State of New York
County of Fulton
Town of Caroga
Minutes of a Caroga Town Board work session held Tuesday August 28, 2018 at the municipal building located at 1840 State Highway #10 at 7:00 pm with the following persons in attendance by roll call:
Supervisor James K. Selmser – Here
Council Member John Glenn – Here
Council Member Jeremy Manning – Here
Council Member James Long – Here
Council Member Kent Kirch – Here
Other town department representatives in attendance were: Steve Putman – Highway Superintendent. There were 21 members of the public in attendance.
Supervisor Selmser stated there were a number of things to cover tonight on the agenda. He asked if anyone has any concerns or issues.
Barbara Lee asked why the school bus was tipped over on a car on the fire department land. There was some training going on there.
Mr. Russitano asked for an update on Sherman's and where we stand. Supervisor Selmser responded at present the use agreement this summer has expired. Other than that the farmers market will continue their activities. There are no other planned activities sponsored by the town or that anybody has presented to us. Supervisor Selmser stated there are a couple of possibilities for next year that people have approached us about. Those would be wedding receptions. They were believed to be outside.
Beth Morris asked if there were any new proposals that we're going to be brought to the town board regarding any purchase or lease agreements for the property. Supervisor Selmser stated “there has been some discussion and we are going to consider adopting, and it's going to be given to us tonight. We will probably go into executive session discuss that possible agreement and negotiate set up some preliminary negotiations.” She asked if this was going to be transparent, and asked who this possible buyer is. Supervisor Selmser stated presently the principles from CAC will be with us later at this meeting and they so desire to meet with them and do a presentation we will consider and our attorney is here to join us so there will be some preliminary discussion. She asked what the discussion will be about. The supervisor stated we don't physically have it in hand. We don't know what the terms or the statements are. There has been some verbal communication but we don't have anything in writing. Mrs. Morris asked if the property had been appraised yet so we know the value of the property. The supervisor responded we have not. This just transpired in the last week or so. So that would be a consideration possibly.
It was asked when the farmers market was going to run until. The supervisor believed until the middle of September. Council Member Kirch added in case anybody is wondering there are no plans to make any decisions regarding the Sherman’s situation tonight.
Mr. Stumpf asked about the heating system. Supervisor Selmser stated they intend to have it fixed. Nothing has been received from Lynch, but they have been in communication with Apollo and they have been on site.
Mr. Russitano stated it's been 2 years and the focus has been on these young people. They may be going in different directions. He thought this was something the board should consider. Supervisor Selmser stated it's being represented by community resident adults with business experience. Mr. Russitano noted that this is a town asset and everything needs to be considered you have to look down the road. At 7:08 p.m. the public portion of the meeting was closed.
Mr. Putman stated he has been in touch with John from Fulton County Soils and Water. We will have the track hoe here by Thursday. He stated we have to bust a move with Hawk. Supervisor Selmser stated Soil and Water was going to talk to the well driller. Council Member Manning asked if we accepted the bid from Hawk to do the work. Supervisor Selmser responded we have a quote from them. The overall length to be dug was discussed the estimated length of the trench to be dug at 780 feet. This project can't wait there are two Town buildings without water.
RESOLUTION #2018-093 to approve the supervisor to sign the contract with Hawk Drilling was offered by Council Member Kirch at the August 28th 2018 work session held at the Caroga Municipal Building.
WHEREAS, the board discussed the emergency of having no water to two municipal building and the need to move forward to connecting the well to the Highway Barn and Golf Course buildings now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the supervisor is hereby authorized to sign a contract not to exceed $12,000 to connect the pump and the well to the barn and the golf course clubhouse, this excludes excavation work given on estimate number 21501 from Hawk drilling 354 Stone Church Road, Ballston Spa NY 12020 (518) 885-7952.
Seconded by Council Member Long
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glen, Manning, Long, Kirch
Mr. Putman stated he has a quote for Mangino’s for a pickup truck, and one from West Herr Ford from Hamburg NY for a 2019 F350 XL with regular cab. He wanted to review the bid.
Mr. Putman could not connect with the salesman for the Freightliner. Is not high on his priority list because he's had so many problems with the vehicle the town currently owns. Mr. Putman discussed an International truck. The truck with the heavy duty front end is more expensive, $86,000.00 it has an air ride. The regular cab is $73,000.00. He has looked at the Viking Chives dump box and plow package. The cost is $58,163.96. The Peterbilt cab and chassis is $113,972.00. The Viking Chives delivered price is $159, 122.00. Delivery time is 8 to 10 months. Peterbilt had one on the lot. Mr. Putman stated we are victorious for popping springs. The International chassis is $73,893. just to confirm those prices. We received two additional discounts.
RESOLUTION #2018-094 to order a truck was offered by Council Member Glenn at the August 28th 2018 work session held at Caroga Town Hall.
WHEREAS, the highway department is in need of replacing aging trucks in the fleet, and
WHEREAS, Mr. Putman reviewed quotes with the board, now therefore be it,
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town bored here by moves to accept contract #8996 for the International truck for a medium/heavy frame truck and plow, the cost would be $159,122 contingent on Viking Chive steel price.
Seconded by Council Member Manning
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glen, Manning, Long, Kirch
Supervisor Selmser stated moving over to insurance, there was a presentation at our last meeting regarding our renewal. In his initial conversation he asked for a quote to increase our umbrella coverage. Council Member Long asked if he was recommending stepping up to the next level. The supervisor stated this matches up with what other towns are doing. Council Member Kirch noted the current premium is $2,680 the new premium would be $3,560 and increase of $879.
RESOLUTION#2018-095 to authorize the supervisor to sign the insurance renewal with NBT for the coming year was offered by Council Member Kirch at the August 28th 2018 work session held at Caroga Town Hall.
WHEREAS, the board had a presentation by Bill VanGorder of NBT Mang Insurance at the August board meeting, and
WHEREAS, the board desires to increase the liability amounts in the coming year to 4 million + 8 million at an additional cost of $879.00 beyond the quoted premium. Now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes the supervisor to sign the insurance renewal policy with NBT Mang Insurance with this premium taking effective September 1st, 2018.
Seconded by Council Member Long
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glen, Manning, Long, Kirch
Supervisor Selmser then discuss the phone proposals presented at the August meeting. Council Member Long stated he wasn't sure he had enough information. Council Member Kirch asked if anyone check the references of the last gentleman. Supervisor Selmser stated that Jeff Peck recommended him. Council Member Glenn stated he used to work for Frontier and did work in his office. He stated he was an outstanding engineer. It was noted that his cost was slightly less. Council Member Kurt stated he is not a brand name given the company's he is servicing in the area he feels... Council Member Long stated Derek was expecting the towns to secure the Frontier lines. It wasn't it was apples to orange comparison. This matter was tabled until the next board meeting. Council Member Long stated we need to get the total cost. He was not bidding on the dial tone. Another consideration it's not a lease it's a full upfront cost...
Roof repairs quotes. The clerk stated and handed out a quote that was just handed to her a few minutes ago. Trish Isabella is here to speak on behalf of this quote. She showed a product that was to be used on part of the roof. She is representing Mohawk Valley. She asked how many board members have been up on the roof. Four of the five had. She stated there are a couple of problems going on. There is a dip where the water lays. First and foremost she wanted to address fixing the leaks. There is a proposal in the packet to fix the leaks for $4,464 the best they can. All the cracks would be sealed she stated. The skin of the roof has a lot of problems. She stated to the board that they know they have to replace this roof. The roof is in bad, bad shape. In the packet were two other proposals. Two different products would be used -one was spray foam and one was a membrane. The roof that has the valley would be cut down to the roof deck and then build it up to the same level with a foam board and then you spray form it. She noted the products have an 18 and 20 year warranty.
Council Member Manning asked if this was a torched down product. Mrs. Isabella stated it was a hot air method. The key factor is that these gentlemen would be willing to take the $4,464 that we pay this year and put it towards next year's roof. She would need a signature stating that we are buying the roof and put 10% down. These quotes do not include the area over the gym. She noted there are no guards on the drains. She stated the roofs do not have to be torn off.
Council Member Kirsch wanted to understand this - he is seeing three proposals. One is to do the repairs for $4,464 and that can be put towards the purchase of a roof next year. A decision to do this would be needed soon. The two other proposals -is one for $25,000 and another for $27,000. Council Member Long stated the cost since we're talking about two different square footages in two different methods is $52,000 for both roofs. Council Member Manning wants to look into the product. Council Member Kirch wondered if we needed to get three quotes. Supervisor Selmser stated we are looking to do repairs. There was one other quote from Act for $18,950. There were no warranties listed with this quote.
RESOLUTION #2018-096 to accept the roof repair from Mohawk Valley was offered by Council Member Kirch at the August 28th 2018 work session held at Caroga Town Hall.
WHEREAS, the board requested quotes to repair the town hall roof to be submitted by 4 p.m. at on August 28th, and
WHEREAS, a representative from Mohawk Valley brought information to the board this evening with a quote of $4,464 to repair all the roofs excluding the roof over the gym, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to accept the quote from Mohawk Valley to repair the roof.
Seconded by Council Member Long
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glen, Manning, Long, Kirch
The clerk again stated that this quote was received after the 4 p.m. deadline.
Supervisor Selmser wanted to bring the board up to date. The code officer received a quote for asbestos removal. We expect a couple more quotes. We have to do an inspection before the property can be demolished. We will consider this at our next meeting.
Council Member Kirch asked about the revised zoning. Supervisor Selmser stated we would need a public hearing and maybe a presentation by Fulton County Planning or our planning board.
Council Member Long stated there was a defect with the bid process on the vacant parcel that is up for sale that is owned by the town. The minimum bid was $2,500 after 3 rounds of bidding. Hashtag Management submitted a bid for $1,750. If we were to accept the bid it would put us in jeopardy because other bidders might have entered into the bidding process between $1,750 and $2,500 and the second bid was for $2,500 with the town having to combine the parcels. If he is correct under advice of counsel both of those are problematic. Council Member Long proposed a 4th round of bidding with a minimum of $1,750. Council Member Kirch stated this all started with a letter from the business asking to purchase the lot so they could have parking. It is a vacant lot. Council Member Kirch stated there were zero other bidders. This is a way to get the property back on the tax roll and productive with a local new business and a blighted property would be removed as is not being maintained currently. Council Member Long stated we would be taking a loss because our town attorney is not going to do this, the closing, for free. The town clerk asked how much the town purchased the property for Council Member Kirch stated $1,400.
RESOLUTION #2018-097 to offer property SBL #83.6-3-2 for a fourth round of bidding was offered by Council Member Long at the August 28th work session held at Caroga Town Hall.
WHEREAS, the town has held three rounds of bidding for parcel 83.6-3-2,
WHEREAS, the bidding process was defective, now therefore be RESOLVED, that the board does hereby move to conduct a fourth round of bidding this time with a lower minimum bid of $1,750 with the same language as previously posted in the legal section, and be it further RESOLVED, that bids will be received by September 11th at 3 pm.
Seconded by Council Member Manning
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Mr. Putman has examined the bid for the pickup truck submitted by West HERR. He is OK with what he sees other than the plow size is about a foot short, and the color of the truck. The cost of the truck is $49,230.00. He did reach out to local dealers but no one got back to him. (A legal ad ran for 5 days also) The vehicle at Mangino is gone. The bidder routinely attends the Highway Assoc. meetings. The truck more than likely is ready and available. He might upgrade the plow from an 8.6 to a 9.6. Council Member Kirch wanted to talk about the budget side of this.
Supervisor Selmser noted money has been set aside in a reserve and there is adequate money to purchase both of the trucks. The one the town would receive 6 to 8 months down the road. The board may at that time decide to finance it instead of paying cash upfront for it. The supervisor stated there is 50 in the account now + $100,000 in the budget to move over which would be done at before the end of the year. Last year the supervisor stated it was not done. All together Council Member Kirch noted were talking about $210,000. Supervisor Selmser thought they may be financing $80,000 over the course of 3 years. Council Member Long stated this International chassis is being built to order and being delivered 8, 9, or 10 months from now. Are we totally legally obligated once the order is placed to buy it? Mr. Putman stated once we tell them we want it's a done deal. Council Member Manning suggested waiting 2 weeks to make sure we're good with a budget side of it. The truck will still not come until after winter. Council Member Kirch is concerned about steel prices going up affecting the big truck. We move now it's possible we will miss that price increase. We can get a 350 with a month's notice from Mangino anytime. He thought the big trucks the more urgent need because of lead time. He thought we could wait till October for the pickup truck if we wanted to. Mr. Putman confirmed that the big truck was the priority. He stated the 2006 is coming apart at the seams. Supervisor Selmser noted the initial concern was there was going to be a trade since then we're not going to do that we can add more mileage on to the truck if we have to. Council Member Kirch stated he wanted to get the code officer a four-wheel drive truck before winter. It was noted that the 2015 was financed. Council Member Kirch suggested ordering the big truck and try to beat the price increase. A resolution was already passed on this.
At 8:03 pm Supervisor Selmser submitted “a motion to enter into an executive session to form negotiation strategy with the advice of counsel regarding terms of the proposed Sherman's purchase option.”
Council Member Long seconded the motion.
Council Member Glenn stated as long as it's non-committal tonight. Supervisor Selmser responded it's definitely non-committal. All board members were in favor of the motion. Supervisor Selmser announced that the meeting was taking place in the meeting room he was not sure if it would take 15 minutes or an hour and 15 minutes. He asked the public to leave the room.
At 9:15 p.m. Council Member Long made a motion to exit from the executive session. Council Member Kirch second of the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.
Supervisors Selmser stated a letter was presented to the board by Mr. Ruby. Mr. Ruby preface the reading of the letter by stating before the board went into executive session Caroga Arts Collective has been interested in being involved with Sherman's for quite some time. They have talked about long-term leases and all of these things were done because George Abdella took the position that he gave the property to the Town of Caroga and he had wanted Kyle to be involved with this music festival before he ever spoke to Ralph back in 2014. Then Ralph had a conversation with George that the town would be a better… Kyle wasn't even 20 at this point. The music festival was just in its infancy, so the town at that point entered into an agreement. George gave the property to the town and his hope was it would be used for the communities good and he has other agreements that he felt had an impact on what could happen with Sherman's. One of those was that the town could never do away with the property - they couldn't sell it. The reason we asked to meet with the town board is we now have a letter of intent signed by George Abdella.
Letter of Intent
In advance of executing formal legal documentation George Abdella and Balboaa Lane Development hereby express their intent to execute documents setting forth the following terms and conditions.
GA and BLD agree that the Town of Caroga may deed full title to Sherman’s Amusement Park, as is, to the Caroga Arts Collective, Inc., so long as the Town retains no further interest or rights in SAP and places no terms or conditions on transfer to CAC.
GA and BLD maintain that such transfer of title of SAP from the Town of Caroga to CAC without the consent of GA and BLD is in violation of the Donation Agreement between Balboaa Land Development and the Town of Caroga executed by GA as President of BLD and Ralph Ottuso as Town Supervisor on December 29, 2014, and ratified by the Town Board. GA and BLD will consent to release the Town from any and all obligations under that Donation Agreement for the sole purpose of transferring title to CAC.
In order to further facilitate the Town’s transfer of title of SAP to CAC, GA and BLD further agree to release the Town from any and all liability the Town has incurred as the date of such transfer due to any violation of its duties and obligations under the Donation Agreement.
Executed this 28th day of August, 2018 by George Abdella
Mr. Ruby stated that this is a door that has opened. There have been an awful lot of negative things that have been going on in this in this community since they have Abdella's gave Sherman's to the town. The CAC and so many people, the CAC would be the umbrella organization. There are more volunteers that are there that are not involved with CAC who have done things over this last summer to have Sherman's be in the position it's in now compared to what it has been. We think that this can continue the healing process. So we've asked the town if we could start to do some negotiations which is what we plan on doing. This was the first step period. Without this happening nothing else could happen. Council Member Long stated “We would look forward to receiving a specific proposal and assisting in any way possible in creating that proposal giving you whatever information you need.” Council Member Long further stated that this transparency is of utmost importance and thought the town board would need to have at least one maybe more than one hearing. He then proposed that a town meeting be scheduled for September 19th at 7 p.m. he asked if counsel and CAC was available then. "That doesn't preclude their delivering a proposal to us before then indeed that would be helpful in us understanding what it is they want to do. But at the very least we want to have a hearing on September 19th to discuss this. The clerk stated she was unavailable on that date. Mr. Russitano asked what if they fail in 3 to 5 years does it revert back to the town. What happens to it at that time? Council Member Long responded “we would expect at the very least any proposal that they come up with address that very question. That's a very important question you're asking. If their proposal does not at least address that question I would consider the proposal to be inadequate." He thinks they understand the town needs some protection in the event of a failure of that 501 C3 non-profit.
Mrs. Isabella asked how someone can give the town something and now decide they would prefer to give it to someone else. Council Member Long stated George Abdella maintains that his donation agreement is still in effect. And George Abdella really had this Sword of Damocles held over the town for the last three and a half years. This allows us if we are successful in negotiating, and there's no guarantee we are going to be successful at negotiating, no guarantee that some other proposal won't come along that looks a lot better. But if we are successful that threat is gone. Supervisor Selmser stated it has to be our decision. It'll be open for public discussion. We will take comments, we will consider… it'll be a process and there will probably be a couple of public hearings. He noted that some information of a contract can't be shared with the public until it is fully negotiated but anything that can be shared and talked about we'll digest that and utilize that information. Council Member Long then discussed an alternative date to accommodate everyone's schedule. September 18th was discussed. Council Member Glenn asked if this was a town hall meeting or is a board meeting. Supervisor Selmser stated it's a town board meeting.
Beth Morris stated you can't call this a public hearing because most of the town wasn't even aware that this was taking place. This is being done at a work session not a monthly Town Board meeting. A public hearing she noted is when you make a decision that you're going to do something like a proposal was brought forth then you make a date for a public hearing. You can't start with a public hearing that's not the procedure.
Tor Shekerjian asked would the town consider other proposals other than the one that was presented here tonight. Council Member Long stated we are always open to other proposals. Supervisor Selmser noted Council Member Glenn and Council Member Kirch have made some contacts. Mrs. Isabella was concerned that this was happening rather fast. She asked how much money the town has spent on this property since the day it was given to us. She would be interested in knowing that number. She was also interested in having a value of the property. She wanted to know what amount of money the taxpayers have put into the property. The bottom line is it's about money. She wondered how much her taxes would be going up.
Council Member Long stated the whole board is now very eager in knowing what we have spent on it what are direct costs have been for that property. He did not believe we had a handle on that from the time that precedes his entering this board. That's an important question we all answers to and it will be public. Council Member Long stated nothing will be secret in this process. He thought the value of the property to anybody given the engineering reports we received for the main building - that is a significant liability if that main building were to be condemned and had to be demolished. Then that value of that whole property may not be as high as some people think. The net value to the community in terms of sales tax revenue in bringing people into this town who were not previously coming into this town. The 1700 people who came for the Sawyer Frederick concert, the several hundred people who came for the Saunders Fest, and the several hundred people who came for the other music events this is a direct benefit to the town in terms of sales tax. Council Member Long stated the $1,700 per year the town was receiving in taxes when Mr. Abdella owned the property is significant. Trish Isabella stated it was also very low too.
Beth Morris asked for the other council members to give the public their ideas and thoughts on this. “We have heard from Council Member Long.” Supervisor Selmser stated it was a little premature. We've got to consider what the offer could be before we make a decision on anything. We don't know what it is exactly. Supervisor Selmser stated we knew what some other offers were and they've gone nowhere.
Beth Morris stated that was before because four members of the board, everyone but Jack, said we would never sell the property because George did not want us to. Now George is saying its okay but just to sell it to CAC - that blocks out any other proposals that might come forward. That's bias and that's bias from the board. That is a perception. Council Member Kirch wanted to state the fact that the board would consider other options. We probably wouldn't want to consider a sale but we've always talked about long-term leases and developers have said that's not an issue. We’d be open to that, but you are right I don't think we want to entertain going to court with George if we chose to sell it to somebody. Council Member Long stated you are asking hypotheticals. Mrs. Morris stated because that's what this has been for three years. Council Member Long stated what we expect from CAC is a solid proposal that answers the questions that Tony Russitano and other people have asked. If they don't we can't move forward.
Mrs. Morris asked if the board was going to schedule an appraisal of the property so we know exactly what the value of the four and a half acres on the water is so if CAC comes forward with a number you have something to go by. Council Member Long started to respond but she asked if she could hear from the other board members.
Council Member Glenn stated when he first ran his intent was to use the planning board's vision of the Town of Caroga. The planning board had a dynamic vision of the town as rudimentary as a might have been it was it was a vision. It was his intent all along to move that forward. Council Member Glenn stated if we enter into something like this, it's a big if, and these plans need to be incorporated into this. For example a sewer system, retail stores, restaurants. Those are the things he's going to insist on. He would also insist on construction bonds if you can't finish the construction of a project they would be a bond so that the town would not be left with an unfinished project.
Council Member Manning stated to Jack's point he thought that would fall upon anybody who had that property even if the town still owned it. If a developer was using it and we were the landlord those two things would still have to be in place. You know we’ve worked on this for 4 years now since day one this has been a divisive and complicated issue for the town. There are so many groups in town that went so many different things. The question is how do you possibly agree on something that everyone can live with. If the town owns this forever how do we actually get to a point where the town is managing it, over seeing it, maintaining it, leasing structures building, things he has not seen this town come together on and he's not sure they will.
Mrs. Isabella said you have to show them where the money is. Council Member Manning stated we have carrying cost year after year of having this property. He stated there are a lot of issues with the property. Half the people want the property half the people don't want the property. This is a chance to disentangle and put another organization… not to say they're doing whatever they want down there. There are still restrictions with the town, the APA, and other organizations. You would think that the planning board's vision the comprehensive plan would still infer what goes on down there. He doesn't see any reason why a restaurant and retail space couldn't still go into that space. To him it's more streamline when somebody who's not a town is may be running the process because you can be more efficient… whereas we can debate things for three years.
Beth Morris stated the board can change every two years there's no continuity.
Council Member Manning agreed that is a big concern. That is a good starting point to make it more viable again. We haven't seen a proposal yet. There's still a lot to go over. It is a lot to take in still.
Mrs. Isabella stated she didn't think anybody here had a problem with the Arts the area. But again she didn't want her taxes going up because she's got to carry this non-for-profit group.
Mr. Ruby apologized; we came because of that road block from George Abdella having been removed. To then talk and have all these questions and not have the answers… this just happened. The CAC as it has been, we think it would be easier if they were the umbrella organization. It is not designed so it's an exclusive CAC Music Festival property. They want to have kayak races it's easy. You wanted to do Shakespeare... Mr. Ruby replied yes. If you look at what Kyle's done with free concerts and what has happened at The 19th Hole it is a great example. He stated the sales tax revenue was higher in Caroga Lake this summer then it was 3 summers ago.
Mrs. Isabella has a business here. She believes there is a small pool to draw from. Everybody has music but she did not think we were doing the best job of bringing the capital district here. Council Member Long agreed.
Beth Morris asked for the sales tax numbers from the town clerk. The clerk responded that the figures are in her office right now. She has them from 2014 forward. The clerk noted that at the board meeting the supervisor stated that we had made more money this quarter however those figures are not out yet.
Mr. Putman stated you're talking about George Abdella letting him off the hook…. it's not fair this has gotten this whole town in a turmoil, the war zones are set, and it's not going to stop. He asked was it legitimately done to begin with and if it wasn't give it back to George Abdella and get it off our back. It probably won't be back on the tax roll so somebody's getting a free ride. It's not fair to the rest of us.
Beth Morris stated for the past 4 years there's so many different groups that want Sherman's to be what they wanted it to be, that no matter what this board or any future board decides, this is going to go to a permissive referendum. Where would that leave us if the outcome wasn't favorable for the music group or for any other group that wants to do something here?
Council Member Manning stated we could do this every 2 year. Every year we can have a proposal that the property is for sale or a long-term lease. Supervisor Selmser stated and you shouldn’t get into an extended lease according to the Association of Towns it encumbers another board. Beth Morris summarize that no matter what she feels this is going to go to a referendum no matter what decision is made.
Supervisor Selmser asked if we came to an agreement on dates for a possible meeting. Council Member Manning stated the 18th Tuesday. Council Member Long made the motion to do that. Council Member Manning seconded that. All board members were in favor.
Supervisor Selmser stated will have more information hopefully by that time and do our best to keep people informed as to what's happening.
At 9:40 pm. Council Member Long made a motion to adjourn. Council Member Kirch seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda M. Gilbert RMC, CMC
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025