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Agenda of the February 10, 2021 Regular Caroga Town Board Meeting

The public is invited to join the zoom meeting by calling 929-205-6099 (a toll call) or with this link.
The meeting ID is: 687 640 4445 and the passcode is: 427903.

For any updates of the Agenda Contact the Town Clerk.

Call Meeting to order; Roll Call; Pledge of Allegiance

Zoom meeting comments — Horton

The waiting room has been re-enabled, to hopefully prevent interruptions from attendees. All will be admitted after they enter the waiting room, shortly before the start of a meeting.

All will be muted upon entry to the meeting.

Council member Long will be unmuted when he enters.

Do not unmute yourself, even if you are able.

Public comment will be allowed only during the public input section. You may raise your hand to message the host (you raise your hand to speak during the public speaking session only). Phone in users will use their phone and enter *9 to raise a hand for recognition.

PLRT Commission — Supervisor Horton will be working with the Attorney for the Town to clarify the legislation that created the Parks, Lakes, Recreation and Tourism Commission. The revised resolution should be ready for the Town Board for the March 10, 2021 Town Board meeting.

PLRT Commission Clarification of a Commission and a Committee — C. Langlois Esq.

Public Comment

Department Reports

Town Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar/RMO — Gilbert written report submitted

Code Enforcement & Sanitation — Fancher

Dog Control — Dutcher

Golf Course — Jennings / Centi /Councilman Sturgess

Highway — Voght — Investigating the replacement of the Gradall excavator. 9,000 miles on the machine.

Lakes Management Program — Glenn / Harazin / Olm / Centi

Town Hall Building and the NLH Mini Clinic — Travis follow up information from Northeast on phones

Historian — Nilsen

Wheelerville Bike Trail — Work on hold for the season

PLRT Commission — Centi

Sewer Study — Glenn

Supervisor’s Report

Initiate a Town Topics News Letter

FEMA Hazard Mitigation Plan. Ralph Palcovic was the lead on this as a volunteer to the Town.

Complying with NYMIR recommendations on cybersecurity.

Complying with NYMIR recommendations for the Highway Department (LENS and Street Sign Inventory) and Golf Course (New signage for the Spring and install a center guard rail on the lookout stations.

Update on the Street Lighting project. Tor Shekerjian is the lead for the Town.

Update on the Nick Stoner Clubhouse rebuilding project.

Update on the Insurance claim.

Old Business

Accept the books of the Town Clerk for 2020 and the Town Justice for 2020

Received resignation letter from Karen Dutcher from PLRT Commission

New Business

Set a fee of $7.00 for the purchase of the Town of Caroga Zoning Ordinance & map.

Authorization to purchase a multi-use greens mower with 11 blade and 8 blade cutting units for the Nick Stoner Golf Course on State Contract from Grassland. Price: $68,758.01.

Authorization to purchase two “Amish” sheds for a temporary clubhouse and temporary rest room facilities. Total estimated cost $52,000.00 installed.

Authorization to purchase miscellaneous equipment. Items are tee markers, golf ball washers, trash bins, benches, etc.

Authorize the Supervisor to invest excess funds in the amount of $350,000 in a one year CD.

Current CD in the amount of $385,475 comes due March 3, 2021.

Executive Session — To discuss staffing of the Nick Stoner Golf Course.


Johnstown Little League Sponsorship Opportunities

Fulton County Workers Compensation Report

Caroga Transfer Station closed 2/15 for President’s Day open Tuesday 2/16 8–Noon

Adapting to COVID-19: A survey of Municipalities in Central NY report

Adirondack Park Local Government Day Conference canceled

80 Emails received regarding Golf Pro/Greenskeeper

Road map to road alt reduction online event 2 10 presented by the FUND for Lake George

Jeffrey Baxter Energy Consultant Usource Solar Energy

Info on COVID related hardships re: rent, mortgage, foreclosures Posted at town hall

Kristin O’Neill Committee on Open Government


RESOLUTION to purchase the multi-function greens mower for $69,000.

RESOLUTION to purchase miscellaneous golf course equipment like tee box markers, ball washers, hole signs, waste baskets and the like. A list will be provided to the Board later with pricing.

RESOLUTION to approve hiring a golf course architect for $4,000 to review the course layout and design.

RESOLUTION that all town records are under the custody of the Town Clerk, and individuals members shall not post records online without authority (more details from attorney)

Accept the minutes of the December 30, January 6, & 13 minutes

Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025