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Minutes of the Town Board
Reorganizational Meeting,
January 3, 2018

State of New York
County of Fulton
Town of Caroga

Minutes of the Caroga Town Board Reorganizational meeting held Wednesday January 3rd, 2018 at the municipal building located at 1840 State Highway #10 at 7:00 pm with the following persons in attendance by roll call. The salute to the flag followed.

Supervisor James Selmser- Here
Council Member John Glenn – Here
Council Member Jeremy Manning – Here
Council Member James Long - Here
Council Member Kent Kirch - Here

Other town department representatives in attendance were Steve Putman – Highway Superintendent. There were 14 members of the public in attendance.

Supervisor Selmser announced there was no agenda this evening. The reorganizational meeting establishes a number of things for the current year. He asked for any public speakers to address the board with issues. No one spoke.

Board members were provided information/resolutions from the prior year by the town clerk.

RESOLUTION #2018-001 stating Organizational Business – Miscellaneous was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the reorganizational meeting held Wednesday January 3rd, 2018. The following information was examined:

Financial Institutions: NBT 142 N. Comrie Ave. Johnstown NY 12095

The Regular meetings of the Town Board of the Town of Caroga will be held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

That the Supervisor is authorized to do the following: Invest money anytime that there is money to invest, pay fixed bills such as telephone, electric, gasoline, propane, salaries, contract, and insurance etc. when due. Pay quarterly salaries of elected officials on the same day as the second bi-weekly payroll of the following months - March, June, September, and December.

That Gas Mileage for the year 2018 will be $0.545 per mile per IRS regulations. Detailed logs shall be kept and submitted monthly.

That the Highway Superintendent is authorized to spend $5,000.00 without authorization - keeping within budget appropriations for daily and weekly supplies.

The official newspaper – The Leader Herald

The Rate for Election Inspector for the year 2018 Primary Day - $125.00 Election Day - $200.00 - $10.00 per hour for any broken days. Payment for mileage is $0.545 per mile. A rate of $25.00 has been set for attending school. The chairman is paid and extra $25.00 as they perform extra work.

If an elected or appointed official is going to be out of town on vacation or to a seminar, etc. for more than 48 hours, the Supervisor or Town Clerk should be notified and it should be marked on a calendar in the Town Clerk's office.

The motion was seconded by Council Member Long

ADOPTED by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

RESOLUTION #2018-002 Naming Elected Officials and their Positions was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the reorganizational meeting held Wednesday January 3rd, 2018. The town board reviewed the list of elected officials as follows:

The motion was seconded by Council Member James Long

ADOPTED by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

RESOLUTION #2018-003 Naming Appointed Positions for the year 2018 was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the reorganizational meeting held January 3rd, 2018. The following persons are hereby appointed as officials in the Town of Caroga for the year 2018.

Council Member Kirch seconded the motion.

ADOPTED by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

RESOLUTION #2018-004 to set yearly salaries and hourly rates for the year 2018 was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the reorganizational meeting held January 3rd, 2018. The following salaries were reviewed and discussed as follows:

Salary Appointed Officials to be paid annually:

Salary Elected & appointed Officials to be paid bi-weekly:

Council Member Long seconded the motion.

There was discussion on the salary of the people serving on the Board of Assessment Review. The salary was removed based on the line item in the budget. Discussion on step rates for garbage laborers carries over from highway rate to laborer on garbage truck. Discussion on making a note of this in the annual contract. NYS minimum wage was looked up. The clerk asked for a clarification of BTI Tech I and II. The clerk corrected the Judge and court clerk salaries prior to adoption.

ADOPTED by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

Mike Durkee reported on last year’s program, and what he sees for potential improvements. He noted the town received reimbursement for the cost of the salaries to operate the boat wash station. The salaries are the match portion of the grant. There are volunteers who put in about 100 hours to supplement time in the lake steward program. The boat wash station was open 72 hours a week it is open 10 hours 4 days a week and 32 hour total on the other 3 days. This puts us in a good position to cover the traffic going past. They still find boats that go sailing by. Boaters are asked at West Lake access if they stopped to wash their boats. Some are sent back to the board wash station. Mr. Durkee suggesting putting a part time steward ($4,000.00) at the West Lake launch, and one at the NYS Campground that would cost about $8,000.00 max. He noted there was about $30,000 in unallocated funds the town can use in the steward program. If we don’t use the money the state will take it away and use it elsewhere. He anticipated there will be a DEC Steward at Caroga Lake in the future. He asked the council to authorize spending up to $28,000.00 for additional stewards plus approving $1,000.00 for incidental expenses. He would like the authority to hire and have training for the additional staff. Supervisor Selmser asked if those hired on the town payroll would qualify for contributions by state pension. “Is that being calculated in?” Mr. Durkee stated that is separate if they request it. The supervisor wondered if that was costing the town…. Mr. Durkee stated the town is made whole on this. The part time person would be part time 60 hours. Two part time people would work 20 hours a week. He is tight on personnel. He has no margin if someone is sick. Last year one steward was sick and the other took the hours to cover. Council Member Glenn asked about job sharing. Mr. Durkee would like to look at that. He noted there are times when nothing is happening at the boat wash station. It was thought there was not a lot of boat traffic at the NYS Campground. It was noted the volunteer hours can be used as part of the match

Council Member Glenn asked if DEC had announced the next round of grant money available. Mr. Durkee stated they have not announced it yet.

RESOLUTION #2018-005 Authorizing Mike Durkee to spend funds was offered by Council Member Long at the reorganizational meeting held Wednesday January 3rd, 2018. WHEREAS, Mike Durkee discussed with the board his ideas for potential improvement for the upcoming 2018 Lake Steward Program, and WHEREAS, the board desires to move forward with the program, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board hereby authorizes expenditures for up to $27,000.00 for lake stewards/Boat Washing Station plus and additional $1,000.00 for incidentals with the reimbursement coming back from DEC Grant.

Council Member Glenn seconded the motion.

ADOPTED by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

RESOLUTION #2018-006 for the Official Undertaking of Municipal Officers

Offered by Supervisor James Selmser Seconded by James Long

Issues at the January 3rd, 2018 reorganizational meeting of the Caroga Town Board.

Whereas, James K Selmser of the Town of Caroga, County of Fulton, New York has been elected to the Office of Supervisor of the Town of Caroga, and

Whereas, Linda Gilbert of the Town of Caroga, County of Fulton, New York has been elected to the Office of Town Clerk and Tax Collector of the Town of Caroga, and

Whereas, Steve Putman of the Town of Caroga, County of Fulton, New York has been elected to the Office of Highway Superintendent of the Town of Caroga, and

Whereas, John Glenn of the Town of Caroga, County of Fulton, New York has been elected to the Office of Council Member of the Town of Caroga, and

Whereas, James Long of the Town of Caroga, County of Fulton, New York has been elected to the Office of Council Member of the Town of Caroga, and

Whereas, Kent Kirch of the Town of Caroga, County of Fulton, New York has been elected to the Office of Council Member of the Town of Caroga, and

NOW, THEREFORE, we as respective officer above, do hereby undertake with the Town of Caroga that we will faithfully perform and discharge the duties of our office, and will promptly account for and pay over all moneys or property received as a Town Officer in accordance with the law: and

This undertaking of the Town Supervisor is further conditioned upon that he will well and truly keep, pay over and account for all moneys and property, including any special district funds, belonging to the Town coming into his hands as such Supervisor; and

This undertaking of the Town Clerk/Collector is further conditioned that she will well and truly keep, pay over and account for all moneys and property coming into her hands as such Town Clerk/Collector; and

The Town does and shall maintain insurance coverage, presently with Mang Insurance Company in the sum of $250,000.00 for the Supervisor, $400,000.00 for the Town Clerk/Tax Collector, $250,000.00 for the Highway Superintendent, and $250,000.00 for all other employees.

Dated: January 3, 2018, Town of Caroga and to be signed by the above mentioned:

Adopted by a Vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, and Kirch

RESOLUTION #2018-007 to amend Resolution #2017- 078 Retirement Reporting was offered by Council Member Long at the reorganizational meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday January 3rd, 2018 at Caroga Town Hall 1840 State Highway 10 Caroga Lake New York. Council Member Manning seconded the motion. WHEREAS, the NYS Comptroller’s Office has contacted the town regarding missing information on previously adopted resolutions, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town of Caroga hereby establishes the following standard work days for elected and appointed officials and will report the following days worked to the New York State and Local Employees Retirement System based on the record of activities maintained and submitted by these officials to the clerk of this body.


Last Name

First Name

Standard Day

Last 4


Term Begins/ends

Employee time keeping Y/N

Days /Months

Town Clerk





1/1/14 -12/31/17


24.48 days/month






1/1/17 -6/19/17


19.61 per month

Council Member





1/1/2012 – 12/31/15


8.75 per quarter

Town Justice





1/1/16 0 12/31/19


6.57 per month

Town Supervisor





1/1/16 – 8/1/16 resigned








11/8/16 – 9/9/19



Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Supervisor Selmser, Council Members Manning, Glenn, Long, & Kirch

The town clerk received a resignation letter from James Long as a member of the Planning Board due to his being elected to the Town Board. Supervisor Selmser stated at this time he also resigns from the Planning Board. Supervisor Selmser stated that Jennifer Blowers would like to step down from her seat on the Planning Board and be an alternate.

RESOLUTION #2018-008 to Accept the Resignation of various members of the Planning Board was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the reorganizational meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday January 3rd, 2018 at Caroga Town Hall 1840 State Highway 10 Caroga Lake New York.

WHEREAS, the Town Clerk received a correspondence from James Long who serves on the Planning Board submitting his resignation due to his being elected to the town board, and

WHEREAS, James Selmser gave his verbal resignation this evening due to his being elected to the town board as Supervisor, and

WHEREAS, Supervisor Selmser had a conversation with Jennifer Blowers who stated she wanted to step down from her Planning Board seat and become an alternate.

Now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to accept all three resignations from the Planning Board.

The motion was seconded by Council Member Kirch

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Manning, Glenn, Long, & Kirch

In meetings prior to being elected The Board elect discussed ways to fight blight. They have a multi-point plan. Council Member Kirch has drawn up a revised building permit fee schedule. The increases are estimated to cover the cost of to hire a part time code assistant at a rate of $18.00 per hour for 20 hours a week during the summer ($9,000.00). The fees proposed are close to what the City of Johnstown and other towns in the area charge. Some are a significant increase. The board all agreed the blight issue needs to be addressed. The fees have not been reviewed with the Code officer who is on vacation. The board thought it would be smart to discuss them with him prior to adopting new fees. Council Member Glenn suggested having a work session. It was decided that if the board members had feedback on this issue to send it to Council Member Kirch and he can review it with the code officer. The board will discuss this at the meeting next week. The clerk asked for a copy of the fee schedule.

Supervisor Selmser noted at the December meeting estimates for a generator at town hall were reviewed. Council Long was concerned the proposals were all based on different current load/capacities. He was not sure what the correct capacity was for this building and wanted specifications for what the board wants. Council Member Long will look into this.

Supervisor Selmser noted the town board has been established itself as the lead agency for the proposed changes to the Zoning ordinance. The next step is to fill out the SEQR form. It is a 13 page formal document/ the long form. Fulton County Planning has offered to fill out the plan as they have worked on prior aspects of the revised zoning. It was noted we should have 10 hours of free planning services. The APA has also plays a part in the review process. Once it goes to the state it becomes an electronic document which is posted on their website. The SEQR is required for this to go forward, moving toward a public hearing (step #11) there are 4 -5 other steps that have to go through the APA before the town has the public hearing. There would be no cost for the county to assist with this procedure. They already have a majority of the information for the SEQR form.

RESOLUTION #2018-009 to Request Assistance of the Fulton County Planning Department was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the reorganizational meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday January 3rd, 2018 at Caroga Town Hall 1840 State Highway 10 Caroga Lake New York.

WHEREAS, the Town Board desires to move forward with the proposed update to the Zoning Ordinance, and

WHEREAS, the next step is to fill out the long version of the SEQR form, and

WHEREAS, the Fulton County Planning Department has assisted the Planning Board with this process in the past, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby moves to request assistance from the Fulton County Planning Department in filling out the 13 page SEQR form.

The motion was seconded by Council Member Glenn

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Manning, Glenn, Long, & Kirch

Supervisor Selmser received a request from the Caroga Museum asking go forward with motion…Doug Purcell interjected and spoke on this issue. He has drawn up a document dated December 20, 2017 for the town to deed the museum a gift of the Old Carnival High Striker that was located at the Sherman’s midway. Attached is a proposal to build a cupola on the roof of the museum dated 10/26/17 to accommodate the striker. The museum cannot move forward to spend funds if the striker is only on loan. He stated it would be beneficial to the town. This would bring people to the museum.

RESOLUTION #2018-010 to donate the High Striker to the museum was offered by Council Member Manning at the reorganizational meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday January 3rd, 2018 at Caroga Town Hall 1840 State Highway 10 Caroga Lake New York.

WHEREAS, the Town Board has the absolute authority to dispose of the property known as the old carnival High Striker that was located at the Sherman’s midway for many years, and

WHEREAS, it is the boards desire to have the supervisor sign the deed of gift document from the Caroga Historical Association and Museum, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Board (donor) also releases unto the Museum any claim whatsoever to said property and authorized the supervisor to sign the agreement.

Council Member Long seconded the motion.

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Manning, Glenn, Long, & Kirch

Mr. Putman – Highway Superintendent stated back in June the town barn was inspected by our insurance company. The furnace at the highway barn is not in code. This has been on his mind since it is running steady. He will have bids for the board at the January 10 meeting. He has done his due diligence. Two people who have looked at the old furnace state the box is burned out. The furnace is shot. It is sitting on the floor. Another problem is the duct work. If it were redone it would be more efficient. Mr. Putman wanted to have this advertised in the paper last week but that did not happen. The new furnace will have to be 8 feet off the ground. A couple of the people doing estimates wanted to quote propane. Mr. Putman was not in favor of propane. Council Member Kirch noted it is less maintenance and more efficient. Oil is 82% efficient. Mr. Putman noted we have to do something. He was asked to get propane quotes also. He has to provide a safe work place.

Mr. Putman noted his water is frozen. They are trucking in water now.

Mr. Putman also wanted the board to look at a local law to prevent people from plowing or depositing snow across the road. Last year he stopped counting at 68 people doing this. He has knocked on doors asking them to stop. It is illegal. It is a state law. He would like a $150.00 fine on the property owner. He suggested using the FEMA rates to charge back the property owner for the time and equipment used to clean up a road. This is dangerous. Mr. Putman will get a copy of the state law for the board. Council Member Long stated if we charged a fine it would be revenue for the town. Council Member Kirch suggested a hand out to home owners prior to a law.

Lastly Mr. Putman presented a chunk of sand to the board. This is a small representation of the sand storage problem. The chunk started out the size of a desk. He sometimes loads large chunks on top of the screen and brings the truck inside for the chunk to thaw down. They spend hours busting up the chunks. Council Member Kirch suggested working on a grant with Council Member Manning. Mr. Putman wants to look into what the state has for a hut. He would like to mix the sand and salt inside. Council Member Glenn saw the Meco storage shed. The tarp style shed will eventually rip. Mr. Putman wanted a dome by the Highway barn. The county salt storage shed is all wood. It was noted that barrier blocks move and are not good for the base. A poured wall with a 23degree slope is good. Council Member Manning stated the grant would be due the last Friday in July. He would need some basic information like miles of road and size of shed. Each April Mr. Putman has to estimate how much salt to purchase. Mr. Putman will contact Paul Unzer of NYS DOT to see about some plans. Council Member Manning will write the grant.

Mr. Putman noted he has an oil separator but has shut down the drains to be ecologically safe.

Council Member Kirch stated at a prior meeting the length of meeting was discussed. He has created a template for monthly reports. He would like to have department heads fill them out prior to the board meeting. Anything that needed board input or was of interest would be discussed. “This would probably shorten up the meeting quite a bit.” They would be submitted to someone (the clerk) who would forward them to the board on the Friday before the monthly meeting. Council Member Glenn stated he did not receive the email of the resolutions for this evening. The clerk did print them out for him. He wants to be prepared for the meeting. Council Member Long suggested using a return receipt. Council Member Long noted Council Member Glenn was the first name on the email. Council Member Long will confirm he received the emails. Council Member Manning thought it was worth a shot, instead of having long discussions.

Mr. Putman wants to continue to give verbal reports as does the Town clerk. They wouldn’t be involved in this report system.

A member of the public reported trucks on the midway at Sherman’s. He wondered why chains were not put up by the bath house as previously discussed. It was also discussed that no overnight parking signs would be placed on the Shaman’s property. Supervisor Selmser will look into it. The resident also thought the parking area should be opened up more.

At 8:40 Council Member Long made a motion to adjourn. Council Members Glenn and Manning seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda M. Gilbert, RMC, CMC

Town Clerk

Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025