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Agenda of the December 9, 2020 Regular Caroga Town Board Meeting

For any updates of the Agenda Contact the Town Clerk

Call Meeting to order: Roll Call: Pledge of Allegiance:

Public Comment:

Executive session to interview and discuss candidates for Sole Assessor.

Department Reports:

Town Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar/RMO – Gilbert written report submitted

Code Enforcement & Sanitation – Fancher

Dog Control – Dutcher

Golf Course – Jennings / Centi /Councilman Sturgess

Highway – Voght – Fabrication of a “box” plow, highway personnel and equipment ready for winter

Lakes Management Program – Glenn / Harazin / Centi Expenditure Reports and vouchers submitted

Town Hall Building and the NLH Mini Clinic – Travis

Historian – Nilsen

Wheelerville Bike Trail – Finished for the season. Submitting for reimbursement from the Smart Growth grant. Stratton Mountain Bike Park rules given to board [from clerk]

PLRT Commission – Centi

Sewer Study – Glenn

Green Lake Road parking – Long

Supervisor’s Report:

Street Light Project – Inventory has been completed and verified by Councilman Travis, and confidential secretary Tor Shekerjian with Supervisor Horton assisting. The map of the location of proposed new lighting is in the Town Clerk’s office for public inspection. An informational meeting will be held at the yearend Town Board meeting.

Old Business:

Franchise Agreement with Time Warner/Spectrum - No new information.

Cyber Recommendations for town by NYMIR are being addressed.

Building Code Department Fees

Phone System Bids

Records Room Cleanup by Bookkeeper needed

Robert Sullivan- President of CLVFC requested a zoning change

New Business:

Sexual Harassment Training – Linda Gilbert


James Long re: Special Use Permit Manzer and Foster $100 each

2nd Letter from Craig Foster for a refund

There were 42 emails from residents regarding Zoom from 11/4 to 11/10

Correspondence from Dunn and Dunn finalizing Morey Road Case

NYS Local Retirement System paperwork updated for Judge Subik

Fulton County Solid Waste Transfer Station open Saturday 12/26 and 1/2/21

NYS Planning Federation training announcement December through April

Resolution 2020-xxx

To set the date of claims for 2020.

Resolution 2020-xxx

To lease the old fire house.

Resolution 2020-xxx

To purchase new phone system for Town Hall.

Resolution 2020-xxx

To engage the services of an architect to design a new clubhouse.

Resolution 2020-xxx

To add Denny Fink [sic] to the golf course steering committee.

Resolution 2020-xxx

To solicit bids for a temporary clubhouse structure and for utility services including setting a utility pole, a temporary septic holding tank system and temporary water, electric, phone and internet service for a temporary golf course clubhouse.

Resolution 2020-xxx

To set the compensation for the Sole Assessor position.

Resolution 2020-xxx

To appoint an individual to the position of Sole Assessor for the Town of Caroga, to fill out the remaining 6 year term of Vikki [sic] Hayner,

Resolution 2020-xxx

To solicit bids to lease, rent or purchase 30 golf carts for 2021.

Resolution 2020-xxx

To set the end of year Town Board meeting for December 30, 2020, 7PM, organizational meeting January 6, 2020 at 7PM. Meetings will be both virtual and in person, with no more than 10 persons attending in person. Temperatures of all in-person attendees will be taken before admittance to the meeting. Face masks required. The in-person attendance may be subject to change based upon COVID circumstances.

Resolution 2020-xxx To approve the 11/11, 11/17 2020 meeting minutes

Resolution 2020-xxx to renew Landfill use permit for Town Trucks at Mud Road

Resolution 2020 to Waive 30 day waiting period for Royal Mountain Ski Area Inc.

Approve to pay the bills as presented for audit.

Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025