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V – 2 Agenda of the November 10, 2020 Regular Caroga Town Board Meeting

For any updates of the Agenda Contact the Town Clerk

Call Meeting to order: Roll Call: Pledge of Allegiance:

Public Comment:

Department Reports:

Assessor’s Report – Hayner Town Assessment Issues

BTI – Delesky finished for the season.

Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar/RMO – Gilbert written report submitted

Code Enforcement & Sanitation – Suggest the reviewing of Code Enforcement and Sanitation Fees.

Dog Control – Dutcher

Golf Course – Jennings / Gene Centi /Councilman Sturgess

Highway – Voght – Dump Box repair, Purchase of used plow.

Lakes Management Program – Glenn / Harazin / Centi

Town Hall Building and the NLH Mini Clinic – Travis

YouthCancelled for the year

Historian – Nilsen

Wheelerville Bike Trail - Manning

PLRT Commission – Centi

Sewer Study – Glenn

Green Lake Road parking - Long

Supervisor’s Report:

Street Light Project

Personnel Study – Pinnacle Human Resources.

Septic Tank Pump Failure, October 7, 2020.

Old Business:

Franchise Agreement with Time Warner - No new information.

From August Agenda, Cyber Recommendations for town by NYMIR.

Phone System bids.

Records Room Retention Clean up by Bookkeeper needed.

Code Department Fees

Bike Trail signage

New Business:


Robert Sullivan- President of CLVFC request a zoning change

Alice Kuntzsch County Auditor request Bonded Indebtedness report

James Long re: Special Use Permit Manzer and Foster

Workers Compensation Report 10/15/2020

Letter from Fulton County Treasurer regarding TSC Tax Collection Program available

Certified letter from Adir. Appalachian Emergency Medical Serv. Council re: City of Johnstown

There were 42 emails from concerned residents regarding Zoom from 11/4 to 11/10

Resolution 2020-xxx

To purchase the 165 street lights servicing the Town from National Grid for $29,787.72

This is part of the Street Lighting Project. Once the lights are purchased, the electric bill will be reduced, since maintenance of the old lights will be the responsibility of the Town.

Resolution 2020-xxx

Resolution to hire Robert Nellis as the back-up maintenance person in Town, Re: Resolution 2020-086, at the rate of $13.00 per hour.

Resolution 2020-xxx To approve the sale of excess equipment at the Highway Department. Items to be sold are 4 used loader tires, one new tire that is not compatible with the existing tires, one recycling container donated to the Town by the Solid Waste Department, and one Army Surplus trailer less water tank. Items to be sold at auction, most likely Auctions International.

Resolution 2020-xxx To accept the resignation of Vicky Haynor as sole assessor for the Town and to advertise for candidates for Sole Assessor for the Town of Caroga.

Resolution 2020-xxx To Authorize the Town Supervisor to refund $300 to Ms. ________ McCormick, 122 5th. Avenue, Town of Caroga as a partial refund of the payment of $505.00 for the replacement of two culverts. Only one culvert was installed, and due to time constraints, it does not appear that the highway department will be able to finish the work in 2020.

Resolution 2020-xxx to hold a second public hearing on the 2021 Budget

Resolution 2020-xxx

Approval of the 9/25, 10/5, 10/14, 10/16, 10/21, 10/24, 10/31 2020 meeting minutes

Resolution 2020-xxx Approve to pay the bills as presented for audit.

Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025