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Agenda of the August 26, 2020 Emergency Caroga Town Board Meeting

This Meeting is by Conference Call only via Zoom.com or Dial 1(929)205-6099 Note: This may be a toll call.

ID is 837 0527 9843 and the passcode is 016684.

Call Meeting to order:

Roll Call:

Pledge of Allegiance:

New Business:

Approve the snow plowing contract with Fulton County Highway Department.

Discuss the Code Enforcement Officer vacancy.


Approve the Supervisor to Solicit applicants for an Interim position. Place a notice in the paper and Facebook and Web Page seeking applicants. Contingent upon executive session.

Wage rate for interim Position: $26/hour, 30-40 hours per week. Term: From date of hire through November 15, 2020.

Create a full time position with flexible hours. Expect 40-50 hours per week from May through October, 30 hours per week the rest of the year. Salary position.

Civil Service

Health Benefits

Vacation and Holiday Pay

Starting Salary $825 per week plus benefits above.

6 month probationary period.

Approve the Supervisor to Solicit applicants for a permanent Code Enforcement Officer position. Place a notice in the paper and Facebook and Web Page seeking applicants.

Approve a salary increase for the Code Clerk of $1.00/hour, 32 hours per week annualized, and family health benefits.

Go into Executive Session to discuss three applicants for the position of Code Enforcement Officer and discuss other personnel issues in regards to the change.


2020-xxx :

Amend budget.

Increase Code Enforcement Personnel Services AO-3620-10 $8,000 from $28,000 to $36,000

Increase Code Enforcement Assistant AO-3620-12 $19,000 from $0 to $19,000

Decrease Code Enforcement Clerk P.S. AO-3620-11 $7,000 from $8,000 to $1,000

Decrease Demo of unsafe buildings AO-3650-40 $20,000 from $20,000 to $0

Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025