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Golf Course Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

3.24.2021 - Tor Shekerjian, Confidential Secretary

Gene Centi, PLRT Commission Chair and Golf Course Steering Committee Chair, opened the public Zoom meeting at 6:00PM with all committee members in attendance: Denny Fincke; Scott Horton, Supervisor; Rick Sturgess, Council Member; Jerry Groom, clubhouse manager; and, Steven Stedman, superintendent of grounds. There were approximately 29 other attendees online.

S Horton provided an overall update that they are trying to finalize proper locations for the replacement clubhouse with possible options to reduce the cost of this building. S Horton is still working with the Town’s insurer examining with the Phinney Design Group (PDG) as to whether the insurer provided coverage that accounts for marketplace changes for construction materials. He noted that PDG questioned the coverage already offered by the Town’s insurer and that the insurer was responding to those inquiries. The committee remains on schedule with talks with the architect. S Horton also spoke about a spreadsheet he developed to track every aspect of this complex project, noting that it would enable the committee to benchmark/account for all aspects of the project over time.

R Sturgess provided an update about delivery of the temporary pro shop now scheduled for 4.7.2021. He noted that construction is nearing completion for the temporary bathroom facilities and pro shop and that likely the bathroom facilities would provide two unisex rooms to remain Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant. R Sturgess added that there are some lingering opportunities, such as the builders acquiring knotty pine for the interior finish. However, he advised that they redesigned the framing for each temporary building, enabling installation of much lower cost heating and air conditioning systems.

S Stedman noted that he and R Sturgess went to Grassland Equipment in Latham to further examine the damaged golf course equipment. They ordered 4-5 pieces of equipment which would be delivered over the course of this summer. In the interim, Stedman made plans for loaner/demonstrator equipment to get the course up and running for the season. He continues assessing the course noting there was minimal tree damage, but some greens are heavily snow covered due to the large/old tree canopy that blocks the sun. S Stedman advised that the chemical supplier noted 3-5 years would be needed to eliminate the weeds due to previous lack of weed control.

J Groom spoke about the impending arrival of ball washers, benches and other equipment. He already created a spreadsheet to track orders and deliveries. The point of sale (POS) system will soon be in place, tracking all inventory/sales with reporting. The POS will provide the Town with weekly reporting. There will be job opportunities at the golf course this summer with a multi-pronged delivery of this message through social media and the Town’s new website. G Centi noted that employment applications could be submitted to PLRT@caroga.town and nickstonergolf@caroga.town and a new Facebook page for the golf course that will be launched sometime after this coming weekend would promote positions and provide employment applications. J Groom added that he is in the process of completing orders for pro shop merchandise and obtaining display counters/fixtures. Orders for embroidered Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course hats are placed and he anticipates (with 5 already booked) 20 – 25 outings and tournaments this year. Additionally, the course now has an “app enabled” handicap tool for smartphone users, placing the course in a much larger catchment area.

D Fincke informed the attendees that he had served on numerous committees over the years and there were two key ingredients for success; good chemistry between members and committee members who bring subject matter expertise to the table. He added that both qualities exist within this committee as it has worked very well. D Fincke also noted that the clubhouse and golf course must be managed under one roof, which will continue going forward. The clubhouse is an important subject in this Town and the Town Board’s voting will affect the outcome of this project for the next 100 years. Nothing hasty is being done as any decisions have long range impact.

Questions from the audience included: annual cart rental cost; golf course fees; a master online calendar of golf course events; cost to sponsor a hole; whether the committee was correctly named, and whether meeting minutes would be provided.

J Groom noted that 17 sponsors are already committed to the course, and that there are 10 additional sponsorships available. The price for sponsorship is $100 each. Groom is creating an online calendar (to be launched soon) for the course. He will work with Council Member Long, so his website contains accurate golf course information. It was agreed that the naming convention for the golf course steering committee would be revisited at a Town Board meeting along with a revisit of the fee structures for carts and course usage. March 10 meeting minutes were provided on 3.11.2021 to the Town Clerk for distribution to the Town Board and posting to the Town’s Facebook page. Multiple previous meeting notes were distributed via the Caroga Town Topics news piece, both as hardcopy and via email.

S Horton added that the steering committee is working very well together, and he does not want to get mired down with a lot of deep details during these brief update meetings. The committee needs to prepare for major milestones/decisions before presenting them to the Town and the Town Board for approval. This is a long-term project about which the Town should be proud.

Gene Centi closed the meeting at 6:42PM .

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