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What You Should Know About The Code Enforcement Building Inspection Process

We are here to assist you. Stop in anytime with your home improvement plans for the future. Answering a few simple questions may lead you in the right direction, and make the goals you have come to life.

What is Code Enforcement?

Code Enforcement is the administrative process utilized by the Department of State, Office of Planning & Development; Building Standards and Codes. Building Inspectors work with property owners and contractors to gain compliance within the NYS Building Standards and Codes.

Code Enforcement begins when a Property Owner:

Building Permit Application Process:

  1. Completed Building Permit Application.
  2. A site plan of proposed work with dimensions and building plans.
  3. Contractor information, if the property owner is not performing the work.
  4. Meeting with Code Enforcement Official.

Once your Permit is approved and paid for you will need to call the Code Enforcement Office to set up inspections based on what type of work you or your contractor performs. Should you have any questions or concerns with what inspections are needed please call or stop by. These inspections are required, recorded and to your advantage. Code Enforcement verifies that a contractor builds according to approved plans. We cannot issue a Certificate of Compliance or Certificate of Occupancy without the proper inspections taking place. Once a Permit expires, you will have to pay additional fees for inspections to take place. Should you ever want to sell your home, the records we have in your properties file will help assist you in the process. Real estate agents call our office daily for Sanitation and Proof of Permit Completion paperwork.

Zoning is in effect in the Town of Caroga. Here is the web version of the Zoning Ordinance.

The Adirondack Park Agency regulates development on private land in the Adirondack Park. Before you develop property, you may need a permit from the Adirondack Park Agency. You may find further information on their website www.apa.ny.gov, or by calling (518)891-4050.

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