Agenda of the May 12, 2021 Regular Caroga Town Board Meeting
The public is invited to join the zoom meeting by calling1 929-205-6099 (a toll call) or with the link
the meeting ID is: 687 640 4445 and the passcode is: 427903
For any updates to the Agenda Contact the Town Clerk
Call Meeting to order: Roll Call: Pledge of Allegiance:
READ or Waive the reading of the minutes.
Public Comment:
Department Reports:
Wheelerville Bike Trail – Manning with a presentation from Matt Van Slyke , board member of AFTA.
Sole Assessor – Report Notice of Completion of Tentative Assessment Roll
BTI – John Delesky submitted a report dated April 30th
Town Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar/RMO – Gilbert written report submitted, Annual Financial Report Filed with the town clerk for the year ending 12/31/2020.
Code Enforcement & Sanitation – Fancher
Dog Control – Dutcher
Golf Course – Stedman / Groom /Centi /Councilman Sturgess
Highway – Voght – Received paving quotes for Capehorn Rd., Alderwood Drive and South Shore Rd East from Empire Paving.
Lakes Management Program – Glenn / Harazin / Olm/ Centi
Town Hall Building – Travis
Historian – Nilsen
PLRT Commission – Centi
Sewer Study – Glenn
Supervisor’s Report:
Caroga Clean-up day.
Fulton County Sheriff’s office will be using the justice court space as a mini sub-station in Caroga.
Golf Course Clubhouse manager hours and expense. Currently at $18.00/hr. plus overtime at one and a half times regular pay. Employee is agreeable to change to an exempt salary position of $720.00 per week. It will still be civil service. As salary it will have health benefits and paid vacation and holidays.
Town Hall inspection by Phinney Design Group.
Discuss new code enforcement fees.
Discuss anonymous complaints.
Revised quote from Appolo Heating to install a forced air RTU with heating and air conditioning for $40,100.00. This unit would heat and air condition with air filtration the Codes, Court, Meeting Room and Supervisor’s office. Electrical service to the unit would be provided by the Town.
Old Business:
Ethics Board – Council Member Glenn
Received the original deeds and easement agreement relative to the Morey Road Matter.
PLRT local law. No new information. Expect to have a written local law for review next town board meeting.
New Business:
Designate person/persons to receive/have access to Workers Compensation Reports (see Correspondence)
Use of the former Nathan Littauer Office Space.
Fulton County Workers Compensation reports now being sent electronically
Joyce Barrett concerned about giving legal powers to the PLRT
Memorial Day Monday May 31. Caroga Transfer Station Closed but open on Tues. June 1, 8 am – 4 pm
3 part Broadband webinar by tug Hill Commission May 12, 19, June 16
Black River Watershed Wednesday Webinars Various topics May 12 – June 30
Complaint about road conditions on the avenues from Beth Diana.
Transfer Station hours for Memorial Day. Closed May 31, 2021, open Tuesday, June 1, 2021; 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Nick Stoner Trailers fund raising for 2021.
Fulton Montgomery Regional County Chamber of Commerce. Summary of their activities and benefits as members.
Resolution xxx-2021:
To change the compensation package of the golf course clubhouse manager position from hourly of $18.00 per hour to salary at $720.00 per week.
Resolution xxx-2021:
To accept grievance complaint forms electronically. See attached.
Resolution xxx-2021:
To enter into a highway mowing contract for $3.094.00 for the season 2021 to mow the county highways in town. 7.28 miles. Two mowings per season required.
Accept the minutes of the April 14, 2021 Board Meeting
Pay bills as presented for audit.
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025