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Minutes of a Caroga Town Board work session held Monday November 21, 2016

State of New York

County of Fulton

Town of Caroga

Minutes of a Caroga Town Board work session held Monday November 21, 2016 at the municipal building located at 1840 State Highway #10 at 7:30 pm with the following persons in attendance by Roll Call:

Supervisor Beth Morris – Here

Council Member John Glenn – Here [arrived at 7:33 pm]

Council Member Anthony Sturchio - Here

Council Member Jeremy Manning – Here

Other town department representatives in attendance were Judy Aldinger – Deputy Town Clerk. There were two members of the public in attendance.

At 7:34 pm Supervisor Morris opened the meeting with the salute to the flag. She thanked everyone for coming out on this nasty evening. The reason for the meeting was to appoint a Deputy Supervisor. [The Town Clerk received notice on Friday November 18, 2016 that Deputy Supervisor Sturchio resigned the position effective immediately.]

Supervisor Morris stated that she is appointing John Glenn as Deputy Supervisor.

Supervisor Morris asked if there was any other business to come before the board. There was none.

Supervisor Morris asked the public if they had any comment. Mr. Long wanted to report on the Sherman’s Advisory Committee. He has been in communication with a Caroga Arts Collective Board member and it is his understanding that they will have a proposal in time for the already scheduled December 6 Sherman’s Advisory Committee meeting. He is hoping that there will be meat in it and firm numbers. In talking to Attorney Abdella some time ago he is very much in favor the Caroga Arts Collective project. Mr. Long hoped the board would seriously consider this and not take any precipitous action prior to the review of the proposal. He hoped the board did not do anything to sour this.

Council Member Sturchio asked if the board had to vote on the Deputy Supervisor appointment. It was noted that this was an appointment by the Supervisor. No vote was necessary she stated.

At 7:37 pm Supervisor Morris made a motion to adjourn. All board members were in favor of the motion.

Respectfully Submitted,

Linda M. Gilbert, RMC, CMC

Caroga Town Clerk

Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025