V.4 Agenda of the October 14, 2020 Regular Caroga Town Board Meeting
For any updates of the Agenda Contact the Town Clerk
This Meeting is by Conference Call via Zoom.com or Dial 1(929)205-6099, note: Use of this phone number may be a toll call depending upon your phone service contract. The meeting
“You take people as far as they will go, not as far as you would like them to go.” – Jeannette Rankin
ID is 821 8597 8254 and the password is 339514, and with limited public attendance, 10 or less.
Call Meeting to order: Roll Call: Pledge of Allegiance:
7:05 Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law #3 Bike Trail:
Public Comment:
Department Reports:
Assessor’s Report – Hayner Town Assessment Issues
BTI – Delesky finished for the season.
Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar/RMO – Gilbert
Code Enforcement & Sanitation – Suggest the reviewing of Code Enforcement and Sanitation Fees.
Dog Control – Dutcher
Golf Course – Jennings / Gene Centi /Councilman Sturgess
Highway – Voght – Dump Box repair, Purchase of used plow.
Lakes Management Program – Glenn / Harazin / Centi
Town Hall Building and the NLH Mini Clinic – Travis
Youth – Cancelled for the year
Historian – Nilsen
Wheelerville Bike Trail - Manning
PLRT Commission – Centi
Sewer Study – Glenn
Green Lake Road parking - Long
Supervisor’s Report:
Street Light Project
FEMA Flood plan management meeting September 10,2020.
Meeting with Peggy Booth Health insurance review, October 1, 2020.
Lease Contract with NLH signed. Ground Breaking Ceremony September 24, 2020.
Personnel Study – Pinnacle Human Resources. First Meeting October 2, 2020.
Meeting with Denny Fincke on October 2, 2020.
First Budget planning meeting on October 5, 2020.
Morey Road hearing on October 6, 2020.
Septic Tank Pump Failure, October 7, 2020.
Emergency Management Meeting October 22, 2020.
APALGRB meeting in Long Lake – September 30,2020. Solar Panels, boat dock approvals in Saranac Lake, road salt risks, terrestrial invasive species.
Old Business:
Franchise Agreement with Time Warner - No new information.
From August Agenda, Cyber Recommendations for town by NYMIR.
Phone System bids.
Records Room Retention Clean up by Bookkeeper needed.
New Business:
1)Set a $50 research fee in the Codes department for property search requests.
A typical request asks that the Town send a letter verifying if there are any know code violations, a copy of the certificate of occupancy, and any public services provided such as street plowing.
Although this is usually not too difficult, it is time consuming. This is not the same thing as a foil request.
2)Red Cross desires to hold Blood Drive @ Town Hall on 12/7/2020.
3)Quote for Key Pad on door at Town hall.
4)Set Trick or Treat?
Fulton County Board of Elections Fee and Reimbursement Schedule.
Fulton County Transfer Station asked Town for any changes in 2021.
Workers Compensation 3rd Quarter Assessment.
One Application for Part Time Custodian Position.
Allen Farber request to change name of South Shore Road Canada Lake.
Non – Structural Conditions Observed 9/29/2020 by DOT on North Bush Road Caroga Creek.
FC Solid Waste Schedule for Veteran’s Day 11/11 Caroga Station Closed open Thurs noon – 4.
Resolution 2020-xxx
Budget adjustment. to recognize the funding of the personnel Study and extra legal expenses.
FROM: A1620.4 Buildings C/E $2,500.00
TO: A1430.4 Personnel Study $2,500.00
FROM: A1990.4 Contingency $7,500.00
TO: A1420.4 Attorney C/E $7,500.00
FROM: DA 9060.81 Drug Testing $20.00
TO: DA 9055.8 Disability $20.00
FROM: A1670.4 Buildings C/E $500.00
TO: A1620.4 Central Printing $500.00
From DA5120.4 Bridges $25,000.00
TO: DA5112.2 Chips $25,000.00
Resolution 2020-xxx
Resolution to support the New York State DOT Road Salt Reduction Study in Lake George area.
Legislation passed the Assembly and the Senate. Resolution would support the signing by the Governor. Governor has recently indicated that he will sign this bill.
Resolution 2020-xxx to make the last Wednesday of the month the official PLRT meeting day. The minutes show the fourth Wednesday was discussed at the time PLRT was created, but that's not what Gene Centi wanted. This resolution will clarify things.
Resolution 2020-xxx stating that in the event that PLRT chooses to use Sherman's for the Halloween Trunk-or-Treat then the Town agrees to sign the CAC use agreement, name CAC as an insured, and supply a $250 fully refundable security deposit.
Resolution 2020-xxx To Authorize the Town Supervisor to enter into a contract agreement with Adirondack Septic to replace the two septic tank pumps. Cleanout and access to inspect was $955.00 Quote to replace both pumps, float hanger, new conduit and LB’s - $5,045.00
Approval of the 9/9/20 and 9/26/2020 meeting minutes & pay the bills as presented for audit.
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025