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Town of Caroga Board Meeting Agenda June 20, 2018

Town Board meetings are for the board to discuss issues and make decisions. The board strives to complete the meetings in 60-90 minutes. The meetings are public and the board has chosen to allow public comments. Resident comments are limited to 3 minutes. All comments are to be respectful and civil. Anyone who shouts or uses profanity will be expelled. Residents with personal issues or related to their property should work with the appropriate department head first. If the department head doesn’t resolve the issue, it should be taken to the town supervisor. Only after those two steps should the issue be raised in a board meeting if needed. The board appreciates your support in keeping meetings timely, civil and productive. Thank you.

Public Hearing on Two Unsafe Structures

Public Speaking

Department Reports

Supervisor’s Report

Old Business

New Business



Executive Session – Pending Litigation Town vs Ottuso

Caroga Business Spotlight

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