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Permit Fees

Building Permits are Required for All Projects except Painting.

When we inspect your project, it protects you and your contractor by ensuring that your project is completed properly and safely.

Building Permits may be renewed for the same cost as the original, if renewed before the expiration date. There is a two-year limit on renewing permits.

Working without a Building Permit is a fineable offense of $250.00, plus double the cost of the building permit(s).

Variances - Some building projects may require a variance to existing land use regulations or the local zoning ordinance. If so, the property owner would be informed of the requirement for a formal review by the Planning Board and/or the Zoning Board of Appeals. Reviews for lot line amendments and subdivisions And Planning Board and/or Zoning Board of Appeals reviews for variances to land use or zoning requirements: $250 per Board

Building Permits and Fees are as follows:

Accessory Structure: 101 square feet or more $150

Additions to Homes: $200

Boat House : $250

Certificate of Occupancy: (C of O) for existing structures & structures with outdated Inspections: $300

Decks/ Slabs: $100

New foundations/replacement foundations for existing structure: $250

Manufactured Homes: Plot plans required $250

New Construction: Survey & Plot plans required

Pavilion, Gazebo, Carport; Awning or Canopies:

Porch: $150

Signs: $100

Residential Renovations:

Occupied Recreational Vehicle / Camping Permit: Allowed 28 nights in a calendar year: $75.

Basic Building Permits that cost $75. include, but are not limited to the following projects:

Chimneys: If a new appliance is connected to existing chimney, it must be lined.

Decks/Patio: Open without a roof

Demolition: Valid for six months. Prior to a demolition project, contact Code Enforcement to be ascertain if an Environmental Survey is needed.

Docks: Dock permits require DEC approval prior to Code Enforcement issuing a permit. A copy of the deed showing that the property owner has access to water and distance requirements between adjoining docks. Docks may not be placed closer than 15 feet apart from each other. The Town is not responsible for priority of use along joint community access and reserves the right to deny an application if there are more permit requests than available land.

Doors & Windows: Must meet Energy Code and Ingress and Egress Requirements.


Fences: Require a plot plan and/or a property survey.

Heating Systems: Must follow Manufactures Recommendations

Holding Tanks: Local Law #3-2006 requires property owners to empty their holding tanks by June 1st of each year or when they become 75% full, unless the Sanitation Officer approves a delay in emptying the tank. Emptying must be performed by a licensed service that is registered with the Caroga Town Clerk.

Municipal Searches

Pier work


Retaining Walls: Adirondack Park Agency and/or Department of Environmental Conservation approval may be required.


Sanitation and Wastewater (Septic) Treatment Systems: Plans from an engineer are required for new installations.

Sheds: Are 100 square feet or less.


Solar System Installations: Manufactures specifications and a third-party electrical inspection are required.

Swimming Pools: Require a third-party electrical inspection and barriers (fences) that meet building code requirements.

Temporary Structure: Valid for six months – Mainly used for storage while renovations are taking place.

Wells: need surveyed site plan. Meeting Department of Health setbacks from other wells and sanitation systems.

Junk and Inoperable Vehicles: No individual junk or inoperable motorized vehicles may be located on any parcel that is visible from public roads, trails, boat, or canoe water ways. Junk & Debris. Local Law #2-2009 & The NYS Fire Prevention & Building Codes Section 302.8.

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