State of New York
County of Fulton
Town of Caroga
Minutes of a Caroga Town Board work session held on Wednesday November 16, 2016, at 7:00 pm, at the Caroga Municipal Building 1840 State Highway 10 Caroga Lake NY 12032. Deputy Supervisor Sturchio called the meeting to order at 7:02. The salute to the flag was conducted.
Deputy Supervisor Anthony Sturchio – Here
Council Member John Glenn – Here
Council Member Beth Morris – Here
Council Member Jeremy Manning – Here
Other town department heads in attendance were Budget Officer – Lita Hillier, Town Justice James Subik and Court Clerk Thelma Subik, and eight members of the public were in attendance.
Deputy Supervisor Sturchio opened the Public Hearing on the Budget at 7:04 pm. He asked if there was any public comment. Hearing nothing from the public, Council Member Glenn asked the budget director for a run down on the budget. Mrs. Hillier noted the budget is under the 2% tax cap. She stated the budget went up a few cents due to the fire contract. It goes up 5% every year. Council Member Glenn thought it was to go down to 3% after five years. She stated the taxes went up three cents on the fire district that is it. She recommended that the public hearing be left open for at least 5 – 10 minutes while the board conducts other business.
Council Member Morris noted last week the town lost Bruce Busch a very important part of our community. He was a Fire Chief for many years and served on the Town Board as Supervisor for ten years. We also lost a Geoff Nehr. A moment of silence was held for both. Our thoughts and prayers go out to their families.
Deputy Supervisor Sturchio was given a resolution that the clerk received from Sal Ferlazzo. The board discussed the terms regarding American Tower and found them not to be what had been previously discussed with Attorney Ferlazzo. The board agreed not to take action on the resolution.
Deputy Supervisor Sturchio called Custom Woodcrafters and Stoves in Mayfield regarding the clinic ramp. He told them because the contract changed the contract was canceled. The town will go out to bid again in the spring.
Deputy Highway Superintendent Charles Wager had some highway business. He asked for a resolution to put the old garbage truck out to bid with for a minimum of $15,000.00. That is the least it was thought it should be sold for.
RESOLUTION #2016-130 to set a minimum bid for the old Garbage truck was offered by Council Member Glenn at the Wednesday November 16, 2016 work session of the Caroga Town Board held at the Caroga municipal building. WHEREAS, Deputy Highway Superintendent Charles Wager attended the meeting this evening and discussed the minimum bid to be put on the 2004 Freightliner Garbage Truck with packer body, and WHEREAS, the item is to be sold through Auctions International 11167 Big Tree Road East Aurora NY14052 (800) 536-3334 and, WHEREAS the vehicle is being sold in as is condition, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to put a minimum bid on the old garbage truck of $15,000.00. Council Member Morris seconded the motion.
Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes, Sturchio, Glenn, Morris, Manning
Mrs. Hillier reviewed the contract and found the fire contract runs through 2018. That is when they come back to the town for negotiation. Mrs. Hillier reads the resolution which reads for a total of 5 full calendar years for the further sum of equaling 5% then the remaining years they were saying 2%. She did not know what the remaining year’s means. Council Member Glenn stated our rate was increased from 3% a year to 5% for five years to offset some of the cost of the new fire house. She thinks she remembers them saying they thought that they could take it down to 2%. When 2018 is up with the 5%, they have to come back to negotiate with the board.
Council Member Glenn made a motion to close the public hearing on the budget at 7:12pm.
Deputy Supervisor Sturchio seconded the motion. The motion was voted on with a response of 4 Ayes, Sturchio, Glenn, Morris, and Manning
RESOLUTION #2016-131 to adopt the 2017 Budget was offered by Deputy Supervisor Sturchio at the Wednesday November 16, 2016 work session of the Caroga Town Board held at the Caroga Municipal Building at 7 pm. WHEREAS, the budget process began in October of 2016, and WHEREAS, a series of meetings were held over the course of the last two months on the budget, and WHEREAS, the public hearing on the budget was announced in the Leader Herald newspaper on Saturday November 12, 2016, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to adopt the 2017 Budget with the amount to be raised by tax in the General Fund - $151,550.00, in the Highway funds - $598,389.00 for the Fire Contract $131,456.00 with an increase of $0.05 over 2016. A roll call vote was then called for by Deputy Supervisor Sturchio.
Council Member Glenn – Aye
Council Member Morris – Aye
Council Member Manning – Aye
Deputy Supervisor Sturchio – Aye
The Town Clerk, Linda Gilbert received a written document during the meeting. Deputy Supervisor Sturchio read the correspondence. “Dear Linda Gilbert – Town of Caroga Town Clerk. I Beth Yvonne Morris vacate my council seat effective immediately.”
Signed Beth Yvonne Morris.
Deputy Supervisor Sturchio then stated it was his honor to make a motion to appoint Beth Morris to the position of Town of Caroga Supervisor starting immediately. Deputy Supervisor Sturchio then asked for a roll call – all in favor. It was noted the motion had to be seconded.
Council Member Glenn seconded the motion.
A roll call vote was then taken.
Council Member Manning – Aye
Deputy Supervisor Sturchio – Aye
Council Member Glenn - Aye
Deputy Supervisor Sturchio then asked if all were in favor – opposed. “We’re good.” Applause was given. It was noted that the board did accept her resignation.
At 7:15 pm the Honorable Town Justice James Subik swore in Beth Morris as Supervisor of the Town of Caroga. More applause was given.
Supervisor Morris asked if there was any more business this evening. Hearing none a motion to adjourn was offered by Supervisor Morris at 7:16 pm. Council Member Sturchio seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda M. Gilbert, RMC, CMC
Caroga Town Clerk
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025