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Checklist to guide you in preparing a Planning Board Special Use Permit application

  1. In submitting any payment, you may pay by check or cash, but checks are safer and more efficient for your town government to handle.
  2. In preparing documents:
  3. The application fee is $100.00.
  4. A Planning Board Application form.
  5. A short-form or long-form SEQR Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) with Part 1 fully completed by the applicant. A long-form EAF shall be required for all SEQRA Type 1 Actions, but the Board may require a long-form EAF for Unlisted Actions if the Board deems that the additional information contained on the long-form would be helpful and appropriate under the circumstances of the project proposal.
  6. A plot plan drawn to scale with accurate dimensions providing information sufficient to enable the Board to make an informed decision, and an agricultural data statement as defined below.
  7. A narrative describing the proposed use and operation.
  8. The Planning Board may waive or add any requirements for an application submission if it deems appropriate in order to accomplish the purposes set forth herein.

New York State Environmental Quality Review Act

Upon receipt of a completed Application for a Site Plan Review, the Planning Board shall conduct a SEQR on the proposed Special Use Permit.

No Planning Board action shall be taken until a SEQR Review has been completed.

More information is available on the Town of Caroga’s website at townofcaroga.com.