State of New York
County of Fulton
Town of Caroga
Minutes of the Regular monthly Caroga Town Board meeting held Wednesday August 8, 2018 at the municipal building located at 1840 State Highway #10 at 7:00 pm with the following persons in attendance by Roll Call:
Supervisor James K. Selmser – Here
Council Member John Glenn – Here
Council Member Jeremy Manning – Here
Council Member James Long – Here
Council Member Kent Kirch – Here
Other town department representatives in attendance were: Steve Jennings – Golf Course Manager, Steve Putman – Highway Superintendent, Mr. Travis building maintenance, and Gene Centi – Weed Harvesting Coordinator. There were 35 members of the public in attendance.
Supervisor Selmser called the meeting to order at 7 pm. The roll was called and salute to the flag followed.
A motion was made to table the acceptance of the July 11, 2018 regular monthly board minutes.
William L. VanGorder of NBT Insurance Agency met with the town supervisor a couple of months ago to review the renewal application for all town insurances. He noted this is the company’s 25th anniversary and that the company started right here in Fulton County. The Town of Caroga helped start the company. A 25 page document was handed out to the board members and clerk. Current year premium: $38,897.96 2018-2019 premium $39,442.05 that is a $544.09 increase. Three areas caused the increase a 2002 Ford was added to the policy. The value on the 2017 Garbage Compactor was amended and general liability took a slight increase. (Perhaps due to the budget) Public Officials Liability, Inland Marine, and Excess Catastrophe Liability were increased. He reviewed the policy with the board.
Council Member Glenn asked about the loss of a furnace. What would they cover? It was noted that wear and tear are not covered.
Council Member Long asked how the limits compare to towns of similar size and ones that are significantly bigger. In the general liability policy they are applied universal across the country it’s pretty average. Council Member Long asked of the 932 Towns how many opt for excess Liability coverage the response was a good share of them. Mr. VanGorder could not say what neighboring cities or towns are doing. He thought it was reasonable to increase the liability at a cost of $3,560.70.
Supervisor Selmser asked about the vacant parcels the town owns – do they fall under the umbrella. Yes was the response.
Mr. VanGorder noted the town has a lot going on. He was asked to gather info on excess liability of adjoining towns. As an agent he cannot release that information. The town can ask other towns themselves.
Council Member Glenn asked about blighted properties. If the town owned a structure it would be covered by liability. The policy does not cover asbestos abatement (pollution). It would be a separate policy. Council Member Long asked about a blanket asbestos added to the policy. He stated there are tiles in the building that have asbestos in them. Mr. VanGorder could give the town a quote once a pre-inspection was completed. He also suggested having a contractor (doing demo) being an additional insurer.
Council Member Glenn asked about buried tanks. That is under pollution. Only sudden and accidental incidents are covered.
The clerk asked last year when insurance was discussed volunteers and the Sherman’s Property were brought up. She read from the minutes that Mr. VanGorder asked that official volunteers with a specific job description were to be listed in a resolution to make it official. He did that because the town’s liability policy will cover volunteers. He also “recommended and still recommends from a workers comp. standpoint we have to clarify that with the County because if they are working as a volunteer they are probably covered under workers comp.” We have to get that cleared with the County – they are the workers comp. carrier NBT Insurance is not.
Last year Council Member Glenn discussed the Sherman’s Property. “Once there is a long term plan then we can talk more specifically about what insurance is needed.” Do you know what the property is being used for? Last year the agent asked the board what was allowed on the property and they didn’t have an answer. Mr. VanGorder noted it is insured for a park – mechanical amusement rides are excluded from our policy whether they are operating or not.
When you underwrite a municipality there is a long check sheet of questions. The town is not covered for a beach operation. If someone fell in the water and drown we would be covered. But if we opened up the beach and said swim at your own risk…
If there are contract events down there you want to see the user is listing the town on their liability policy. The policy should be looked at by our insurance company.
Council Member Glenn wanted to go back to volunteers. The agent stated we want to have them listed under the county workers comp. – “You want to get something in writing that they are going to do that.” Once that is in place if a volunteer is injured on our property without workers comp. coverage the town is wide open for a lawsuit. Workers comp. says they can’t sue us.
Council Member Glenn reiterated that a list of volunteers and their job duties must be formulated. Council Member Long asked about blanket letters for volunteers. Mr. VanGorder stated across NYS most of the counties are self-administering. He won’t give direction on that. Terry Souza is the contact person at the county for this.
The clerk asked if alcohol is allowed on the property. He asked who was bringing it. That is the question. Is it the town or the sponsor or vendor? Council Member Manning stated if individuals were bringing on premises. There isn’t a town ordinance preventing it including on the golf course. The policy has a host liquor liability. As long as the town is not in the business of selling alcohol the policy would defend and indemnify the town. Council Member Kirch asked about a vendor working under an event sponsor. Mr. VanGorder stated the vendor – he assumes is in the process of selling the alcohol. He needs to have a license in NYS. “If you are required by state law to have an insurance license for alcohol the general liability policy will not protect you.” They have to have a liquor legal liability policy. We want evidence of the coverage. We want to be listed as an additional insurer on their general liability policy if we can. And we want a hold harmless indemnification statement before the first beer is drawn.
The clerk asked about the Risk Transfer Manual left with the town supervisor at their previous meeting. It has a facilities use agreement, with an insurance requirement on it. There are all kinds of sample language that the town would want in a contract. If you are going to hire a contractor to demo a building start with a document in the book. Or Mr. VanGorder will start with the document. Supervisor Selmser stated the town developed one based on our attorneys’ advisement.
If the town wanted to increase the liability the policy goes into effect September 1st. They would need a few days. Mr. VanGorder asked what should he do with the policy now. He suggested the board talk it over. A work session was suggested.
At 7:40 pm Mr. VanGorder was thanked for this time tonight.
Public Comment:
Mr. Centi wondered if the trailer used in the weed harvesting program and if private vehicles were covered. The board looked at the equipment list. Mr. Centi will get the name off the trailer to confirm it is covered. Supervisor Selmser stated he was covered.
Stan Waddle asked if the new well was added. Where he worked anytime new equipment was purchased it had to be added to the policy.
Tony Toskas thanked the board for the town hall meeting a couple of weeks ago. He thought it should be done every month.
It was asked when the values were last assessed for the insurance. Like the 2007 mercury motor. Supervisor Selmser stated it is based on the initial cost and they calculate a replacement cost.
Shirley Holliday stated the meetings are too long yet the whole agenda is not being covered. She believed the correspondence should be read or at least referred to. Supervisor Selmser stated they are available for any questions. The clerk will make copies if requested or they can just view them. It is public information. She asked why it takes months and years to get any repairs done to town hall. The example she gave was the gym floor. She believed the kids should be down there (at the school) instead of in the boardroom. There was a mess in the meeting room for the senior meeting. Laptops were on the floor. Mr. Travis interjected that it took 45 minutes to reorganize the room for summer school today. Mrs. Holliday asked if anything was being done on the roof, it’s been years, and there needs to be work on the furnace. Supervisor Selmser stated they are waiting for quotes on the furnace. He agreed the roof has been an issue for 50 -60-70 years. “It will be dealt with before winter.”
Committee Reports:
Assessor - Supervisor Selmser noted the assessor has done some required training,
BTI – Mr. Delesky noted they are done as of July 31 of this year. He feels they did a good job. He will be working on the paperwork to go to Albany and Warrensburg.
Clerk/Collector – Linda Gilbert reported the Tax Collector books were presented for audit to the board in April. To date three of the Council Members have reviewed them. She would like to close the books and have the board accept the books. This has been on her report for the last two months.
Also carried over from the last couple of months is the need for annual sexual harassment and work place violence training per a reminder in the recent publication in the AOT.
She noted customers are complaining about coming into town hall because of the mold. Their eyes are swelling and their breathing is affected. They are concerned for the short and long term health for those who work in the building. The Clerk noted the new bucket (collection) system in the records room to collect water from the leaking roof. She wanted the public to know the records are in jeopardy. There is not another fireproof room or area to keep the payroll records safe. The clerk then corrected a comment she made last month. Funds can be transferred from a .1 account payroll to equipment .2 expenses or .4.
She noted the item on the agenda Sherman’s septic has been pulled.
Lastly the clerk stated that she contacted PESH the Public Employee’s Health and Safety dept. She sees works being done in other part of town yet the highway employees are washing their hands in bacteria infested creek water from the beavers who built a dam up there. She feels this is wrong. The roof, the (lack of) heat and excessive heat (82 degrees in the clerk’s office) PESH thought was a problem. We are not within the temperature guidelines. She may be making a report to them for all employees of the Town of Caroga.
Code Office– Supervisor Selmser stated a report was submitted. The supervisor stated quite a number of permits were issued. Every day there is a line waiting to see him. The assistant has been extremely helpful. John hopes to continue using him.
Blight – Supervisor Selmser stated “one issue on a building inspection John had reached out to contacts to have quotes submitted to us for inspecting and analyzing the amount of asbestos in that building as of today he has not received any quotes back or contacts.” This was tabled for a future meeting.
Dog Control – The supervisor reported the clerk gave (all board members) a list of delinquent dogs. He stated the clerk has done everything she can to contact the owner. The clerk stated that monthly reminders were sent. It was not her job to do other follow up. That was the Dog Control Officer’s job. There are delinquent dog license renewals due from this year and last. Supervisor Selmser stated he will talk to Mr. Dutcher to see if there is any information on any of these that he can pass on to the clerk.
Golf Course – Mr. Jennings was not in favor of allowing a wedding in 2020 on the 7th green. It could be on the fairway somewhere. The clerk noted the form was sent to him but he felt it didn’t apply to his situation. The form states it is for the use of Sherman’s. Council Member Manning wanted to say yes to this as long as it did not interfere with the daily operation of the golf course. Council Member Kirch wanted something in writing. Mr. Jennings was asked to contact him.
Next week on the 14th & 15th he hopes to have the summer recreation older kids play three holes of golf and the younger ones play some snag golf. He talked to Mr. Ruberti about having the Phys. Ed kids bussed to the course at the beginning of the school year. The board was in favor of this.
Mr. Jennings wanted the special extended from Monday and Wednesday to Monday through Thursday after Labor Day. This could generate some fall play. The special is $25 for greens fees and a cart as opposed to $32. Supervisor Selmser asked if there was proof this worked.
RESOLUTION #2018-084 to extend the special rates on the golf course was offered by Council Member Kirch at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday August 8, 2018 at Town hall.
WHEREAS, Steve Jennings the manager at the Nick Stoner Municipal course discussed with the board his desire to increase play after Labor Day on the course, and
WHEREAS, a discussion was held about the price and days the special would be run, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that a special rate will go into effect after Labor Day of $25 for 18 holes with a cart will apply Monday through Thursday at the Nick Stoner Municipal course until the rest of the golf season (October 31st)
Council Member Long seconded the resolution.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Mr. Jennings thanked Mr. Delesky of the BTI department stating there were no black flies out on the course this year. (Applause)
Mr. Jennings has re-sodded the ladies 8th Tee yesterday. It should be playable in a couple of weeks.
Council Member Glenn wanted to discuss the volunteers on the golf course. Mr. Jennings stated the only volunteers he wants on the course are for people to fill in divots. There is nothing else they can do machinery or labor wise. They could do that in the early morning or late afternoon. The outside of the pro shop is being worked on by Cindy. She has painted it. They will continue to go around the building. He does not want volunteers on ladders. Mr. Jennings would be the direct supervisor. Inside work (remodeling/refurbishing) is also needed to spruce up the building. Mr. Jennings stated they do painting basically in the early spring. When they can’t work outside they work inside. The hallway needs carpeting. Council Member Glenn suggested having a list of what the volunteers could do at the building.
Council Member Glenn discussed the signage on parking/additional parking...etc. Mr. Jennings was not in favor of any signs. He has been there 30 years and he has never had a problem. The Inn and the golf course partner and park where they can. He did not want any signs. If the Inn wants signage for their patrons only… it is up to them. The area near the new well head is not ready to be parked on yet.
Council Member (Dr.) Glenn and a patient discussed moving the pro shop to town hall and reverse where the hole #1 is and move town hall to the golf shop. Mr. Jennings thought there was more parking at town hall. Council Member Glenn said the course is in great condition and that he does a heck of a job. Mr. Jennings was thanked. (Applause)
Supervisor Selmser announced there are two more invited guests tonight to talk about the phone system. The representative from Frontier is Thomas A. Canty. He manages the major accounts for the company. They sold the town the Mitel system in 2013 the contract was for 5 years. The town paid just over $6,000 for the system. The system has reached the end of its life – Mr. Canty said you can’t buy replacement parts for it and the company no longer supports it. The phones are like computers and need to be updated. The software updates are not being put out for it. There is a buyback (just over $1,000) if the town goes to the 5000 model system. The cost to put a maintenance plan on these phones would cost $68 per month. For the new 5000 model the monthly rate is $96. “Instead of putting a maintenance plan in the software plan back on the old system that you have that's outdated for $68 you're going to get the new system that gives you the software and insurance for another 60 months gives you the maintenance plan for 60 months and gives you the operating system. There is no capital cost. It depends on how you choose to purchase it as well. The other thing is to protect yourself from the situation you're in now. Buying a phone system is like buying a vehicle or computer you are buying a depreciating asset. They offer a shield program as protection. If we were in the situation we are in now with a system that's reached its end life they could tear the contract up and give you the upgraded system. He thought with his new system you get 10 to 15 years. Currently the buildings are not currently connected. With the IT technology they connect through the computer and everything would connect to the phone system. All of the phones would be coming to town hall. They could add more trunks if we needed them from the software.
Supervisors Selmser stated part of the reason he is here is because we've been having problems with the phones. He noted we were still using the older copper lines. We do have cap 5 wire in the building. Mr. Canty noted the system is starting to fail that's why you're having problems. Council Member Long asked what insurance do we have that this won't happen in another 5 years. Mr. Canty said it could it happen. He did not believe the 3000 was the best option for us. The 5000 was coming out at the same time but the other was less expensive. Mr. Canty did not believe the VoIP technology would be good in Caroga. We would have to upgrade our internet which would be more expensive. He would never advise us to put a VoIP system over a DSL. The clerk would be calling him with problems every day. It was stated that the equipment on London Bridge Road is antiquated.
The information he gave the town is for no cash down and an additional $96 per month for the lease of the phones for 60 months. After that they could put another maintenance contract on for $68 a month. The prices are good for 60 days and the buyback is only good through the end of year.
Supervisor Selmser called Spectrum but they never responded back.
The clerk was asked to discuss the current problems. The incoming call doesn’t ring. Calls can’t be placed due to busy circuits. The incoming calls can’t be picked up in the back office. The electronics are shutting down. There is one handset that has gone bad. It was moved into the gym. One day caller ID works the next it doesn’t. Some problem pops up every week. The clerk was not sure she wanted Mr. Putman’s and the golf course phones ringing at town hall. People choose another option if they can’t get a department they want.
Derrek Pombrio has been in this business for over 20 years. He started his own company ESI- 3 years ago. The phones are call, IP, digital hyper based. This is the only company that manufactures in the US and supported in the US. The infrastructure up here is not the best. He is proposing a digital hybrid network. Frontier is proposing a network… but anything over 300 feet is going to be a problem. The system he proposed is good now and into the future. He does not care where the dial tone comes from – Frontier may. There is a small upfront cost the town could pay for a 5 year warranty (excluding acts of god). Software and software upgrades are free. He would have remote access and upgrades would cost $50. The board was given a copy of the brochure prior to the meeting by the Supervisor. Mr. Pombrio gave references from Brown’s Ford, Ruby & Quiri and Nathan Littauer Hospital. The most important thing is he supports his business. Currently there are analog lines. He can also do cloud based but only if there was really good internet connection. It is not always the band width. He does not do a lease arrangement. The town would have to pay one price. It was stated that we could move to Spectrum. In some areas it is good; in others it is not good. We would have to be out of contract with Frontier. He has contacts and can portal over numbers from Frontier. How would we know moving to Spectrum would work before the changeover. He did not have the answer. It is up to Spectrum to ensure this. The clerk noted when power is lost the Spectrum battery backup does not hold very long. With Frontier the dial tone is there. He suggested our own battery backup. Council Member Long stated their repeaters are the problem. His quote is good for 30 days.
Highway - Mr. Putman showed the board quotes on vehicles for the board.
He designated Lane and Putman Roads as seasonal for limited highway use and maintenance. This is required to do before November of each year.
He spoke to both Council Member Manning and Supervisor Selmser about the well. He thought the town had options. The County Soil and Waters has a machine that could dig the line or the town could rent a machine. The person needs to be there to put in the lines as the digging is being done. He stated there is a lot of shelf rock up there. The supervisor is waiting for a call back from Hawk Drilling to get dates to accomplish it. There has to be care given when hooking up the well as there is a sewage system there and the old lines from the cleanup of the MTBE contamination in the ground there too. Council Member Manning stated Hawk is bidding this for 700 feet. The town had estimated it at 438 feet. The contract was approved without an actual number. There is a separate bid for all the hookups, waterlines, and pumps. He thought there should be a separate bid for the hookup. It is believed Hawk would charge $8,800 just for excavation work. The county may be cheaper. Their equipment would be available next week.
Council Member Kirch asked how much is it likely to save and how much longer will it take? The county would be available next week. Council Member Manning wondered if we hit ledge rock how we would handle that. Supervisor Selmser noted the complication of getting two or three contractors working together at the same time. Council Member Manning suggested Adirondack Mechanical. He stated they have to be licensed to install well pumps. The procurement policy was reviewed with the board by the clerk. The clerk stated “this is an emergency isn’t it?” The contractors mentioned will be contacted. Council Member Manning recognized the public health issue here. Mr. Putman did not believe we had to go to the 30 day bid process. “This is basically an emergency situation. Two public buildings without potable/proper running water.”
Another situation was the short spurts of heavy rain. The men were sent out checking culvert pipes and bridges. There was a situation on Newkirk Road where people came out yelling at the guys. The highway workers were in the right-of-way but were threatened with using a dog to bite people. He let it go but his men were upset with the ordeal. Since then the occupants have put pallets in the ditch. He will call the state police next time. The men were being accused of trespassing. The town has 25 feet from the center of the road.
Mr. Putman asked the board to be reminded of the need for a salt shed. Council Member Manning asked if he would be OK with a smaller size. We are putting water and a new furnace into the barn. He reminded the board that the barn is antiquated and that the fire department will not go in if there was a fire because of the wood arch trusses. The clerk stated the Salt Shed Company reached out to her last week. They noted the town should reach out to our local representatives to see if there is any funding. She said there is dormitory money funding for salt sheds.
Council Member Kirch spoke to Mr. Putman about turning over Mr. Putman’s truck to the code department instead of selling it. They would get around better in the winter in a 4 wheel drive. Mr. Duesler could not do inspection about 4 times last winter because he could not get up hills.
He has been trying to get some quotes locally for a new pickup truck. Mangino in Ballston spa has a left over duel wheel truck. No one else responded. He wanted to go out to bid.
With the bigger truck we can piggyback on Onondaga contact. He recommended the Viking Chives box and plow rigs. We have used them. He noted the need to expedite a purchase anticipating a tariff increase on steel.
Supervisor Selmser suggested a work session to concentrate on trucks and phones.
Councilmember Kirch asked if there is any advantage to buying the same brand truck that we have now. Mr. Putman thought there was. Mr. Putman was looking to go into a Class 8 truck. But the cost is astronomical. So he is staying with a Class 7. To reiterate we've had real good luck with HL Gage.
Last but not least Mr. Putman asked if anything was being done about the generator for Town Hall. Supervisor Selmser noted there was a meeting held Mayfield on the 27th put on by FEMA they had 8 people there and 4 or 5 from DEC. They did reviews of our area as far as flood and storm damage. A report will be compiled. They asked what the most critical thing was. Supervisor Selmser stated there were flood issues and stated the first responders are the Highway Department. They need to be in contact so the generator is at the top of the list for the Town of Caroga.
Supervisor stated there is a generator at Fulton County Emergency Services that used to be connected to the transmitting tower in Bleecker. We don't think it's big enough for our building. It would be free. We do not know what the kilowatt capacity is. It may take another 8 or 10 months for funds to be available from FEMA. Council Member Long thought we could get by if we were just doing some circuits - the furnace and emergency communications for Steve. We have the transfer switch and propane tanks already.
Mr. Putman noted a couple of towns in the area that are looking into having a local law along their shorelines so that when you sold a camp or house that you have to have the septic system tested. He didn't think that was picking on shoreline people. He thought it should be a town wide thing. He noted some financial institutes are doing that now.
Supervisor Selmser stated in the revised zoning if there is a transfer or sale of any property the system has to be reviewed. He noted the revised zoning is on the agenda for review at the APA tomorrow.
Supervisor Selmser said there were two questions on the bills. On the one very limited information was given. Northeast did bridge work for us. Mr. Putman stated he did the demolition for us. This was add-on stuff which unfortunately didn't get the billed. It should have been done in two parts. When he found that the head walls needed to be worked on he went to head and started the work last fall. But with the weather we had to stop. He should have billed us then. He stated it was partially his fault he screwed up.
Supervisor Selmser had another question regarding the Callanan material for paving. The supervisor noted the county is given a certain price. Mr. Putman noted there is a variable rate which changes with the cost of oil index.
Mr. Putman spoke to the board previously about hiring a part-time person for the winter. He is bringing someone in now. A couple of the retirees were not interested in coming back to work. A contract needs to be drawn up. He will be at the low rate. Council Member Manning noted anybody coming in new will be on tier B. Paperwork has to be signed so we know exactly when they start. The rate will be $15.55. And another part of the process the clerk noted is that the employee needs to go for drug testing prior to hiring. Supervisor Selmser noted the website provided by our insurance company to check driving history of our employees. The clerk stated that a form was given to the highway superintendent to gather driver's license numbers. Mr. Putman stated he would return the form in the morning it is was filled out.
Council Member Manning stated he spoke to Mr. Putman earlier about East Shore Road making it one way. Mr. Putman plans to have it fully in effect for next summer from Route 10 to Chapel will be one way. Then from Route 10 to Bath Ave. will go one way also. There will be no access from either end of East Shore Road. Cars may only exit from the North or South direction. Mr. Putman also thought there should be a digital sign giving readout of your speed. Council Member Manning suggested widening the access road. He also wanted a bike lane.
Mr. Putman noted we are almost done accepting the road off of South Shore Road East Caroga. The town has the deed we are waiting for the survey. The name of the road is Breanna Lane.
The Board discussed dates and set a work session on Tuesday August 28th 2018 at 7 pm.
Mr. Putman strongly suggested the board move on the Viking Chives truck as prices will go up. We can piggy back on another contract.
The heating system at the barn is done including the chimney. It is triple wall. The block chimney will be capped for now. It is part of the corner of the building. He hopes to save fuel this winter. Council Member Kirch asked if it needed to be inspected. Pictures will be taken and sent to Henry the inspector.
Lake Steward- Mike Durkee submitted a written report. At the end of this year he will be done.
Town Hall Building – Supervisor Selmser stated he talked to Mr. Travis about some painting possibilities there. Mr. Baxter the golf course worker is willing to work but he wanted to be paid the wage he earns at the golf course. Mr. Travis said Apollo will be available in a couple of weeks.
Council Member Long asked if there was a list of the locations of the leaks. Mr. Travis and Council Member Long will get together one morning. Council Member Kirch wanted this added to the work session. The list was needed before the request for quotes could go out. Quotes will be accepted until 4 pm on August 28th.
Lakes Management Program – Mr. Centi reported that he replaced the Bimini top and also the drive belt on the motor/impeller. They are ahead of last year by over 2000 bushels. They are behind as far as calendar time. He was in contact by people concerned with milfoil from near Tuxedo NY and someone on Hillock Lake. We are becoming a model for the DASH Program. Mr. Centi stated he may not do an analysis of the lake this year, it is getting redundant. He has the equipment to determine the size of the beds. He would like to use the groups that do it for free. A complete analysis will be done every three years.
Supervisor Selmser had wanted the undersheriff to attend this evening to discuss using a drone over the lake.
Youth - A written report was submitted. The program had $1,127 ($1,132) in cash donations which about paid for the entire admissions to the Great Escape. They collected $310 in bottle returns which will be used to buy the campers McDonalds on the way home. The Facebook page has helped generate a lot of donations. They have been roller skating, to the movies, to Glimmerglass State Park, and to old Friends at Cabin Creek – a retirement home for horses that have raced at Saratoga. The also had weekly trips to Pine Lake. Lifeguard Jessica Smith has agreed to take her test to become an aquatics director. This will allow the group to once again go to the campsite more often. Summer School will conclude on Wednesday. Colleen Ricciardi Youth Director thanked the town for the use of the building and pavilion. Don Travis was given special thanks for his upkeep of the building. There was a problem with tax exempt status the supervisor worked on for them today.
Supervisor’s Report
Supervisor Selmser had some knowledge on the closed Landfill. He gave the board two proposals to get the town back in compliance. When the site was closed we were required to monitor/testing twice a year. Somehow it has not happened in the last year and a half. CT male and Adirondack Environmental were contacted. “It appears CT male references to the two requirements where the Adirondack doesn’t so that is the major difference in cost.” They both do the environmental study and then they send out their samples to be analyzed at certified labs. The baseline testing from CT Male was $2,190. Routine sampling for the second time would be $1,380. He thought there might be additional costs with Adirondack. The quotes were apples to oranges. The supervisor stated we are lucky we weren’t fined.
RESOLUTION #2018-085 to retain CT Male to conduct landfill testing was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday August 8, 2018 at Town hall.
WHEREAS, Supervisor Selmser informed the board of the need to conduct testing at our landfill site, and
WHEREAS, two quotes were received one from CT Male and the other from Adirondack Environmental, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the board does hereby move to retain CT Male 50 Century Hill Drive Latham NY 12110 518 786 7400 for their services listed in their August 2nd bid in the amount of $3,570.00 to bring us into compliance with testing of our closed landfill. And be it further
RESOLVED, that the second sample will be deferred to the calendar year 2019.
Council Member Manning seconded the resolution.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Discussion: Supervisor Selmser noted we were close to the end of the year. Testing could be done twice this year possibly the cost could be split and delay the second one until early next year.
Supervisor Selmser reviewed the contracts for snow and ice control 2018-19 noting it is the same rate as prior years. To plow 5.13 miles at the rate of $5,000 per mile, total contract price of $25,650.00.
RESOLUTION #2018-086 Snow and Ice Contract was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday August 8, 2018 at Town hall.
WHEREAS, the Fulton County Highway Department sent over a proposal to undertake the Snow removal and ice control contract for two roads in the Town of Caroga, and
WHEREAS, the town will maintain 5.15 miles of county roads those roads being County Highway 111 and 137 for the amount of $25,550.00 and
WHEREAS, Steve Putman Highway Superintendent was in favor of accepting the agreement, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to accept the proposal to undertake the snow removal and ice control for the winter of 2018-2019.
Seconded by Council Member Glenn
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Supervisor Selmser discussed contracting with Fulton Co. Planning for services in 2019. He stated if there is any chance of the town doing a sewer district we will probably need some guidance from them. It will provide 10 hours of free service and after that the town is billed at a standard rate. They have also helped the town with SEQR and communicating with APA on our zoning.
RESOLUTION #2018-087 to contract with Fulton county Planning services for 2019 was offered by Council Member Glenn at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday August 8, 2018 at Town hall.
WHEREAS, the town desired the county to provide services from the Planning Department during 2019, and
WHEREAS, the parties hereto mutually agree to Articles 1 thru IV of the agreement drawn up by the County via a correspondence dated July 10, 2018, which is on file in the Town clerk’s office, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to direct Supervisor Selmser to sign he contact, and be it future RESOLVED that article II states the town shall compensate the County in an amount not to exceed $1,500.00 in 2018 for Planning Services.
Seconded by Council Member Manning.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Supervisor Selmser noted the budget director will put a schedule together to gather some information in early September. Reports were given to the board. There are three accounts that need transfers one for the furnace at the Highway barn, one for the well at the barn, and a software expense carried over from last year.
RESOLUTION#2018-088 to Transfer Funds was offered by Council Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday August 8, 2018 at Town hall.
WHEREAS, the budget director has indicated that three transfers are necessary to maintain a balanced budget: Now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the board moved to make the following Transfers to maintain a balanced budget.
To: A7310.41 Youth Program C/E $1,132.00
From: A3820 Youth Programs $ 1,132.00
To: A5010.4 Highway Garage C/E $15,000.00
From: A1990.4 Contingency Acct. $15,000.00
To: A1220.21 Software Support $ 1,050.00
From: A1420.4 Attorney C/E $ 1,050.00
Seconded by Council Member Manning.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Supervisor Selmser notified the board when sales tax figures came in. He thinks it is being driven by more people in the Town of Caroga from events happening here and more people putting additions on and making investments.
The town received a property use request for Sherman’s for 6 people who want to film on the property September 29th from 7 am to 7 pm. It was not known if it was a documentary or work of fiction. No access to the buildings was asked for. Council Member Manning stated anyone can walk on the property and film. We need to know if they need exclusive use of the property. Production insurance is available upon request. The board wanted to have a copy of it. The supervisor will contact them to find out the nature of the project.
There were no additional bids in round three of the bidding on parcel # 83.6-3-2, also known as 2103 State Highway 10. This will be discussed in executive session at the August 28th meeting. The town attorney will be contacted.
RESOLUTION 2018-089 to set a work session was offered by Council Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday August 28, 2018 at Town hall.
WHEREAS, the board desires to hold a work session to discuss various items and to conduct any and all business to come before them, now therefore be it,
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town board shall meet on Tuesday August 28th at 7 pm at town hall and that public notification of the meeting shall be given.
Council Member Manning seconded the resolution.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
New Business:
Kingsboro Lumber donation – Council Member Manning stated he was not sure that was on the agenda. It was not a big deal.
RESOLUTION #2018-090 to permit a private fireworks display was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday August 8, 2018 at Town hall.
WHEREAS, the board received a notification from Majestic Fireworks INC. 29 College St. Clinton NY 13323 (315) 853 2237 of a private display for a wedding and did provide a certificate of liability insurance, now therefore be it,
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town board hereby approves and authorizes the display on Saturday August 11, 2018.
Seconded by Council Member Long
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Under new business Council Member Glenn stated he and Council Member Kirch have been kicking the can down the road about a sewer district. They have met with some people to see if it is even a feasible idea from a financial, and acceptance idea from the residence. It is a very informal group that has met a couple of times. They are doing research to see if people in Caroga want it or don’t want it.
Carousel door – Council Member Kirch noted there was a discussion at the town hall meeting where he explained that “Jim” Supervisor Selmser had decided they needed to get something done at the main entrance to the carousel house as it is the largest fire exit. He should have brought this to the board for a resolution before it happened. At this point the work is done. He stated there is money in the Sherman’s budget line item. To date $1,100 has been spent of the $10,000.00. The cost of the doors was $430. They were looking at it as a safety issue for people who rent the building. “It is the most popular building for people to rent.” He noted the $2,500 in revenue from renting the property. Supervisor Selmser stated it looks better than having a sheet of plywood up there. Council Member Manning stated the job looks fantastic.
The clerk was asked today who took down the railings on the bumper car building. Council Member Manning stated it was done last year. John said those could come down if there was a snow fencing. As long as there was not more of a 7 inch step that the snow fence could be removed. The clerk reviewed all of the resolutions pertaining to the Sherman’s property. Again there is work being done without board approval. There is only one resolution on the books that authorized the fence along Bath Ave could be removed. There is nothing else that says the property can be changed or altered. In fact the volunteers aren’t supposed to be doing that. Council Member Manning stated he removed the railing.
Council Member Glenn stated it is beautiful. His concern is the process in which it happened. This evening we discussed volunteers on the golf course and Mr. Jennings is in charge of them. We need to take a look at the overall volunteers for Sherman’s and find out exactly who they are and what they are supposed to be doing, who is in charge, who they are responsible to and ultimately whoever, that person is it has to be brought here to the board. Everyone here on the board needs to know exactly what is going on.
Council Member Manning thought a broad resolution needed to be passed stating that the volunteers can do general maintenance work/ nonstructural work. In his mind that’s things that impact loads, or overall design of the structure. Putting up lattice and painting is not structural work. He stated people have to be given parameters. He agreed it could be tightened up a little bit more. Council Member Manning stated the board is in charge. Council Member Glenn asked who the boots on the ground was. Council Member Manning volunteered to do it. He has done most of it. Council Member Glenn wanted a chain of command so when someone breaks the law by drilling holes through the asphalt - that is defacing public property. That is a problem.
Council Member Kirch stated the season for doing stuff down at the property has pretty much ended. He thought we could all agree we need more structure on how that happens down there. He proposes looking at that next spring before anything gets going down there. Council Member Manning agreed any additional building renovation things that are structural have to go through John Duesler. The clerk stated she didn't have a resolution that said anything structural has to go through John Duesler. Council Member Long stated that was by law. Going forward the board members agreed more structure was needed. There are over 50 volunteers who do they respond to. Council Member Kirch stated it is 10 pm and asked that the matter be tabled. He would have appreciated a resolution to approve the repair and cost of the two doors for $430.
Council Member Kirch began a resolution stating whereas “the board wants to rent out all or parts of Sherman’s Property” when the clerk interrupted him stating that’s not what this resolution is about. That was new. We are talking about doors.
RESOLUTION #2018-091 approve the cost of approximately $430 to repair the doors on the carousel building was offered by Council Member Kirch at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday August 8, 2018 at Town hall.
WHEREAS, Council Member Kirch worked on the carousel building doors on the Sherman’s Property and
WHEREAS, the cost of approximately $430 was spent to repair the doors, and
WHEREAS, the work has been completed, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the board does hereby move to approve the cost and the work that has been completed.
Seconded by Council Member Manning
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Supervisor Selmser asked if there was any more new business or if correspondence needed to be discussed.
Mr. Centi asked where the 8/13 workshop was. It is here at town hall at 9:30 am – 12:30 pm. It will go over the best management practices for Roadside Invasive Species. It is sponsored by DOT and education credits will be given. It was asked if the public could attend. It is for transportation specialists.
7/20 Fulton County Workers Compensation Report
7/20 Thank you for donation from Nathan Littauer
7/30 NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance HEAP information
NYS Dept. of State Local Gov. Innovation Conference 11/15 – 16
Supervisor Selmser noted the Letter/request to recognize Alfred Dudley Dennison for his contributions to Caroga. Council Member Kirch stated it was from Denny Fink who is his grandson. Mr. Fink stated he was the attorney in the donation of the golf course to the town. He also donated some of the land. The request is for a plaque. Mr. Fink noted his grandfather’s goals to create an attractive/better life for year round and seasonal residents. He wants to work with the board on this.
RESOLUTION #2018-092 to work with Denny Fink to recognize Alfred Dudley Dennison was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday August 8, 2018 at Town hall.
WHEREAS, it is the boards desire to recognize the contributions of Alfred Dudley Dennison for his vision for Caroga and has many contributions, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the board will work with Mr. Fink to find a suitable location for a plaque to be placed in a mutually agreeable location to recognize Alfred Dudley Dennison, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the board accepts his gracious offered to fund the plaque.
Seconded by Council Member Kirch
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Council Member Kirch volunteered to be the liaison for this project.
Council Member Long made a motion to pay the bills as presented for audit with one amended in the amount of $1.00. Council Member Glenn seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.
The Spotlight on Business tonight is from The Boathouse. They will be changing their menu after Labor Day and will begin offering breakfast on the weekends through the holiday.
At 10:10 pm Council Member Long made a motion to adjourn. Council Member Kirch seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda M. Gilbert, RMC, CMC
Town Clerk
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025