Resolution 2022-xxx To name Jeremy Manning Trail Manager of the Wheelerville Bike Trail.
Resolution 2022-xxx To create an audit committee and appoint Don Travis, Rick Sturgess, and Scott Horton to be the audit committee for the year 2022.
Resolution 2022-xxx To ask New York State Department of Transportation (NYS DOT) to change the State Highway Speed limit on Route 29A from 55 MPH to 35 MPH from the East Shore Rd intersection to the intersection of Route 10 and 29A near the Pine Lake Amusement Park.
Resolution 2022-xxx To change code enforcement fees as per the attached schedule.
Resolution 2022-xxx To change the NYS DEC campground for refuse collection. 22 weeks at $200.00 per week = $4,400 per year.
Resolution 2022-xxx To implement a colored bag refuse collection fee for short term rentals. Set a fine of $200.00 for non-compliance.
Resolution 2022-xxx To pay the annual NYS Assessor Association dues for Leigh Anne Loucks. The dues arc annual. but the Town will pay the dues once every three years. The other two Towns that the sole assessor works for rotate paying the dues on a three-year cycle.
Resolution 2022-xxx To require permits to dump stumps and yard waste at the stump dump. Property owners $10.00 per year; commercial users $200.00 per year. All material to be generated in Town. No out-of-town yard/stump debris allowed.
Resolution 2022-xxx To appoint Laura Nealon secretary/clerk to the Planning Board.
Resolution 2022-xxx To assign a delegate and an alternate delegate to the Association of Towns annual meeting February 20,2022 at the Marriott Marquis in New York City.
Resolution 2022-xxx To adopt the Fulton County Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Resolution 2022-xxx To require Town Board members and town officials to utilize email addresses, as established, for all town business.
Resolution 2022-xxx Oaths of Undertaking for various Town Officials.
Pay bills as presented for audit.
Accept the minutes of the December 29th Year end meeting.
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025