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Checklist to guide you in preparing a Zoning Board of Appeals application

  1. In submitting any payment, you may pay by check or cash, but checks are safer and more efficient for your town government to handle.
  2. In preparing documents:
  3. Zoning Board of Appeals Fee $100.00.
  4. Application Form for Building or Use Permit.
  5. Denial Notice from Code Enforcement Officer, including narrative.
  6. Zoning Board of Appeal Application Form.
  7. Scale Drawing; in black ink, not pencil, showing:
    1. Size of lot.
    2. Dimensions of all current and proposed structures on the property — scale 1 — 20.
    3. Neighbors well and septic if they are within 100 feet.
    4. Set back of adjacent house/camp.
    5. Specify if it is a Shoreline Property.
      1. Show shoreline setback of adjacent properties.
      2. Distance from mean high-water mark to closest point of structure.
    6. Building Elevations (all four views)
  8. A short-form or long-form SEQR Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) with Part 1 fully completed by the applicant. A long-form EAF shall be required for all SEQRA Type 1 Actions, but the Board may require a long-form EAF for Unlisted Actions if the Board deems that the additional information contained on the long-form would be helpful and appropriate under the circumstances of the project proposal.
  9. Deed showing your owner ship of the property.
  10. A copy of the map showing your ownership of the property.
  11. Clerk will compile a list of the mailing addresses of all property owners within 500 feet of property.
  12. Optional — Photos of the property.