Caroga Historical Museum
Calendar of Events – 2021
145 London Bridge Rd.
Caroga Lake, NY 12032
(518) 835-4400
Open Thursday through Sunday,
1 pm to 4 pm
June 24, 2021 through August 29, 2021
Special Events
June 24, 7–9 pm Museum Opening Reception
- Sandra Peters – “Interpreting the Camera’s
- Local artist – landscape & nature photography
- Welcome reception with refreshments
- Exhibits run from June 24th through July
July 10, 10 am–3 pm Artisan & Vendor Fair
- Local Artisans, Vendors & Crafters
- Raffles (drawing at 2 pm)
- Bake Sale, & Ice Cream Sundaes
- Food by Adirondack Concessions: 11am – 3 pm
- Music 11 am–2 pm
July 29, 7–9 pm Celebrating 100 Years of
- “Sherman’s Centennial: A Postcard
- Curated by Allen Farber and Dick Loomis
- Welcome reception with refreshments
- Exhibits run from July 29th through August
- Show based on the Graves Family postcard collection
August 8, 2–5 pm Concert & Ice Cream Social
- Caroga Lake Music Festival
- Bring your own seating
- Ice Cream Social begins at 2 pm
- Concert begins at 3 pm
August 11, 7–9 pm Guest Speaker - Marty Podskoch
- Adirondack 102 Club: Your Passport and Guide to the North
- Power point presentation – visiting the towns &
villages of this vacation destination
- Author of 7 other books - all available for purchase
- Reception with refreshments
Note: All workshops are from 10 am to 3 pm
July 6 Basket Weaving – Colleen Mosenthin
- Class limited to 12
- Make your own wine basket
- Bring lunch and $20.00 for materials
- Also bring shears, measuring tape, clothespins, awl, small tub,
and pencil

July 15 Painting Wineglasses
– Phyllis Sanford
- Class limited to 12
- Share a fun time painting 2 wine glasses to go with the wine
basket you made last week
- Bring lunch and $15 for materials
July 29 Painting on Canvas – Jeannine Schwartz
- Class limited to 8
- Canvas bags to be provided by workshop leader
- Bring lunch, brushes if you prefer to use your own and $10.00 for
August 19 Weave a Stool Seat – Colleen
- Class limited to 12
- Bring lunch and $25.00 for materials
- Workshop leader will provide all materials including preassembled
August 26 Stenciling a Wooden Tray – Phyllis Sanford
- Class limited to 12
- Stencil and paint your own figures
- Bring lunch and $15 for materials
- Workshop leader will provide necessary materials; trays, stencil
brushes, paint and stencils
The registration fee for each workshop is $15.00. Send your check
(payable to Caroga Historical Museum) for the registration fee
only with your name, address and phone number to:
Anita Allen, PO Box 709, Caroga Lake, NY 12032
For additional information on the workshops:
call Anita at (518) 835-4087 or email