To apply for the NYS DEC Aquatic Species Grants
February 6, 2019
Whereas, the Town Lakes Management Committee has developed a Lakes Management Plan that has been adopted by the Town which calls for the continuation of a Town Boat Decontamination Program and Steward program, and
Whereas, the Town desires to pursue grants from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Invasive Species Grant Program to operate a Boat Decontamination and Steward program in the Town of Caroga,
Now, therefore be it resolved, that the Town will continue operating the Boat Decontamination Station on Town Property across from the Town Hall on Routes 29A and 10, with the understanding that such a station will continue to contribute to implementing the Town Lakes Management Plan and the State Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan and will reinforce partnerships with the Canada Lakes Conservation Association and East and West Caroga Lake Associations to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species in area lakes, and to operate voluntary boat inspection programs at the West Lake Fishing Access site and Caroga Marina and encourage similar inspections at neighboring lakes, and
Be it further resolved, allowing the applicant to conduct invasive species related activities and removal on East Caroga Lake and West Caroga Lake.
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