State of New York
County of Fulton
Town of Caroga
Minutes of the Caroga Town Board regular monthly meeting held Wednesday February 14, 2018 at the municipal building located at 1840 State Highway #10 at 7:00 pm with the following persons in attendance by roll call. The salute to the flag followed.
Supervisor James Selmser- Here
Council Member John Glenn – Absent
Council Member Jeremy Manning – Here
Council Member James Long - Here
Council Member Kent Kirch - Here
Other town department representatives in attendance were Steve Putman – Highway Superintendent, and John Delesky – BTI. There were 25 members of the public in attendance. The meeting was called to order with Supervisor Selmser asking for the roll to be called. The flag salute followed.
Lynne Delesky asked that there be a member of silence for the 17 victims of the shooting in a Florida school today.
Tony Toskas - Stated “you guys disrespected me a couple meetings back. I was proposed for an appointment to the planning board and you did not even give me the courtesy of a vote. I understand why you don't want me on the board because I don't agree with your particular agenda but you should have at least have the courtesy to vote no.” As far as the proposal from the music group he pointed out a few things. He stated the first proposal is off the table this is something completely different. He noted some things in the document were really great. On page 4 it says this will create an opportunity to address and find clarity on matters related to septic, environmental concerns, and building codes at the Sherman's property. Sounds to him like the town is going to get billed for this “#@% (expletive). The document says the town has use of the property provided they give them 4 months prior notice. He did not think that was necessary. Caroga Arts has the option to review, renew, adjust, or opt out of a lease agreement at the end of each years lease cycle. This is a one-way street. If that language is in there the town should have the same options. Through the support of Caroga Arts local board members advisors staff and volunteers- Caroga Arts will maintain the upkeep of Sherman's throughout the year. Mr. Toskas asked what if they didn't get any volunteers. Who will take care of it? Are they going to be paying people? He wanted people to think about this.
Rebecca Cook was in a car accident on February 1st February 1st. She acknowledged and thanked Steve Putman for his help at the scene of the accident Steve. She also thanked the fire department for their help. It means a lot to her. She noted there was an incident on the scene where Mr. Palcovic got in Mr. Putman's face. She is not sure what happen but it wasn’t right. Applause
Beth Morris was checking the minutes of the January we organizational meeting she sees that the bookkeeping is being paid the salary that the former bookkeeping was being paid and she stated that was not correct.
At 7:10 Supervisor Selmser, opened the public hearing on amending Local Law #1 2009 to remove expiration date of Cold War Veterans Exemption. The clerk explained if paragraph C from Section 3 of Local law #1 of 2009 is removed the law will always be in effect for our Veterans the town board would no longer have to renew it every ten (10) years. Shirley Holliday asked if the exemption still be available for those getting it now. The public hearing remained open.
Assessor’s Report – Mrs. Hayner submitted a written report - During the month of January there were 14 sales 9 of which were valid and 5 were in-valid. She has been reviewing and receiving exemption applications. All exemptions applications must be received by March 1, 2018 in order to be included on the 2018 assessment roll. Information has been received from the NYS Dept. of Tax and Finance and for the upcoming year we will be declaring a 61% level of assessment. Our town wide value continues to increase.
BTI – John Delesky reported 13 new stream side owners were sent letters asking for permission to access their property to access the stream to treat with BTI. By law they can start March 1st he doubts with all the snow and ice they will do that. There will be a shipment of BTI tomorrow according to the town clerk. In January all pesticide reports for the town were sent in. He showed the pack basket they use while out treating the streams. He noted their vehicles will have an information/pesticide triangle on the dash or seats. There is also a short letter stating why they are there and what they are doing.
Clerk/Collector – the Town Clerk presented the January monthly report. I have been contacted by Value Payment to accept two more types of payment. American Express and Amex Express Checkout are two more forms for payment they can process. She asked the board if they wanted to consider opting in to accepting two additional forms of payment. There is a convenience fee that the consumer pays. There is no expense to the town.
Tax collection to date $2,335,610.80 has been collected. A check for $210.80 will be cut to the supervisor for penalties collected to date. The President of the Canada Lake Conservation Association has asked to us the municipal building on Saturday June 24 from 8 – noon and on July 14, from 6-9 pm for their annual meeting.
All board member reviewed and signed off on the books of the town clerk for 2017.
RESOLUTION #2018-027 to accept the Town Clerk’s books for the year 2017 was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday February 14, 2018 at 1840State Highway 10 –Town hall.
WHEREAS, the Town Clerk presented her books for audit at the January 10, 2018 regular town board meeting, and
WHEREAS, each board member did examine and review daily, and monthly reports issued and filed by the Town clerk, and
WHEREAS, the check book and monthly statements were also presented for audit and reviewed, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby accept the Town Clerk’s books for 2017 finding them to be in good order and nothing questionable so indicated by their signature.
Council Member Kirch seconded the motion.
Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes, Selmser, Manning, Long, and Kirch
The clerk noted she would like to attend the Region 1-IIMC meeting in March. A voucher was submitted. The Annual NYSTCA Conference is in April and a voucher will be submitted next month for that.
Supervisor Selmser asked if would be beneficial to have the American Express and Amex Express Checkout. The clerk responded affirmatively.
RESOLUTION #2018-028 to amend Service Agreement with Value Payment Systems LLC was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday February 14, 2018 at 1840State Highway 10 –Town hall.
WHEREAS, the Town Clerk notified the board that Value Payment Systems LLC the credit card vendor she uses is expanding to accept two more types of payment, and
WHEREAS, the clerk/tax collector feels it would be beneficial to the public to accept the two additional forms of payment in the Town of Caroga, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board hereby moves to accept American Express and Amex Express Checkout at a rate of 2.45% of the transaction amount for payment to the town in the Clerk/Tax Collector’s office.
The motion was seconded by Council Member Long
Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes, Selmser, Manning, Long, and Kirch
Code Enforcement & Sanitation – Mr. Duesler submitted a written report. He is getting busier. He has a couple of issues that may come to head in the near future- he is addressing some NYS Building Code issues.
Blight – Council Member Kirch met with John earlier this week. He is putting together some responsibilities for this part time blight position. He will have something for the next meeting to review and hopefully approve.
Council Member Kirch is also reviewing the blight laws and making adjustments to them for the board to consider at the next meeting. A member of the public asked about Mr. Duesler’s report Supervisor Selmser explained that it is a summary of permits issued. Supervisor Selmser stated there were only three building permits issued one for a heating system, one for a shed, and a renovation for a total of $127.00 in permit fees.
Dog Control – No Report
Golf Course – No Report other than a work sheet that Supervisor Selmser drew up. It shows actual revenues, payroll, and expenses incurred including social security, and workers comp. insurance. His best judgment that during the year of 2017 the golf course generated just under $6,000.00. ($5950.00) He noted the water equipment savings once the well is drilled and the water softener equipment is removed it will save a monthly fee which will add an additional $1,400 of potential savings. In the 2018 budget some categories are somewhat unrealistic. Supervisor Selmser stated Steve has been doing a good job. His contract has not been signed as yet. Steve is working with Linda to utilize the same credit card company for future processing. A saving will be generated. Currently we are paying a fee of $125- 140 per month of costs which we want to reduce and save long term. Council Member Kirch was surprised to see the analysis because of what he has heard about the revenues last year (due to the weather) revenues were down. Supervisor Selmser stated there were changes due to reduced expenses. There was no major equipment purchase and one less person being paid. Supervisor Selmser has talked to Steve about some possible fee changes or promotions. Council Member Kirch suggested taking a look at the 2016 books to understand where the adjustments were made. Supervisor Selmser stated “currently the tracking of the cash deposits takes a little time to reconcile that.” The charge deposits were all going in to one segregated account that is easy to track. He will spend some time looking at that and give the board those numbers at the next meeting. Council Member Manning asked if he was projecting a $54,000 loss next year. Supervisor Selmser stated based on all the information from the budget and factoring in some social security, workers comp and other insurance and the highest number is health insurance for family coverage at $852 a month. There are no other health ins. charges for any golf employees. The budget currently reads $24,000 for that. The other variable is the revenues target which is $150,000 it was smart to go with a lower number, usually it was set at $200,000. Supervisor Selmser noted 10 -12 years ago we had 180 members it has dropped to 120. Council Member Manning asked where the profits go? The general fund Supervisor Selmser stated. The charge account revenue presently is coming into a separate NBT account. It is sitting there with a substantial amount of money that has accumulated over two or three years.
Highway – Mr. Putman thanked Mrs. Cook for her comments this evening, it is appreciated. Council Member Kirch was thanked for coming down to the town barn. It was noted the ice chunks in the sand pile are the size of tractor trailers not VW’s as previously stated. Mr. Putman announced to the public that they are welcome to go get sand when they need it as always. If they do go behind the town barn and it looks like a tunnel in the sand pile please stay away from it. He does gate it off sometimes with caution tape still he finds people up and in there.
He is looking to recoup at least $15,000.00 from FEMA, he asked it be deposited into his winter fund.
He has to buy sand soon. The roads have had been wicked icy. The men have worked approx. 8 weeks without a full weekend off. The Freightliner was dragged in from Pine Lake a couple of weeks ago. It has been fixed and back on the road.
The board was handed information on high arch gambrel buildings. The size he would like is 80 x 152. The cost to the Town of Root for this size building was $550,000 – they got a grant for it. That was just the salt barn – no floor or add on for a garage. The Town of Florida also go a grant for the same type bldg. The building is a kit and he hopes the company has the blue prints.
The board discussed the quotes for the new furnace at the highway garage. No one submitted a bid. Mr. Putman has done more research since the duct system was one of the downfalls of present furnace system. He has now learned that it is probably over jetted which makes it run hotter than it needs to be. He also noted none of the quotes have specifications to hook to the chimney. We have to raise the furnace then the inlet to the chimney has to be raised. That part of the job is not in any of the quotes. Danny Costello has looked at the chimney. He fix the rotted top a year ago. Mr. Putman estimates the cost of the chimney work at $1,500.00. Council Member Kirch stated the furnace looks bad and needs to be replace right away.
The quotes were reviewed.
Allen’s Family Heating and cooling - $7970 no duct work
Mohawk heating -11,984 no duct work
Nicholas Heating -$6750 (to remove) + $5,900 to install new
Family Danz - $9355
A. Johnson $8965 (thought it included duct work) Council Member Long thought it read that was the cost of the duct work.
RESOLUTION#2018-029 to accept the quote from A. Johnson for a new furnace for the highway barn was offered by Council Member Kirch at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday February 14, 2018 at 1840 State Highway 10 –Town hall.
WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent has identified a need to replace the furnace at the highway barn, and
WHEREAS, bids were solicited in the legal section of the Leader Herald newspaper, without response, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga town board hereby moved to provisionally move forward with A. Johnson Plumbing and heating doing the work for $8,965.00, who previously submitted a quote to Mr. Putman, with the provision that Mr. Putman confirms that the quote includes the duct work.
Council Member Long seconded the motion.
Discussion: Mr. Putman noted the chimney work has to be done at the same time. The board stated they did not need to get a bid on that work. Supervisor Selmser stated this is an emergency. The board agreed if the chimney work was under $3,000 it was OK to get it done.
Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes, Selmser, Manning, Long, and Kirch
Mr. Putman noted due to the icy roads a town truck slid and hit a house very close to the road on North Shore Road. He will replace the siding. He has been in touch with the homeowner. Unfortunately the neighbors got on the idiot box and told them the damage was more extensive than it was. Pictures were sent to the owner.
Mrs. Cook noted a problem with flooding her back patio and garage at her home at 109 Summit Ave. last summer. The neighbor has a sump pump hose coming out of her home. It will be brought to Mr. Duesler’s attention.
Mr. Putman took a reasonable suspicion training course today. It goes along with the DOT specifications and he has the bill he would like paid tonight. He is now certified for this.
Council Member Manning asked for contact names in the Towns of Toot and Florida. They are Mr. Oeser and Eric Mead.
Lake Steward Program – Mr. Durkee sent an email to Council Member Long and Supervisor Selmser. DEC did not recommend having a lake steward at the NYS Campsite. It was noted that kayaks and canoes are mostly launched there. Having a lake steward at the marina was suggested. The town has funds to utilize – a use it or loose it. Council Member Manning thought DEC should be approached again. Their first response will be “NO” because they don’t want to pay for it.
Mrs. Cook asked about the 3 docks on East Shore Road that Mr. Shutts built. She has rights there also and it says you cannot put a dock there. He rents them out. How can he use all the space? There isn’t room for anyone else. This has been going on for a while. She was not allowed to put in a dock. Mr. Bishop stated at the end of Grove road people launch their boats. Mrs. Morris noted Mr. Abdella still owns the property.
Supervisor Selmser stated if it is deed related the town has no control over it. It is a civil matter between property owners Council Member Long stated.
Mrs. Voght was concerned that water could go back into the lake if a boat washing station was put at the Caroga Marina. Council Member Long stated the machine is supposed to be self-contained. It has a tub and recycles the water. It has a fixed amount of water that it heats to a high temperature, it captures it, filters it, and recycles it around. The machine is owned by Fulton County Soil and Water and would be on loan to the town at no charge for this season only.
Town Hall building – Mr. Travis wondered about putting an ad to do the deck out front. Council Member Manning though he should move forward with it. Council Member Long noted the town is on a month by month lease with Nathan Littauer clinic. Supervisor Selmser thought we had a contract. (This will be clarified)
Council Member Long stated it will take years to recoup the cost for a new entryway. He noted a common entryway could be used. He wondered if HIPAA or any other reason why patients could not come in through the town hall entry way at the south end of the building. That could obviate the need for this ramp all together. Does the town have a problem with people entering though town hall? The south entrance could be the handicapped accessible access. The clinic could have a small set of stairs. Nathan Littauer will be contacted by Supervisor Selmser – he is on the board. If their long term use is up in the air this would be a better way to go.
Linda Gilbert spoke to Supervisor Selmser about getting additional sources of power in the clerk’s office. There are minimal outlets. Recently the battery backup failed another was purchased along with a power strip and charged to buildings. The accessory heater plugged into it shortened its lifespan. Supervisor Selmser will call Mr. Hillock to address this. There are additional slots available in the kitchen box. The outlets were recently separated off from the clinic. Running portable heaters has to be resolved too.
Weeds – no report. The clerk spoke to Mr. Centi a few days ago. He will begin getting things organized next month.
Youth – No report Council Member Manning stated she will be at next month’s meeting. She is getting permits ready for the state. Mrs. Morris asked if there was any movement toward getting an aquatics director. Mrs. Ricciardi is working on that.
At 8:04 pm the public hearing to amend Local Law # 1 of 2018 was closed.
RESOLUTION #2018-030 to adopt Local Law #1 of 2018 a law to amend Local Law #1 of 2009 to remove the expiration date of the Real Property Tax Exemption for Col War Veterans in the Town of Caroga was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday February 14, 2018 at 1840 State Highway 10 –Town hall.
WHEREAS, The Assessor, Victoria Hayner, identified a need to amend Local Law #1 of 2009 as the expiration date of the exemption would be January 14, 2019, and
WHEREAS, the Caroga Town board discussed the options and recommendation from the Assessor at the regular monthly meeting in January, mow therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town board does hereby move to amend Local Law #1 of 2009 to remove paragraph C from Section 3 so there is no expiration date of the Real Property Tax Exemption for Cold War Veterans in the Town of Caroga.
The motion was seconded by Council Member Kirch
Adopted by a roll call vote as follows: Council Member Manning – Aye
Council Member Long – Aye
Council Member Kirch – Aye
Supervisor Selmser - Aye
Contract with Steve Jennings – Supervisor Selmser has not had time to discuss the contract with him as he has been sick with the flu. Mr. Jennings is working on a couple of things for the next meeting.
The town received a letter dated February 6th from the Assoc. of Towns re: NY Municipal Energy Program. He requested some more information but has not received it yet. He may have something for next month.
Supervisor Selmser noted the board is responsible to review the Justice Court records for audit. He stated four members of the board did that. Based on state law it is required that a resolution be passed. The resolution needs to be sent to the court offices in Albany.
RESOLUTION #2018-031 to Accept the Caroga Justice Court records for 2017 was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday February 14, 2018 at 1840 State Highway 10, town hall.
WHEREAS, the Honorable James Subik Caroga Town Justice presented his books for audit to the Caroga Town Board, and
WHEREAS, over the course of the last few weeks the four board members present at this meeting did review the judges books as presented for audit for the year 2017, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to accept the books as presented for audit.
The motion was seconded by Council Member Long.
Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes, Selmser, Manning, Long, and Kirch
Supervisor Selmser stated initially when the reorganizational meeting was held he reviewed the budget information at that time and he has cross referenced the first payroll and made sure of what the bookkeeper was being paid. He will sit down with someone if they feel there is a difference. The salary accepted for the bookkeeper is $24,277.00 and the budget officer position was $2,700.00. The town clerk stated a budget officer was not named in the reorganizational meeting. Supervisor Selmser believed there was. The clerk will check.
Supervisor Selmser gave the board a couple of worksheets – a recollection of the general and highway fund balances dealing with the bank balances as of 12/31/17. He added “the general fund, the checking, money market, and golf checking account, and sales tax for the fourth quarter (received in 2018) and court and code revenues received in January gave a total balance of $1,327,560.00 expenses paid for 2017 and January and February were $39,958.00 and in General fund there was a deposit initially from Adirondack Trust. There is adequate funds to transfer that is what he has on the worksheet. Between that and the funding of the capital projects funds, weed harvester reserve and highway transfer for equipment reserve funding all those would bring our fund balance down to $896,112.00. Likewise you have the highway checking funds and; money market with expenses paid in January and February for the prior year, in addition to that number there were three other bills being paid tonight total $898, if we transfer the $256,490 the corrected highway fund balance is $300,762. That is a summary of those difficult when you are going through the budget process to know where you are going to end up at the end of the year. It is easier to do it after the fact.” The new statement of revenue and expenses under the Harris System generated a basic report and there is some flexibility on how the information is presented. Other reports can be generated to give different pictures. We have to get familiar with the new report. From that Supervisor Selmser gave the board another sheet with transfers.
Supervisor Selmser suggested a resolution to transfer funds to correct the entry of December 2017. The highway funds received from the close out of Adirondack Trust account that was deposited into the general fund checking and should be moved back to the highway. There will be a future need for it this year. Council Member Kirch did not understand as a new board member. The supervisor showed backup supporting information. Initially there was $307,000 - of that $256,490 was highway funds. Council Member Manning thought the money was used to purchase highway trucks. Supervisor Selmser thought it might have been used for trucks and money was transferred from the general account to cover those purchases. He is not sure of that. You are not allowed to transfer highway funds into general. Council Member Long wanted to understand that this is to correct a transfer from highway to general - that was not a legitimate transfer. Supervisor Selmser stated right. He noted the highway department will still be a little short.
Former Town Supervisor Morris stated that the trucks were purchased outright. They should have been bonded. She questioned if there was money in the highway account or a transfer from the general fund? She wondered if the general fund needed to be reimburse.
Council Member Manning stated we have to be sure which fund money was taken from. More information was needed to make a resolution at this time. He wanted to wait a month before money is moved.
Supervisor Selmser stated in October or November we will be short of funds. Supervisor Selmser noted the other resolutions were to set up capital projects for the weed harvester and highway equipment reserve. Council Member Long asked if the weed reserve was for the lawn mower type machine. Supervisor Selmser stated he believed equipment would need to be replaced in the future. Council Member Manning suggested calling the reserve weed harvesting. A reserve is a dedicated fund for restrictive purposes. Council Member Kirch asked what not funded on his report meant. The supervisor responded it was on the expense report of the budget anticipated expense to move the money and put it in the bank but it was not dedicated to a reserve. Council Member Kirch was in favor of getting the reserves established. He wanted to have a five - ten year capitol plan.
RESOLUTION # 2018-032 to Transfer Funds for 2017 Budget entries was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday February 14, 2018 at 1840 State Highway 10,town hall.
WHEREAS, Supervisor Selmser has been working with the Bookkeeper, Joanne Young, to balance the town books in order to submit the annual audit, and
WHEREAS, the supervisor and bookkeeper have identified a need to establish reserve funds, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to make the following transfer and to establish the following reserve funds to a money market savings account at NBT.
Council Member Kirch seconded the motion.
FROM: General Fund Cash $135,000
TO: A9950.9 Capital Project Reserve Fund $55,000.00
A9950.91 Weed Harvesting Reserve Fund $30,000.00
DA9901.9 Transfer to Equipment Reserve $50,000.00
Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes, Selmser, Manning, Long, and Kirch CERTIFY and SEND TO NBT.
Supervisor Selmser noted the board received a contract for Engineering Services from Environment Design Partnership, LLP, for the property court case. Supervisor Selmser looked the contract over and “verbally I contacted our attorney and I gave him a verbally OK to follow through with that.” He did this to stay the time table the court had asked for. It needs to be formally adopted and the contract signed.
RESOLUTION #2018-033 to contract with Environmental Design Partnership LLP was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday February 14, 2018 at 1840 State Highway 10, town hall.
WHEREAS, the town is currently in litigation with a storm sewer culvert dispute with the lands of Semen and Sofia Demkiw, and
WHEREAS, Supervisor Selmser had a conversation with the town attorney regarding this case, and
WHEREAS, a recommendation was made to hire and engineering firm to assist the town with this dispute, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to hire Environmental Design Partnership LLP of 900 New York 146 Clifton Park NY 12065 (518) 371-7621 at an estimated cost $5,000.00 to review written documents and provide certain reports prior to March 9, 2018.
Council Member Long seconded the motion.
Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes, Selmser, Manning, Long, and Kirch
A member of the public asked if the town has a town attorney. Supervisor Selmser stated we are using the same attorney we have been using for the past couple of years. There was no other attorney assigned. Council Member Kirch stated it was not a good practice to start a case and change lawyers in the middle of it. Supervisor Selmser stated there was some thought process to interview attorneys which was started and has not been completed as of yet. Council Member Long stated we do not have to appoint a town attorney. We are using the same…the board needs to make a decision Council Member Long stated. Any decision would be in an executive session.
The board stated and agreed there was no old business.
Supervisor Selmser asked if there were any question regarding the information under new business or communications. Council Member Long noted the board received some communications from CAC Caroga Arts Collective. He asked if there was time to discuss their proposal. Council Member Manning stated we have not discussed it yet. To him there is a lot to be looked at. It is a proposal….he thinks it would be helpful is it were more clear. We have seen several before. He asked that they put something in a contractual form for the board to review and give to an attorney “one that we should name obviously.” No one from CAC was in attendance. Council Member Long stated a proposal is not a binding document. Maybe it would be helpful to receive something in the form of a contract something legally binding by both parties. It would be a starting point maybe it would go nowhere maybe it would go further. Previous proposals have always been guesses.
Council Member Kirch thought” it is was premature to start dealing with a contract before we even have terms agreed to.” He wanted to have a direct conversation with CAC about the terms. He thought Mr. Toskas had some really good points. Once we have agreed on some terms then there should be a public hearing.
Former Supervisor Morris stated this is a new proposal. As a member of the Sherman’s advisory committee it is completely different than what was handed to the town last year. The whole process has to start over again.
Council Member Manning wanted to see the terms and ideas in a contract laid out paragraph to paragraph. It is too vague.
Mr. Lorence asked if the board was going to look at his proposal. Council Member Manning stated absolutely.
Council Member Kirch stated it is premature to start having a lawyer drawing up a contract when we have not agreed on terms. He stated to Mr. Lorence that his proposal is not rejected. The objective of the committee was to recommend whatever proposal they thought was most advantageous for the town. So they recommended it. Doesn’t mean yours was not valid.
Mr. Lorence noted there is a process to develop how you are going to select what takes place with the property. That is why he wrote a letter to the board for this evening.
Council Member Kirch stated there is no done deal. He stated the board can certainly talk with him as well. Mr. Lorence wanted to have a work session with the board. Supervisor Selmser stated we can look at any information presented…… Mr. Lorence was happy to present it now.
Mr. Lorence stated it is a process. You don’t have all the answers to start with. His proposal was to put in a building that was a mixed use building in addition to what is there now. It could have some apartments, and some hotel and office space. The existing building would be used for shops and things like that. The important part is to have people here to work and live. There is also a place for entertainment in his thinking. So CAC could fit in as one facet of that. Why would they board pick either or when they can pick them both? The challenge he has is it is a multi-million dollar project. His approach is designed so that you don’t move forward unless you can finish. He knows there is a lot of miss information floating around out there about his company. He is very concerned. He has a place on the lake, he is not going to do anything but help this community. He wants to dig in… but won’t lay out details of his plan unless he has some commitment. Then anyone else can pick up and go with it. His report that was marked confidential ended up on the internet, even his performance numbers. His plan would bring in additional business, housing, and a lot more sales tax dollars.
Mrs. Barrett doesn’t want Shaman’s sold she wants the town to own it and to be used for the public. She stated she is not speaking as Kyle’s grandmother. It is the only piece of land in the Town of Caroga on a lake and to lose that is to lose the gem. She compared a situation in Scotia and other towns that are trying to developing parks.
Mr. Lorence noted it has only been owned by the town for a couple of years now. Broadalbin has a public beach and they no longer fund a lifeguard – so no one is using it. CAC proposes ownership over a period of time so….. Mrs. Barrett stated that she didn’t know that CAC really wanted to purchase it – they want to use it.
Mr. Lorence noted the other part of this is its very expensive to maintain.
Mrs. Barrett wanted the board to think about what we want to do with it before we try to sell it.
Former Supervisor Morris stated the problem with that is it cost money. She know people who struggle to pay their tax bills.
Supervisor Selmser stopped the conversations.
Mrs. Holliday was not in favor of condos, she thought it could be leased out and people could pay a fee.
Again conversations were ended. Mr. Lorence was thanked for speaking tonight by Council Member Kirch the board will be in touch about the letter he wrote.
Mr. Selmser stated he has not seen anything formally from Mr. Ralph Hayner about buying the dishwasher unit in kitchen. It was previously valued for sale for $200 - 3 yrs. The supervisor wanted something in writing.
Also on the agenda: Authorize P. Welker, J. Long, and F. Malagisi to attend 2018 Adirondack Local Government Day Conference April18 & 19.
Council Member Manning is working on Sherman’s user agreement
Salary for Clerk to the Planning and Zoning Board
Department Liaisons
Presidents Day 2/19/18 Transfer Station closed but open on Tuesday 8 – noon.
Fulton County Treas. forwarded report of all funds received by the Town from them last year.
Workers Compensation 4th Quarter and Annual 2018 Workers Comp. report.
Jason Hilliard sent an email regarding Local Law #2 of 2014 on regulating Ice Shanties. He suggested signs be posted that there is a law that ice shanties have to have reflective material. He thought this was enforced by the Code Officer. Council Member Long questioned who has jurisdiction on the water. Council Member Long and Supervisor Selmser will contact DEC Officer Hilliard.
Attorney Ferlazzo response to demand for verified bill of particulars
Caroga Arts Council Correspondence dated 1/22/18
Alteration to Pine Lake Lodge Inc. Liquor License
Letter from John Lorence LPP Management re: Sherman’s property
Council Member Long made the motion to accept the minutes of the January 10 meeting to replace the statement “John was pretty good with the adjustments we were talking about” page 2 of the January 10th meeting with “John was good with most, but not all of the adjustments we were talking about.” And to accept the minutes of the January 24th work session. Council Member Kirch seconded the motion. All board members were in agreement the motion carried.
Supervisor Selmser made a motion to pay the bills as presented for audit, in addition to the bill submitted by Mr. Putman for his training today for $25.00. Council Member Manning seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.
The local business spotlight was Nick Stoner Inn – 19th Hole. Becky Ward thanked everyone for their first season. She passed around new menus. They are starting new renovations to double their seating space, adding two new wheelchair accessible bathrooms and a new kitchen. They are thinking about doing breakfast just on the weekends. They have a lot of entertainment and they want to work with the golf course to have tournaments.
At 8:55 pm Supervisor Selmser made a motion to adjourn. Council Member Manning seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda M. Gilbert
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