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The number of emails addressed to the Town Board is now quite large and it is worth drawing your attention to one that has the most detailed analysis on why the Tax Cap Override is simply not necessary: from Douglas & Nancy Purcell. See also their second email analyzing the budget.
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I am 100% against you raising all of your salaries. If you’re not happy with what your getting Get The Hell Out! People are standing in lines for food. There’s not One of You who’s going hungry. And by the way your cutting out all those kids for summer rec. but want to spend loads of money for Celebration. Please explain what celebrations are. Thank you for your time.
Millie Busch. Town resident since 1950
Good afternoon to all,
I am asking all of you to re-think your decisions on invoking the proposed pay raises. During these uncertain times, I can not believe that you are only thinking of your pocketbooks. You all knew the pay rate when you ran for office.
I have posted some facts about this underhanded pay increase on Facebook. I encourage you to take a look at my page . The town clerk makes attempts at getting her "salary adjustment" every time a new board gets in office. If you were to give her a $6,969.00 raise, (which is unheard of), imagine the slap in the face to the others, especially our new highway superintendent, who works his butt off for this town.
I think you have wasted enough taxpayer money on hiring a consulting firm, when, in fact, it was purely a budget issue that could have been done in house, but it seems none of you could say no to her request. Please....please...please....don’t waste any more taxpayer monies on these salary increases.
Thanks for your time,
Val Scribner
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I would request that you not move forward with the numerous salary increase proposed in your preliminary budget. This is not the time to introduce new expenditures when by your own projections revenues will most likely be down.
If you do decide to proceed I would suggest you issue an immediate press release to inform the residents of Caroga the amounts of these salary increases and how you arrived at these figures.
Don’t try to sneak this through. If you believe you are right stand up and take ownership of your decisions.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Mark Ford
1927 State Highway 10
Caroga Lake
To the Town Board
It is irresponsible at a time like this when the State of New York is almost bankrupt to consider raising public employee’s salaries. Small businesses are disappearing daily and the town board wants to give itself a raise? Why not help those who are barely surviving? You should consider freezing the budget for the time being and reconsidering once the impact of the coronavirus and New York’s state budget is all sorted out.
Raising salaries is not the right thing to do under the current circumstances. Understandably some taxes will have to go up to cover the state and sales tax shortfalls, but to make the tax payer contribute it all is not right.
What pray tell is the Celebrations category in the budget? What is there to celebrate? There are more vacant buildings this year, and even though there is now a Dollar General, I don’t think that is worth celebrating.
Please do the right thing and consider your constituents when you make budget decisions which may have considerable consequences. Thank You from a concerned taxpayer in the Town of Caroga.
Michael D Hoffman
Howard Charles and Barbara Michaels, residents, vote to Freeze the budget.
Barbara Michaels
Retired Founder, Fly Creek Cider Mill & Orchard
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
As a Canada Lake resident and Town of Caroga voter, I want to express my opposition to the proposed budget for 2021. I certainly understand the challenges local governments face considering the current economic environment. As a taxpayer I am certainly willing to support the essential needs of the community, but pay increases for town governance well beyond cost of living adjustments do not seem appropriate. $14,000 for "Celebrations" seems insulting when members of the community are facing job and economic insecurity. At the same time cutting the funding for Youth Programs seems unfair to our youth whose lives have been so unsettled as a result of the pandemic. The proposed budget, in short, seems detached from the challenges faced by many of our neighbors. I strongly urge the Town Board to reconsider its priorities.
Allen S. Farber
222 South Shore Rd.- Canada Lake
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I think you should take all this “extra” money and pay our EMT’S AND FIREMEN!!!
Joan Yuenger
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
We strongly object to the 2021 preliminary budget. Now, is not the time to be increasing taxes. To override the New York State property tax cap is unacceptable. With our country being in such economic turmoil, it is not the time to even think of increasing taxes throughout the the town of Caroga.
You will effectively force people to sell their homes. You would force us to leave a place that we love.
Mary & Michael Cannon
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
With the estimated budget reduction of $50,000 in revenue following are our thoughts. A 47% salary increase for the supervisor and a 15% increase for the town board seems extravagant. Also, we question a 600% increase in celebrations while at the same time a 73% cut in Youth Service salaries. If there are any increases we would support them for the Town Clerk and Highway Superintendent.
Linda Stevens
2282 State Hwy. 10Sydney Greenwood
802 S. Shore East Caroga Road
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I guess I missed your campaign promises to give yourselves raises, add positions/committees and raises to your colleagues, and to do it all in the middle of a pandemic. This budget, in a time when furloughs, unemployment, closed businesses, loss of day care and health care is the norm? This budget when food banks are overwhelmed by the needs of our neighbors?
The Town Supervisor needs a raise to go with his addition of a Confidential Secretary? Our town already responded with a loud NO to the incredible raise now being added to this budget for the Town Clerk.
We have the loss of a Summer Youth Program and the gain of Celebrations? How about funding for a replacement of the youth program?
Where is this money coming from? In the midst of a worldwide pandemic, towns and cities across the country are dealing with losses of tax revenue. Caroga is expecting a $50,000 reduction in revenue. Your answer is to raise our taxes now? Or will you be choosing to raid the money you “found” in the “hidden bank accounts” after taking office? That’s OUR money too!
We have no idea what the coming year will bring, and frankly I would find these salary raises outrageous under normal circumstances. If you didn’t want these positions at their budgeted compensation, you should not have run for the offices.
Nancy Purcell
PO Box 713
604 South Shore East Caroga Lake Road
Caroga Lake, NY 12032
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
2020 has been a challenging year for everyone. As many residents struggle with unemployment, COVID and its regulations, homeschooling, etc., I am disappointed that you would even consider the proposed, large increases (and huge decrease to the Youth Programs budget) in your preliminary budget.
And, please explain the 600% increase in “Celebrations”.
Now is not the time to add extra financial burdens to our already stressed residents.
Genia Meinhold
168 S Shore Road
West Caroga
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
Prior commitments prevented me from attending the initial budget discussion and will keep me from attending this Friday’s session. For that reason, I am taking this opportunity to express my disappointment in several of the proposed appropriation increases with the hope that these concerns and those expressed by other members of the community will be given due consideration during these future budget sessions.
As the Chairperson of the Zoning Board of Appeals and President of the Caroga Historical Assoc for input on two, albeit small, areas of the proposed 2021 budget. Keeping in mind that all indications are that the Covid-19 pandemic will negatively impact the funding for all government entities, the museum chose to reduce the budget request for 2021 by 25%. The Zoning portion of the budget was reduced by 1/3 taking advantage of the volunteer service provided by the current clerk, James Long.
Imagine my disappointment to learn that my efforts of fiscal responsibility were to be used to help provide significant pay increases for our elected officials. This is a far cry from the efforts of elected officials throughout the capital district that are holding or reducing the proposed budget spending for 2021 in anticipation of significant funding
One has to ask where this board thinks the resources will come from to support these appropriations. This is not the time to give thought to exceeding Yes, there are “rainy day” funds that can be used to cover shortfalls and clearly the pandemic falls into the category of a reason to tap “rainy day” funds. However, the purpose of these funds is not to cover these significant salary increase. Additionally, an organization cannot sustain itself by continually going to the well using these funds.
Please give these comments and those of the community careful and due consideration as you proceed in your budgeting discussions.
Doug Purcell
Douglas H. Purcell, Jr.
ZBA Chairperson
P. O. Box 713
Caroga Lake, NY 12032Douglas H. Purcell, Jr.
Caroga Historical Museum President
P. O. Box 713
Caroga Lake, NY 12032
I have known Scott Horton since he was about 7 years old. I could not be more disappointed he is asking for this large raise, so early in his term when Town finances and many townsfolk are so significantly impacted by this pandemic era we live in. To me this request is unconscionable.
Also to me, the Supervisor of Highways Larry Voght’s raise is the only one justified. In a recent post he cited his proactivity to save Town money by restoring older equipment rather than buying more. He has worked hard He saved a significant amount, going out of his way to do so.
Linda Gilbert is my friend and I think she is a backbone in Town Hall, but is she not already well paid? How is a 20% raise for her justified in these challenging times.
Carolyn Suffern
Dear Council Members,
I’m writing to express my surprise and disappointment with the proposed Town budget.
I was an elected official on my town’s Board of Finance in CT during the 2008 financial crisis. My town (and every other town we were aware of) reacted to the crisis in exactly the same way by freezing all non-contractual salaries and cutting to the bone virtually everything else. We held the budget increase to 1% vs the “norm” of a 3+% increase.
I believe the current COVID crisis is actually more threatening to town budgets than the 2008 crisis. And more importantly, I suspect many of Caroga’s taxpayers are struggling to make ends meet. While in a normal year, I might be convinced the proposed salary increases are justified, this is simply not the year to enact them.
Jim Meinhold
168 South Shore Rd
West Caroga Lake
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I responded to a post by James Long regarding the $50 fee for research requests and he asked me to send my comment to the Town Board.
This was my comment -
Has anyone checked with the Dept of State on that proposal? You state that a research request is different from a FOIL request, but is it really? Every item you list (violations, certificate of occupancy, availability of water/sewer) is public information and readily accessible under FOIL. I fulfilled FOIL requests every Friday for 17 years and we were only permitted to charge 10 cents a page for copies. $50 is excessive and the concept is probably not legal. (unless the law changed since 2008.)
Marcia Johnson
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
Good evening. Wanted to share my opinion that it is hard to understand $12K increase in celebrations, and raises to staff pay when current environment has less money coming in.
If there is a need to raise taxes to cover impact from shortfall due to current environment, that’s understandable. However, all business, families, towns, etc need to tighten their spending in these situations. Going ahead with increasing expenses on discretionary elements is irresponsible fiscally.
It is especially hard to understand why Caroga would consider this. I am not asking that there be no raising of taxes in the short run to help. But I am asking that Caroga officials question every spe
If all line items are looked at in that light, and the increases are not centered on staff pay increases, then asking community to help is reasonable.
But the current budget proposed is NOT that. I would hope the board will reconsider what they are asking families to bear (especially considering that many of us are impacted with layoffs, less income, etc)
Thank you for listening.
Andy & Katie Healey
375 Kasson Drive
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I think it is unconscionable that the Town Supervisor would even consider a raise for himself.
The raises proposed for the worker bees is unpalatable at best. The only person who even remotely deserves a raise is Linda Gilbert, who has been deserving of a raise for quite a few years now.
This Town Board must look outside their personal desires and do what is right for the Townspeople who are already feeling the financial repercussions of Covid-19.
These salary increases are “greed” at its worst, and it would show a total disregard for the folks who voted for you to keep our taxes down. And let me say: you knew what the salary was when you ran for this position.
This is a time when we should all be pulling together, everybody is making sacrifices.
If you feel so strongly that a raise is necessary, then do it for the next administration, not our current one.
I ask the Board, please vote NO on this raise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you,
Tony Sturchio
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I feel asking for an exorbitant pay increase at this time, (during this pandemic) is out of line based on the budget shortfalls we are facing.
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I have reviewed the preliminary Town budget which you have prepared. I am concerned that, in this time of widespread financial uncertainty and economic hardship, the members of this Board, most of whom have not even been in office a full year yet, appears to feel it appropriate to grant themselves significant raises. I am also concerned that there now appears to be a vastly increased budget for “celebrations” at the same time the budget for the Youth Program has been reduced by approximately three-fourths.
A 47% raise for the Town Supervisor is unconscionable under these circumstances, as is the permanent creation of a part-time “confidential secretary” for the Supervisor who will also be compensated. The other raises, though more modest, are still problematic. If, in fact, the consultant to whom you paid an unnecessary few thousand dollars to review the Town salary structure did indicate that salaries should be raised, this does not give you carte blanche to follow that recommendation when the Town clearly lacks the wherewithal to pay for these increases.
Gutting the budget for the Youth Program is unacceptable. Many people in town with young children depend on this program, and the children enjoy it. There is absolutely no justification for giving yourselves increases in salary while cutting this vital program.
I request that you revise this preliminary budget to eliminate these increases in salary, to eliminate the excessive amount budgeted for celebrations, and to continue an appropriate level of funding for the Youth Program. Your actions thus far appear extremely self-serving, and do not benefit the Town in the least.
Barbara S. Lee, Esq.
West Caroga Lake
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
How unfortunate and unprofessional to cut off public comment without asking if there were any others who wanted to speak. Just plain wrong and inconsiderate.
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
The new town budget seems totally out of control. It appears that their only interest is to give themselves raises. During these difficult economic times this does not seem to be in the general best interest of the town’s people. How will they be able to pay significant tax increases?
As a person that does pay taxes in this town I am appalled and extremely disappointed in these officials.
Penelope Ahrens
Good evening to you all!
I want to thank you for all of the time and effort you have put into the 2021 budget. I know how time consuming it is. I have a question regarding the longevity line item. I can’t remember the details, but for some reason that line item was suppose to have been struck from the budget. I believe the new book keeper inherited it from Lita. It might have been that the AOT was contacted and longevity, especially for elected officials, is totally improper.
What makes it even worse, is that you are only applying it to one person. It’s not true longevity then, because longevity schedules have to apply to all employees, not just hand picked ones. And, longevity hardly ever applies to elected officials. If you are to let this go through, please consider Steve Jennings, who, I believe, has been there longer than anyone! All I ask is that you do due diligence and look into why the longevity line item, everywhere on the budget, was 00.00.
Thanks for your time,
Val Scribner
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I have been watching your progress with the budget and I think it would be better to hold the line on any additional or increased expenses that would put the budget over the tax cap. We will eventually have a vaccine for Covid 19 and then the town’s revenues will naturally increase due to resumption of business activity. Let’s also remember that the Caroga Arts Collective will bring a much needed boost to our area as we return to a post Covid economy.
Creating a significant budgetary shortfall that would heavily increase taxes during this difficult time would only prove to impede our future growth as the economy returns. I will end my remarks by quoting my high school track coach who would often tell us, “it’s difficult to finish a race when you’re starting out in the hole.”
Please “don’t dig a financial hole for our community” that we can’t get out of. Instead, be patient and plan for these budgetary increases as revenue returns.
With respect and appreciation for your sincere efforts,
Alan Yates
444 Kasson Drive
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I support the tax cap override. We are sailing into troubled waters and the last thing that we need is to have the town underfunded.
Thanks for all your hard work.
Tony Toskas
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
The Property Tax Cap was put in place for a reason. To vote to override it, is an error. Since there is over $1,000,000 in the General Fund, those monies should be tapped first before overriding the tax cap. This move is like opening a Pandora’s Box.
At this time when our country is in such turmoil, now is not the time to raise taxes beyond a reasonable amount.
Mike & Mary Cannon
230 Fulton Rd
Dear Town Board & Town Clerk,
I would ask that you please vote No on this proposed budget with the questionable increases and cuts. With the turmoil Caroga, New York and the entire country is in at this time, this is not the time to significantly raise taxes.
I appreciate the thought & consideration.
Clare Livezey Ramery
218 Kasson Drive
Board Members: We are struggling to comprehend how you can possibly be contemplating busting the property tax cap at all, much less to the tune of a 20+% increase. If this is truly your intention we protest and vote NO.
Even proposing an increase of this magnitude in these circumstances strikes us as irresponsible.
Chris and Kathy Rohrs
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk, It is apparent from former experienced, town supervisor Selmser, that there will be enough of a surplus available so that taxes will not need to exceed the tax cap.
The officers of the Town of Caroga need to approach this dilemma with open minds, not prejudiced to just keep raising property taxes to accumulate an unnecessary buffer. Please think this through carefully. You are setting precedent for future boards. Thanks for your consideration.
Michael Hoffman
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
We are home owners on Canada Lake at 124 Jung Rd, and would like to voice our concern strenuous disapproval of the proposed move to override the tax cap. Based on our review and reading of historical information, we believe we can and should stay with the Property Tax Cap of 1.6% and that the Tax Cap Override law is not necessary.
We thank you for hearing and considering our concerns on this important matter,
Nick and Cathy Gale
124 Jung Rd
Caroga Lake, NY
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
Thank you for your continued hard work to develop a budget that is sound and affordable to our community.
Please consider in your decision making the experiences many members of our community and your tax payers have had this year. Many of your taxpayers have been furloughed, lost their jobs, had cuts to weekly payable hours, have lost business income, and lost time to make money as their businesses were shut down. Many of your taxpayers are on fixed retirement incomes. To add ever increasing stressors to your community members, this is, has, and will be one of the highest stakes elections that many of us can remember.
Maybe with everything we have experienced since March, it isn’t the time to override the tax cap. Maybe this isn’t the best time to increase our ‘Celebrations’ fund. Maybe this is the time to hunker down, spend as little as possible, and hope to ride out this storm with a little help from th Given this, there are town employees, like Linda and Jennifer who for years put in way more hours, well above the expectation, and should be paid accordingly. I am sure there are others too, but maybe elected officials could hold off just for now. Maybe there are other line items that could be held for another year.
I hope you think of us ‘little people’ who are trying to make our community beautiful and who are living in uncertain times right now.
Most respectfully,
Lauren & Peter Lozier
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
We will start by acknowledging the many hours and hard work the board has put into developing the proposed budget for 2021 during these trying times.
We are, however, writing to express our opposition to the proposed local law to allow the 2021 lax levy limit to be exceeded. The proposed tax levy was calculated on a proposed use of $290k, $230k for the General Fund and $60k for the Highway Fund. From the portions of the budget work sessions that were heard, this figure was arrived at based on a projected fund balance approaching $600k by year end.
As of the end of September, the General Account fund balance was roughly $1,079,000 ($1,184,244 less $105,000 of reserves). The Highway Account fund balance was roughly $369,000 ($379,808 less $11,000 of reserves). Based on an analysis of the year to date expenditures and revenue, I would suggest that it would be easily possible to end the year with a combined fund balances over $1,000,000 with judicious fiscal restraint during the remainder of the year. Based on the budget clerk’s analysis of the various scenario budgets, the proposed budget would support a tax levy under the tax cap, a tax levy of $6.122161 per thousand compared to the proposed tax levy of $7.334044 per thousand, with the use of roughly $479,000 from fund balances, an increase $189,000 over the proposed budget.
It is worthwhile noting that the adopted 2020 budget has as its basis the use of $547,125 from fund balances, over $60,000 more than what is proposed here and likely twice what will be required for 2020. In this budget analysis, it becomes apparent that a fund balance is sustained as appropriations are overestimated by some 40% while revenues are underestimated by roughly 10%. It is fair to say that the proposed 2021 budget has similar estimations applied.
It is our sincere hope that this board will take this information into consideration and not proceed with the proposed law. Should it be determined to proceed with passing the law to allow for the 2021 tax levy limit to be exceeded, we hope the Town Board will heed any discussion of questions and concerns with the proposed budget during the November 4th board meeting.
Douglas & Nancy Purcell
604 S Shore E Caroga Lake Road
Dear Town Board,
I believe you need to rethink the budget. Many have expressed their dissatisfaction and burden on the taxpayers.
I am personally opposed to the longevity line item for the town clerk. If you look up longevity, it would involve some sort of negotiation via union or contract. It does not apply to elected officials. In addition, a couple years ago, her raise went to the voters and got rejected. She knew what the salary was when she ran for office. It’s been a while since I did the Fulton Co salary survey, but I’m sure she is close or more than the town of Johnstown. The Town of Johnstown is considerably larger than Caroga. She overestimates her personal importance and is good at cozying up to the board members We always felt she should get a cost of living raise but that’s all. Please reconsider this line item.
Be prepared for her childish stomping and swearing. Her true colors will show though.
Thank you,
Bob Sullivan, Previous Town of CAROGA Board member.
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
Having reviewed the various discussions about the proposed budget i must respectfully oppose the proposed law that would allow the town to exceed the tax cap for this budget cycle.
Thank you.
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
We oppose the tax cap override.
Peter Kiernan and Shawn Cleland
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I would like to add my comments to the list of those who oppose overriding the tax cap.
From what I can see and understand, the town has other options to fund the budget shortfall that does not require a change to the tax rate. The reserve fund the town has built up over time and not used seems an appropriate source. If I’m not mistaken, this is exactly what this fund is for and what it has been used for in the past, including $530,000 unused in last year’s budget.
Please consider that most, if not all, residents and property owners will suffer a loss of income this year and probably next year as well due to the ongoing effects of COVID-19 before making any decisions that will increase their taxes.
Brian Franz
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
It appears that adjustments to budget have been made to help.
However, the data seems to show that historically the budget runs a surplus. So, not tapping into a rainy day fund ... but instead raising taxes “just in case” makes no sense.
The COVID situation is not a “forever event”. We should trust life (and budgets) will get back to normal. If that is the case, it makes sense to keep lid on property taxes this year as this is the year family budgets are stressed.
If next year we are the annual budget surplus wasn’t there and town had to use “more than necessary” of the rainy day fund, the budget can be adjusted to start to build it back up.
On top of that Mr. Selmser’s proposal/suggestions seem reasonable.
We would hope the town doesn’t take action this severe “just in case” when there are clearly alternative options.
Thank you for listening
Andy & Kate Healey
375 Kasson
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
It is with great respect for your service to our community, as well as for your responsibility to our community, that I write to you today to express my opposition to the proposed local law to allow the 2021 tax levy limit to be exceeded.
As a member of several boards and the director of a successful not-for-profit organization, I understand the many challenges and complexities of budgeting. I appreciate your many hours of work and your dedication to this process. I also appreciate and expect that you will listen to your community - that you serve - and not pass the law to exceed the Property Tax Cap. I understand and expect that you will need to dedicate additional hours to come up with a satisfactory solution, one that protects our community from an additional tax increase that exceeds the Property Tax Cap,
It is my sincere hope you review, with an open mind and heart, the guidance presented to you by members of our community including, the guidance shared by Mr. and Mrs. Purcell and Mr. Selmser.
Thank you for your dedication and your service to the Town of Caroga.
Deborah Barrett Price
205 E Shore Road, West Caroga Lake
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
Please consider all the options. Look at the facts and a variety of analysis in order to make a wise and balanced decision. Everyone is hurting at this time and it would seem like taking the slow, cautious road would be appropriate this year.
Penelope Place Ahrens
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I am very saddened to learn that four of you voted to override the tax cap.
I am very surprised that we, meaning your community members and taxpayers, have not yet heard a clarification on the outrageous increase to the ‘Celebrations’ line item-during a global pandemic.
We express our extreme concern, as long term, year round residents, with family who have these same concerns and are also paying taxes in our town.
It is specifically distressing, especially given we voted for you, that your initial response to our first letter was degrading, demeaning, and insulting.
The board’s apparent plan to raise taxes by an unprecedented 22.8% in one year alone should absolutely be reconsidered.
This tax increase is particularly shocking given the current state of our community and country which remains immersed in what may be the second wave of a worldwide pandemic. For many of us, our ability to remain employed is uncertain.
Many people have expressed significant concern to us about these choices you are making. They struggle with technology to attend meetings and write using the town link. They feel helpless to weigh in on decisions you are making.
We haven’t met anyone yet who has been able to explain how the timing and circumstances of this budget can be justified.
As mentioned previously, the Board needs to rethink the current proposal to deal with urgent and unavoidable increases in expenditures-over a five year period and in a manner which will not have such a dramatic impact on the town tax rates. Paying employees a competitive salary should also be considered in this five year plan.
We don’t know what the impact will be, especially in Fulton County, at this difficult and historical time.
It was our understanding and hope that this conservative board was elected to uphold fiscally conservative policies-and that you would protect town residents from reckless and unprecedented budget maneuvers like the one you are currently considering.
Kindly reconsider your position and avoid being the inaugural board which immediately transgressed it’s fundamental values and principles to protect the community from reckless decision making.
Lauren & Peter Lozier
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
Regrettably, we will not be available for the Town Board budget meeting being held this Wednesday. We have the following concerns that we would ask be considered prior to the adoption of the preliminary budget:
Reserves — In achieving a reduction of $68K in the apportionments for the preliminary budget, some $55K of reserve transfers were eliminated within the General Fund and the reserve transfers within the Highway Fund were reduced by $40K. In light of the justifications given for the need to exceed the tax cap at the meeting on Saturday, this seems counter intuitive. This is particularly true given that the end of September balance sheet indicates only $85K in reserves in the General Fund and $11K in reserves in the Highway Fund. It would be in the best interests of the town to leave these line items in the budget for 2021, using available fund balances if and when corresponding budget cuts cannot be identified.
Salary Increases for Elected Officials — In responding to feedback from the concerned citizens with regard to salary increases for elected officials, the Town Board determined to eliminate these salary increases. However, two exceptions have been made. While totaling only $6,322 of the total budget, making exceptions in the application of policy with personnel raises some questions.
If a decision has been made to forego an increase for elected officials, then these two positions should be included as well.
If it is considered that the pay for these two particular positions have been undervalued, then wait for the confirmation of the study that is being paid for by the town. If the results of that study confirm an undervaluation, address the issue by proposing an increase next year subject to public referendum or during the 2021 budget cycle.
If the Town Clerk’s 25 years of experience are felt of value, then adopt a policy of recognizing longevity. Does it apply to both elected officials and employees? Is there longevity at other times than 25 years? More importantly, why have at least two previous boards explored the longevity issue and determined not to implement a longevity factor?
An attempt to increase the salary of the Town Clerk failed in a referendum vote not that long ago.
Celebrations — We are concerned by the significant increase in proposed funds being made available for the PLRT commission. In addition to the $14K proposed, there is $750 available for advertising and $1500 for fish stocking. Some details behind the activities being considered to support these needs would be helpful. Prior to the start of the October 13th PLRT meeting, there was a discussion that some of this “ask” was to assure something would be available to replace the Summer Youth Program. However, when the Summer Youth Program was added back to the budget during the last work session, there was no corresponding decrease in “Celebrations”. A more reasonable increase would seem to be $4K for this line item. We would remind the board that established tourism entities are receiving less support during these challenging times.
Fund Balance — Please keep in mind the analysis presented on Saturday of an alternative use of the projected year-end fund balance in determining a tax rate that stays within the tax cap. This is not the time to further burden the finances of those who may be struggling during these trying times.
Thank-you for your thoughtful consideration of these concerns as you work to adopt the budget for 2021.
Doug & Nancy Purcell
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I’m curious as to why Supervisor Scott Horton and Town of Caroga board members (other than James Long) and staff are on audio/phone for zoom meetings?
Is there a tech issue that you think cannot be resolved?
I find it disconcerting and unprofessional for the town supervisor to lead a zoom meeting without using video.
All board members and elected town officials should make it a priority to make themselves visible in these meetings. If you can be on audio, you can be on video. This is a choice and, seemingly, your choice demonstrates self interest and not an effort to put “community first.”
If our supervisor and board can’t figure out something as simple as how to use zoom video, how can we trust you to solve the greater issues our town faces every day?
Over 200 million people use zoom daily. It’s time - it’s past time - for you to figure this out.
Deborah Price
205 E Shore Rd
West Caroga Lake
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
At the meeting on the 4th, can the board please be prepared to provide specific answers to the following:
Why is the town not using the significant fund balance to get through what everyone is defining as a unique budgeting event (COVID)?
Why is the town budget plan/management (with respect to reserves) extremely far off from State of NY Controller suggestions?
Typically, business/families will manage a budget with an appropriate rainy day fund. There are reasons to keep that rainy day fund from getting too high or too low. The town has access to experienced guidance from State of NY and others. There is NO fiscal reason to increase a reserve in a time like this. This is not a permanent change … economy will get back to normal or near-normal soon.
The board may have information that explains why the town needs to go against all this data. If it is legitimate and rationale … please explain to the people you represent. It seems to me there are many very understanding people that will listen to logic. However, continuing to withhold explanations for raising property tax to this extent makes it very hard to trust that the board has the town’s best interest in mind.
Thank you
Andy & Kate Healey
375 Kasson Dr
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
Hi, I’m writing to support Linda Gilbert/Town Clerk position. She's been given more duties to do over the years and not been properly compensated for that. I know all too well of having more duties to do in my job “at no additional compensation”. It’s not fair. I support her getting a good raise, and also I think reduced hours for the office should be decided with the Town Supervisor’s input as well. If he is okay with it, no one should have a problem with that.
Also, was very distressed to see a huge salary increase for the Highway Superintendent. Did that get cut back? I see no mention of it in your latest newsletter. I’m not understanding how the Town can afford such a huge percentage increase for that position.
As for the tax override, I fully support what you are saying in your newsletter and I’m wondering if the new Supervisor is fully understanding of the budget process if he doesn’t know this from actually doing the budget and seeing the numbers? and if he does and doesn’t agree with two people of the same thoughts, why not? I’d like to see that addressed publicly and not ignored. It’s difficult to get to the meetings for me, but I thank you for your service to our community and really appreciate the newsletter you send out.
Betsy Thomas
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I am strongly opposed to voting to override the tax cap and to the extraordinary increase in the tax rate. The 22.8% increase seems particularly ill advised considering there is strong public opposition, other alternatives exist (use of fund balance), and there is obvious fat in the budget (celebrations).
Thank you, Robert Lawrence
117 Old State Rd.
Caroga Lake, NY
Dear Members of the Town of Caroga Board,
I believe there are those like me who are not opposed to paying their fair share of taxes, but the key word is “fair”. A consensus is forming whereby the Town is using the seasonal lakefront property owners as an ATM. I have seen and heard comments along the lines of, “Well, if they can afford a second home they must be rich and therefore can afford higher taxes.” It would be a mistake to make such assumptions. Many people who own lakefront property are not rich and tax increases hit hard. Not all are seasonal residents, as more and more people are becoming full-time residents — who vote. Others can, and will, register to vote in local elections if motivated. And the wealthy will do as the wealthy always do and find creative alternative methods to lower their tax burden. Raising taxes just because you can, and not because you must, may have unintended consequences. One such consequence could be increased scrutiny of the “lakefront only” property assessment recently performed instead of a “town-wide” assessment as required by law. Or perhaps a request could be made for NYS oversight of the Town’s accounting practices in regards to the so-called “fund balance”. We can be certain of one thing, it would serve no one’s interests to have a bright light shown upon the Town’s taxation, budgeting and accounting practices.
If all of you on the Board are prepared to face your constituents, look them in the eye and honestly say you have done everything you could to balance the budget and have no alternative but to raise taxes, then you will rec There exist clear needs within the Town of Caroga. A coherent, fiscally conservative, need based budget will likely receive broad public support and allow the Town to move forward.
Thank you,
Brian Franz
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
We appreciate the time and hard work you’ve spent on the 2021 budget. However, we agree with Mr.Selmser and the Purcells that the Town Board should not override the Property Tax Cap; especially during a pandemic.
Linda Stevens
2282 State Highway 10Sydney Greenwood
702 S. Shore East Caroga Lake Rd.
To the Town Board
While I understand the trying and unusual nature of Covid 19 and the varying directions received from the State and the CDC, I do not understand nor do I agree with any reason the Board may state in any effort to limit public access to and/or participate in any meeting of the Board or any of its related boards.
While it may be permissible in these Covid times to limit the numbers physically in attendance at meetings there is sufficient technology available that allows virtual participation regardless of time or number of attendees.
I work in an essential industry and since the onset of Covid we have found ways to communicate, maybe not as effectively as we would desire, but at least at a level that allows open communication.
I am dismayed that the Board would consider using Covid as an excuse to make decisions without proper taxpayer input, without open discussion.
I oppose any steps the Board may take to have any meeting without public participation be it virtual or in person.
On the subject of overriding the Tax Cap
All of our budgets are strained as a result of the additional demands put on us by the Covid outbreak. You may feel that you have adequate and explainable reasons for requiring a larger increase than normally allowed. But it is apparent from the transcripts of the Town meetings that the Board decided that an excess increase was a foregone conclusion, and did not really want to hear from the voters.
While I may have been talked into accepting a slight increase over the cap, the Board by its actions voted to increase taxes as much as they wanted or thought the could justify. I do not agree to this. If you truly need the money on a one-time basis, then tell us exactly how much you want from us. More than 1.6% is not good enough. Is it 2%, 5%, 10%?
The Board does need to balance the needs of the Town with needs of the taxpayers. Many, many people have been negatively impacted by Covid. My business is off 25% and I see no quick rebound. Many people are still furloughed or working short hours. These impacts are making it difficult for taxpayers to make their own budgets work.
My wife and I have been heartened in recent years at the resurgence of vitality in Caroga Lake. We were afraid when the Covid restrictions first hit that the gains made would be wiped out and then more. To the credit of the dedicated business owners most of them have found ways to survive, and most of them would credit their clientele for continuing to support them. Oh, and the clientele? Those very same taxpayers that you want more from.
Something will break.
We count on you, our elected representatives to measure the public good. Not just the Town good but the good of us, the taxpayers. Sometimes that can be related to only the Town but other times (like now) you need to evaluate a wider spectrum of impacts on the people you count on to keep the Town going.
Please don’t send the Town back into near oblivion with steep increases in closed businesses and unused homes. Find a way to encourage the people who are the Town.
P.S. Not having open meetings is not helping.
Mike & Kathy Oles
181 N Shore West Stoner Lake Rd
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I plan to attend the Board hearing by Zoom on November 18. However, if I am unable to connect, please accept the following comments in opposition to the Board proposal to exceed the state cap on property tax increases. I am submitting these comments as Trustee for the Ernest H. Mueller Trust, 204 Fulton Road, Caroga Lake, NY 12032.
First, while we would like to support salary increases for certain Town positions, we think these increases are unwise given the current state of economic reality. My sister has lost her job due to COVID and obviously will not be getting a raise. I work for a non-profit and my organization has had to cut salaries and forego even a modest cost of living increase due to COVID related economic downturn. Thus, we do not understand why the Board would propose these increases when it also projects a loss in revenue next year. It is unfair to tax citizens when they are losing income in order to boost the income of others.
Second, we cannot understand why the Board would increase taxes to fund increases on celebrations yet cut funding for youth. If anything, we should be investing in our young citizens, not parties. As in the first comment, we think it unwise to increase taxes to pay for non-essential functions during a period of economic depression.
Third, our property is a summer home that is closed from October to June. Our only ability to keep and maintain the property is to rent it during the summer months. Including school taxes, our tax bill is approximately $9,000 a year. A tax increase would make this bill even higher. This, for an unheated property that is available for use less than 5 months a year. Moreover, the only services the town provides that we utilize are the fire department and trash removal in the summer. We simply cannot afford tax increases for things that do not improve or protect our property.
Fourth, we understand that there is currently a Town tax fund surplus of approximately $1 million. That money should be carried over to this year to decrease taxes, not increase them.
For these reasons we oppose the Board proposal to exceed the state cap on property tax increases.
We thank the Board for considering these comments and for allowing citizens to participate by Zoom. My entire family has had COVID so we know how easily it spreads and the dangers it presents.
Please stay safe and healthy.
Ernest H. Mueller Trust
c/o Jon Mueller
338 Severn Road
Annapolis, MD 21401
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
Please, tell me you are not proposing raises for the town employees and at the same time proposing a 18% increase in the property taxes.
Clearly, you are not looking forward to reelection. Cut costs before you raise taxes.
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
Nancy & Courtney Young
137 Dolgeville Point
Canada Lake
Dear Town of Caroga Board Members:
I am deeply saddened to hear of the total loss of our Municipal Golf building. Although, not a golfer myself, I understand the importance of this service to our community. I hope both short and long term, affordable solutions can be determined in the near future.
I am writing in reference to the Town of Caroga’s 2021 Proposed Budget. Please allow me to tell you a little bit about myself first. I have been a part-time resident of the Town of Caroga since 1967 when I first crossed the lake, hugging the shoreline at my mother’s request, as a baby. Since that time, I have spent every summer, many weekends and holidays, during all seasons, at our little, red camp on Canada Lake. My siblings and I grew up there. My son grew up there. I hope that my grandchildren and their children will have the opportunity to grow up there. Over the last 53 years, I have developed and nurtured my most cherished friendships there.
My father purchased our camp for less than a car costs today. He purchased our camp when camps weren’t yet in vogue. He purchased our camp when getting to Dolgeville point was an inconvenience rather than a status symbol. He was a teacher, as I am a teacher today. We are a family of teachers. We are not the affluent second-home owners alluded to at the last public hearing and I have the paycheck to prove it. The taxes for our camp have been slowly pushing it out of our reach for years.
Over the last ten years, I have lived with a stagnant salary despite the ever-increasing costs of living. I imagine this is the story of most Town of Caroga residents, seasonal or otherwise — if they haven’t already lost their jobs to the pandemic. Now is not an appropriate time to raise taxes. Now is the time to freeze or lower taxes and budgets to accommodate the community that they serve. Now is the time for us all to tighten our belts. It is my understanding that we even have over a million dollars in our Fund Balance to accomplish this.
I do appreciate all of the time and hard work that it takes to create a budget such as this and I thank each and every one of you for your service to our community. Please reconsider the two, previously submitted, individual proposals for solving the budget deficit by means other than busting the tax cap. Please consider using some of the excessive Fund Balance as a viable funding alternative. Please also take a look at some of the line items that may not be prudent during these financially uncertain times.
I specifically ask that you reconsider the following line items:
- Salary increases(A1355.1, A3620.1, A3620.12, A5010.1: a total increase of $34,430)
- Longevity pay (A1410.12, increase of $3,000)
- New communication system (A1660.4 $7,500)
- Publicity (A6410.4 a $2,000 expense item when the past 3 years have averaged only $115)
- Please provide the rationale for A1220.12 for $8,000 when there was $0 actual during the three years prior to this year’s amended budget.
- Recreation Projects (A7145.1,2&4) were $0 in 2018 and 2019, actual expenditures for 2020 are $28,705, but the 2021 budget is increased by $26,295 to $55,000. What does this cover?
- Special Recreation Facilities (A7180.1 salary increase of $14,650, and A7180.2 equipment increase of $3,350) What does this cover?
- Celebrations (A7550.4) from a 3 year average of $333 bumped up to $14,000?? Please identify exactly what this $13,677 increase is expected to cover.
- Programs for the aging (A6772.4). Only $350 of the budgeted $3,500 has been spent so far this year. I assume this is the reason for lowering the amount to $1,500 for 2021. Please consider that during these times, this is a much-needed service and the money still has time to be spent appropriately and if anything should be increased for 2021.
Thank you for taking the time to review my concerns prior to the November 18th evening meeting. I am absolutely thrilled that, in the spirit of 21st-century collaboration, I and so many other “seasonal” and full-time residents have been given the opportunity to participate in and have a voice in our local government through remote access. Seasonal residents have so much to offer the community all year long. Together, we contribute to creating this very special place that we ALL call home.
Amanda Young Ward
PO Box 825
137 Dolgeville Point
Caroga Lake, NY 12032
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
We are homeowners and residents of Caroga Lake for more than 30 years. Tonight we tried to enter the zoom meeting to no avail, perhaps there are technical problems. In any case, we wish to comment on the proposed tax increase currently under discussion at the town board meeting. As we understand it, a huge 17% tax increase is being considered by the town board. Apparently there is little understanding of the impact this proposed increase will have on seniors, retired on a fixed income, those impacted by COVID who have lost jobs and/or become ill.
Many of us have committed our time and energy to support Caroga Lake and it's economy and have endured many tax increases over the years, but this is outrageous. It is one of the worst times as we know for residents, and the budget contains increases in some areas which other towns are not even considering, because they are balancing the budget and keeping expenses down in view of the economic impact.
The town must revise this proposed budget to a fair and equitable increase, and we as residents are awaiting your decision on this most important subject which will dictate the future of our town, we need to think about that at this moment in time, not the short term view.
Thank you and please be sure this is read into the minutes and please let us know your decision and outcome.
Rosemary Lee and John Leonforte
Caroga Lake
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