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Agenda of the April 14, 2021 Regular Caroga Town Board Meeting

The public is invited to join the zoom meeting by calling1 929-205-6099 (a toll call) or with the link

the meeting ID is: 687 640 4445 and the passcode is: 427903

For any updates to the Agenda Contact the Town Clerk

Call Meeting to order: Roll Call: Pledge of Allegiance:

READ or Waive the reading of the minutes.

Public Comment:

Department Reports:

Sole Assessor - Report

Town Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar/RMO – Gilbert written report submitted

Code Enforcement & Sanitation – Fancher

Dog Control – Dutcher

Golf Course – Stedman / Groom /Centi /Councilman Sturgess

Highway – Voght – New excavator proposals. Hosting Mine Safety Training by the Department of Labor on April 21, 2021.

Lakes Management Program – Glenn / Harazin / Olm/ Centi

Town Hall Building – Travis Replaced 2 boiler pressure tanks and worked on one heat exchanger.

Historian – Nilsen

Wheelerville Bike Trail – Manning

PLRT Commission – Centi

Sewer Study – Glenn Reviewed the preliminary sewer study from Environmental Design Group (EDG). Meeting set for April 16th. Will send to DEC for a preliminary review to make sure that the information is complete. A public informational presentation will be made when it comes back from DEC.

Supervisor’s Report:

Old Business:

Thermostats could not be installed. The wiring at the boilers was not as assumed. Resolution 2021-029.

New Business:

To update the 2020-035 resolution that created the PLRT Commission. Possible conversion to a Town Law.

Discuss the resumption of in-person meetings by Town Board members and limited attendance. Live stream or Zoom participation.

Reappoint Karen Wheeler to the Board of Assessment Review. Term expires 9/30/25.

Discuss the allowing of the Board of Assessment Review to meet hy-bred virtual and in-person. Address how documents presented to the BAR the day of the Grievance Review could be handled if not in person attendance.

Discuss allowing Town employees and elected officials to have free golf privileges at the Nick Stoner Golf Course for 2021. Who would qualify? Should rounds be limited?


Caroga Transfer Station on Summer hours open Mon. & Fri 8 – 4 Wed 4 – 8, & Sat 8 - 12

Fulton county Workers Compensation 1st Quarter Report

Nick Stoner Trailers

Email re: Online Training for Wastewater Options for small communities 4/22 6 – 8 pm

Email Joe Hyland of CT Male re: stimulus money & sewer and broadband

Federal Gran Opportunity –

Dept of Labor – Elevators and Other Conveyances Licensing goes into effect 1/1/22


RESOLUTION-2021-xxx to authorize the use of Town owned lands by the Nick Stoner Trailers.

Resolution 2021-xxx to adjust the contract with Phinney Design Group to evaluate placing the clubhouse on the 10th. Fairway.

Resolution 2021-xxx to request a proposal from the Phinney Design Group to review C.T. Male reports circa 2010, on the Town Hall building and to do a reinspection of floor and roof trusses.

Resolution to combine properties.

Combine properties 68.-1-22 and 68.-1-23 (the Glenn Harris Park properties) with 68.-1-24 the Nick Stoner Golf course front 9 property.

Resolution 2021-xxx to get costs to convert the women’s rest room to a handi-capped accessible unisex bathroom.

Resolution to set greens fees, and cart fees for the Nick Stoner Golf Course for the year 2021:

Resolution 2021-xxx to rent the former Nathan Littauer office space to Bette-Cring:

Resolution 2021-xxx to approve the purchase of a used walk behind mower for fairways and rough mowing for $3,500 from Grassland:

Resolution 2021-xxx to purchase an excavator for the highway department:

Resolution 2021-xxx to trade in the Gradall Excavator for a trade in value of $20,000:

Resolution 2021-xxx to enter into a 10- year lease agreement through Municipal Leasing Consultants to pay for the excavator: DA 5130.2 Amount $18,139.57 annually for 10 years.

Resolution 2021-xxx To adopt the caroga.town web site as the official Town of Caroga website.

Accept the minutes of the March 10, 2021 Board Meeting

Pay bills as presented for audit.

Add $15,900 for temporary clubhouse. Vendor Mohawk Valley Sheds, Fonda, NY.

Account A0-7180-40

Add $1,800 invoice from Phinney Design Group for services rendered.

Account AO—7180-40

Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025