State of New York
County of Fulton
Town of Caroga
Minutes of the Caroga Town Board regular monthly meeting held Wednesday January 10, 2018 at the municipal building located at 1840 State Highway #10 at 7:00 pm with the following persons in attendance by roll call. The salute to the flag followed.
Supervisor James Selmser- Here
Council Member John Glenn – Here
Council Member Jeremy Manning – Here
Council Member James Long - Here
Council Member Kent Kirch - Here
Other town department representatives in attendance were Steve Putman – Highway Superintendent. There were 28 members of the public in attendance.
Scott Seeley – Vice President of the Fulton Montgomery Farmers Market Association Inc. 6193 State Highway 29 Saint Johnsville NY 13452 (518) 568-5764 wanted to see if they could expand and have a farmers market in the Town of Caroga. The proposed the dates are June 29 – September 14 on Fridays from 3 to 6 pm. Their association requires each vendor to have their own liability insurance of $1,000,000. The town would not be named insured on the policy. They have not had any problems. Some have their own box trucks, trailers, and others bring shelter (pop ups). As for location – they have talked to local businesses (but they have small parking lots) their first choice would be in Sherman’s parking lot. He thinks there would be 4 – 6 vendors this year. Their next meeting is at the end of January. He would like to know soon so he can let vendors know so they can submit an application. They also run the Johnstown (Tuesday), Gloversville, and Amsterdam (Saturdays) farmers markets. Council Member Glenn asked if they brought in infrastructure/port-a-potty. They do not - people come and go. They have been in business for 20 years. It is a 100% grow market. They sometimes bring in live music and demonstrations by the fire department. They do not expect anything from the town. The support of the town council is an essential component of a successful farmers market. Council Member Kirch thought Friday was a perfect time for people coming into town.
Assessor’s Report
Supervisor Selmser stated the board had the report before them. “It looks pretty standard. It didn’t mention anything special.”
BTI – Mr. Delesky reported he lost an applicator this year. He was hired last year. It was too much for him. He had the smallest territory. He will break his area up. He thinks they will be fine.
Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar – The clerk noted there are 6 agencies looking to update their records with new board members. I sent a form around to the board to fill out with their contact information. As of today $320,517.56 in taxes have been collected. Of that $182,259.81 was collected in December. The clerk presented the 2017 Town Clerk books for audit. They will be in her office for the board to pick up and review and sign off on. Supervisor Selmser stated the board would have to do the same with the Justice Court records. There will be an International Institute of Municipal Clerks Regional meeting in March the clerk would like to attend.
Code Enforcement & Sanitation – Supervisor Selmser - Brief report on permits issued. Other than that John was off for a couple of weeks. He is scheduled for a training session in March to update his qualifications.
Council Member Kirch stated he met with Mr. Duesler yesterday to talk about the adjustments in building permit fees. There were two reasons to look at the permit fee amounts: 1) the board generally felt to be fairly low and we are not covering a large percentage of our costs related to the code office. 2) The board was hoping to generate some new revenue that would fund a part time position “just to focus on blight enforcement.” John was pretty good with all the adjustments we were talking about. The last time we discussed this he did change two things one was the certificate of occupancy for existing structures which didn’t have current inspections. He wanted to keep it at $100 rather than the higher amount that had been proposed. And under renovations those were broken into three proposed fees.”
Small project up to 500 sq. ft. - $100
Project renovations up to 1500 sq. ft. - $175
Over 1500 sq. ft. - $250
“Other than that they are pretty much the same fees we discussed last time.” Council Member Kirch stated if everyone is comfortable we can put them into effect right now.
RESOLUTION #2018-011 to set the fee schedule for Building Permits in the Town of Caroga was offered by Council Member Kirch at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on January 10, 2018 at the Caroga municipal building.
WHEREAS, the proposed changes to the fee schedule were discussed with the Code/Sanitation Officer John Duesler, and
WHEREAS, the board desires to increase the fees for two reasons:
1) They generally felt them to be fairly low and we are not covering a large percentage of our costs related to the code office.
2) The board was hoping to generate some new revenue that would fund a part time position to focus on blight enforcement, now therefore be it RESOLVED that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to set the fee schedule as follows:
Permit Type |
Description |
2018 Fees |
New Home & Garage Construction |
up to 1,500 SQF |
$250 |
each additional 1,000 SQF |
$175 |
Modular & Manufactured Homes |
First unit up to 1,500 SQF |
$150 |
Each additional unit up to 1,000 SQF |
$100 |
Mobile Homes |
Per set unit |
$125 |
Residential Buildings (Hotels/Apts) |
Each 1,500 SQF |
$250 |
Total Renovation |
Up to 500 SQF |
$100 |
Up to 1,500 SQF |
$175 |
Over 1,500 SQF |
$250 |
Additions to Homes |
Flat fee per addition |
$200 |
Sheds |
Fixed fee for each shed |
$50 |
Basic Permit |
Fence, retaining walls, pools, joists, rafters, piers, heating devices, etc. |
$50 |
Demolition |
Good for 6 months |
$50 |
Solar & Wind Power Systems |
Per residential installations |
$50 |
Roof |
Replacement of roofing material and pitch changes |
$50 |
Sanitation |
Septic systems, holding tanks, etc. |
$50 |
Foundation |
Replacement for existing structure |
$100 |
Signage |
Commercial |
$100 |
All Variances |
Variances to building codes |
$100 |
Site Plan Review |
$75 |
Certificate of Occupancy - Existing Structures |
For structures with outdated inspections. |
$100 |
Renewal of any permit |
Same cost as original. 3 year limit on renewing permits. |
Working w/o Permit |
$250 fine and double the fee |
Council Member Long seconded the motion.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
The clerk asked how the board felt about having the first Saturday of the month be free to help alleviate the blight problem. She thought having something in place now would be helpful and could be promoted. Having dumpsters available was discussed last year. Council Member Kirch suggested having a free day in the spring and one toward the end of the summer. June 2nd and August 25th dates were suggested. The County needs to be notified. The clerk asked if appliances would be accepted. The county supplied us with tickets in the past. Tires may be part of the cleanup. Supervisor Selmser asked if a town truck could be used to collect tires. It would have to be manned. Tires must be paid for. Supervisor Selmser suggested a buy one get one….
Mr. Putman stated you have to be careful about raising the price to dump at the transfer station. The more you limit people the more you are going to find along the roadside. Supervisor Selmser suggested having a dumping site at town hall. Mr. Putman stated that is not a good idea. In the past when dumpster were at the highway barn and it was manned during the day – after hours it was a disaster. Trash was spread all over.
Council Member Glenn will get blight information from the City of Gloversville. He wanted to do a work shop.
Dog Control – Mr. Dutcher called to say he had 5 calls for the month. He will write tickets this month.
Golf Course – No Report
Mr. Putman usually discussed this in the public portion of the meeting, but he had no clue the fee was going up. He wondered why no one else knows about this except the board. “I think you are doing a lot of business under the table with the phone and idiot boxes and not coming to open public meetings.” He thought people would not get permits. It was noted that Council Member Kirch discussed this at the last meeting.
Mr. Putman informed the board that the state took down one of their own crosswalk signs. They left it behind and now there is a stake sticking up which someone may get a flat tire on. The sign is in the back of his truck.
Mr. Putman was handed a letter before the meeting and wanted to know who is accuser was otherwise he does not want to hear about anonymous letters. He stated that there was another incident when Mr. Selmser was supervisor before when he was accused of something.
Mr. Putman wanted to know who his liaison was. In the past the liaison has checked in with him regularly. Last week he reported about a burned-out furnace box but no one has been down to look at it. The highway barn is still out of water. Mr. Putman asked if the board was ready to move forward with the salt shed if he gives them the measurements. Council Member Manning noted the best thing to do is to go for the whole package in one shot. Mr. Putman asked who was going to engineer the project. He stated there is a cost to this part of the project. Supervisor Selmser stated if we apply for a grant it's done in July and we don't know until early next December if we got it. Council Member Manning stated the cost of the engineer can be rolled into the price of the project. Any of the planning and design work counts as part of the project. Council Member Long stated we could estimate the cost of that part of the project. Council Member Manning said we could bid that out we could get out the engineering part. We use those bids in the grant to give us an overall total of the money we need to be requested. Council Member Manning stated we have to get the environmental stuff on the particular site done also. Mr. Putman stated that has been done. Supervisor Selmser thought there might be some additional things needed by the APA. Mr. Putman suggested calling the APA if they wanted more information on it. Mr. Putman stated the APA is okay with the Wheelerville Hamlet. Mr. Putman just wanted to know where we were at with this. Council Member Kirch stated he has the boards’ full support, but we need design proposals. It was noted by Council Member Long that Council Member Manning will write the grant. He will need some information that only you - the highway superintendent can provide.
Mr. Putman supplied the board with five bids for the furnace at the highway barn. He stated the propane was not the way to go. The bids were given to the town clerk. Mr. Putman noted there was a question this week about the policy on sick time. He noted everything was in the paperwork. Since this took so long to pull together, it went beyond the budget process and we may go over in this year's payroll budget. He does not want to be responsible if the line item goes over budget. Supervisor Selmser stated the budget was passed in November the highway contract was not passed late December. Council Member Glenn noted there were two bids from Family Dan one is for propane what is oil. Shepherd does not do industrial installation. A Johnson gave Mr. Putman a lot of information. For safety reasons something needs to be done as soon as possible. A. Johnson noted the ductwork was improper and that's why the furnace may have been burned out like it is. Supervisor Selmser suggested reviewing this information at a work session.
Lake Steward Program – Council Member Glenn reads an email from Gene Centi. “One Update: Spoke with Steve La Mere about a town weed presentation. Tentatively we will schedule this in late May or early June. I think any earlier and we will not be including those that are here for the summer. Also Steve will work with us to establish a Lake Management Program. He will be available to me in late April.” Council Member Glenn stated they incorporated both the weed program and the lake steward program into the Lake Management Program. He would like to reach out to DC in Northville. They are trying to set up a meeting on January 26th at 2:30 p.m. with James Long and himself to talk about the campsite on East Caroga Lake, the steward program, and the boat wash station.
Mr. Putman noted that the board was seeing a lot of bills still from 2017. He was just finishing up his billing for the year.
Town hall building- Mr. Travis asked if he should get more bids for the deck. There was a man using the ramp for a wheelchair patient and he was having a rough time. The deck is rotted, no hangers were used, and the deck screws are rotted. Supervisor Selmser suggested splitting the project. First doing just the ramp and getting a separate bid for the roof over it. Currently the design is for all one project the posts hold up the floor and the roof. The ramp is also coming out another two feet wider. They can't get a gurney up the ramp and turn the corner. Using Trek type decking was suggested. Council Member Manning suggested bidding the whole thing. The previous bid specs before consisted of a drawing and an outline.
Mr. Travis asked if when they work on the generator that a line could be run to the outside building as it has no power. Mr. Putman noted that the siding and soffit on the golf course side is blowing off. Mr. Putman suggested putting the generator in the unused out building.
Youth - Council Member Manning noted the director is out sick right now. He spoke to her yesterday she is contacting the Board of Health and is getting up to speed on what they're going to require for the year. When she gets that we'll have a game plan for everything she has to turn in to get the program going this year. She guarantees it will be done a lot faster than last year.
Appoint Work Place Violence Coordinator - Supervisor Selmser noted last year there was a position that Tony Sturchio occupied last year as workplace violence coordinator. He was asked if he would do it again. He did not want to volunteer to do that. Mr. Sturchio stated he has all the documentation on a thumb drive and a projector. Once a year he gives a demonstration to any new staff that is hired.
RESOLUTION 2018-012 to appoint work place violence coordinator was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on January 10, 2018 at the Caroga municipal building.
WHEREAS, the board identified a need to have a Work Place Violence Coordinator for the Town of Caroga, and
WHEREAS, Tony Sturchio former Work Place Violence Coordinator has documents and a projector to give presentations but does not want to volunteer to be the coordinator, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that James Long is hereby appointed at the Work Place Violence Coordinator for the Town of Caroga.
Council Member Glenn seconded the motion.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Supervisor Selmser noted the bookkeeper has been working with Harris on the financial computer program. This is a program the town has paid for a few years but it was not updated. They are training the bookkeeper on the updated program.
Supervisor Selmser noted the bank authorization paperwork has been completed.
Council Member Long reported on the work he has done on the Generator RFP. He has worked up information for a 25Kw 3 phase unit with a transfer switch and a cold weather kit. He discussed how the lines would be laid out from the existing tanks and where the regulator is located. Suburban would handle the gas lines. Everything else electrical penetrating the wall in the kitchen would be done by an electrician. As would excavation for the pad, pouring the pad, putting in the conduit, connecting the system, and testing it. There would also be a third party electrical inspection. Council Member Long noted a battery backup should be included in the bid. The town would have to dig the trench and back-fill it. The board discussed having a roof over the generator. Council Member Long stated they are made to withstand the weather and golf ball hits.
A resident asked why a three phase was needed. Council Member Long stated the price is roughly the same. It was noted that the town has a three phase septic injunction pump.
RESOLUTION #2018-013 to go out to bid for a generator at town hall was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on January 10, 2018 at the Caroga municipal building.
WHEREAS, the board discussed moving forward to purchase a generator for town hall as critical services are housed on site and would be needed in the case of an emergency, and
WHEREAS, Council Member Long has put together specifications creating a request for proposals, now therefor be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board hereby moves to have a bid opening on February 14, 2018 at 7:00 pm with the working being completed by June 1st 2018.
Council Member Manning Seconded the motion.
Discussion – Mr. Travis wondered if the gas line could be run in the basement eliminating the need for a trench. Council Member Long thought the line came after the regulator. They need it off the tank. The ad would be run for 3 days in the Leader Herald. It was decided to leave the pipe outside.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Council Member Long noted certain wording needed to be included in the RFP.
RESOLUTION 2018-014 to Contract with James Brennan Humane Society was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on January 10, 2018 at the Caroga municipal building.
WHEREAS, a contract listing Articles 1 through 3 was sent to the town for their review and approval of terms stated within the annual agreement between the town and the shelter, and
WHEREAS, the cost is $525.00 per quarter, the total cost of the contract is $2,100.00 per year, and
WHEREAS, the entire contract is on file in the Town Clerk’s office, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to enter into contact with the James Brennan Memorial Humane Society for services in 2018.
Council Member Long seconded the motion.
Discussion: Council Member Kirch asked if this was in the budget. Supervisor Selmser stated it was planned ahead, it is a repeat. We have been doing this for at least 15 years or more. Supervisor Selmser noted the cost will escalate if more than 13 animals are brought there during the year.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
RESOLUTION 2018-015 to Contract with St. Mary’s Healthcare for the Employee’s Assistance Program was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on January 10, 2018 at the Caroga municipal building.
WHEREAS, Supervisor Selmser reviewed the yearly contract submitted to the town, and stated it was identical to the prior years, and
WHEREAS, this is a plan we offer our employees and is in the budget, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board hereby moved to spend $180.00 annually (paid biannually) to cover 12 full time employees at $15.00 per person to contract with St. Mary’s for the Employee Assistance Program 430 Guy Park Avenue, Amsterdam NY 12017 (518) 843-0503. With half of the contract payable in January and the second payment is due July 1st, 2018.
Council Member Glenn seconded the motion.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long
Supervisor Selmser stated at the last meeting the town board approved the Fulton County Planning Department perform a SEQR review for the updated proposed zoning ordinance. For them to do that the board needs to sign and agree to the yearly contract. We have done this in prior years. Last year the board did not vote to approve the 2018 contract. Supervisor Selmser stated the rate does not kick in until after the 10 free hours are used.
Supervisor Selmser stated last year the town did not incur any cost at all – we did not incur10 hours. He thinks we used about 5 for the bid proposal. They put together for a possible sewer area. We are required to sign a contract and only have to pay if they exceed 10 hours of work.
RESOLUTION 2018-016 to Contract with Fulton County Planning Department for services was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on January 10, 2018 at the Caroga municipal building.
WHEREAS, the town desired the county to provide services from the Planning Department during 2018, and
WHEREAS, the parties hereto mutually agree to Articles 1 thru IV of the agreement drawn up by the County which is on file in the Town clerk’s office, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to direct Supervisor Selmser to sign he contact, and be it future RESOLVED that article II states the town shall compensate the County in an amount not to exceed $1,500.00 in 2018 for Planning Services.
Council Member Kirch seconded the motion.
Discussion: Council Member Manning stated just to be clear up to ten hours there is no cost to the town. Council Member Glenn reiterated there was annual fee of $1,500.00. Supervisor Selmser agreed and noted not to exceed $1,500.00 for the year 2018. The county shall bill on a quarterly basis, and the town shall be billed only the actual number hours spent by the county performing work tasks for the town under the agreement.
Council Member Glenn rereads article II of the contract.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, & Kirch
Vacancies on Planning & Zoning Boards – Supervisor Selmser noted there weren’t any meetings scheduled but they come up in a matter of weeks. There are four vacancies he noted on the Planning Board. He has stated some names he was recommending. There is on vacancy on the Zoning Board of Appeals – D Peter Welker it was stated that he resigned. He was appointed alternate. Also currently on the ZBA – Doug Purcell, Ken Coirin will be the chair again, Frank Malagisi and Mike Frasier. Supervisor Selmser stated he has one more year and then we will have to possibly replace him.
Council Member Long proposed the name Kim Hart for the Planning board. Supervisor Selmser noted she has agreed to do it. Two people Supervisor Selmser had conversations with and he recommended were Fred Franko of S. Shore Road East Caroga and Rick Gilmour of S. Shore Rd. West Caroga. They have excepted if nominated. That is three. Burt Wilson’s term is up and Jennifer Blowers is going to alternate status. The clerk noted that the person appointed into the vacant seat serves out the term. Council Member Glenn suggested Scott Horton, Tony Sturchio, and Tony Toskas. Mr. Putman commented that they are all residents. Council Member Glenn noted they all live here. Council Member Manning was in favor of Fred Franko and feels he knows about Zoning and Planning.
RESOLUTION 2018-017 to appoint Fred Franko to the Planning Board was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on January 10, 2018 at the Caroga municipal building.
WHEREAS, the town desired to fill the seat of Burt Wilson on the Planning Board, and
WHEREAS, the board discussed and agreed to fill the seat with Fred Franko of PO Box 246 located at 246 South Shore Road East Caroga Lake NY 12032, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the term of Mr. Franko shall run until December 31, 2024.
The motion was seconded by Council Member Kirch
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
RESOLUTION 2018-018 to appoint Rodrick Gilmour to the Planning Board was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on January 10, 2018 at the Caroga municipal building.
WHEREAS, the town desired to fill the seat of James Long on the Planning Board, and
WHEREAS, the board discussed and agreed to fill the seat with Rodrick Gilmour of PO Box 271 - 230 South Shore Road West Caroga Lake NY 12032, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the term of Mr. Gilmour shall run until December 31, 2023.
The motion was seconded by Council Member Manning
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
RESOLUTION 2018-019 to appoint Kim Hart to the Planning Board was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on January 10, 2018 at the Caroga municipal building.
WHEREAS, the town desired to fill the seat of James Selmser on the Planning Board, and
WHEREAS, the board discussed and agreed to fill the seat with Kim Hart of 470 North Shore Road Gloversville NY 12078, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the term of Mrs. Hart shall run until December 31, 2020.
The motion was seconded by Council Member Manning
There was a discussion as to this proposed appointee’s residence. Council Member Long stated she votes here. He didn’t know if she lived here. When she is not here she lives on Peck’s Lake. The clerk asked the board if they knew the criteria for appointing a Planning or ZBA member. Supervisor Selmser stated people serve on the Assessment Board of Review that own property but do not official live here. The clerk stated we could research this later.
Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes; Selmser, Manning, Long, Kirch, 1 Nay Glenn
Council Member Kirch had a name to suggest but had not contacted that person yet. The appointments still needed are one more for one more Planning Board Member and one for Zoning Board of Appeals. This matter was tabled. Council Member Manning has two others to reach out to. At least there is a quorum now.
Supervisor Selmser stated we did not appoint a chairman for the Planning Board at the last meeting.
RESOLUTION #2018-020 to Appoint the Chairman of the Planning Board was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on January 10, 2018 at the Caroga municipal building.
WHEREAS, the town desired to fill the position of Chairman of the Planning Board, and
WHEREAS, the board discussed and agreed to Appoint Alan Kozakiewicz PO Box 760 -766 South Shore Road West Caroga Lake NY 12032 as Chairman of the Planning Board, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the term of Mr. Kozakiewicz shall run until December 31, 2018.
The motion was seconded by Supervisor Selmser.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Council Member Manning suggested discussing the Transfer Station Permit Fees for 2018. This was discussed previously Supervisor Selmser stated. He noted based on the fee structure and the cost to the town vs the revenues received there is a deficiency of about $3,000.00. At this time he recommends raising the fees by $5.00 at least to close the gap on the cost. It has been $10 for fifteen years or more he stated. It “should be adjusted for inflation – it should probably double.” Council Member Manning stated if you look at fees across the country it is pretty light. Council Member Kirch stated the big issue is “we are paying far more to transfer the garbage and recyclables from our transfer station to the county landfill than we are taking in, in permits. This is simply to close that gap.” Supervisor Selmser stated the little extra could cover some additional fees we want to attempt to do with the blight. Whether we have a dumpster or two or three days… Council Member Kirch stated we could lose some business too.
RESOLUTION#2018-021 to raise the fees for transfer station permits was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on January 10, 2018 at the Caroga municipal building.
WHEREAS, the town desired to close the gap in the tipping fees of the Caroga Transfer Station and the amount brought in as revenues from the sale of permits, and
WHEREAS, the board discussed and agreed to raise each type of permit $5 making the cost of a car permit $15, the cost of a pickup truck or 5’ x 8’ trailer $35, and the cost of a Temporary Permit (which does not expire) good for three trips in to $20, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the cost of all permits into the Caroga Transfer Station shall be raised $5.00.
The motion was seconded by Council Member Long.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Council Member Manning wanted to discuss the farmer market. The board decided to hold another work session this month, Wednesday January 17th at 7 pm was discussed and agreed on. The clerk asked if the board was going to meet this month with the Town justice to review his books. Supervisor Selmser stated he was -yes. The clerk asked if this was going to be with the full board. Supervisor Selmser responded normally he gives them to the supervisor and then they are available to the full board yes. Supervisor Selmser stated there would not be a meeting. The clerk thought the judge said he was meeting with the board on January 29th in his court room. Council Member Manning stated in the past they (the books) have been in the office and independently the board signs off. The clerk did not want to have a fourth meeting this month. She noted last year the town board had 36 meetings/work sessions. The furnace bids will also be reviewed. Supervisor asked the board to review the bids and write down questions.
Supervisor Selmser read a memorandum from Assessor Vicki Hayner. “During last year, NYS changed the Cold War Veteran exemption to be eligible for no expiration date. When the exemption was established in 2008, there was a 10 year expiration date on the exemption.
Due to this change, each Town has to amend (if they wish) their Cold War exemption with the removal of the expiration clause. The Town of Caroga does currently grant this exemption at a 15% exemption with a maximum saving of $12,000 off the assessment. (if they apply for it Supervisor Selmser stated)
I would like to recommend and request that the Town of Caroga amend Local Law #1 of the year 2009 to remove the expiration from this exemption. I believe all that would need to be done is to remove paragraph C form Section 3 Exemption Schedule or reword that paragraph to state that there is no expiration date for the exemption. The exemption, of course, discontinues if the property is sold to another owner or if the un-remarried spouse of said deceased veteran does indeed remarry.”
Council Member Long asked if this was a law. He stated the board would have to pass a law to change the law.
Supervisor Selmser stated the board could renew the present law for another 10 years or change the wording of it. Supervisor Selmser suggested renewing what we have. The clerk noted the assessor recommends removing the expiration clause of the exemption. The clerk noted other towns are eliminating paragraph C. The clerk stated a public hearing has to be held.
RESOLUTION 2018-022 to hold a public hearing to amend Local Law #1 of 2009 was offered by Council Member Glenn at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on January 10, 2018 at the Caroga municipal building.
WHEREAS, the board read and discussed the Assessor’s memorandum on the current cold war veterans exemption in the Town of Caroga that was adopted by the town with Local Law #1 of 2009, and
WHEREAS, the board discussed and agreed to remove the expiration clause of Local Law #1 of 2009 a law establishing a Real Property Tax Exemption for Cold War Veterans by eliminating paragraph C, now therefor be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to hold a public hearing on February 14, 2018 at 7 pm to amend Local Law #1-2009 to remove paragraph C from Section 3 so there is no expiration date of the real property tax exemption for Cold War Veterans in the Town of Caroga.
The motion was seconded by Council Member Long.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Council Member Glenn stated he would not be available for that meeting.
Supervisor Selmser asked if there was any questions about the correspondence. Council Member Manning will call her and ask for more information on item #1. The clerk thought it was for a wedding. Council Member Manning asked the board when he contacts someone or any one says they want to use/rent Sherman’s – he wanted to have something they could fill out to say what they were going to do and how many people would be there….. what questions should we ask people using the property? Council Member Glenn thought 1) they should go through the Supervisor, and 2) they should have insurance coverage – naming the town additionally insured, and 3) provide their own infrastructure, and 4) ask nature of what they are going to do. Supervisor Selmser stated we presently don’t have anything to use the pavilion across the street. Something will be drawn up.
It was suggested by a member of the public that the Wheelerville School be contacted to see what they do for building use.
Council member Glenn asked if we had a ski club. There is one through the school called the Royal Mountain Ski Club.
Supervisor Selmser noted there was a correspondence from the Caroga Arts Collective with a desire to have communication and discussion of usage in the future year. He asked how the board wanted to respond to that. Did a couple of board members want to communicate or have a conference call through a meeting? Council Member Manning thought they want to have a meeting on the future of the property and also about this coming year. He thought the best thing to do was to have a work session. Council Member Kirch wondered about having two board members sit and talk to them and then come back to the full board. Supervisor Selmser will see when Kyle Price is available.
1) Kate Freeman inquired about renting
Sherman’s outdoor space August or early Sept.
2) Oct. 4, 2017
Tom Preston of Oak Mountain Interested in having our Ski Club check out
their mountain
3) Martin Luther King Day 1/15/18 Caroga Transfer
Station Closed open Tuesday 1/16/18 8 - noon
4) Workers Compensation
4th Quarter Assessment
5) Assoc. of Towns Conference Packet –
Resolutions to be passed by delegates
6) Royal Mt. Moto Cross dates:
with Camping May 26- 27 June 30- July 1st, July 28-29. Hill climb July
7) Caroga Arts Collective correspondence.
8) SAVE the
DATES: Local Government Day April 18 & 19th Lake Placid, AOT Finance
School May 11-12 Saratoga, Highway School June 12 – 14 Ithaca
The board decided to have the next work session on Wednesday January 24, 2018 at 7 pm.
At 8:47 pm Council Member Glenn stepped out to return a phone call.
The board then took approximately 20 minutes to review the bills.
During that time Council Member Kirch introduced Katherine Ellerby from the Outdoorsman Grill. She gave an overview of her business. A drawing was held for a $50 gift certificate to her establishment. Linda Stevens won the certificate.
Council Member Glenn returned to the meeting at 9:01 pm.
Council Member Glenn made the motion to pay the bills as presented for audit, which included two additional bills # in General and # in Highway. and to accept the minutes of the December 10, meeting and December 6, & 20 work sessions and the January 3rd reorganizational meeting. The motion was seconded by Council Member Manning.
At 9:05 pm Supervisor Selmser made a motion to adjourn. Council Member Long seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda M. Gilbert, RMC, CMC
Town Clerk
General: #1 – 37 $31,778.30
Highway #1 –14 $16,776.10
General Park #1 $ 575.91
Prepaid - None
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2024