4 PM–8 PM
1840 State Highway 10
Caroga Lake, New York 12032
Grievance forms, with supporting documentation will be accepted through 8 PM on Grievance Day. Any complaint forms received less than three (3) business days prior to Grievance Day may be subject to an adjournment, at the Assessor’s discretion, pursuant to New York State Real Property Tax Law § 524(1).
Grievance forms will be accepted via USPS, email (assessor@caroga.town), or in person. Any forms received by 8 PM on Grievance Day will be considered timely filed.
Please contact the Assessor with any questions at:
518-835-4211 ext. 103
Leigh Anne Loucks, Sole Assessor
Property tax for your property is based on the assessed value of your property and the tax rates per thousand dollars assessed value set for:
The Town of Caroga Assessor determines the assessed value of your property. If you feel the assessed value is too high, you may contest that assessment. Procedures for contesting your assessment are on this New York State web page: Contest your assessment.
Grievance Day has been scheduled by the Town of Caroga to be the second Wednesday after the fourth Tuesday in May under Town of Caroga Local Law #1 of 2017. This complex formula schedules Grievance Day in either May or June. The exact date for the next Grievance Day is shown in the calendar.
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025