Agendas Page
Town of Caroga Board Meeting Agenda June 20, 2018
Town Board meetings are for the board to discuss issues and make
decisions. The board strives to complete the meetings in 60-90 minutes.
The meetings are public and the board has chosen to allow public
comments. Resident comments are limited to 3 minutes. All comments are
to be respectful and civil. Anyone who shouts or uses profanity will be
expelled. Residents with personal issues or related to their property
should work with the appropriate department head first. If the
department head doesn’t resolve the issue, it should be taken to
the town supervisor. Only after those two steps
should the issue be raised in a board meeting if needed. The board
appreciates your support in keeping meetings timely, civil and
productive. Thank you.
- 7:00 p.m. call the meeting to order - Roll Call Flag salute
- Accept the minutes of the May 9 & May 23 meetings
Public Hearing on Two Unsafe Structures
Public Speaking
Department Reports
- Assessor’s Report
- Clerk/Registrar – Monthly report
- Code Enforcement & Sanitation
- Blight
- Dog Control
- Golf Course
- Highway
- Lake Steward Program
- Town Hall Building
- Lakes Management Program
- Youth
Supervisor’s Report
- NYMIR Claim for stolen street signs
Old Business
- Hawk Drilling
- Boiler Issue
- Assistant Code Officer
New Business
- Release for Town of Caroga vs. Ralph Ottuso
- Golfer asked for membership refund due to an eye injury
- Eric and Cathy White would like the light that is red capped –
removed to be considered when looking at options
- Office for the Aging Picnic 8/2/18 Concordia Park $8
- Board of Elections 2018 Election Dates
- 30 Day Notice for 3 Girls & Two Saints Inc. proposed class change
from Summer on Premise liquor to On- Premises Liquor
- Transfer Station Closed July 4th
- Robert King interest in Assistant Code position
- Boiler Inspection report
- 6/18 Nathan Littauer Foundation asks for a donation of golf package at
Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course
- To transfer funds from A3620.41 Beautification Grant to A3789 Trail
- To Appoint Deputy Highway Superintendent
- To adjust highway mechanic rate and reclassify Chad King as Mechanic
- Pay the bills as presented for audit,
Executive Session – Pending Litigation Town vs
Caroga Business Spotlight
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025