State of New York
County of Fulton
Town of Caroga
Minutes of the Caroga Town Board reorganizational meeting held Wednesday January 4, 2017 at the municipal building located at 1840 State Highway #10 at 7:30 pm with the following persons in attendance by Roll Call:
Supervisor Beth Y Morris- Here
Council Member John Glenn – Here
Council Member Anthony Sturchio - Here
Council Member Jeremy Manning – Here
Other town department representatives in attendance were Lita Hillier – Budget Director & Secretary to the Supervisor, Steve Putman – Highway Superintendent. There were 6 members of the public in attendance.
RESOLUTION #2017-001 stating Organizational Business – Miscellaneous was offered by Supervisor Morris at the Reorganizational meeting held Wednesday January 4th, 2017. The following information was examined:
Financial Institutions:
NBT 142 N. Comrie Ave. Johnstown NY
The Regular meetings of the Town Board of the Town of Caroga will be held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
That the Supervisor is authorized to do the following: Invest money anytime that there is money to invest. Pay fixed bills such as telephone, electric, gasoline, propane, salaries, contract, and insurance etc. when due. Pay quarterly salaries of elected officials on the same day as the second bi-weekly payroll of the following months - March, June, September, and December.
That Gas Mileage for the year 2017 will be $0.54 per mile. Detailed logs shall be kept and submitted monthly.
That the Highway Superintendent is authorized to spend $5,000.00 without authorization - keeping within budget appropriations for daily and weekly supplies.
The Official Newspaper - Leader Herald
The Rate for Election Inspector for the year 2017 Primary Day - $125.00 Election Day - $200.00 - $10.00 per hour for any broken days. Payment for mileage is $0.54 per mile. A rate of $25.00 has been set for attending school. The chairman is paid and extra $25.00 as they perform extra work.
If an elected or appointed official is going to go on vacation or to a seminar, etc. for more than 48 hours, the Supervisor or Town Clerk should be notified and it should be marked on a calendar in the Town Clerk's office.
The motion was seconded by Council Member Manning
ADOPTED by a vote of 4 Ayes, Morris, Glenn, Sturchio, Manning
RESOLUTION #2017-002 Naming Elected Officials and their Positions was offered by Supervisor Morris at the reorganizational meeting held Wednesday January 4th, 2017. The town board reviewed the list of elected officials as follows:
Supervisor – Beth Y. Morris
Highway Superintendent – Steven Putman
Town Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar/Records Management Officer - Linda Gilbert
Town Justice - James Subik
Deputy Supervisor/Council Member – John Glenn
Council Member – Anthony Sturchio
Council Member – Jeremy Manning
The motion was seconded by Council Member Sturchio
ADOPTED by a vote of 4 Ayes, Morris, Glenn, Sturchio, Manning
RESOLUTION #2017-03 Naming Appointed Positions for the year 2017 was offered by Council Member Sturchio at the reorganizational meeting held January 4th, 2017. The following persons are hereby appointed as officials in the Town of Caroga for the year 2017.
Sanitation Inspector – John Duesler
Code Enforcement Officer – John Duesler
Registrar of Vital Statistics - Linda Gilbert
Dog Control - Howard Dutcher
Health Officer – Howard Dutcher
Youth Director – Rachael Simonds
Historian –Richard Nilsen
Building Maintenance Staff – Donald Travis
B.T.I. Coordinator – John Delesky
Weed Harvesting Coordinator – Gene Centi
Sole Assessor – Victoria Hayner Term to run until 9/31/19
Attorney to the Town – Salvatore Ferlazzo from Girvin & Ferlazzo
Golf Professional/Greens Keeper/Manager - Steve Jennings
Planning Board Chairman – James Selmser
Zoning Board Chairman – Kenneth Coirin
Alternate Members to the Planning Board – Vacant
Alternate Member to the Zoning Board of Appeals – vacant
Code and Assessor Clerk- Jennifer Blowers
Deputy Town Supervisor – John Glenn
Deputy Highway Superintendent – Charles Wager
Deputy Town Clerk –Judith Aldinger
ZBA & Planning Clerk – Linda Gilbert
Bookkeeper and Budget Officer – Lita Hillier
Court Clerk – Thelma Subik
Clerk to the Highway Superintendent – Linda Gilbert
Council Member Glenn seconded the motion.
ADOPTED by a vote of 4 Ayes, Morris, Glenn, Sturchio, Manning
Mrs. Hillier had a few questions on this resolution. The board discussed the document where there were question marks. Any position where someone was coming in new would not receive an increase. The golf course workers were discussed at there are different rates for different jobs. This has not been documented previously for payroll. Mrs. Hillier noted it has not been done before. Council Member Manning thought when they should be paid two separate rates for the separate jobs. The outside maintenance worker position was removed. The town clerk questioned why some starting salaries were given a 2% increase. She thought that was the starting rate – like divers and tenders. Council Member Manning agreed.
RESOLUTION #2017 - 004 to set yearly salaries and hourly rates for the year 2017 was offered by Supervisor Morris at the reorganizational meeting held January 4th, 2017. The following salaries were reviewed and discussed as follows:
(4) Town Board Members $3,043.75 ea.
(1) Budget Officer $5,453.00
Salary Elected & appointed Officials to be paid monthly:
(1) Town Justice $14,000.00
(1) Dog Control Officer PT $ 5,532.00
(1) Attorney to the Town per. hr. scheduled rate
(1) Court Clerk $ 3,000.00
Salary Appointed Officials to be paid annually:
(1) Health Officer $ 100.00 per event
(1) Historian $ 633.00
(1) Assessment Review Board (Chairman) $ 400.00
(4) Assessment Review Board Members $ 321.00
(1) Deputy Superintendent of Highways $ 2,081.00
(1) Weed Coordinator $ 963.00
(1) Clerk to the Highway Superintendent $ 2,081.00
Salary Elected & appointed Officials to be paid bi-weekly:
(1)Supervisor $10,232.00
(1) Deputy Supervisor $ .00
(1) Bookkeeper to Supervisor (secretary) $24,277.00
(1) Town Clerk/Tax Collector $32,078.00
(1) Sole Assessor $24,500.00
(1) Code Enforcement Officer $20,400.00
(1) Registrar of Vital Statistics $ 750.00
(1) Superintendent of Highways (refuse Coordinator duties) $44,008.00
(1) Greens Keeper (Manager/Golf Pro) per contract $41,375.00
(1) B.T.I. Coordinator $15,223.00
Appointed Employees to be paid hourly:
Clerk PT (assessment Review Board) not to exceed $300.00 per year $ 10.40
Laborers (Refuse/Highway; full-time) $ 16.01
Laborers (Refuse/Highway; part-time) $ 15.39
(2) Deputy Town Clerks -Not to exceed $9,000.00 per year $ 12.50
Laborers (Golf Course I) $ 11.28
Laborers (Golf Course II start of 3rd yr./after 2 summers) $ 14.14
Assistant to Golf Professional (Pro Shop I) $ 10.00
Assistant to Golf Professional (Pro Shop II start of 3rd yr. /after 2 summers $ 11.50
BTI Technicians (I) $ 10.43
BTI Technicians (II) $ 11.76
(1) Clerk PT (Code Enforcement) (Not to exceed $8,000) $ 12.50
Divers senior – has worked for the town previously $ 21.35
First year starting Diver rate $ 20.00
Tenders – senior $ 12.48
First year Tender $ 12.00
(1)Laborer (Janitorial) $ 12.86
(1) Planning & Zoning Secretary $ 10.40
Any new employee clerk will start at $ 10.00
Assessor Clerk (not to exceed $5,000.00) $ 12.50
Lake Stewards $ 10.40
Council Member Sturchio seconded the motion.
ADOPTED by a vote of 4 Ayes, Morris, Glenn, Sturchio, Manning
RESOLUTION #2017- 005 Setting the benefit package for the Highway Department was offered by Council Member Manning at the reorganizational meeting held on Wednesday January 4th, 2017. The Town Board discussed with Steve Putman the Highway Superintendent the salaries and benefits for the year 2017 for a maximum of eight (8) Highway Department Employees or the equivalent of as follows:
Entry Level MEO’S start at - $16.01
After 24 months of Employment - $16.95
After 48 months of Employment - $17.87
After 60 months of Employment - $18.87
2017 Mechanics - $15.70 per hour for the year 2017 as directed with steps
Starting January 1, 1990 and each year thereafter, each employee will receive $50.00 longevity per year for each year of service. In the 10 year they will receive $100.00 per year (up to 9 years is $50.00 per year and then it is $100.00) - to be paid with the first pay period of November of each year. In the event that an employee leaves employment with the Town of Caroga during a calendar year they would receive their longevity pro-rated for that particular year. They would receive $25.00 up until July first and the full $50.00 thereafter till December 31st.
In the event that an employee terminates employment with the Town of Caroga and then is re-hired they will start from day one with the $50.00 longevity.
New employees have 5 days pay held back. Employees are paid on Friday's bi-weekly. They will be paid one and a half times for any hours over 40 earned hours in any pay period covering 7 days Monday - Sunday.
When an employee works on a holiday, the employee is to be paid for the holiday at the regular rate per hour plus one and a half times their hourly rate for hours worked for the day.
FRINGE BENEFITS - HOLIDAYS - 11 PAID - New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, General Election Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Floating Holidays are: Columbus Day and Martin Luther King Day.
PERSONAL DAYS – 24 hours per year; to be used within the year. . The employees must request and get approval from the Highway Superintendent prior to taking personal time.
VACATION DAYS – Ten hours per month after six (6) months employment with the Town, 200 hours accumulated at that time, it’s a cap. The employees must request and get approval from the Highway Superintendent prior to taking vacation time.
SICK DAYS – six hours per month after six months of employment with the Town not to exceed 320 hours accumulated sick days at any time.
UNUSED SICK TIME - Employees who do not utilize any sick time in a calendar year shall be paid $200.00. Such payment shall be paid in the first payroll in January in the succeeding year.
Effective January 1, 2010: All current full time Town of Caroga Highway Dept. employees shall solely be responsible to obtain and maintain a NYS CDL driver’s license commensurate with their expected duties within 6 months of formal notification of this adopted policy. All future renewals and upgrades shall be the sole responsibility of the employee. All employees of the Town of Caroga Highway Dept. shall possess a NYS CDL class driver’s license as a condition of employment. Failure to comply with this directive shall result in disciplinary action up to and including a formal letter of discussion, a warning letter, and unpaid leave up to and including termination.
Personnel Policy effective June 10, 2009: A Town employee shall not appropriate or use Town-owned, -leased or –rented property including vehicles or equipment for other than official business. Further, Town employees shall exercise all reasonable and prudent measures to preclude the same for any unauthorized possession or use. The use of town-owned equipment or private use of such equipment is not permitted, and such a violation is subject to discipline. First a verbal warning will be given, second a written warning is issued and with a third violation time off from work and loss of wages. The Personnel Policy shall be signed on a yearly basis.
CLOTHING ALLOWANCE - $375.00 per year clothing allowance per person for the highway personnel to be paid on March first of each year.
HEALTH INSURANCE – as of January 1, 2016 full-time employees of the Town of Caroga Highway Dept. shall be entitled to Health Insurance coverage at 0% in other words the town is paying 100%. Health insurance coverage shall begin after six (6) months of employment.
Bereavement Policy – We have taken into consideration the personal needs that arise from the death of an immediate family member. You will be allowed leave up to three days with full pay until and including the day of the funeral. Funeral leave pay will not be granted to employees attending a funeral during periods when, for other reasons, they are not at work, such as vacation, holidays, and illness. Immediate family is understood to include father, mother, spouse, child, sister, brother, mother-in-law, father-in- law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandparents, or any relative who lives with the employee.
The motion was seconded by Supervisor Morris
Discussion Mrs. Hillier noted that County Compensation should be removed from the resolution as the town is now responsible to pay for it. Council Member Sturchio wondered if the Health insurance was for family or individual it is not specified here. A reference to the highway health insurance policy should be made. Mr. Putman wanted the insurance cleared up. Council Member Manning suggested a separate resolution at the next meeting. Mr. Putman noted on the Personal days the employee must give him notice. A discussion on the rate of pay for holiday overtime ensued.
ADOPTED by a vote of 4 Ayes, Morris, Glenn, Sturchio, Manning
Supervisor Morris discussed the insurance buy back option with the board. Any elected official who chose this option but left prior to the end of the year would have to reimburse the town and it would prorated.
Mr. Long thought the person could be paid at the end of the year. Supervisor Morris noted it would be bias for those who receive insurance from day one.
RESOLUTION #2017-006 to set a policy for the insurance buyback by elected officials was offered by Supervisor Morris at the reorganizational meeting held on Wednesday January 4th, 2017 at Caroga Town Hall 1840 State Highway 10. WHEREAS, some elected officials in the Town of Caroga do not take the health insurance offered by the town per resolution 2015-007 and WHEREAS, some employees have left their position with the town prior to the end of the year yet received the full $2,500.00 buyback refund, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that from January 4th 2017 on if an employee is paid for the insurance buyback and leaves their job with the town prior to the end of the year they must pay back the town for at the prorated amount, and be if further RESOLVED, that the payback shall be within 14 days of leaving their position, and be it further RESOLVED, that the person requesting the buyout shall fill out a voucher and submit it to the bookkeeper.
Council Member Sturchio seconded the motion.
ADOPTED by a vote of 4 Ayes, Morris, Glenn, Sturchio, Manning
Another suggestion was to disburse the buyback in the person’s paycheck.
The clerk noted she received notification from Pine Lake Lodge Inc. that they have applied for their liquor license to the State of New York for the property located at 1050 State Highway 10.
The clerk noted the board could waive the 30 day waiting period. The board accepted the application without comment. Supervisor Morris will check with them on the waiver.
At 8:24 pm Supervisor Morris made a motion to adjourn. Council Member Glen seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda M, Gilbert, RMC, CMC
Town Clerk
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025