We need your help to cleanup ugly roadside trash in Caroga.
We will meet at the Town Hall between 8 and 9 AM on Saturday, May 5th to get garbage bags and high-visibility safety vests before going out to pick up trash.
You can request a particular section of road, or ask to be assigned a road.
After picking up garbage (food wrappers, beer cans, bottles, etc.), you can bring the bags back to the town hall for disposal or just let us know what street they are on, and we will pick them up with a truck.
Bring work gloves, sturdy shoes, and a desire to see your town look cleaner as you and visitors drive through. It is a good idea to spray your lower pant legs with tick repellent as well.
Please give your neighbors and our town a couple of hours of your time. We live in a beautiful area. Let’s show we care!
Take a flyer and tape it to your refrigerator door to remember the date. Please let your neighbors know so they can help also! Rain date will be Sunday, May 6th, same time.
For more information call Lynne or JD at 518-835-2644
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