Agendas Page
Town of Caroga
Regular Town Board Meeting Agenda
January 13, 2021 at 7:00 PM
Virtual and in Zoom
Phone: (929) 205-6099
Meeting ID: 687 640 4445
Passcode: 427903
For any updates of the Agenda Contact the Town Clerk
Call Meeting to order
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Public Comment
Department Reports
- Assessor’s Report — Loucks
- BTI — Delesky finished for the season.
- Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar/RMO — Sexual Harassment Training —
- Code Enforcement & Sanitation — Suggest the reviewing of
Code Enforcement and Sanitation Fees, new drop box installed for
- Dog Control — Dutcher
- Golf Course — Gene Centi /Councilman Sturgess
- Highway — Voght / Shekerjian — Reimbursement of $10,498 in
FEMA Funds — Tor Shekerjian was the lead in this project.
- Lakes Management Program — Glenn / Harazin / Centi
- Town Hall Building and the NLH Mini Clinic, Phone, Town Hall,entrance
roof leak repaired, vent pipe leak, and water testing — Travis
- Youth — Status uncertain
- Historian — Nilsen
- Wheelerville Bike Trail — Manning
- PLRT Commission — Centi
- Sewer Study — Glenn
- Green Lake Road parking — Long
Supervisor’s Report
- Joint meeting with Codes and the Assessor.
- Street Light Project
Old Business
- Franchise Agreement with Time Warner — No new information.
- From August Agenda, Cyber Recommendations for town by NYMIR. The
separate data storage will be installed by the end of February. This will
be both separate on site and cloud based.
New Business
- Hire a project manager to manage the rebuilding of the Nick Stoner
- Searching for a Groundskeeper, Clubhouse manager, and summer help for
Nick Stoner golf course.
- Fulton County Resolution #434 keeps Electronic Recycling at the local
Transfer Stations
- Fulton County Workers Compensation Invoice, $15,139.93.
- JJ Kane Auctioneers NY Auction Schedule (email).
- Nick Stoner Trailers insurance certificate.
- Notice that the transfer station will be closed on Martin Luther King
Day. Open Tuesday 1/19/2021 8AM–12PM.
- Association of Towns Annual Meeting & Training School notice.
Resolution 2021-xxx — To approve the agreement with the
Fulton County Planning Department for Planning Services for the year 2021
for $1,500.00.
Correct the Attorney for the Town line on the agreement from Dunn and
Dunn to Girvin and Ferlazzo.
Resolution 2021-xxx — To transfer funds from
contingency to planning.
From A 1990.4 Contingency $500.00.
To: A 8020.0 Contractual Services $500.00.
Resolution 2021-xxx — To create a fee of $2.00 to replace a
lost or damaged transfer sticker.
Resolution 2021-xxx — To solicit bids for tools and equipment
lost in the Nick Stoner Clubhouse fire.
Resolution 2021-xxx — To amend the budget for the James A
Brennen Humane Society Contract.
From: A 3510.4 Dog Control C/E $50.00
To: A3510.4 Dog Control C/E $50.00
Resolution 2021-xxx Approval of the meeting minutes 12/30/2020
and 1/6/2021
Resolution 2021-xxx Approval to pay the bills as presented for
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025