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Agenda of the March 10, 2021 Regular Caroga Town Board Meeting

The public is invited to join the zoom meeting by calling1 929-205-6099 (a toll call) or with the link

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6876404445?pwd=ZW1EcG9FVzNHLO1jZldQMmNiekkzQt T09
the meeting ID is: 687 640 4445 and the passcode is: 427903

For any updates to the Agenda Contact the Town Clerk

Call Meeting to order: Roll Call: Pledge of Allegiance:

READ or Waive the reading of the minutes.

Public Comment:

Department Reports:

Town Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar/RMO – Gilbert written report submitted

Code Enforcement & Sanitation – Fancher

Dog Control – Dutcher

Golf Course – Jennings / Centi /Councilman Sturgess

Highway – Voght – Evaluating the replacement of the Gradall excavator. 9,000 hours on machine. Evaluating the replacement of the road sweeper.

Lakes Management Program – Glenn / Harazin / Olm/ Centi

Town Hall Building and the NLH Mini Clinic

Historian – Nilsen

Wheelerville Bike Trail – Work on hold for the season. New hourly rates for trail workers.

PLRT Commission – Centi

Sewer Study – Glenn

Supervisor’s Report:

Proposal from CT Male for Technical Services Change order - approval needed

Hwy Dept. to Plow Kane Mountain

Excavator and road sweeper for the highway department.

Old Business:

New Business:

Approve Fireworks Display on March 22, 2021


From Maureen Sasscer re: permit issued to Smith and Vesey

Email from Amanda Kaier on Clean Energy Program

Two emails regarding the Nick Stoner Golf Course


RESOLUTION-2021-xxx to make the following adjustments to the 2021 budget to maintain a balanced budget:

To: A1440.41 Sewage Study $1,000.00

From: A1990.4 Contingency $1,000.00

RESOLUTION 2021-xxx to make the following adjustments to the 2021 budget by adding and funding the following budgetary codes:


A2680.10 Fire Recovery $998,790.00

A2025.1 Golf Cart Rentals (renamed) $52,000.00

A2025.2 GC merchandise (renamed) (funded)

A1110 Sales Tax $4,000.00


A1985 Distribution of Sales Tax $4,000.00

A1620.42 Golf Course Building $548,790.00

A7180.1 GC Superintendent (funded)

A7180.11 GC Clubhouse Manager (funded)

A7180.12 Golf Course P/S $31,000.00

A7180.13 Clubhouse P/S $31,000.00

A7180.20 Golf Course Equipment $240,000.00

A7180.21 Golf Carts $25,000.00

A7180.4 Golf Course C/E $150,000.00

A7180.42 GC merchandise $25,000.00

Accounts in Bold, already have funding, this amount would be added to the existing budget amount.

Resolution 2021-xxx to combine Town properties.

Combine properties 68.1-22 and 68.1-23 (the Glenn Harris Park properties) with 68.1-24 the Nick Stoner Golf course front 9 property.

Resolution 2021-xxx to appoint two members to the Golf Course Steering Committee:

Appoint Steven Stedman, Golf Course Superintendent and Jerry Groom III, Clubhouse Manager to the Golf Course Steering Committee.

Resolution 2021-xxx to purchase $28,608.18 of small equipment tools and tool chest:

Account: A7180.20

Resolution 2021-xxx to approve the purchase of re-sale merchandise in the Clubhouse:

Budget $10,000 to buy shirts, hats, soft drinks and other items for re-sale in the clubhouse. This will be a revolving fund that will be replenished as merchandise is sold.

Account: A7180.42

Resolution 2021-xxx to approve the C.T. Male Associates proposal for landfill monitoring at a time and material contract with estimated cost of $4,976.00.

Executive session – James Long request.

Accept the minutes of the February 10 and 20th Board Meetings

Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025