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Agenda of the July 14, 2021 Regular Caroga Town Board Meeting

The public is invited to join the zoom meeting by calling1 929-205-6099 (a toll call) or with the link

the meeting ID is: 687 640 4445 and the passcode is: 427903

For any updates to the Agenda Contact the Town Clerk

Call Meeting to order: Roll Call: Pledge of Allegiance:

READ or waive the reading of the minutes.

Public Comment:

Department Reports:

Street Lighting Power Point Presentation — Tor Shekerjian

10 Minute Q&A on the Street Lighting Project.

Wheelerville Bike Trail —.Manning

Sole Assessor — Loucks

BTI — John Delesky

Town Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar/RMO

Code Enforcement & Sanitation — Fancher, De Rocker- Blowers written report from Jennifer

Dog Control — Dutcher

Golf Course — Stedman / Groom /Centi /Councilman Sturgess quotes on a pump controller

Highway — Voght

Lakes Management Program — Glenn / Harazin / Olm/ Centi

Town Hall Building — Travis

Historian — Nilsen

PLRT Commission — Centi

Sewer Study — Glenn

Clubhouse / Town Hall Project — Horton

Supervisor’s Report:

Consideration for the town to provide credit cards various town officials and to cancel debit card.

Highway Department — $2,000 limit.

Golf Course Grounds — $1,000 limit

Golf Course Clubhouse — $1,000 limit

PLRT $1,000 limit

Supervisor $2,000 limit

A letter was drawn up for the Nick Stoner Trailers.

Meeting with NYMIR June 30,2021 to review insurance renewal policy. Preliminary discussion on cost

sharing of a combined Town Hall and Golf Clubhouse.

Meeting with Phinney Design on July 1st. Reviewed a conceptual design.

Land acquisition of additional property for the new Town Hall / Golf Clubhouse.

American Recue Plan funds application submitted. Award amount was reduced to $119,001.00.

Short term rentals. Inspections and refuse collection fees.

Kaseya VSA computer Threat

Internet IT Security Training Tuesday September 21, 2021

Discussion on how to use the American Rescue Plan Act funds

Discussion on Air B&B Refuse — Fulton County Solid Waste considers Air B&B’s a Business

Old Business:

Franchise Agreement with Time Warner Cable

Records room — bookkeeping area work to purge and sort records not started

Highway Inventory file copy needed at town hall

New Business:


Fulton County Res. #167 Authorizing Community Development Block Grant Application

Certificate of Final Special Franchise Full Value from NYS Taxation & Finance

Fulton County Workers Compensation Plan 2nd quarter

Street Light Acquisition Pricing Proposal


RESOLUTION # 2021-xxx to accept the Tax Collector’s Books for 2021

RESOLUTION #2021-xxx for Supervisor Horton to attend/participate in a governmental account course offered by AOT on October 5 -7th online the cost is $85.00 from account A 1220.4

RESOLUTION #2021-xxx To install a motor controller for the golf course irrigation pump at the cost of $4,790.00. Account A-7180.2

RESOLUTION # 2021-xxx To amend the Town of Caroga Purchasing Policy.

Permanently discontinue the use of bank debit cards.

Acquire 5 new credit cards for use by department heads for budgetary expenses to save cost on purchases and improve the effectiveness of department operations.

Authorized departments that will be issued cards are:

Highway Department — $2,000 limit.

Golf Course Grounds — $1,000 limit

Golf Course Clubhouse — $1,000 limit

PLRT $1,000 limit

Supervisor $2,000 limit

Accept the minutes of the June 9th. and June 28th meetings. Pay bills as presented for audit.

Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025