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Agenda of the Year End December 29, 2021 Caroga Town Board Meeting

The public is invited to join the zoom meeting by calling1 929-205-6099 (a toll call) or with the link

the meeting ID is: 687 640 4445 and the passcode is: 427903

For any updates to the Agenda Contact the Town Clerk

Call Meeting to order: Roll Call: Pledge of Allegiance:

READ or waive the reading of the December 8, 2021 minutes.

Public Comment:


Department Reports:


Supervisor’s Report:

Old Business:

Demand the return of the Barbara McMartin wax mechanicals from Alan Farber. Ref: Resolution # 2019-094.

New Business:



RESOLUTION # 2021-xxx to make the following transfers as necessary to maintain a balanced budget and transfer money to the highway equipment reserve fund: Attached.

RESOLUTION # 2021-xxx to authorize the repairs to the weed harvest machine in the amount of $4,805.24

RESOLUTION # 2021-xxx to enter into the annual contract for services with the Fulton County Planning Department for 2022. Contract has 10 free hours of service and a maximum of $1,500.00 of service for the year.

RESOLUTION # 2021-xxx to allow the Sole Assessor to use the 2021 property tax exemption rolls for 2022 without the need to resubmit a renewal application as per Governor Hochal executive order 11.1 dated December 26, 2021.

RESOLUTION # 2021-xxx to amend resolution 2021-118 to correct the 2022 budget cover sheet fund balance appropriated reserve to $277,477.00. Note: the budget sheet has $277,477.00, but the resolution erroneously has $277,977 in the resolution.

Pay bills as presented for audit

Accept the minutes of the December 8, 2021 meeting.

Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025