State of New York
County of Fulton
Town of Caroga
Minutes of the Regular monthly Caroga Town Board meeting held Wednesday September 12, 2018 at the municipal building located at 1840 State Highway #10 at 7:00 pm with the following persons in attendance by Roll Call:
Supervisor James K. Selmser – Here
Council Member John Glenn – Here
Council Member Jeremy Manning – Here
Council Member James Long – Here
Council Member Kent Kirch – Here
There were 34 members of the public in attendance.
At 7:00 pm Supervisor Selmser called the meeting to order by asking for the roll to be called. The salute to the flag followed. The supervisor opened the floor for public comment.
Public Speaking
Mary Lou Patterson asked the board to release the funds so more hiking maps could be printed. She would like to put them at the visitor center in Vail Mills to attract more people to Caroga. The maps were produced by the Chamber of Commerce with funds left over from money donated to save the Caroga NYS campgrounds. Supervisor Selmser did not know if there was a balance of money left. He will talk to the chamber.
Jed Potocar noted WCLA, ECLPA & the Fish & Game Club put together a team to possibly orchestrate fish stocking. They read the report on the website from Paul Smiths College which mentioned a medium concentration of road salt and a high impact of road salt in East & West Caroga Lakes. This is of concern to the group as they are going to try to stock fish. He wondered where it was coming from and asked the town what they plan to do about it. Council Member Long noted the report was from the Adirondack Lake Assessment Program authorized by Prof. Dan Kelting. He looked at several hundred well and surface water lake samples all over the Adirondacks. Most of the road salt is coming from State highway application. Council Member Long stated the one anomaly he notices is East Caroga was elevated. He stated it is less likely to be state highway in that particular lake if you look at a topographic map. He could not answer the question on how that would affect fish. He suggested contacting DEC. Mr. Potocar noted WCLA is going to participate in NYFOLA CSLAP program. Council Member Glenn suggested checking with NYS fisheries.
Laura Nealon – stated it was a very good summer. It was nice to see the lights on at Sherman’s. Good to see restaurants open and the rodeo too. She has been in touch with the Code office this summer. She feels she is getting a good return for her taxes. She didn’t feel the board hears that enough. She is thrilled with the Caroga Arts Collective. She would like the board to keep this going.
Tony Toskas –Thanked the board for what they are doing. Council Member Manning is working to get the bike path up and running. The board is working to get Sherman’s off the payroll of the town. He just came back from Alaska and they don’t salt the roads because the moose lick the salt and cars run into them and get killed.
Beth Morris – Thanked the board for responding to her FOIL request. She asked for the second part of her request for any and all emails regarding Sherman’s from January till now. Everyone is talking about Sherman’s. One thing someone with a legal mind came to her and noted if the town is planning on a sale to anyone because it is town property it has to go out to bid first. She asked the board to confirm that for her.
Scott Horton – asked is the town actually considering selling the Sherman’s property. Supervisor Selmser responded there is a proposal that is being made. We are in negotiations. Its (in) very beginning process which may take a number of months. There has been an offer and the board has had one discussion so far. He asked if it would require a permissive referendum. Supervisor Selmser responded it could. There will be an open discussion regarding Sherman’s – a work session/town hall meeting on Tuesday Sept. 18th at 7 pm.
Billy Bishop stated that his road is bumpy like a roller-coaster. Rocks are coming up through the pavement and the culvert in the winter time bellies. Council Member Kirch asked if he had spoken to the Highway Superintendent. The board wants him to speak the Mr. Putman first. He talked to him a year ago. Council Member Kirch asked him to talk to him again.
Supervisor Selmser asked for the acceptance of the minutes of the 7/11 & 8/8 meetings & 7/24 & 8/28 work sessions. Council Member Long asked that this be tabled. He wanted to get a handle on this – the board receives the minutes and they offer changes but they don’t get a proofed copy back. The clerk stated the board does not have to approve the minutes. Council Member Manning suggested sending the final proof just before the meeting. It was noted that the clerk has the final author of the minutes. The clerk will discuss this with the board on Friday. The clerk stated if the board does not like the minutes they can be amended at the next meeting. A final copy of the minutes will be distributed to the board.
Department Reports:
Assessor’s Report – Everyone has a copy of her report – nothing major there.
BTI – Mr. Delesky stated nothing to report. He used less BTI this year and may not have to order now.
Clerk/Registrar – the clerk submitted a written report. She asked for a resolution to accept the tax collection books. Three council members have reviewed the books. This has been an open issue for the past five months.
Due to a clerical error made by the county the zip code to send payment in is 12095. I get calls daily on that.
Council Member Long stated in my written report there is something attributed to him that is not factually correct.
RESOLUTION #2018-098 to accept the Tax Collectors books for 2017 was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday September 12, 2018 at Town Hall.
WHEREAS, the Tax Collector presented the books for audit in April of 2018, and
WHEREAS, to date three Council Member have reviewed and signed off on the tax collection records including the paid, and unpaid reports, the check book and all other papers associated with the process. Now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby move to accept the tax collectors books as audited.
Seconded by Council Member Glenn
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
The clerk noted since another budget season is upon she has requested to be fairly compensated year after year after year. Other department heads start out at $20.00, People here for a couple of years make $30.00 an hour and then one part time employee who works 12 hours a week earns over $47.00. I ask the board to fairly and equally compensate the employees in the town. The supervisor stated it will be considered at budget time at budget time.
The clerk noted the town hall continues to smell of mold which you can smell before you walk into the building – the taxpayers continue to comment on it.
The clerk stated tomorrow there is primary voting here for five different parties beginning at noon until 9 pm.
The building will be closed in the morning until 11 am due to work being done on the septic system.
A taxpayer called the clerk with this problem. She is an elderly woman who needs a volunteer to plow her driveway this winter on Mondays, Wednesday’s and Friday’s so she can get out to dialysis. She has limited resources. If anyone can help out contact the town clerk. She lives on S. Shore Road East Caroga.
The last question for the board from the clerk was when does the board want the porta- potty in the park removed. There is one reservation for the park on Oct. 8 if it rains. The town will be billed for another month.
The board decided to wait until October 15 to remove it.
Council Member Glenn noted the City of Gloversville brought in professional to review employee salaries. He wondered if it would be worth doing something like that. Council Member Kirch saw the article and thought the town should look into the cost of it. Supervisor Selmser has been approached by other town supervisors to compare rates. He has that network and resource. Council Member Kirch stated it is always more credible when a third party who is totally objective looks at it. Supervisor Selmser stated some of the information is available on town websites. The clerk has the article it was Pinnacle human resources 90 State Street Albany NY (518) 486-8152. The supervisor will make the call.
Code Enforcement & Sanitation – There is a report from John Duesler with a copy of the past months building permits issued which total $2,390.00 in value the valuation of property to be worked on is $312,595.00.
Mr. Duesler requests that the town allow the assistant to keep working while he is out of the office Sept. 9 – 19th and November 12 – 14. Supervisor Selmser stated as you read his report he more or less says he would like to cut back his hours if the board would allow his assistant to be available at john’s discretion. Today is the last day of the assistant. Council Member Kirch and the supervisor spoke with Mr. Duesler today. He is in favor of granting his request. He suggested allowing the assistant to cover vacations and other time off up to 14 days between now and the end of the calendar year. Council Member Manning was not in favor of John cutting back his hours and having the assistant fill in. Council Member Long noted the person is an assistant to the code enforcement officer. “We need John.” The board wants to work with John
RESOLUTION #2018-099 to allow assistant to the Code Officer to fill in was offered by Council Member Kirch at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday September 12, 2018 at Town Hall.
WHEREAS, the Code Officer John Duesler has requested his assistant be allowed to continue working so he may take vacation time or other time off, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby move to allow the assistant to the Code Officer to fill in during his vacation time or other days off up to 10 days maximum between now and December 31st.
Seconded by Council Member Long
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Supervisor Selmser gave the board copies of proposals to continue the remediation of the building – 2328 State highway 10. The quotes are for asbestos removal. CT Male was the recommended company by the Code Officer. They sample number is less than the others. Council Member Glenn read through the quote and agreed with the board.
RESOLUTION#2018-100 to retain CT Male for this one condemned property was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday September 12, 2018 at Town Hall.
WHEREAS, the code officer has declared the structure at 2328 State highway is unsafe and
WHEREAS, Charles Ackerbauer engineer has examined the structural and deemed it to be in such condition that it has been condemned, and
WHEREAS, the code officer did receive three pre-demolition asbestos inspection quotes one from Alpine Environmental Service for $2,400, Spectrum Environmental Assoc. Inc. for $2,155, and CT Male for $1,400.
Now therefor be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board hereby moves to hire CT Male to conduct Asbestos Containing materials survey and sampling services at 2328 State Highway 10 in the Town of Caroga.
Seconded by Council Member Manning
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Supervisor Selmser noted the Code Officer gave a report showing number of permits issued and fees collected from Jan. 1st to Sept 11 for the years 2015, 2016, 2017, & 2018. This was information the board had requested the clerk stated.
Blight - Council Member Kirch has had a couple of residents comment to him that they have noticed yards getting cleaned up. Council Member Long stated his neighborhood is looking better. Supervisor Selmser stated he has one less building in his neighborhood.
Dog Control – The clerk gave a report to the board members showing 6 delinquent dogs from 2017 & 15 delinquent dogs in 2018. Supervisor Selmser spoke to the Dog Control Officer. He was going to site some people. The clerk has not received copies of any tickets. She stated tickets get responses.
Golf Course – Supervisor Selmser stated between the golf course and the highway barn there is fresh water to the buildings. It took several months and the pro shop water line was cut. Council Member Long help get the Gould pump back up system going. One fitting needs to be replaced. The clerk noted Culligan was called to stop service for the water softener. This is now equipment the town owns. Council Member Long stated if he ever had to go back to the other well he would need that equipment. The water may be hard and the system may need to be used. It was asked if the new well water had been tested. Council Member Long stated Hawk said the water would be drinkable after three days. It was noted that the line runs from the well to a T and goes above grade to a ball valve. The pipe can’t be drained because it goes to the highway barn.
Highway –
Lake Steward Program - Mike Durkee filed a written report. Council Member Glenn reported on a meeting he had with Mr. Durkee, Marcus Harazin, and Council Member Long. The grants are about to run out for the lake steward program and Mr. Harazin is looking to DEC to see if there are any other grants. If we can’t get the grants the town is going to have to find $30,000.00 additional in line items. Council member Long stated DEC doesn’t announce availability to apply for grants until later in the fall. “Word is there will be another round of grants.” It may not be until December and we would not be notified until April. “We need to anticipate the worst case scenario.” Council Member Long stated DEC is likely to provide one Lake Steward at DEC funding. DEC maintain there is no traffic at the campground to warrant a steward for inspection. Many including Gene Centi contradict that claim. That steward could go to a different town’s campground. He is presenting a letter for the town supervisor to sign imploring that DEC place their steward at the boat wash station. The letter may be put on line.
RESOLUTION #2018-101 authorizing the town supervisor to sign this letter dated September 13th addressed to Cathy McGlynn the AIS coordinator was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday September 12, 2018 at Town Hall.
WHEREAS, a meeting was recently held to discuss the lake steward program in 2019, and
WHEREAS, the status of grant funding is unknown at this time, now therefore be
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board authorized Supervisor Selmser to sign a letter dated September 13, 2018 requesting that the AWI steward be placed at the Town’s decontamination station located on Route10/29A.
Seconded by Council Member Manning
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Town Hall Building – Apollo will be here to do the work requested on the boiler inspection report. They want mechanical gauges. Tomorrow Larry Smith will be doing the septic work. They are starting at 5:30 am. Supervisor Selmser stated next week there will be some repairs done on the roof. He did not have a date. The town received the insurance papers. The company requested ½ of the money up front.
Council Member Kirch was happy to hear the roof is being repaired, he just wanted to plant the seed that once the roof is completed he thinks the board should consider replacing or removing the carpet in the hallway. Supervisor Selmser stated in the past there was talk of replacing the carpet or putting tile down.
The supervisor and Mr. Travis have discussed painting the storage building in the back. The town did get a quote but think it can be done in house by a couple of employees who have done some maintenance work in this building or the golf course.
Supervisor Selmser gave the board members financial reports.
Another update Supervisor Selmser stated he had asked National Grid for some information to update to LED street lighting. They did not respond within the 90 days. He reached out to representative from the NY Power Authority who is working with the County. He hopes she can assist the town on this process. Council Member Long attended a meeting with the Supervisor. National Grid is required to provide the town with a complete inventory of the current value on their books of all the street lights should we wish to purchase them and then change them out. The only recourse is to contact the PSC. The supervisor thinks they are back logged.
Lakes Management Program – Council Member Glenn noted that they have done an outstanding job on the weed harvesting program this year. People are starting to report the weeds but they are the noninvasive ones. We are trying to get ahead of the curve. We will find out next year.
Council Member Kirch spoke to Mr. Putman as a follow-up to the last meeting about replacing the pickup truck he drives. They discussed transferring the pickup he drives over to the code officer so he has a 4 wheel drive vehicle to do inspections unlike in prior years. The board would probably make a decision to auction off the current pickup. Council Member Kirch noted a bid was received for a 2019 F 350 /diesel. The list price was $49,230.00 the delivered price was $42,227.00 with bigger plow and the town paint color the total is $43,537.00. He did not see a reason to defer – he wanted to make the change over so the code officer has a good vehicle and get some money for it. He further noted in the spring when the new big truck comes in the 2004 dump truck would be auctioned.
RESOLUTION #2018-102 to purchase a 2019 Ford 350 diesel pickup truck was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday September 12, 2018 at 7 pm at Caroga Town Hall.
WHEREAS, the highway superintendent Steve Putman has discussed with the board his desire to upgrade the vehicle he drives daily, and
WHEREAS, the town advertised for bids in the leader Herald newspaper on August 13 through 17th and Mr. Putman stopped at local dealerships inquiring about purchasing a new pickup truck, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to authorize the purchase of a new 2019 Ford F350 with a diesel engine and 9 foot plow with the preferred paint for $43,537.00 from West Herr Ford of Hamburg 5025 Camp Road, Hamburg, NY 14075 (716) 649-5640.
Seconded by Council Member Manning.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
The clerk asked if this was an outright purchase or going to be bonded and asked for account numbers on where this money was coming from for the purchase. Supervisor Selmser and Council Member Long responded that it would be an outright purchase and the supervisor stated he would get the account number to the clerk on Friday. She stated for the record where the truck was being purchased from.
At 8:02 pm Supervisor Selmser stated we need to go into an executive session to discuss contract issues.
However Council Member Kirch asked to have the business spotlight before the executive session.
A member of the public asked if the business provide the gift certificated. Council Member Kirch stated he donates the gift certificate. The spotlight this evening was Pine Lake Lodge. They are open 7 days a week and recently were filmed for a TV show called Empire Plate which can be seen on YouTube. They have a newly created area out back with a fire pit and bar and have entertainment.
At 8:05 pm Supervisor Selmser made a motion to enter into an executive session to discuss a contract issue and a personnel issue. Council Member Long seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.
At 9:24 pm Council Member Long made a motion to exit the executive session. Council Member Manning seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.
There were 10 members of the public still in attendance.
Old Business:
Fourth round of bids for parcel 83.6-3-2
Council Member Manning asked about the bid for the parcel. Council Member Long stated there is a standing bid. The deadline was yesterday afternoon. No bids were received for round 4 of the bidding. Council Member Kirch reiterated this is the parcel by the old Country Store. He wants it for parking. “We went to round 4 because we didn’t get the $2,500.00 minimum so we reduced it to the $1,750.00 that he bid without conditions.”
Council Member Long stated “by default he has won. He’s met the minimum bid.”
Council Member Glenn asked who Tracey Inman was (under correspondence) interested in purchasing unwanted property. The clerk stated it was a random (solicited) email received by the town.
Council Member Kirch stated he originally contacted the town about purchasing the property and originally bid $700.00.
RESOLUTION #2018-103 to accept bid for parcel 83.6-3-2 was offered by Council Member Kirch at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday September 12, 2018 at 7 pm at Caroga Town Hall.
WHEREAS, the town was approached by an adjacent property owner to purchase the vacant town owned land identified as parcel 83.6-3-2, and
WHEREAS, the board held 4 rounds of bidding on the parcel, to get it back on the tax rolls, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to accept the bid dated June 8, 2018 Bid 2 from Hashtag Adirondack Management, LLC 57 S. Main St. 3186 Neptune NJ 07753 (732) 904-7101 in the amount of $1,750.00 and the bidder will assume closing/transfer/merge/title insurance/survey/legal, etc. costs.
Seconded by Council Member Manning
Discussion: Council Member Kirch stated he was putting in a deli/restaurant.
Adopted by a vote of 5Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Supervisor wanted to go over the APA information regarding the revised zoning and schedule a public hearing for a future date. He suggested holding a public hearing at the regular monthly October meeting.
RESOLUTION #2018-104 to schedule a public hearing on the proposed updated Town of Caroga’s Zoning Ordinance was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday September 12, 2018 at 7 pm at Caroga Town Hall.
WHEREAS, the planning Board has spent countless hours working on revising the Town of Caroga’s Zoning Ordinance, and
WHEREAS, the Adirondack Park Agency, sent notification on August 10, 2018 that a resolution had unanimously conditionally approved the amendment to repeal and replace the “Town of Caroga Zoning Ordinance,” now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to hold a public hearing coincident with the Wednesday October 10th 2018 at the regular monthly meeting for the purpose of discussing the new proposed zoning ordinance. Seconded by Council Member Kirch.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
The clerk asked if there was a final document. The Supervisor stated it has been transmitted before. “I think there was a few other minor changes that the APA made at the last minute. We will get a revised document.”
The clerk stated the public will want to see the document. Supervisor Selmser stated it will be on our website by next week.
Supervisor Selmser stated the phone system was discussed at the last meeting. Council Member Long has questions he would like to address with one of the vendors before the board moves on this. Council Member Kirch noted it is important to get the phones working correctly. Council Member Glenn stated he has had issues with Frontier in his office. It was noted we would still be using frontier lines. It was asked if anyone had checked with the references to see if they use the Frontier for the dial tone and see if there were any problems. Council Member Kirch’s understanding is that the hospital and other towns are using Derrick and they are fine. Council Member long stated we have ancient equipment on London Bridge that services us. That is not the situation with Gloversville. The town could go Spectrum but the supervisor noted they have not responded back to his phone calls. That would be through the internet. It was hoped the contracts would not expire. The matter was tabled.
Supervisor Selmser stated the town did receive a contract from the Caroga Lake Volunteer Fire Company. It will be included in the budget process. That is available it is with a 2% rate increase for the next 4 years, for each year.
Beth Morris stated the contract needed to be renewed this year. She stated the amount was supposed to go back down. Council Member Glenn agreed with her comments. The contact was to go down to 2% for five years. The clerk gave the board the current contract to review. No references to the future were made in the contract. The supervisor stated having Brian MacIntosh from the Fire Company attend a budget session.
Dates were discussed for budget meetings.
RESOLUTION #2018-105 to set Budget meetings was offered by Council Member Kirch at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday September 12, 2018 at 7 pm at Caroga Town Hall.
WHEREAS, the board desires to set meeting to work on the 2019 budget, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board sets the dates of Wednesday September 26, 2018 at 7 pm and Wednesday October 3rd, 2018 at 7 pm for the purpose of working on the 2019 budget.
Seconded by Council Member Glenn
Adopted by a vote of 5Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
One other update from the Supervisor he notified the board by email that testing had begun by CT Male. They stated there may be a few more requirements. They are in communication with DEC and think long term if everything is copacetic testing may only be required once a year.
Supervisor Selmser asked if there was any questions on correspondence. Council Member Manning stated on person requested their meeting be read at the meeting. The clerk brought it to the board’s attention that there is no law that requires the board to do that. The board should make a policy. Council Member Manning asked if the board wanted to set a policy at this time. Supervisor Selmser stated it was just a recommendation that the clerk brought forth. Council Member Manning stated it was Open Meetings Law AO 3369 or Town Law§63. No one on the board wanted to read the letter into the minutes. Supervisor Selmser stated this could be adopted at the organizational meeting.
Letter from Rick Ruby Thanking board for cooperation to improve property
Dave Falvo re: his recent experience with the Zoning Board of Appeals
8/10 email from APA – Resolution amendments to Local Land Use Program
FC Res #326 accepting the draft 2018 Fulton County Shared Services Plan
Letter from CLVFC re: Maintenance of cemetery
Municipal Budget Training 9/18 6:30 -8:30 @ Town of Schuyler
Nathan Littauer Hosp. hosting free cancer screening day Oct. 12th (if eligible)
Letter from Anita Potocar on condition of Town hall building
Caroga Transfer Station Hours change to winter on Oct. 1st.
Casey Inman interested in purchasing unwanted property
Rural & Small Systems utility management webinar 9/13
Letter received on 8/15 via email dated 7/16 from Lita Hillier
2019 Charge-back for elections
Workers Comp. Ins. Fund from Caroga for 2019 $15,613.24
APA Project # 2018-0123 Part 1 of Large Scale Subdivision (effects Mayfield & Northampton)
Nick Stoner Trailers land use agreement with the town and proof of Liability Ins.
No action was taken on accepting Brianna Drive.
Council Member Long made a motion to pay the bills as presented for audit. Council Member Kirch seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.
The clerk asked if it was OK to put the request for help with snow plowing on the Town Facebook page. The response was positive by the board.
The clerk gave Supervisor Selmser notification from the Planning Board of a hearing for a lot line adjustment as the town owns a parcel within 250 of the applicant. Council Member Long expounded on the notice.
The clerk stated that the legal notice for the Public Hearing on the proposed changes to the Town of Caroga zoning ordinance will go in the paper once she receives a hard copy in hand. The county will be asked to print copies with the color maps.
Council Member Glenn reminded the supervisor to review the forum of the meeting on September 18th. Supervisor Selmser stated its gonna be a public meeting that will be like a town hall meeting like we had before it will be an open discussion – no decisions by the town board for that or anything that will be discussed that night or any other agenda items. We will try to keep it orderly. Most of the comments will presented and handled by the CAC group. We will do our best to answer some questions that will affect the town.”
Council Member Long stated they would like to limit it to three minutes each. They encourage people if they want questions answered they could writing the questions ahead. That would guarantee they were addressed.
Supervisor Selmser asked if there were any more comments. Beth Morris asked if there were any updates on the executive session and what was discussed.
Supervisor Selmser stated it was in relation to a contract that was presented to the town. It’s a contract regarding the Sherman’s property our attorney recommended some changes to it. It will be back and forth for a number of meetings. Council Member Long stated and a personnel matter.
At 9:40 pm Council Member Kirch made a motion to adjourn. Council Member Long seconded the motion.
All board members were in favor of the motion.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda M. Gilbert, RMC, CMC
Town Clerk
General voucher #’s 289 to 321 $19,088.67
Highway voucher #’s 162 to 187 $41,260.38
General Park voucher #’s 37 to 46 $1,610.55
Prepaid voucher #’s 149 to 170 $19,088.67
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025