State of New York
County of Fulton
Town of Caroga
Minutes of the Caroga Town Board regular monthly meeting held Wednesday April 11, 2018, at the municipal building located at 1840 State Highway #10 at 7:00 pm with the following persons in attendance by roll call. The salute to the flag followed.
Supervisor James Selmser- Here
Council Member John Glenn – Here
Council Member Jeremy Manning – Here
Council Member James Long - Here
Council Member Kent Kirch - Here
Other town department representatives in attendance were Steve Putman – Highway Superintendent. There were 26 members of the public in attendance.
Supervisor Selmser opened the meeting at 7:00 pm by asking for the roll to be called. The flag salute followed.
He announced that the Town Attorneys would be here at 8 pm. The floor was opened for public speakers:
Beth Morris Thanked the Highway Superintendent and his men for all their sacrifices over this long winter.
She asked the board about the appointment of an assistant code officer. She stated it was not budgeted for. Former Supervisor Morris noted fees were increased to cover this cost but the revenues from permits varies each year. She asked if it would be better to put the line item in the budget this fall.
Doug Purcell has made a formal request on behalf of the North Bush Methodist Church to use the information booth on June 29th in conjunction with the Farmers Market. He has contacted them about having an ice cream social at the same time as the market in hopes of getting some synergy.
James Hogan has not been able to get on the town website to view the minutes of the past meetings. He heard that an ordinance had been passed regarding camping in a tent on your own property and needing a permit. He wondered what the rational was behind it. He wondered what benefit it provided to the community.
The town clerk asked to answer that. I have worked with Planning and Zoning for 20 years and this has always been in the town ordinance. The purpose is for mainly small vacant properties 50 X 100 on which people could come up and camp without any bathroom facilities. Similarly motor homes could be brought in on a parcel whether they cost $100 or $100,000 to camp and again where are the facilities? This type of camping would also devalue our tax base. It is a simple $5 permit. The law has to be uniformly applied to vacant or properties with structures on them.
Tor Shekerjian asked if the board was setting a precedent by appointing people to say the Planning Board when they are not residents of the town.
Supervisor Selmser announced that time sheets needed to be in on Monday 4/16 by 10 am if possible.
Craig Ivancic – President of the Nick Stoner Trailers Snowmobile Club officially informed the community and town that the club has been recommended for a matching grant of $106,815.00 for funding under the Recreational Trails Program. This will allow the club to purchase new grooming equipment for trail maintenance. Those who submitted letters of support were named and thanked. Property owners who allow their property to be used for snowmobiling were also named and thanked in the letter. (Applause) The letter is on file in the clerk’s office.
Lynne Delesky is organizing a highway cleanup on 5/5/2018 (rain date 5/6). The public was invited to participate. Flyers were distributed. Those interested can meet beginning at 8 am – 9 am at town hall. Garbage bags & cans, picker-uppers, and highway safety vests will be given out. Safety instructions will be reviewed.
James Long moved to waive the reading of the March minutes and to accept the minutes as presented. Council Member Kirch seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.
Assessor’s Report – No report but she did go out to do field work.
BTI – Mr. Delesky had another meeting – Mrs. Delesky gave his report. There are 5 techs working. They are monitoring and treating 155 streams. Of those 86 have been treated and 35 have been check but they haven’t found larva. There is still 3 feet of snow on the ground. The program starts March first because of the life cycle of the black flies.
Clerk/Registrar – The town clerk presented the March monthly report, As Tax Collector I also presented the books for audit to the town board. Night deposits were recently changed to the NBT 2nd Ave branch due to more convenient hours to retrieve bags. The contract will be updated and reviewed. The clerk is not available for the June Town Board meeting and asked if the date would be changed.
Code Enforcement & Sanitation – Supervisor Selmser has a report from Mr. Duesler who will be joining the board later. He has been somewhat busy. People are making plans to improvement & enhance their properties.
Blight – Council Member Glenn suggested setting a works session with Rob Robins and Mr. Simons. The board suggested looking at next month.
Supervisor Selmser attended an event with a member of the Mohawk Valley Economic Development District. Daniel Sullivan was invited to attend next months meeting.
Dog Control – Mr. Dutcher reported to the clerk that he had 4 calls for the month. He has contacted a few of the people on the delinquent list. The clerk noted there are 10 Dogs unlicensed from 2017 - 1 delinquent in 2018.
Golf Course – Supervisor Selmser stated he did execute Mr. Jennings contract with signatures. It is the same as last year. Supervisor Selmser stated this should be formally accept by resolution.
RESOLUTION # 2018-047 to Contract with Stephen Jennings for his services as the Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course Greens keeper, Course Manager, and Golf Pro was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday April 11, 2018 at Town Hall.
WHEREAS, the Caroga Town Board held its regular monthly meeting on April 11, 2018, and
WHEREAS, the Board did discuss the need to renew the contract with Stephen Jennings, Now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Caroga desires to enter into an agreement with Stephen Jennings to act as the Golf pro, Greens keeper, Course Manager of the Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course for the year 2018 as follows:
This Agreement made the 11th day of April, 2018 by and between the Town and Stephen Jennings:
WHEREAS, The Town of Caroga, a duly incorporated municipality existing in the County of Fulton, New York State owns and operates a golf course, including a pro shop, a summer residential apartment and attendant rooms and buildings, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Caroga (hereinafter the Town) desires to have its municipal golf course professionally managed, its greens and fairways capably maintained and the services of a qualified golf professional available to its customers, and
WHEREAS, Stephen Jennings (hereafter Mr. Jennings) possesses the prerequisite qualifications to perform all the above services, and
WHEREAS, Mr. Jennings desires to enter into an agreement with the Town to act as the Manager of the municipal golf course, its Greens keeper and golf pro, for hire, and
WHEREAS, Mr. Jennings wishes to use the summer residence and space in the attendant real estate to place vending machines, retail golf –related merchandise, and store and rent golf carts,
That, in return for the use of these premises and other good and valuable considerations and compensations, the receipt of which is hereby mutually acknowledged by the parties, who agrees as follows:
1. That the Town agrees to pay Stephen Jennings for his services as Course manager, Greens keeper, and Golf Pro the sum of forty one thousand three hundred seventy five dollars ($41,375.00) to be paid semi-monthly from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018 in twenty-four installments.
2. Stephen Jennings agrees to his employment in this capacity for this amount, paid under these terms, and the other considerations extended to him.
3. Stephen Jennings agrees to keep all necessary licenses and certifications updated and that he will notify the Town Board of any additional instruction or training, the need of which might arise, whether required for his position or as voluntary enhancement to it.
4. The Town agrees to pay Stephen Jennings New York State retirement contribution and family health insurance coverage, the carrier of which is at the town’s discretion.
5. The Town will allow Stephen Jennings the use of the residential apartment above the pro shop during the tenure of this agreement.
6. The town agrees to allocate to Stephen Jennings the space in and around the clubhouse for vending machines, the storage and maintenance of golf carts and the display of retail golf-related items.
7. Mr. Jennings agrees to provide the Town Supervisor with a copy of his comprehensive Liability Insurance policy, naming the Town as additional insured.
8. Mr. Jennings agrees to provide the Town Board with a list of proposed new hires each year, to become Town employees, when applicable.
9. Mr. Jennings agrees to execute his duties as course manager, Greens keeper, and resident golf pro in a capable and professional manner, those duties shall include, but are not limited to:
a. the sale of memberships and tickets (supplied by the Town), a report of memberships will be summarized at the end of each month and copies given to Supervisor and Golf Course Committee members.
b. to record said memberships and any tournaments, that record to be broken down into the number of members and non-members playing.
c. to record all locker rentals
d. to make available a starter, when required
e. to give a minimum of two seminars for students at the Wheelerville School each spring. The Supervisor is to be notified of the date and time of the golf seminars.
f. to submit a weekly sales reconciliation form to the supervisor, the form to be supplied by the Town of Caroga. The weekly sale reconciliation form shall also have the Year to Date sale information and prior year comparison.
g. to provide and maintain a non-member log of players. A register of cash tickets and sales
(Log Book) will be maintained daily and reviewed with the Golf Course Committee Monthly.
10. The Town agrees to provide maintenance and custodial services to the course.
11. The town assumes no liability, nor responsibility for the condition of or potential damage to the golf carts.
12. Any and all existing or future concessions are the responsibility of Mr. Jennings with the prior approval of the Town Board.
Council Member Glenn seconded the motion.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning Long, Kirch
Supervisor Selmser and the board discussed the rates on the golf course. He thought the rates were competitive. He did not want to discourage people from using the course by raising the rates. Council Member Glenn noted there are groups you can form with other courses for one yearly dues and you can play different courses. The board thought it was a good idea. That would be a good way to get new people on the course. Council Member Long stated the need to resolve the rates for this year. Setting them the same is the simplest way to do that. They can always be amended. Mr. Jennings does do some specials for the slow days to encourage people to come – he thought in the beginning of the week. The supervisor would like Mr. Jennings to come to the next meeting to discuss specials he plans to run.
RESOLUTION #2018-047 to Set the 2017 Rates for the Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course was offered by Council Member Glenn at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on April 11, 2018 at Caroga Town Hall.
WHEREAS, it is the boards desire to set the rates for 2018, and
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to set the rates at the Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course as follows:
Senior Rate – 65 years of age $425.00 prior to May 1st, 2018
The incentive rate -prior to May 1st 2018:
Individual Membership -$495.00
Couples Combined membership - $915.00
Starting May 2, 2018
Individual Membership -$550.00
Couples combined membership -$975.00
Juniors -age 20 and under -$125.00
Weekly Play -$120.00
Monthly Play $240.00
18 Holes (Monday through Sunday) Yellow Ticket -$22.00
9-Hole Ticket -$12.00
Lockers - $35.00
Fall rate begins September 15th and runs until the end of the season- 18 holes with a cart is $24.00.
Council Member Long seconded the motion.
Highway – Mr. Putman stated at this point in time he suggests going into an executive session. He wanted to discuss the memo he sent to the board as a Highway Superintendent. Since no one has contacted him, he has nothing to offer at this point in time. He apologized to the public.
Council Member Kirch asked if they had started construction on the heating system. Over the weekend the furnace motor at the barn burned out. Shepard Oil was called to restore heat to the building.
Lake Steward Program – Council Member Glenn noted some meetings are being planned. Karl Ziemann at the marina may have an interest in a part time employee/part time steward. Fulton County Soil & Water is going to allow the town to use a portable hot water pressure unit. Council Members Glenn & Long met with DEC officials in Northville. Two sites for the unit were discussed. At the campsite and the marina. The NYS Campsite mostly has car top launches - kayak and canoes. They think the bigger boats will come to the marina. The marina was the preferred site. Mr. Ziemann said he would send two employees to the training. Mr. Centi agreed to pay a part time employee so someone is there all the time. This unit will use recirculating water. They can fill it with a hose, he has a spot for the unit. The health of the lake is the most important thing for his business. He offered his help. Mr. Putman suggested pumping water from the lake for the unit.
James Long noted the Adirondack Lake assessment program has the 2017 reports online for East and West Caroga, Canada Lake Conservation Association, & Pine Lake participated. He noted the chloride levels are high on some of our lakes (East Caroga) compared to other Adirondack lakes. Council Member Glenn has a newspaper article from a couple of months ago of beet juice being used on the roads instead of salt.
Town Hall Building – Mr. Travis reported he is working on the sign. He will stain the other signs too. He stated the town clerk being sharp noted a buy one get one free at Ace. She picked up stain before the sale ended.
Mr. Travis wondered if we are going to do anything with the gym floor. The kids will be here in July. He recommends picking up all the tiles and sealing the concrete floor. They are all dry and breaking when you walk across the floor. It is a hazard, they are asbestos. Disposal will be an issue. Mr. Travis was asked to get an estimate on this project. There is an epoxy substance you can pour over the top of the tiles. Mr. Putman has a catalog at his office with the product in it. Council Member Manning stated this way the town would not have to get a permit to remove the asbestos tiles.
Mr. Putman reported that the building outback needs some repairs. The siding and soffit are peeling off. It is on the golf course side. Don will check it. If he can’t fix it Mr. Castello will be called.
Mr. Putman further noted that where salt is applied around the building at the entry - the brick and block mortar aren’t sealed. It will be an issue. They could be rinsed, we have 15 gallons of sealant in the kitchen. It was used to seal the upper gym wall to stop the leaks on the interior wall.
Youth - No report from Colleen Ricciardi.
Supervisor Selmser called Lynch Heating just before the meeting. The furnace is on back order and won’t be here until the 2nd week of May. He will be in to begin installing pipe next week. The barn temperature got down to 16 degrees. Mr. Putman had to run a salamander.
Today Supervisor Selmser was at a seminar dealing with led lighting. There were 30 people in attendance plus 15 online there. It is huge effort and a huge possibility to save money. It is almost a competitive atmosphere between National Grid, NYSERDA (New York State Energy Research and Development Authority), and NY Power Authority. There were communities that already implemented changes in street lighting. The town can either buy the lights outright, lease the components of the lighting not the poles, or set up a lease program. There are a number of options. In Richfield Springs in 6 months they got all the paper work done and installed. The pay back average is 2 – 5 years. The savings are generated immediately which allow you in some cases to roll into a capitol program to roll in some other programs for window replacement or other capital expenditures. He will make some contacts to get the town started down this road. There were consultants there who began working with St. Johnsville their billing is equal to ours. The major thing is if you bought it outright the automatic saving would be 60 – 80 % because you use so much less wattage and electricity.
Supervisor Selmser reported a bill from Gloversville Water Works was for the youth program for Dept. of Health.
Supervisor Selmser received a call back from Jeff Peck of Nathan Littauer Hospital regarding the clinic. They have some desire to stay in the town. They will keep the town informed of their intentions.
Council Member Kirch has generated documents the board would like to implement regarding a statement on our agenda and some templates for information to be submitted to the town board for department heads. This would make the information concise and up-to-date. This corresponds to what the county board does. The board would get the information previous to the meeting to alert the board to what the different departments needs are or for future board action.
Council Member Kirch stated this is intended to be a simple one page document that each department had to complete. The form asks if a decision or action from the board is necessary. Another box indicates it is information for the board, the rest is just routine information. It is meant to keep the board focused on just the key items rather than going through the routine stuff in front of all the public, making the meetings longer. He stated anyone can come in and look at the forms.
Council Member Kirch state the text in the Supervisor’s section talks about the meeting conduct. The last couple of months there have been some meetings that were fairly heated and had raised voices. Not the first time it has happened here, but the boards wants to address and keep the meetings positive.
Council Member Kirch stated if the public “have an issue specific to them and they bring it up at a board meeting. It is the first time anyone, including the department head, has heard about it and it is completely inappropriate and a waste of your time and a waste of our time to hear something that they haven’t gone through the proper steps.” If you have an issue with your property you should bring it up to the appropriate department head and allow them to address it. If you are not happy with what they do then come to the Town Supervisor. If you still don’t get satisfaction then you bring it to the board. The board wants to keep the meetings positive and shorter. Supervisor Selmser thought if things are written the board doesn’t have to wait for the minutes to if they have a detailed report.
RESOLUTION #2018 -048 that the board accept the monthly department report template and implement its use and add the text regarding meeting conduct to the agendas going forward was offered by Council Member Kirch at the April 11, 2018 regular monthly town board meeting held at 7 pm at Caroga Town Hall.
WHEREAS, the board discussed a template for department heads to fill out prior to town board meetings and also text to be placed on the agenda,
Now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the following text be added to the Caroga Town Board Monthly Agenda, “Town Board meetings are for the board to discuss issues and make decisions. The board strives to complete the meetings in 60-90 minutes. The meetings are public and the board has chosen to allow public comments. Resident comments are limited to 3 minutes. All comments are to be respectful and civil. Anyone that shouts or uses profanity will be expelled. Residents with personal issues or related to their property should work with the appropriate department head first. If the department head doesn’t resolve the issue, it should be taken to the town supervisor. Only after those two steps should the issue be raised in a board meeting if needed. The board appreciates your support in keeping meetings timely, civil and productive. Thank you.”
Council Member Long seconded the motion.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes Selmser, Glenn, Manning Long, Kirch
Board members received a copy of a letter from the PBA asking for support for an increase of State Forest Ranger force. Council Member Long stated this is an area he is passionate about. The ranger force has not only gone down over the years but the acres that each ranger was responsible for has dramatically increased with state land acquisition. The rangers spend most of their time being ready to do search and rescue. They are not out on the trials. They are not doing what they were original supposed to be doing. He noted that 40 towns inside the park have already endorsed a resolution pleading for an increase in the ranger force.
RESOLUTION #2018-048 A to Endorse this call for an increase in the staffing level of State Forest Ranger Force was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday April 11, 2018 at the municipal building.
WHEREAS, the town clerk received an email from Scott van Laer as a delegate for the PBA of NYS the union that represents the forest rangers, and
WHEREAS, NYS forest rangers have provide care, custody and control of the Forest Preserve and all DEC managed lands throughout the state since 1885, protecting the valuable natural resources and the people who recreate there; and
WHEREAS, forest rangers are unequaled stewards of the land who are police officers, wildland firefighters, and wilderness first responders that patrol these lands year round; and
WHEREAS, the addition of over 1 million acres of DEC managed lands the last several decades without staffing increases has caused the ration of DEC managed lands per ranger to grow from 1 ranger per 28,516 acres in 1970 to 1 ranger per 53,752 acres today; and
WHEREAS, the dramatic increase in recreational use on state lands has led to a corresponding increase in the number of search and rescue operations. In both 2015 and 2016 forest rangers participated in over 300 incidents annually. Those number had not been surpassed in the rangers’ previous 130 years of existence; and
WHEREAS, Adirondack communities rely heavily on tourism associated with state land recreation which, gratefully, has been well-promoted by this administration; and
WHEREAS, forest rangers are essential to providing a safe and positive recreational experience for tourists utilizing state land; and
WHEREAS, the current level of forest ranger staffing, 135 statewide including supervisors, is not adequate to fulfill their unique mission given the amount of land they patrol and the number of incidents they respond to; and
WHEREAS, the proposal by the PBA of NYS to increase forest ranger staffing has wide public and bi-partisan support from local governments, business groups, environmental groups and outdoor recreation clubs for a simple reason: it protects the people from the land and the land from the people; and
WHEREAS, this proposal represents the best solution to address the increase in public lands and those utilizing it.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town board of the Town of Caroga does hereby support the PBA of NYS proposal to increase forest ranger staffing to 175 rangers statewide, which is deemed critically important to our community, state land, the environment and the People of the State of New York; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution shall be forwarded to the PBA of NYS, 11 North Pearl Street, Suite 1200 Albany NY 12207.
Council Member Manning seconded the motion.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
RESOLUTION #2018-049 to allow The North Bush Methodist Church to use the Sherman’s property was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday April 11, 2018 at the municipal building.
WHEREAS, a request was made by Doug Purcell on behalf of the North Bush Methodist Church to use the Sherman’s property for an ice cream social - June 29th from 3 – 6pm along with farmers market or from 4 – 6 pm, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board discussed the request and did hereby approve the use of the property.
Council Member Long seconded the motion.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Property use agreement Council Member Manning has been working on this for the last couple of months putting together for anybody to use any town property. Rather than come to a board meeting and make a formal request one can simply fill out a form – explain who you are the purpose of the uses, dates and times. He has sent the document to the board several times over the last month. The Attorney Sal Ferlazzo made some recommendations. He added in things from the insurance company. Section 2 Payment Information is not done - it is blank as to the cost to rent the property for events that are free, ticketed, or a private event. “Everything else in here I think everyone has kind of seen. There are different kinds of rules I put in, you’ve seen that, and been OK with those.” He excluded town hall and Glenn H Harris Park as we have never charged for those. People could sign up and still fill the form out. Council Member Manning stated “You do have to adopt this as the formally document that people have to sign to use town property at all. Supervisor Selmser would like to lock in some rates for uses other than music event. Supervisor Selmser asked if we should we be thinking about it? Council Member Manning stated this is for short term/a specific event 1 -2 day event.
Council Member Long asked about fees. Council Member Manning had put in free events- no charge, if they are putting up the resources. A ticketed event with access through a barrier entry he suggested a fee of $500.00. For a private event for Sherman’s for the day he suggested - $1000.00 Council Member Kirch thought the form was great, perfectly good to use right away... He was not sure tonight, since the board has not discussed it, that we are ready to put a price tag on it…. He wondered why we could not use it and then the price would be negotiate on a case by case basis. Council Member Glenn stated the wording under payment information seemed ambiguous and up to interpretation. The board agreed it was…. If someone wanted to use the info booth or the whole Sherman’s property it is a very different request. Council Member Long state it has to be vague, negotiable, Council Member Manning thought there should be a starting point. Council Member Kirch agreed about having a baseline. Council Member Manning noted they could “adjust this on the fly.” Council Member Kirch suggested they agree to accept the form as is but for the next meeting have a rate schedule. Council Member Long agreed to accept the form with the caveat that the board will fill in the rates at next month’s meeting and to make the form available to the public. The board could price out the various pieces of the property.
RESOLUTION #2018-050 to adopt that form as is as the formal document form (property use form) for any use of any property in this town subject to amendment with the rates at our next monthly meeting was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday April 11, 2018 at the municipal building.
WHEREAS, Council Member Manning has put together a form in order that the board may consider requests for the use of town property, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board hereby moves to adopt the form as the formal document to request use of any town property subject to amendment with the rates at the next monthly meeting.
Council Member Manning seconded the motion.
Discussion: The board would not take questions from the public. Supervisor Selmser noted this has been worked on and recommend by our attorney he thought it was a usable document. Council Member Kirch acknowledged he had a couple questions on the legal elements and the questions were answered by Sal.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Business spotlight Council Member Kirch stated for those who have not been to a previous meetings we have had local business come in and talk about their business to have the board and the public to become more familiar with our town business. Tonight is Karl Ziemann owner of the Caroga Lake Marina. There is also a drawing for a gift certificate for his marina. Council Member Kirch noted he hosts the popular polar plunge. It raises over $2000 a year for the fire department. Mr. Ziemann thanked the board. He stated they sell Suzuki Outboards, Lexington Pontoon Boats, rent boats kayaks, stand up boards, and have any accessory you may need to maintain your boat. Their head mechanic has more than 40 years’ experience repairing outboards. Mr. Ziemann stated his previous business was manufacturing EKG equipment. He saw his equipment parroted while at a trade show in China. He called Al D'Amato and he called the state department and they put an end to it. He had a problem with a bid and again contacted Senator D’Amato who again resolved the problem. He noted his equipment was certified. He noted the need for jobs in the Adirondacks. They made the choice to come to Caroga and enjoys the lifestyle and quality of living. The health of the lake is important to all of us. It is most important to his business. He stated running the town is a business. They do look at boats coming in and do send them to the boat wash station if needed. His growth will come from selling boats. Last year he sold 23 boats. They have 20 customers for winterization and storage. He needs to build a bigger building next year in Pine Lake. Mr. Ziemann asked if those attending tonight would vacation here… he stated we have to clean up a bit. (Applause)
Council Member Glenn reported the dam for East and West Caroga will be closed on about May 7th. He wondered if the ice was safe. He saw snowmobiles going across East Caroga. He wanted something posted on the town website. It was noted that DEC put a notice on their website a couple of weeks ago. It was noted that the trails are closed and officers are keeping people off them. There have been several posts on Facebook Supervisor Selmser stated.
At 8:04 pm Supervisor Selmser made a motion to enter into an executive session with the Town Attorneys to deal with legal issues. Council Member Kirch seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.
At 9:08 Council Member Glenn made a motion to exit from the executive session. Council Member Long seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.
Supervisor Selmser distributed, via email, information to the board concerning zoning. He stated this was talked about last month. He has obtained the revised zoning document that had one minor change that the APA needed. A new map was given out to the board members. These records need to be sent to the APA for an informal final review. Once that is done they will review it and make sure everything that they require is in this document and that the maps are correct. They will give us a notification within 90 days. Then the other steps are for a formal review, a public hearing, and the final SEQR requirement. Council Member Manning asked what would happen if the board chose to make any changes after the results of the public hearing. Council Member Long stated we would be struck by lightning. They can be done it causes some complications but a lot of the things the Planning Board asked for and tried to incorporate in some of those things the APA had issue with. They were adamant on how things had to be to be consistent with their interpretation. The other update changes were state law changes. Council Member Manning asked if a list of public comments could be sent to the APA. We are at the point that the Planning Board had finalized everything and then it was turned over to the town board. The actions should have been done last year. Council Member Manning again reiterated that the APA would review and comment on the public comments.
RESOLUTION # 2018-051 to submit the proposed updated Town of Caroga Zoning Law to the Adirondack Park Agency for final informal review was offered by Council Member Glenn at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday April 11, 2018 at town hall.
WHEREAS, the Planning Board has met over the course of the last couple of years for the purpose of updating the Town of Caroga Zoning Ordinance, and
WHEREAS, they have completed the task designated to them by the Caroga Town Board, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to submit the proposed updated Town of Caroga Zoning Ordinance to the Adirondack Park Agency for final informal review.
Council Member Long seconded the motion.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Council Member Long made the motion to pay the bills as presented for audit. Council Member Manning seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion. The clerk noted that the prepaid vouchers were not audited this evening.
RESOLUTION #2018-052 to hire Charles Ackerbauer if available or another Professional Engineer to inspect 83.9-4-19 and 83.6-6-8 that the code enforcement officer has reported to be unsafe buildings was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday April 11, 2018 at town hall.
WHEREAS, the Code Officer, John Duesler, has notified the board of his concern for two properties with potential structural issues, and
WHEREAS, Mr. Duesler and the town board met with the Town Attorneys earlier this evening, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to hire Charles Ackerbauer if available or another Professional Engineer to inspect parcels 83.9-4-19 and 83.6-6-8 that the code enforcement officer has reported to be unsafe buildings.
Council Member Glenn seconded the motion.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
At 9:16 pm Supervisor Selmser made a motion to adjourn. Council Member Long seconded the motion.
All Board members were in favor of the motion.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda M. Gilbert, RMC, CMC
Town Clerk
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025