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Caroga Franz Variance -Z2021-07 (APA LV2021-0108) - Needs APA Permit for Height

Date: November 5, 2021, 13:30:21 EDT
From: "Burgess, Robyn E. (APA)" <Robyn.Burgess@apa.ny.gov>
To: dpurcell6@nycap.rr.com, codes@caroga.town, carogacodes@caroga.town, townclerk@caroga.town, James@jameslong.com

Attachment: APA Structure Height Supplement to Citizen's Guide

Please be advised that is appears that the Franz's proposal for a tear-down/rebuild at 272 Sand Point RD (parcel 52.19-1-7) requires a permit from the Agency for a structure over 40 feet in height.

Agency staff have reviewed the proposal and the existing and proposed dwelling appear to be structurally integrated into a retaining wall which is on the shoreline of Canada Lake. The Agency measures height in accordance with the attached flyer. Given the change in elevation from the lake level (1543.1 feet amsl) to the ridgeline, the existing structure is 42.3 feet and the proposed would be 44.3 feet. A permit is required for the replacement or expansion of an existing structure in excess of 40 feet in height that results in an increase in height.

If you have any questions please let me know.

Robyn Burgess
Principal Adirondack Park
Local Planning Assistance Specialist

NYS Adirondack Park Agency
PO Box 99
1133 NYS Route 86
Ray Brook, NY  12977

(518) 891-4050 Main Office
(518) 304-6176 Direct Office
(518) 410-0216 Cell