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Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
Very sad to see this historical building burn down. Many courses in the south use a trailer as a pro shop. The town hall is not close enough to hole one. Folks would just park and start out without stopping.
John Plantz
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I feel that you need to bring in a trailer to conduct business for the golf course. It would be too far away at the town hall. Also, I would hope that the building was insured so that it can be rebuilt.
Karen L Morlock
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
Please do not use the town hall as a permanent replacement for the burned out pro shop. Temporarily it’s a short term solution. Please consider rebuilding that building. Thx.
Steve Egan
166 Barbour Road
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
With regard to the replacement building, I would be in favor of having it at the current site. For the sake of parking and starting on the #1 hole it make sense to keep on the current footprint. I’m quite sure that a new design would be more efficient and also improve the bathrooms and pro shop. Also you could take into consideration, new social distancing guidelines as well as handicap accessibility guidelines with a new up to date design. I think it would be nice to offer a Snack Bar option as well. We will continue to play at the course and look forward to the new pro shop which ever way you decide to go.
Thanks for listening and giving the opportunity to have a say in this matter.
Michael Brown
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
Town hall ok
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
The future pro shop and the future of the golf course directly impact the viability of the hospitality industry in Caroga Lake. If the golf course fails I would expect several local businesses will also fail.
Management of the golf course, design of a new clubhouse, purchase of new equipment, leasing a new fleet of golf carts is not to be taken lightly. A person or company with golf course management would be the first place to begin addressing these needs.
Who on the town board has the necessary experience? Ask Steve Jennings for a starting point. He would be very helpful if the board hasn’t completely alienated him by restructuring is job.
Don't screw this up.
Dear Caroga Town Board:
Hello, my name is David Milford. My family has had a cabin(s) on Canada Lake for over 100 years. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of the clubhouse of Nick Stoner Golf Course. I am also relieved to know that no one was hurt in this tragedy. I hope that Steve Jennings and his son (and Stan, the dog) and the whole staff are doing OK after this major loss. I know things are just being sorted out but I thought I would reach out to send my support and let you all know there are many people who support the staff and the well-being of the course moving forward.
So Nick Stoner is the place I learned to play golf 50 years ago and I often heard stories my Dad would tell of paddling his canoe with his cousin from Sand Point on Canada Lake to the inlet and up to the shore of Nick Stoner (in the 40s!) to caddie all day at Stoner. He would get .25 cents a bag and would always try to carry 2 bags for each foursome. This was his summer job and where he learned to play golf. I grew up caddying for him and tagging along when he would play with his brothers including John Milford somewhat locally famous Hollywood actor from Johnstown.
Well, I have carried on this devotion to Nick Stoner both playing there many times over the summer months and for the last 23 years I have brought up a group of guys for our golf league’s Fall Classic. We usually have 30 to 36 guys come up for a “guys weekend” and it’s all about the golf. We stay in our cabins at Canada Lake (and lately renting other cabins in Caroga) but we play 63 holes of golf from Friday to Sunday on a beautiful Fall weekend. We have gladly contributed to the local economy through golf fees and meals and supplies for this special weekend. I can’t tell you how much these guys look forward to this weekend and playing Nick Stoner. And they come from far and wide — from all over NY, Illinois, Philadelphia, NJ and North Carolina, year after year. It is a special time of comradery and fellowship. In fact, if you Google Nick Stoner several of the pictures/images that pop up are of our group playing there!
Needless to say, we have a special connection to Nick Stoner and we want to see it continue strong. We have already started to talk about a fund raiser and some kind of donation that could help replace the clubhouse. We would certainly support a temporary set up in the Town Offices location, adjacent to the 10th hole as may be necessary, but eventually a new clubhouse in the original place with an Adirondack cabin feel would be ideal. It would fit with the recent resurgence of Caroga with the renovations to The Inn and 19th hole and the Caroga Arts Collective group’s planned revival of Sherman’s to the local economy. I hope you don't think me too presumptuous because all we want to see is Nick Stoner continue the long tradition it has had being one of the premier Adirondack golf courses. Please give our best to Steve and his son and the rest of the staff. And please let me know if there is anything we can do to help. Thank you for giving me a chance to add my voice and if possible let me know what the town’s plans are.
Best Regards,
David Milford
131-135 Hutchinson Rd
Canada Lake
Caroga, NY 12032
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
Sad sight to see the old NSGC Clubhouse go down. I’ve been in touch with more than 20 Nick Stoner golfers already and one thing is clear, there is huge support and affection for our course.
I’m hearing very little support for using Town Hall as an interim replacement and no support at all for it as a permanent solution. It just doesn’t work.
The Pro Shop must have sight lines to the first and tenth tees unless you want a large dip in greens fees paid. Carts certainly cannot be deployed from the vicinity of Town Hall without serious safety and liability issues. And no golf course I’ve ever visited asks players to park twice before playing.
An attractive, well-designed clubhouse/pro shop can be a big boost to maximizing the impact and value of the course. This is consistent with a goal that I believe the Supervisor has embraced. It should be built on the site of the old building.
As the planning goes forward it’s critical that golfers, Nick Stoner golfers, be involved in the process with Pro Steve Jennings at the lead.
NSGC is one of the jewels of our Town and this sad event can have a very positive ending if the next steps are done carefully.
Chris Rohrs
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I’m very sorry to hear about the tragic loss of our beloved pro shop. While I admit to not knowing the ownership situation with the Nick Stoner Inn across the street — I feel like this equally historic building would be the perfect solution for the pro shop. Even on a lease arrangement with that owner it would surely bring life back to the Nick Stoner Inn and support other operations (restaurants) within that building.
Good luck - and thanks for your consideration.
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
With the recent fire at the golf clubhouse it might be prudent to use the money set aside in the “celebrations” part of the budget towards a new pro shop. I think the golf course and pro shop are essential to the health of the tourist community. Building a clubhouse in the Adirondack style would be a welcome addition to the community as we try to rid the town of blight and make it more attractive for tourism.
Judy Simon
Vrooman Road
Dear Town Board,
Last weekend's events were devastating and difficult to comprehend. I hope the process of moving forward is smooth for everyone involved, thanks for the hard work. I am not an expert but ideally the Clubhouse should be located in a similar position as it's always been. Golfers need to have easy access to the golf carts, their cars, bathrooms and concessions etc. With some golfers playing 9 and others 18 how could it be situated any other way? Not to mention some golfers start on the front 9 and some favor the back 9. Having something temporary or permanent near the Town Hall will not be efficient for anyone and would cause great confusion.
The town is lucky to have Steve Jennings as a resource, I could be mistaken but is any member of the Town board a Certified PGA Professional? I hope his suggestions are taken into strong consideration. For the past 36 years he has maintained this course as if it was his own, there are very few Club Pro's and/or Superintendents that have shown this type of loyalty. Changing the job description and responsibilities of his position will only hamper the course, and the Town over the long run.
Good luck with the planning. Have a Nice Thanksgiving.
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I am truly saddened by the loss of a Caroga Lake icon.
It is my hope that the clubhouse be quickly rebuilt by next summer and not be left as a blemish to passersby.
Kind Regards,
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
No way should the Town of Caroga Supervisor Scott Horton have total powers to act on his own to decide the future of the replacement of the Golf Course Pro Shop! This is a large and important project of this town and should be decided through all of the proper procedures required by and within the laws of this town! I am angered and anxious that this has even been suggested and especially by the Supervisor himself! I am even more so anxious about the fact that he is planning this meeting without Zoom! I believe that giving the Town Supervisor this power is setting a bad precedent for all supervisors in the future as well!
Sincerely, Joyce S. Barrett
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I suggest to the town Board that they consider having a “pre_fab”, built to order, submit you plans to the exact building you want.
resident Charlie Michaels
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I thought I would share with you some ideas about the rebuilding of the Nick Stoner Golf Course Pro Shop for your consideration. I think an ideal spot to put the pro shop and golf cart/maintenance facility would be located in front of the Nick Stoner monument between the first and second holes. Currently, there is a maintenance road that accesses the highway which includes an entrance with some historical stone columns. For those not as familiar with that area, it is located a little south and across the highway from the entrance into the Town Hall. This would provide ample setback from the highway and parking spaces for golfers. There appears to be plenty of room for the new facilities between the road entrance and the area between the highway and the #2 fairway. If necessary, the #1 green could be moved north and the #2 tee box could be moved a little east, if more room is needed. However, it appears there is a bigger footprint at this location than what was present at the former clubhouse and cart barn.
The benefits of this location are numerous. It utilizes the classic entrance way with its legacy stone columns and the beautiful backdrop of the Nick Stoner monument which is located high on a hill behind this location. It would avoid having to move the Irving Pond Road and the moving of the 9th hole, which in my opinion is one of the best holes on the course.
Typically, it is preferred that the first hole be close to the clubhouse. To solve that problem, you could make the #2 hole, the first hole and the #1 hole the 9th hole. After playing the new 9th hole (former #1 hole), you could access the 10th hole via the Town Hall parking area or the existing path next to the Nick Stoner Hotel. This idea provides an aesthetically pleasing location and minimizes changes to the existing course layout and the cost and expense of moving Irving Pond Road. The entrance will also relieve traffic congestion in and around the Nick Stoner Hotel and Highway Department. I am sure old Nick Stoner would be proud to be looking down on a beautiful new Adirondack style clubhouse below his perch!
Chris Simon
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
We understand that an "emergency" meeting of the Caroga Town Board is scheduled for tomorrow morning. The details are minimal, but it appears that the plan to exclude participants by denying access to Zoom coverage is contrary to the democratic process. At last week's meeting, it seemed that the meeting room did not comply with CDC room ventilation guidelines. Also, one board member did not wear a mask over both his nose and mouth and board members were seated less than six feet apart. There would be a significant risk in attending in person if we lived close enough to do so. Under the circumstances, we request that Zoom access be provided.
Shouldn't the future of the Golf Course Pro Shop be important enough to be considered by the full Board? Aren't competitive bids required under town ordinances or state laws? Any attempts to consolidate decision making power in the hands of a single individual should be regarded as not being in the best interests of the community. Don't town laws prohibit such actions?
Thank you for taking our request and comments into consideration.
Ron & Jean Ehmsen
326 South Shore Trail
Canada Lake
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
We feel Supervisor Horton should not be given emergency powers to procure goods and services on behalf of the town. Normal procurement process should be followed in a fair and transparent fashion.
Shaun and Cynthia Edwards
322 West Lake Road
Caroga Lake, NY 12032
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
I hope the town moves forward to provide facilities that will allow the 2021 golf season to begin at the normal time. Nick Stoner is a precious resource for the community.
Mike Kane
Canada Lake
Dear Town Board and Town Clerk,
We would like to compliment the town in the rapid clean up of the tragic fire remains at the Nick Stoner Golf course. It was so sad to drive by each day and see that unhappy reminder of our town’s loss. It really was amazing how quickly the land was repaired. Thank you to all people responsible for the clean up.
We understand there is a desire to erect a new golf clubhouse however we would like to see some careful planning involved. We hope that Steve Jennings has been consulted, as he has a handle on what is needed for a successful operation. He has worked there for years and he must have ideas that should be considered. As town members, we would like to hear about the plans and thoughts as they develop. Many golfers may also have ideas that should be considered. Let's not rush into a decision that can’t be changed easily.
We hope you will have open Zoom meetings where the public can be aware of what plans are being considered. This golf course is a gem for Caroga Lake and we must do all we can to insure a positive improvement.
Thank you for your consideration.
Judy & Doug Smith
143 Green Lake Road
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025