The Caroga Historical Museum (CHM) opens its 41st season with a welcome reception on June 28, 2018 for featured artist Kyle Hall. The reception will be from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm with refreshments. There is no admission fee and the event is open to the public.
Kyle Hall is best known for his hand-crafted, rustic stick furniture and home décor. Being a self-taught artist has allowed Kyle to explore his various skills and continually expand his knowledge and capabilities in woodworking. His goal is to design and create each unique piece in such a way that the natural beauty of the materials used will be preserved, while the finished pieces emanate the spirit of the pristine wilderness he grew up exploring in the Adirondacks. Early interests in drawing have led him to produce commissioned, one-of- a-kind pyrography pieces, and most recently his skills have expanded into chainsaw carving. The exhibit, “Forest to Home”, allows Kyle to share his love of the Adirondacks which has influenced his work.
When not in the shop, Hall enjoys attending and participating in local
shows. To learn more about him and to see examples of his work visit:
or on Facebook - Hall’s Stick Furniture & Signs.
The July featured exhibit runs from June 28th through July 29th. The museum is open Thursday through Sunday from 1 pm to 4 pm. Admission is free with donations gratefully accepted. For more information, contact the museum at (518)835-4400.
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