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If your email to the board has somehow been left out and you want it to appear here, let me know. Haven’t emailed your comments to the Town Board yet but want to? Click here.
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk
I am questioning you plan to approve such a large increase in salary for the Town Supervisor. Possibly before this resolution is passed, you might consider informing the taxpayers who pay your salaries a reasonable explanation. You must realize that there are other organizations and departments that our tax dollars should be used for.
Paul A Frederick
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I am a summer resident, tax paying and contributing to town funds. I am extremely distressed that you deemed it appropriate to give yourselves a 46% raise while denying increased funding for for the museum or for senior programs. And you increased property taxes by 17% even though you had a million dollar unrestricted fund balance at the end of the year. Are you good friends with Donald Trump? Is that what inspired you to implement such unfair financial practices? You have shamed yourselves at the expense of the Town. I, and many others, hope you will find the better angels of your nature. There are places reserved in Hell for people who take blatant advantage of the people within their purview.
Joanne Clark
Longtime owner
327 Kasson Drive
Canada Lake, NY 12032
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I am writing as I find myself once again in the position of being unable to attend or participate in tonight's public hearing regarding the 2022 Budget. I would like to reiterate my request that the town board reconsider increasing the budget line item, A7450.4, to the requested $4000 amount. As previously noted, this is the support previously allocated to the museum pre-pandemic.
Since my original communication, the museum has determined that we are facing an additional expense next spring to replace the 30+ year old roof on the exhibit barn. It is anticipated that this expense will be covered from reserves and a special giving request during our membership campaign. However, any additional support the town can provide is greatly appreciated.
For your reference, the email from last month is included along with our year-end financial statement.
Doug PurcellDouglas H. Purcell, Jr.
Caroga Historical Museum President
P. O. Box 713
Caroga Lake, NY 12032
(518) 835-3023
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025