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Minutes of a Town Board Meeting held Wednesday, May 9, 2018

State of New York
County of Fulton
Town of Caroga

Minutes of the Regular monthly Caroga Town Board meeting held Wednesday May 9, 2018 at the municipal building located at 1840 State Highway #10 at 7:00 pm with the following persons in attendance by Roll Call:

Supervisor James K Selmser - Here
Council Member John Glenn – Here
Council Member Jeremy Manning - Here
Council Member James Long – Here
Council Member Kent Kirch - Here

Other town department representatives in attendance were: Steve Putman – Highway Superintendent. There were 28 members of the public in attendance.

Supervisor Selmser called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm by having the roll called. The flag salute followed.

Council Member Long made a motion to accept the minutes of the April 11, 2018 meeting and the March 21, 2018 work session. Council Member Kirch seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.

Daniel Sullivan is an invited guest this evening he is from Mohawk Valley Economic Development District Inc. Clean Energy Communities Program. He gave the board some information on energy grant possibilities. He discussed three separate programs.

The Clean Energy Communities Program is an opportunity for the board to become leaders in energy efficiency and to reduce greenhouse gasses. There are 10 high impact actions. When you begin to engage in these actions you begin to save the community money. If you do 4 actions the town would receive $5,000 of consolidated funding. Supervisor Selmser and Council Member Long have attended meetings and made connections on this topic. There may be some funding for a generator through these programs.

The consolidated funding application just came out last week. This is the way the major state grant money is given out for all projects - economic development, energy saving, business development, and planning. Next Thursday there is a CFA workshop at Mohawk Valley Community College. He recommended attending the meeting if the town was looking for funding. There is a lot of work to putting together this grant. The deadline is July 31st.

The second topic was Disaster Supplemental Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) it is making $587 million available to eligible grantees in communities impacted by natural disasters in 2017 through Economic Development Administration through the Dept. of Commerce. There was a webinar today. Mr. Sullivan will send the link to Supervisor Selmser. His office provides assistance to the best of their abilities. He gave out his business cards to the board and clerk. He thinks most difficult grant to get would be the street lighting. One thing that needs to be done is the benchmarking, and then #6 unified Solar Permit, The town needs to keep records of energy use. #6 says the town would use the form for solar harmony. (Use the state form) The code officer could attend the 1 day energy code session. These are easy things to do.

Council Member Long asked for language for the resolutions. Mr. Sullivan has them and will send them to the town.

The new program is Community Energy Engagement Program. Mr. Sullivan just came from training on this. It’s meant to profile financing programs for low and moderate income ranges. The would help residents to upgrade their energy efficiency it is done through Community Energy Advisors. He is the one for the Mohawk Valley along with three ladies in his office. The town could sponsor a meeting – to see about improving insulation, upgrading your furnace. This would be advertised county wide and put on at no cost. Town hall could be used. Depending on the level of interest on certain subjects the attendees would break into groups after filling out the questionnaire and see what programs you are eligible for. Many programs are cash flow positive. He gave examples of how the savings would be utilized. The typical payback period is three years. There is a service fee attached. He noted energy audits are free.

All of these programs he spoke about (except the EDA - disaster program) are all paid for by the Consumer through a $1.00 charge on our National Grid bill.

Mrs. Barrett asked if solar was part of the programs being offered. It was.

Public Speaking

Lynne Delesky thanked those by name that participated in the highway clean-up program last Saturday. She thanked the town for the use of the pickup truck and Mr. Putman for the use of the small dump truck. One person found money; another collected the bottles and cans amounting to $8.55. One person picked up over 60 McDonalds pancake boxes in the same location. A car radio and car jack were found and left to be picked up next to the garbage bag. When they returned the jack and radio were gone.

Department Reports

Assessor’s Report – in a written report Victoria Hayner submitted she noted the tentative roll has been completed and filed with the town clerk. Grievance Day is Wednesday May 30 between 4 and 8 pm. She will sit with the roll on Monday May 21 from 4 – 8 pm and on Saturday May 26, from 8:30 to 12:30.

There were 6 sales for the month of April, three were valid and three were in-valid. Three were residential sales - two were vacant land and one was commercial property.

BTI – All 155 streams were treated and most were done twice, some three times.

Clerk/Registrar – The monthly town clerk report was submitted for April. The Tax Collection books were presented for Audit in April. The board still needs to review them and sign off and accept them. I attended the Career Day at the school. I let the student look at historical (over 100 years old) birth records; I explained the various job duties of the town clerk. The kids liked the candy I handed out.

Code Enforcement & Sanitation – No Report

Blight – The 2nd code officer position was not filled. Four people backed out (didn’t show). One did not qualify through the testing. If anyone knows a certified code officer who might be interested contact a board member.

Dog Control – No report from the Dog Control Officer. The clerk reported still having 7 delinquent dog renewals from last year, and maybe 5 from this year.

Golf Course – Mr. Jennings reported the course opened May 3. The course wintered pretty well. He is going to hook up the water tomorrow. He asked about the progress on the well. Supervisor Selmser has researched and Mr. Putman has spoken to the driller Hawk. Hawk will stand by their quote. They plan to be here in 2 -3 weeks. Mr. Jennings thanked Council Member Long for helping set up the credit card process. The course is clean after the storm on Friday. They will be in full maintenance mode in the next two days. Currently there are 108 members plus there are more from the early spring. We are up about $4,000.00 from last year.

Mr. Jennings would like the board to come over to look at the 4th green which he wants to renovate. He will give an estimate of the work that needs to be done. It has been rebuilt before and just needs a little more work.

Highway – Mr. Putman praised the work done by Hawk. He does not know where the well will be located. They have to site the well. It will be away from the salt shed area. There has been zero furnace work. The furnace is still on back order through Security Supply. The duct work was supposed to be started. They were supposed to look at the outside to see where the exhaust pipe would be placed. (If you are available Monday at 9 am) Mr. Putman stated he can remove the existing furnace.

Mr. Putman noted to the public that several towns as well as Caroga have experienced theft of street signs including traffic signs. There was an accident on Balsam and Forrest as a result of it. They had just installed/replaced signs in that area. They have been replaced again. He asked the public to let him know if they see anyone tampering with the signs. Someone was caught red handed a couple of years ago.

911 signs were damaged when the banks were pushed back. Taller signs and setting the signs back a little more would help alleviate this problem. People are putting them up by their houses but you can’t see them in an emergency up there. Mr. Putman suggested at least 6 feet from the side of the asphalt or dirt. Mrs. Delesky has put up a lot of signs, they tell the people where they are placing them but some people are adamant on where they want their signs. They are paying for them so we are limited as to placement sometimes. They volunteer to put them up and sometimes are given a hard time.

Mr. Putman had a BOCES intern for a week. He was a good worker and it worked out well. The first day he picked garbage.

Mr. Putman wanted to address the garbage at the campsite. Council Member Glenn reached out to DEC and they want the town to pick it up during the summer. Council Member Glenn thought if the town was a friendly neighbor maybe it would help with future endeavors. He wanted to partner with the campsite. It is done once a week. Council Member Kirch discussed this with the highway superintendent. He estimated two tons per week as a high estimate that's about 12 hundred for the season that's approximately $1,000. Council Member Kirch stated that was relatively low. The state does pay the town property tax. If not this year than in future years the town would like to use the state campsite beach for the youth program. The people coming to the campground do businesses in town, we get sales tax revenue, and the businesses get revenue. Council Member Kirsch thought we needed to transfer funds into the highway fund Supervisor Selmser stated the garbage expense comes out of the general fund. A transfer was not necessary. The only time there is an added expense is when there are more trips needed during a holiday weekend like 4th of July. The Highway Superintendent Mr. Putman just wanted it on the record. Supervisor Selmser noted that Jennifer Blowers who works for the town has a connection there and “if they could waive some fees for use of the beach occasionally he thinks it would offset...”

Resolution #2018-053 to except working with a group with the DEC for garbage collection was offered by Council Member Glenn at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town board held on Wednesday May 9th 2018 at Town Hall.

WHEREAS, the town Highway Superintendent discussed with the board picking up garbage generated at the New York state campground located in the Town of Caroga, and

WHEREAS, Mr. Putman is personally on board with this 100%, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board moves to collect garbage at the New York State Campsite for future considerations in the future – shared programs.

Council Member Long seconded the motion.

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

Mr. Putman brought up that years ago when Guy Farina was at the golf course the highway guys got a stipend to golf without paying. It has always been a benefit. Last year he asked if town employees in general could golf without a fee. Mr. Jennings stated it is up to the board what they want to do. “It is fine with me.” Council Member Manning asked how many town employees are active golfers. One or two was the response. Mr. Putman stated it would not break the bank.

RESOLUTION #2018-054 that active town employees of the Town of Caroga don’t have to pay a fee to use the Nick Stoner Golf Course was offered by Council Member Manning at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town board held on Wednesday May 9th 2018 at Town Hall.

WHEREAS, the Town Highway Superintendent discussed with the board past practice of allowing town employees to golf on the Nick Stoner Golf Course without paying, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Town of Caroga moves that active town employees of the Town of Caroga don’t have to pay a fee to use the Nick Stoner Golf Course.

Council Member Glenn seconded the motion.

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

Mr. Putman stated that he and his clerk have been in contact with DOT to discuss CHIPS Funding. They have different time frames for different types of projects. Currently the highway department is working on South Shore Road of West Caroga. (He presented chunks of blacktop material to board) They represent two different thicknesses even though they were 5 feet away from each other. That is why the roads are in the shape they are. He can go out to bid for South Shore Road of West Caroga now. That road is the closest to being ready to pave. He hopes to do South Shore East Caroga next year. Council Member Manning noted the improvement in Green Lake Road.

Supervisor Selmser confirmed that someone else was going to do the work. That is what most other towns do.

Mr. Putman stated the need to look into using a smaller machine to do some drainage work across properties. Supervisor Selmser noted there have been discussions at the county about shared services and equipment.

Mr. Putman also stated the town should look into replacing the 2006 plow. He has talked to the board before. He can get specifications for the board. He is also having to work on the 2004 truck too.

The pickup truck he drives has 60,000 on it and is well used. Now is the time to get the most value out of it on Auctions International. On state contract they are about $37,000.00. The trucks are getting tired. To replace the big truck is about $140,000.00. He discussed putting stainless steel sanders in the truck and having all wheel drive with a plow. The cost to replace three trucks was estimated at $250,000 - $275,000. The town can piggyback on to another town’s buying power. The highway clerk spoke to the Office of General services, at a recent conference; they are revising their website to make it easier to find items. They are a good resource.

Council Member Kirch asked what the auction value was for the trucks. Mr. Putman usually has Auction International come up to evaluate the trucks.

Council Member Glenn had a concerned citizen talk to him about the condition of State Highway 29A from Meco to Caroga. There are two websites to contact tedisco@nysenate.gov and visit the Department Of Transportation website at DOT.NY.GOV click on to “Contact” then click on to “Click to email or provide your feedback”.

Lastly Mr. Putman noted on May 4th there were huge amounts of trees down due to a storm. The fire company stated in their records that the highway department was not out working. He stated they were never contacted. They were available. Usually the Sheriff’s department contacts them if there is a need. A highway employee who is a volunteer fireman and out during the storm on Friday was never asked about clearing trees. On Saturday morning Mr. Putman and crew were out clearing roads.

Council Member Manning wanted to talk about the salt shed. The CFA Grant for Water Quality Improvement is a 50/50 match. Last year it was state 75/25 town. He was looking for a total cost of the project. Mr. Putman stated we needed to have engineered blueprints. He stated the Town of Florida paid $325,000 for their salt shed and the Town of Root paid $550,000. Some preliminary work has been done. Perhaps more preparation work, site plans, survey work, could be done this year. Mr. Putman thought an engineer could get us the cost and do the survey and plot plan work. He will also contact the Town of Root to find out what steps need to be taken.

Supervisor Selmser noted some state grants don’t reimburse for work already completed. Some CHIPS money can be used for this but Mr. Putman has roads that need work. We need to note the environmental concerns for moving the barn away from the creek in our application. The clerk did give the SEQR form to Supervisor Selmser to fill out a few weeks ago. Council Member Long stated the key to getting funding in this competitive bidding environment for the grants is having data to back up the contamination. Documentation is the key. Testing the current well is a start. It was suggested to test wells in the area Nick Stoner Inn and the fire house. Mr. Sturchio stated he has a problem with sodium & chloride contamination due to the state highway.

Bell Engineering was contacted about recapping the box culvert on Nick Stock Road. It can be fabricated and dropped in. He hopes the project can be done by the end of the summer.

Lake Steward Program – Mr. Durkee noted the employees will attend schooling at Paul Smith. There is no cost to the town - the lake association pays for this. They will be operational the first day of the Memorial Day weekend.

Lakes Management Program – Mr. Centi found his staff via Facebook which was shared among various associations. He had 25 applicants – 15 for divers and 7 for tenders. He will have two teams. He hired 8 divers and 1 tender. They will work from 8am to 1pm and from 1pm to 6pm five days a week. It pays $12.48 an hour. The harvester will be serviced next week. There will be a meeting with the divers on the 22nd on the boat. He will start in the channel under the docks and at the Association before they put docks in. Another inspection station will be set up at the Caroga Marina as the campsite has mostly car top boats (kayak & canoes) coming in.

Town Hall Building – Mr. Travis informed the board that the town failed the boiler inspection. They found fault with the plastic emergency discharge tube, orientation of the relief valve, they want mechanical pressure and temperature gauges. He wonders why we were never caught on this before.

Council Member Long called Bill Wager about the gym floor to get prices. “It may be feasible it may be not.” There is a product that can be poured over the existing tiles to seal in the asbestos. It cost about $1300.00 for the materials.

The sign across the street will go back up. It has been totally refurbished and has all new letters.

Youth - No report

Supervisor’s Report

Supervisor Selmser reported the sales tax was higher than the prior year by about 5%. The town estimates on the low side so extra money coming in is helpful.

He and Council Member Long did attend the LED meetings to make connections and to make things happen to save money. They put their names in to be contacted to start the audit process for the lighting components. The clerk asked if the board was going to create a resolution to move the process forward based on a 90 day time frame that National Grid has to respond. The board is waiting for some help with language.

Old Business:

Hawk Drilling Supervisor Selmser will contact them with our intent.

The Eccentric Club asked for a donation of golf for four for their silent auction. The town received a thank you note from them.

RESOLUTION #2018-055 to Donate four rounds of Golf to the Eccentric’s Club was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday May 9, 2018 at Town hall.

WHEREAS, the town was approached by the President of the Eccentrics Club in Gloversville NY who asked for a donation of green fees for four people for an upcoming fund raising event, and

WHEREAS, the Club has held an annual tournament at the Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course for many years, and

WHEREAS, Mr. Jennings would donated 2 golf carts making a package for the successful bidder, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to donated greens fees for four people at the Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course to the Eccentrics Club 109 North Main Street Gloversville NY.

Council Member Manning seconded the motion.

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

RESOLUTION #2018-056 to Submit the Retirement Reporting Report was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday May 9, 2018 at Caroga Town Hall.

WHEREAS, Elected and appointed employees who participate in the NYS Retirement System are required to be report their work activities, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Town of Caroga hereby establishes the following standard work days for elected and appointed officials and will report the following days worked to the New York State and Local Employees Retirement System based on the record of activities maintained and submitted by these officials to the clerk of this body.


Last Name

First Name

Standard Day

Last 4


Term Begins/ends

Employee time keeping Y/N

Days /Months

Town Clerk





1/1/18 -12/31/21


22.75 days/month

Council Member Long seconded the motion.

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

The calculation was made by the bookkeeper.

Council Member Manning reviewed changes to the previously adopted version of the Town Property use Request. He eliminated having the form filled out to use the Glenn Harris Memorial Town Park or the town hall building. The security deposit was changed to no less than $500. Under liability it would be reviewed on a case by case basis. There may be a small group and the insurance may be excessive. Council Member Manning suggested changing Section III Payment Information to eliminate the fee schedule and just have it be totally negotiable by the board. The board may use in-kind services for payment perhaps. A resident suggested posting a sign that the property is available for use. Supervisor Selmser was in favor of some guideline for fees. He noted the board would have to come together to meet to make a decision. Council Member Manning stated the applicant would have to submit the request prior to a scheduled meeting prior to their event. Council Member Kirch did not want to scare people away with a $1000.00 fee on the form. He wanted to just start using it and then in 12 months from now…

The board believes they will have varied requests for the use of the property. Ticketed and private event costs were discussed. Council Member Kirch thought the fee might be broken down by the various building and areas to be used.

RESOLUTION #2018-057 to approve this version of the Property Use Request Form as presented this evening was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday May 9, 2018 at Town hall.

WHEREAS, the Town Board reviewed and discussed the Property Use Request Form presented by Council Member Manning this evening, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that this version presented this evening be adopted for use by the board.

The motion was seconded by Council Member Kirch

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

New Business

Set June Meeting date the town clerk is not available the second Wednesday of June.

RESOLUTION #2018-058 to change the date of the regularly scheduled June town board meeting was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday May 9, 2018 at Town hall.

WHEREAS, the Town Clerk is not available the second Wednesday of June to attend the regular monthly town board meeting, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the board hereby sets Wednesday June 20th 2018 as the regular monthly meeting date in June of 2018.

The motion was seconded by Council Member Kirch

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

RESOLUTION #2018-059 to authorize a fireworks display in Pine Lake was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday May 9, 2018 at Town hall.

WHEREAS, Majestic Fireworks Inc. of 29 College St. Clinton NY 13323 submitted an application and proof of Certificate of Liability Insurance for fireworks to be held in the town of Caroga in accordance to NFPA 1123/1126 – Penal Law 405 & 270 now therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to permit and approve the display.

The motion was seconded by Council Member Glenn

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

Council Member Kirch has been meeting with 20 businesses to create a business plan for this summer to bring more people into town. There are three components. A booklet that each business would have to advertise on. 8000 would be printed and distributed in the Sunday edition of the Leader Herald. Three weeks after that there would another add in the newspaper. Council Member Kirch asked if the town would support their efforts by paying for the front cover at a cost of $150.00 – all are putting in the same amount or more for a Welcome to Caroga Booklet,

RESOLUTION #2018-060 to support a booklet to promote the Town of Caroga was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday May 9, 2018 at Town hall.

WHEREAS, Council Member Kirch has been meeting with 20 businesses to create a business plan for this summer to bring more people into town, and

WHEREAS, a booklet will be created and distributed, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Caroga town board hereby supports the project and does hereby move to spend up to $150.00 to develop the front cover of the booklet to welcome people to the Town of Caroga.

The motion was seconded by Council Member Glenn

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

Council Member Manning noted with all the events coming up at Sherman’s this summer he wanted to allow the volunteer to continue throughout the season. Supervisor Selmser thought if we had all the names it should be part of the resolution. Council Member Manning was going to refer to them as everyone who has signed a waiver. The clerk asked where the waivers were on file. The clerk did not have them. Supervisor Selmser again stated he thought it best to have the names and to pass the resolution next week. If there were more names another resolution could be made. Council Member Manning stated there was a lot of work planned in preparation for the Sawyer Frederick concert. Council Member Kirch stated they need to be in the clerk’s office. Copies should be retained by the volunteer, the originals to the town. Council Member Manning stated people show up and say they are a plumber I want to help and they sign a waiver then they are good to go. The Arts Collective is organizing a bunch of tasks that John Duesler has specified down there for safety reasons. They are organizing people to get together to do those things, “Are we OK with them organizing volunteers coordinating things like that?” Supervisor Selmser spoke to Mr. Ruby, “He had a basic list of what needs to be done and what is expected. Anything other than that and he will talk to me.” Council Member Manning listed non-structural maintenance, landscaping, general clean up and assist with projects deemed vital to public safety by the towns code enforcer as well as other projects that are undertaken by the town board.”

RESOLUTION #2018-061 to allow the continued use of community volunteers was offered by Council Member Manning at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday May 9, 2018 at Town hall.

WHEREAS, having signed insurance waivers which are on file with the town and working on the direction of the Caroga Arts Collective to engage in ongoing non-structural maintenance and landscaping on the Sherman’s property additional these volunteers may also assist with projects on the Sherman’s property deemed vital to public safety by the town of Caroga Code Enforcer as well as projects undertaken as acts of the Caroga Town Board, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board hereby moves to allow the continued use of community volunteers on the Sherman’s property.

The motion was seconded by Council Member Long

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

Council Member Glenn made a motion to pay the bills as presented for audit and adjourn.

Council Member Long seconded the motion. With one additional voucher to be paid to Voss Signs in the amount of $959.60 from the general account # 3310.4. All board members were in favor of the motion.

General #155-187 $ 9,707.63

Highway #85-101 $24,707.78

General Park # 7– 15 $ 2,499.70

Prepaid #60 –74 $12,598.81

Respectfully Submitted,

Linda M. Gilbert, RMC,CMC

Town Clerk

The Caroga Business Spotlight was for the Outlet Restaurant.

Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025