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Minutes of a Caroga Town Board work session held on Wednesday November 2, 2016

State of New York

County of Fulton

Town of Caroga

Minutes of a Caroga Town Board work session held on Wednesday November 2, 2016 at 7 pm at the Caroga municipal Building 1840 State Highway 10 Caroga Lake NY. Deputy Supervisor Sturchio opened the meeting at 7 pm with the salute to the flag.

Other Town Officials in attendance were Steve Putman – Highway Superintendent, Also Chris Comeau – highway worker. There were two members of the public in attendance. Lita Hillier- Budget Director came into the budget section of the meeting. Vicky Hayner was here to interview for assessor.

At 7:01 Deputy Supervisor Sturchio made a motion to go into an executive session to discuss the medical, financial, credit or employment history of a particular person or corporation, or matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person or corporation; Council Member Morris seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.

At 7:41 Ms. Hayner left the meeting.

At 8:05 pm Deputy Supervisor Sturchio made a motion to exit from the executive session. Council Member Morris seconded the motion all board members were in favor the motion. There were no decisions as a result of the executive session.

Mr. Putman asked why the board needed to know about the overtime in the past. The line item being asked for is for the part time guys. The last two winters were a gift.

As a person and past Planning Board Member Mr. Putman had a question. Why is Jim Mraz leading the meeting? And the board going by everything he says. Mr. Mraz started out as a consultant. Mr. Manning stated he is not running the actual meetings. Mr. Putman stated it’s ridiculous. He doesn’t know why the board is going by what he saying. It is wrong. Council Member Morris stated it is the planning board decision as to who is there. Mr. Putman thought the head of the planning board’s integrity is questionable. They have been working on the new ordinance maybe 5 years. Council Member Manning understands he has the ability to lead them in the way he wants. He is not supposed to be in the Planning Board meeting. Its ridiculous what is going on over there Mr. Putman said.

Mrs. Hillier explained that as of this budget we are under the tax cap. She asked if there were any changes to the part time overtime. The budget line item on snow removal (overtime) was put down to $5000.00. DA5142.1 has overtime. Summer payroll for overtime would be used if there are a number of guys out. Council Member Manning noted we should be fine.

Two other things to be discussed were the weed harvester and the judge. Mr. Subik wanted $2000.00 and was adamant why he needs it. His clerk wanted $1100.00. Mrs. Hillier is locked out of the website she needs to figure the tax cap. She wants to wait to go on online. She wants to see if we are close to the tax cap. It is under now. The budget includes $1000 for judge and 2%. Council Member Morris recused herself as it is her uncle.

Weed Harvester – is there any place to find $65,000.00 Council Member Manning did think we could make an investment in our old system at this point in time. Deputy Supervisor Sturchio wondered what would happen if we can’t find divers. If we want to see what the new person can do we have them do the same process. Council Member Morris surveyed the Adirondacks and everyone is still hand harvesting. The biggest reduction in the Adirondack Lakes is by hand harvesting. If just cutting the tops off it will spread. It’s like giving it a haircut. Are we at the point where that makes sense? Council Member Glenn thought there were different kinds of machines out there. Council Member Morris noted we have to protect our lake. She thought we need to take the time to look into what the machine can do. Council Member Manning wanted to know what is the most effective way to remove/decrease the milfoil. Are we able to still get it back under control? Council Member Glenn wanted a plan B. Several board members wanted to look at the other machines - haircuts don’t work it may not be what we want. There is $30,000.00 toward the harvester plus $10,000.00 going toward a new machine. Even if we have to borrow it’s a good down payment. And there is still money in the budget for divers. If we go with a machine Mr. Centi noted at the last meeting that the lake association has to go after a grant for this. The town could handle the staff, maintenance, etc. The Association would have to do the grant work. Council Member Morris said “No one is saying buy a machine now.” She wanted to be prepared. Deputy Supervisor Sturchio thought we needed something that gets low enough into the weeds. At the same time Council Member Manning thought we should keep research going looking to areas outside the Adirondacks throughout the country.

Council Member Manning noted there are companies that come in and do it for a flat rate. The town can avoid paying social security, wages and Medicaid. The town could hire a company - have a contract. It should be discussed. Council Member Manning suggested getting the weed committee involved.

The Budget Director Mrs. Hillier noted the budget would not be preliminary until the next regular meeting on November 9 that is when a work shop can be opened up to make changes.

It was noted that Attorney Ferlazzo will be at the November board meeting.

The budget has to be adopted by November 20th. At the next meeting the board has to approve the budget from tentative to preliminary. It was discussed to have the public hearing on November16. The board can adopt the budget at the November 16th meeting if it wants.

Council Member Morris stated she and Council Member Glenn are not just shooting off the hip about the weed problem. She has had several people call her up about how bad the weed program is. She is not trying to spend money on a weed machine. The lake is important to the people who live around the lake.

At 8:35 Deputy Supervisor Sturchio made a motion to adjourn. Council Member Morris seconded the motion, Council Member Glenn made a third. All board members were in favor of the motion.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda M. Gilbert RMC, CMC

Town Clerk

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