To rename the AIS Committee to the Lakes Management Committee and To instruct said committee to create a Lakes Management Plan document and to appoint James Long, Jack Glenn, Marcus Harazin, Mike Durkee, and Gene Centi to the Committee
November 14, 2018
WHEREAS, the Town of Caroga has sought and obtained grant monies from NYSDEC as part of its aquatic invasive species program, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Caroga will be seeking NYSDEC grant monies at the next NYSDEC grant cycle this winter, and
WHEREAS, the NYSDEC Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator has advised that having a Lakes Management Plan in place is recommended when seeking future NYSDEC grant monies, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Caroga has had an invasive weed harvesting program for decades, and
WHEREAS, the four main lakes in the Town of Caroga all participate in the Adirondack Lakes Assessment Program of Paul Smiths Adirondack Watershed Institute, and
WHEREAS, lakes in the Town of Caroga also participate in NYSDEC’s CSLAP program, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Caroga has operated a lake steward program for several years, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Caroga is now operating a boat wash station, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Caroga has generated reports on these various activities, and
WHEREAS, Professor Daniel Kelting of the Adirondack Watershed Institute has confirmed that the above constitutes a “Lakes Management Program” and any additional monies that become available should be used for these existing programs instead of hiring an outside consultant, and
WHEREAS, the NYSDEC Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator advises that the instructions for creating a Lakes Management Plan document are online, and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the existing AIS Committee be renamed the Lakes Management Committee and the Town Board instructs said Lakes Management Committee to create a Lakes Management Plan document and to appoint James Long, Jack Glenn, Marcus Harazin, Mike Durkee, and Gene Centi to the committee.
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025