently each summer since starting to golf at NSGC in the late 80s. Steve Jennings has spent his career dedicated to making NSGC a golf course we all can enjoy and share as a part of our tourist industry. He has expertly handled numerous outings supporting organizations, including the successful events supporting Caroga Arts Collective the past two summers.
Supervisor Horton, during Town Board meetings, has praised Steve Jennings for his expertise and success running the golf course, particularly through this pandemic. Having heard those praises by Supervisor Horton, it is curious as to why now, in one of the most important junctures for the future of NSCG, you would choose to not continue a contract with Mr. Jennings?
We look forward to receiving the Zoom link to attend Wednesday's 6:00pm meeting re the Golf Course followed by the monthly Town Of Caroga Board Meeting. We look forward to receiving confirmation from you as to whether a negotiated written contract between the Town Board and Mr. Jennings, was sent to Mr. Jennings, signed by Mr. Jennings, returned to the Town Board and subsequently refused by the Town Board; and if that is the case we hope to hear the reasonable explanation for not approving the negotiated contract.
Thank you for your attention to the letters and communications by the Caroga community re NSGC. We sincerely hope that you will hold the best interests of your community and voters in your actions and will keep an open mind to listen to our community who elected you to serve as our representatives.
Tim and Deborah Price
205 East Shore Rd
West Caroga Lake
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I have been golfing at Nick Stoner since 1970 when I would be spending several weekends in the summer at my camp on Green Lake. I am now living there. I often say that I don’t play golf as much as I play at golf. Whatever … I do enjoy the game and play at Stoner more than any other course. Steve always makes me feel welcome as does his son. It’s ludicrous to even consider getting “rid” of him. Steve is an asset to the course, the town and most of all to players. Don’t make the mistake of firing him. We all do things we regret. Don’t let this be one of yours.
Cheryl Skakel Barnard
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
My family have owned camps on Green and Canada Lake since the 1920's. My grandfather and relatives played golf at Nick Stoner and I have played golf with family and friends at Nick Stoner every year for the last 20 or so years and many years before that as a kid growing up on Canada Lake. I currently belong to three golf clubs in Maine and Florida so I appreciate how much work and skill are required in the maintenance of a golf course. Steve and his team have delivered a high quality golf course that has remained popular with locals and seasonal golfers, and perfectly captures the Adirondack spirit.
I have been reading an email chain of comment in which many town residents express their concern over the Town's failure to secure the services of Steve Jennings for the coming golf season. I would like to add my concern to theirs. I have not heard of any reasons why Steve is not the obvious person to keep the course operating as he has for many years.
Surely the Board knows it is not easy to keep a golf course in good condition anywhere especially in the Adirondack environment. Steve has done this job and done it well, at the same time doing double duty as golf professional. His proven skills are clearly needed in 2021. It should be a priority to have the management of the golf course in reliable hands during this difficult period when a new clubhouse is planned and built.
There will be time in the future once the clubhouse is built to consider how best to staff the professional and groundskeeping roles. This is not the right time for that discussion.
I urge the Board to move quickly to make sure Steve Jennings stays in charge at Nick Stoner for at least the entire 2021 season and ideally beyond that.
Michael Kane
Dear Town of Caroga Board:
I want to add my voice to the strong support of retaining Steve Jennings as pro and groundskeeper for this crucial transition in the Nick Stoner golf club, and beyond.
As my brother Mike Kane has written, our McCleary grandfather and family of Amsterdam and Green Lake golfed at the course, our mother Mabel Kane and Mike caddied there as young adults. Mike continues to play there.
Thanks to Lois Miller, our son Alex Russell had his first golf lesson with Steve on July 25th, 2006, on his 11th birthday. When Steve found out it was Alex's birthday, he insisted that the lesson be free. Alex went on to be a junior member of the club throughout each summer until college. He was on his school's golf team here in Nashville, and made it to the State level as a senior. Steve's kindness and encouragement of young golfers ensures a future of golfers for the club.
Please build a bridge to repair the relationship with Steve as needed, and keep the Board's actions transparent. Thank you for having Zoom meetings, and allowing summer and fulltime residents to voice our views.
Barbara (Kane) Russell
127 Hutchinson Rd.
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk, my interest is only in the golf course that u oversee. I live outside of ur district but I play quite frequently at nick stoner.. And I understand ur going to rebuild the pro shop. One suggestion, please do not replace the current pro or is son who happens to work on the course. I’m sure u can locate someone else, for those positions..
Thanks for ur time
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I have been coming to Pine Lake since 1970 and playing golf at Nick Stoners Every summer since then. The course was going down hill till Steve Jennings took over the greens keeping job! Every year since then you can see the Improvements he and his team made to improve the course. He and his team Know the environment and take care of this course. He has year of experience. To have someone else come in could be a disaster for the course and the town.
Bill Havranek
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025