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2.25.2021 - Tor Shekerjian, Confidential Secretary Gene Centi, PLRT Chair and Golf Course committee chair opened the public Zoom meeting with the following committee members in attendance: Denny Fincke; Scott Horton, supervisor; and, Rick Sturgess, Council Member. Gene introduced Jerry Groom, who once appointed by the Town Board, would be Clubhouse Manager, and Steve Stedman, who once appointed by the Town Board, would be Golf course superintendent. Scott provided an update about the Town's insurer potentially providing additional coverage because the November 1.S, 2021 fire destroyed two buildings and that negotiations with the insurer are continuing to be made in good faith- Rick advised that the temporary pro shop would be in place first with the bathroom facilitates following next, and if heeded, porta potties would be temporarily installed. Temporary storage for carts will not be available until July due to COVID-19 issues, Grassland Equipment has already repaired/serviced all fire salvageable equipment and delivered it. The replacement greens mower (destroyed in the fire) is ordered but delivery is delayed due to parts availability. The golf course has a greens mower that will get the course up and running for now. Denny spoke to the domino effect where all aspects of the course and its redeployment were contingent upon multiple factors coalescing. Among these are wetlands maps for which the golf course architect Stephen Kay is waiting. Denny added that this committee spent the last three months handling what could have been handled with an onsite person in less time with less effort Gene spoke about the logo contest on the Facebook page saying there were 8 entries ahead of the 3/1/2021 deadline. The logo would be used for retail products, golf T's and the like, Gene added that the committee has been assured they will have free loaner carts for the course opening, even if the leased carts are delivered at a later date Scott spoke about the many factors affecting the start of construction, so no timeline could be estimated. He was cautiously optimistic that a shovel might go in the ground by the end of 2021. He assured the attendees of his diligent work with the Town's insurer to maximize the funding of the Town's catastrophic losses at the golf course. Denny added that the new clubhouse installation would have to begin after the golf course was up and running. Gene closed the meetin8 by noting that the Parks Lakes Recreation and Tourism Commission and the Nick stoner Municipal Golf Course have town emails respectively noted as: plrt@caroga.town and nickstonerqolf@caroga.town. This is the best means to share ideas with either entity
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