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Property Evaluation Report

Owner: Sven Ratsep
Address: 2328 State Highway 10, Caroga Lake, NY 12032
Location: 2328 State Highway 10
Tax map number: 83.9–4–19
Prepared for: Town of Caroga

Prepared by: Charles R. Ackerbauer, PE, PLS
P.O. Box 927
Johnstown, NY 12095

April 27, 2018

Mr. James Selmser
Town of Caroga Supervisor
State Highway 10
Caroga Lake, NY 12032

RE: Property evaluation.

Dear Mr. Selmser,

At the request of the Town Board I have inspected the above captioned properties in order to evaluate the current conditions with respect to their compliance with the Property Maintenance Code of the State of New York and their fitness to remain occupied in a safe and sanitary manner. The following report is a result of on-site inspections conducted by me and Mr. John Duesler, the Code Enforcement Officer for the Town of Caroga. The inspections were conducted on April 16, 2018. The inspection and observations were limited to the exterior of the buildings with no entry to the interior.

Weather and snow cover at the time did not allow us to examine the onsite water supply system, sewage disposal system or electrical system and no recommendation will be given for their adequacy.

Yours truly,

Charles R. Ackerbauer, PE,PLS

Attachments: Photos, Tax Maps, NYS Code

Property Description

The subject property is located along the west side of New York State 10 in the hamlet of Caroga Lake. The parcel is a 0.10 acre lot with a two story wood framed cottage.


The inspection of the property was a visual observation and evaluation with no intrusive examination of the structure or entry to the interior. Photos of the observed conditions were taken and are a part of this report to demonstrate my conclusions as to the safety of the buildings. My evaluation is referenced to the New York State Property Maintenance Code. At the time of the inspection Mr. Ratsep was at the site and allowed us access to the outside of the building. Mr. Ratsep stated that he was not sleeping in the residence but was occupying it during the day. He noted that he had a contractor make repairs to the foundation piers but that the repairs were not satisfactory.


1.The structure and premises have not been maintained in a clean, safe and sanitary condition. [ 301.2, 301.3 ]

2. The structure has not been maintained is a structural sound manner and could pose a threat to the public health, safety and welfare. [ 304.1 ]

3. The exterior surfaces, i.e. doors, window frames, cornices, trim have not been properly maintained and are in poor condition. Peeling and chipping paint is evident and will lead to further decay. The rear portion of the building has separated from the main structure and is in danger of collapse. [ 304.2 ]

4. Structural members appear to the deteriorated and not capable of safely supporting the imposed loads. [ 304.4 ]

5. Concrete masonry piers have been constructed to support the structure but are in very poor condition and inadequate to support the structure properly. [ 304.5 ]

6.Exterior walls do not appear to be weather proof and property coated to prevent deterioration. [ 304.6 ]

7. Doors and the rear of the building have no stairway for existing and pose a safety threat. [ 304.10 ]

8. Windows and door are in disrepair and may present a fire hazard by not providing adequate exiting of the building. [ 304.13, 304.15 ]

Conclusion and Recommendation

Based on the inspection and the observations noted in this report it is evident that the building is not in compliance with the New York State Code, the International Property Maintenance Code nor the Local Law 1 of 1990 of the Town of Caroga, Town Law Section 130 (16).

It is recommended that the owner be notified the deficiencies listed in this report and any other violations that must be addressed in order to bring the property in compliance with the above stated codes. In its present condition the building is not suitable for occupancy and poses a threat to the public health, safety and welfare of the area.

Respectfully submitted,

Charles R. Ackerbauer, PE, PLS

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