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Draft Rev#3

Agenda of the June 17, 2020 Regular Caroga Town Board Meeting

This Meeting is by Conference Call only via Zoom.com or Dial toll free 1(929)205-6099 [Board member James McMartin Long notes this number is New York City and not toll free and, thus, not compliant with Open Meetings Law] the meeting ID is 895 9207 7028 and the password is 942073

Call Meeting to order:

Roll Call:

Pledge of Allegiance:

Comments on the resolutions: -Supervisor

Public Comment

Department Reports:

Assessor’s Report – Hayner

BTI – Deleskey

Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar/RMO – Gilbert

Code Enforcement & Sanitation – Duesler

Dog Control – Dutcher

Golf Course – Jennings

Highway – Voght

Lakes Management Program – Glenn, Harazin, Centi -

Town Hall Building – Travis

YouthCancelled for the year

Historian – Nilsen

Wheelerville Bike Trail - Manning

PLRT Commission – Centi

Sewer Study – Glenn

Supervisor’s Report:

Acknowledge the Class of 2020: See attached

Thank you to the Wheelerville Union Free School District: For use of their cooperation and equipment to redo the Meeting Room Floor and Paint the Gymnasium walls. Saved the Taxpayer money for rentals.

Talk of the Towns: Two timely articles were written in this month’s edition. One article was on residency requirements for appointed officials, the second was a discussion of the need for communities to provide a sewer system to promote development.

Time to work on a 10 year capital plan for the Town. Need to plan for a salt shed and new Town Barn, replace or renovate Town Hall, Sewer infrastructure needed and possibly convert the existing Town Hall building into a recreation center / Golf pro shop. Should we have a public hearing to discuss options?

My plan is in 3 years, build a new salt storage shed and town barn at the cell tower property.

5-6 years start the construction of a limited sewer system.

10 years build a new Town Hall on the Fire Company property.

Move the golf pro shop to the Town Hall building, facilitate the gym and offices into recreational areas. Crafts, public meeting rooms, Lake Management office, possible indoor driving range.

Pro shop to be located in the abandoned Nathan Littauer facility.

Former Town Barn and Pro shop to be torn down. Sell property for a Hotel or other commercial/recreational use.

Old Business:

Franchise Agreement with Time Warner- No new information

New Business:

Waive the 30 day waiting period for a NYS Liquor License for the Boat House and Vrooman’s.

Green Lake Road – Discussion on the parking. Possibly call for a public hearing. Need for more off road parking.

Donation of Front End Loader – Comment to the public.

Planning Board Items to discuss:

Review building permit fees.

Create an “Overlay” design standard for Town Center Area

Storage Containers – See resolution below.

Allowable use review for docks in zone R-10

C.T. Male to apply to the DEC to reduce landfill testing from 4 tests per year to once per year.

National Grid preliminary work being done on the transmission line #2 from Ephrata to the Caroga Sub-station by the Outlet Restaurant.

Volunteers are going to rebuild the “Arch” sign at the entrance to South Shore West Caroga Rd.

Will the Town allow the use of Highway equipment to assist in straightening the telephone poles?

Discuss the new Town Web site: Look for a college student from a local college or university to develop? Go out for bids?


June 23, 2020 Democratic Primary @ Caroga Town hall will also be the poll site for Bleecker.

US Census to conduct training sessions at Town Hall during July, August and September. Dates to be finalized.

C.T. Male Landfill Well monitoring report.

Brush Dump, phone calls to Horton.

Possible acquisition of a used front end loader that a resident may wish to donate to the Town. Phone call to Borcina from Horton

Senior trips – fund one trip to Lake Champlain. Phone conversation Holliday and Horton.

RV rules. Seem very stringent and not uniformly enforced. – Charles and Horton


2020-078 :

Contract with RealTerm Energy (spelled correctly) to assist the Town in purchasing the existing street lights from Niagara Mohawk (passed by TB resolution 2019-049); design and specify the replacement of up to 165 street lights with energy efficiency LED lighting; (repeal resolution 2019-011 which authorized working with the NY Power Authority to provide similar services); for a total project cost not to exceed the amount of $120,000 (includes contingency money), all subject to contract approval by the Attorney for the Town.

Note: The entire project including but not limited to engineering, design, procurement of fixtures and the installation of fixtures will be financed through Municipal Leasing over either a 5, 7, or 10 year term, subject to Board Approval. The current interest rate is 2.85%, payback schedule was based upon a 3% interest rate. Interest rates are subject to change, which will either increase or decrease the payback period. The first payment will be one year after completion of the project which will take approximately 3 to 4 months. The projected payback is less than 3.5 years. Positive cash flow to the Town from day one. All contracts in regards to this project must receive the approval of the Attorney for the Town.

2020- 079 :

Authorize the Planning Board to review and propose the use of storage containers as structures in the Town of Caroga. The resolution is to receive Board approval for the Planning Board to consult with Town Attorney.

2020- 080 :

Resolution for a change order for Upstate Painting Co. to repair caulking and sealing of 10 Gymnasium windows for $300.00, and to sand and finish the two exterior doors at the cost of $200.00 per door for a total cost of $700.00.

2020-081 :

Resolution to sell excess equipment, fixtures, cabinets, furniture, kitchen equipment, radiators, and any other unused items less than $100.00 in value at the Town Wide Garage Sale.

2020-082 :

Resolution to advertise for a backup maintenance person to be on call in the event that the Town maintenance person is unavailable, but needed. Wage is $13.00 / hr.

2020-083 :

Resolution to support the Adirondack Park Local Government Review Board resolution to support cell tower development in the Park.

2020-084 :

Resolution to combine two Town parcels into one. SBL # 68.9-3-2 (TH Bldg. lot) and SBL# 68.9-3-3 (Small South Lot next to fence).

Note: This will allow the permitting of a proposed new health clinic to not need an area variance. Basically, the lot will be a conforming use by area. Other requirements have to be reviewed by the ZBA and the Planning Board.

2020-085 :

Resolution to Authorize C.T. Male Associates to apply to the DEC for a reduced landfill monitoring schedule from four times per year to once per year.

Note: This will reduce annual Town expenses for required DEC testing.

2020-086 :

Resolution to fund the PRLT Commission up to $5,000 for golf course advertising, and promotional endeavors including flag purchases, brochures, prizes.

Note: This will provide necessary funds to improve the town appearance and provide additional advertising and promotional funding to support increased golf course revenue and bring visitors to Town to support our area businesses. Very important at this time due to the affects of the Carona Virus impact on our community as well as all other communities.

2020-087 :

Resolution to write a letter to the DEC requesting that they enlarge the DEC parking on the Green Lake Kane Mountain trail head area, and to offer to build the parking lot with Town labor and equipment, and charge back those direct costs to the DEC plus a 10% overhead expense.

2020-088 :

Resolution to formally request that the CAC grant the Town a 20’ permanent easement at the end of Bath Ave. to West Caroga Lake. The purpose of the easement would be for emergency access to the lake by EMT, control over unauthorized launching of watercraft to prevent contamination of the lake from invasive aquatic species and have access to the lake for recreational purposes, especially snow mobiles, ice racing, special water tournaments, out house races and other important recreational and safety events.

2020-089 :

Resolution to sign the Majestic Fireworks, Inc permits for Pine Lake Park and the Canada Lake Protective Association.

2020-xxx : Tentative

Resolution regarding Retirement Reporting for Town Justice James Subik

Call for a public hearing for a Resolution to require that all new water wells be registered with Code Enforcement. Encourage existing owners of wells to provide well information to Code enforcement. Information requested would be the name of the well driller, the total depth of the well, the depth of the casing, well recovery rate.

Next meeting July 8, 2020. In person? In Gym? Limited attendance? Keep Zoom?

Approval of the 3/16, 4/15, 5/13 minutes & pay the bills as presented for audit

Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025