State of New York
County of Fulton
Town of Caroga
Minutes of a Caroga Town Board work session meeting held Wednesday December 20, 2017 at the municipal building located at 1840 State Highway #10 at 7:00 pm with the following persons in attendance by Roll Call:
Council Member John Glenn – Here
Council Member Anthony Sturchio - Here
Council Member Jeremy Manning – Here
Supervisor Beth Y Morris- Here
The meeting was called to order at 7:08 pm. There were approximately 12 people in attendance. The pledge to the flag was held.
Supervisor Morris received a phone call from Mr. Chamberlin. He was hoping the parking lot at Sherman’s could be used for special events like the fishing contest in January. Mr. Putman noted these are things that draw business to town so we would want to accommodate them any way we can is how he looks at it. The board was in favor of keeping the lot plowed all season. There would be no overnight parking. Mr. Putman noted when there is events the no parking on town roads is waived.
Carol Ziemann also called the Supervisor. On January 1st the Polar Plunge is being held. She was wondering about a waiver in case someone gets hurt. It was noted that this is not a town event. Council Member Manning noted it is on private property and suggested we decline. He thought she was looking for a rider on our insurance policy. The board would rather not do that.
The clerk received an email from Mary Johnson as a follow up to a phone call. Supervisor Morris read the correspondence. Mary Johnson resigned her position as secretary to the Planning and Zoning Board of Appeals effective 12/31/17.
The clerk received Resolution #479 from the Fulton County Board of Supervisors. The resolution is authorizing the agreement with various municipalities/affiliations for planning services for 2018. The Town of Caroga would be billed $1,500. During the past few years the board has utilize the services of James Mraz to update our zoning ordinance. It was noted that Mr. Mraz is retiring. It was thought that the town has 10 free hours of planning services each year. When Mr. Putman was on the planning board he questioned why the board was using Mr. Mraz as a consultant for those 10 free hours, that was fine but somehow he ended up being paid. “Why do we even have a planning board if we're doing everything he's telling us to do?”
Council Member Manning thought at this time we could opt out of this. If we find out we need it then we could always hire them. This is something the new board will discuss. The clerk made an observation that not all 10 towns are listed in the resolution nor are the villages, or the City of Johnstown. Obviously they are not included in this.
The board discussed raising the rates at the Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course as suggested by Mr. Jennings.
The senior rate prior to May 1st would change from $425 to $450. The incentive rate prior to May 1st 2018 for an individual membership would change from $495 to $525. A couple's combined membership would change from $915 to $975. Starting May 2nd 2018 an individual membership would be change from $550. to $575. A combined couple’s membership would increase from $975. to $1,025. The junior, weekly play, monthly play, lockers, and 18 holes would stay the same. The nine-hole ticket would change from $12 to $14.
Council Member Sturchio was not in favor of raising the rates. He stated that Mr. Jennings should reduce the rates he charges for the carts. Mr. Jennings told the supervisor that the rates have not been changed for years. The board discussed the pros and cons or changing the rates. It was stated that the number of people golfing has decreased. Supervisor Morris noted we have to offset the costs. Council Member Glenn asked a golfer who came into his office about our course and why he golfs at Hales Mills now. The golfer stated one of the problems was the cost. He also stated that the groupers took over the golf course from 8 am on Monday Wednesday, Fridays and Saturday mornings. The golfer also said the grass was too short on the fairways. Council Member Glenn asked how to get the groupers back… the golfer suggested reducing the prices and get more tournaments here. This was just one person’s opinion.
Supervisor Morris has been doing the bills and costs are going up. Council Member Sturchio suggested belt tightening. Supervisor Morris noted there are only 3 staff members taking care of the course. The Supervisor did not have the figure for the amount of the revenues brought in by the course this year.
Mrs. Delesky suggested checking the rates with other golf courses. Council Member Sturchio noted other courses have sand and water hazards. Mr. Putman noted we have mosquitoes & black flies and the weather is difference up here. Mr. Putman worked for the golf course – we are driving people out of there. It was noted the weather was terrible this year. Council Member Manning noted people under 40 do not golf. We are fighting attrition. Supervisor Morris suggested getting more information from other golf courses. It was suggested that the new board sit down with Mr. Jennings.
Supervisor Morris stated the retirement resolution was not ready for the meeting tonight.
The clerk stated that she was not given any vouchers to process for the meeting. There were no bills to audit.
RESOLUTION #2017-116 authorizing the Town Supervisor to pay any bills that come in before the end of the year was offered by Supervisor Morris at the year-end work session held on Wednesday December 20, 2017 at the Caroga Municipal Building.
WHEREAS, the town did resolve to place an ad in the Leader Herald newspaper calling for all bills to be submitted to the town for audit for the year 2017, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board desires to pay all outstanding claims against the town for the year 2017, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Supervisor Beth Morris is hereby authorized to pay any and all reasonable bills submitted for audit for the year 2017.
Council Member Sturchio seconded the motion.
Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes; Morris, Glenn, Sturchio, and Manning
RESOLUTION #2017-117 to make year-end budget transfers as necessary and as follows: was offered by Supervisor Morris at the year-end work session held on Wednesday December 20, 2017 at the Caroga Municipal Building.
To: A1320.1 – Bookkeeper to Sup $14,723.00
From: A1340.1 – Budget P/S $2,723.00
From: A1355.13 –Assessor Clerk P/S $5,000.00
From: A1440.4- Engineers C/E $5,000.00
From: A1670.41 -Golf Course C/E $1,000.00
From: A1930.4 - Judgments & Claims $1,000.00
To: A1410.11 Deputy Town Clerk P/S $ 550.00
From: A9010.8 State Retirement $ 550.00
To: A1420.4 – Attorney C/E $ 30,000.00
From: A1990.4 – Contingent $15,000.00
From: A5182.4 Street Lighting C/E $ 9,000.00
From: A9950.9- Weed Harvester Reserve $ 3,500.00
From: A1010.4 -Town Board C/E $ 1,500.00
From: A8160.41 – Landfill Testing C/E $ 1,000.00
To: A4050.4 – BTI C/E $ 1,800.00
From: A4560.4 – Clinic C/E $ 1,000.00
From: A6410.42 – Publicity Ads/Tourism $ 750.00
From A6410.43 – Publicity Sherman’s $ 50.00
To: A5010.4 Supt. of Highway C/E $ 400.00
From: A6410.42 –Publicity Sherman’s $ 400.00
To: A8090.11 – Stewards P/S. $ 150.00
From: A8810.4- Cemeteries C/E $ 100.00
From: A9050.81 Golf Course Unemployment $ 50.00
To: A/8090.12 – Weed Divers P/S $ 870.00
From: A7550.4 – Celebrations C/E $ 500.00
From A9050.81 -Golf Course Unemployment $ 370.00
To: A8090.4 – Environmental Control C/E $ 1,000.00
From: A9950.9- Weed Harvester Reserve $ 1,000.00
To: A8090.41 – Lake Weed Control C/E $ 500.00
From: A1930.4 -Judgments & Claims $ 500.00
To: A8090.1 – Boat Wash P/S $ 14,600.00
From: A9950.9- Weed Harvester Reserve $ 14,600.00
To: DA9010.8 – Retirement $ 13,000.00
From: DA5120.4 – Bridges C/E $ 13,000.00
There was a discussion on when the last landfill testing was done this year. Supervisor Morris will look into this.
Council Member Manning seconded the motion.
Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes; Morris, Glenn, Sturchio, and Manning
The clerk noted that the town received a check from DEC today for the reimbursement of the boat wash station in the amount of $15,319.68.
The Supervisor opened the floor for any comments from the public before she closes the meeting for the last time.
Mr. Delesky thanked the board for their work this year. James Long seconded that.
Mrs. Holliday stated she saw Supervisor Morris on the news the other night. Council Member Glenn heard about it up in Killington VT. News 10 found it to be an interesting story with a happy ending for the town. The Supervisor stated this put Caroga on the map in a positive way.
Supervisor Morris stated that Mr. Putman was not here when she gave her closing remarks and thanks at the last board meeting. She thanked him for his guidance and his true friendship. She noted the intense conversations at times. Even though they may not agree at times they shake hands smile give a hug and are still friends. She hopes that is a lesson the rest of the town can learn.
Mr. Putman noted, as he has said in the past, he is a true native here. He has known several people here tonight all his life. Through his careers he was in the people business. He has learned a lot about people. He can read people like a book. He has come out as a police instructor, a safety officer, and has worn a lot of hats most recently as the Highway Superintendent. He is a person who says what he has to say and will stand by his words. He stated he does not trust people, but Supervisor Morris has earned his trust. He has had a great working relationship with her. He knows that when he barks at people during a meeting there are those that go home and get on the idiot box and put their own spin on things. Which 9 out of 10 times is not true. So the supervisor would take it. They respected each other and there was honesty between them. She will be sorely missed. Mr. Putman noted he supported her as the write in candidate 200%.
Mr. Putman noted the great working relationship he had with Council Member Sturchio. He appreciated his input. He thanked him for stopping down to the highway barn and looking things over with him. It has been great and he will miss working with him.
Supervisor Morris thanked everyone for an unbelievable experience, and friendships she has made. Supervisor Morris thanked the Town Clerk for making her look good. “Whenever I have needed her for anything she has been there.” She wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
At 7:45 pm Supervisor Morris made a motion to adjourn. Council Member Sturchio seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda M. Gilbert, RMC, CMC
Caroga Town Clerk
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025