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Minutes of a Town Board Meeting held Wednesday, October 10, 2018

State of New York
County of Fulton
Town of Caroga

Minutes of the regular monthly Caroga Town Board held Wednesday October 10, 2018 at the municipal building located at 1840 State Highway #10 at 7:00 pm with the following persons in attendance by Roll Call:

Supervisor James K. Selmser – Here
Council Member John Glenn – Here
Council Member Jeremy Manning – Here
Council Member James Long – Here
Council Member Kent Kirch – Here

Other town department representatives in attendance were: Steve Putman – Highway Superintendent, Town Attorneys Dunn and Dunn. There were 27 members of the public in attendance.

Following the flag salute the supervisor asked for a moment of silence for Michael Ukaj of Caroga Lake and all of the victims who lost their lives in the limo accident in Schoharie.

Public Speaking – Scott Horton attended the meeting with the Caroga Arts Council (CAC). They have his support but he doesn’t believe the town should sell the Sherman’s property. He has talked to a lot of town’s people. He thinks the town should lease it to the music group. If the value were $500,000 a lease usually goes about 17% - 20% of the value. 5% every year on $500,000 would be $50,000. The taxable value of the property is 3% of 50,000 that is $15,000. The town gets 11% of it so that is only $16,000. He did not want the town to lose control of the property. He asked why the board would rush into this. He noted the town was not professional land developers. The board should get people to help them. He voted for the board members because of their intelligence. But it pains him to see 4 board members so close to the CAC. He wondered how the taxpayers can be assured that the board would fairly represent them. He thought the revenue could be used for capital improvements, to help the fire department and for a new town hall.

Annette Holmgren of Bath Ave. asked the board why are they selling and not leasing the property. This affects her home and children directly. The parking lot is across the street from her home. She is concerned about safety in the area.

Mr. Lawlor wanted confirmation that this would have to go to a permissive referendum. Council Member Long stated it would be subject to a permissive referendum. “We are not here to answer questions we are letting you speak.”

Council Member Glenn spoke to the Chad the representative that controls the dam on East and West Caroga Lake and they will be opening the gate on October 22. The water level will drop by 2 -3 feet in a week to 10 days.

At 7:08 pm Public Hearing on the proposed update to Town of Caroga’s Zoning Ordinance was opened. Al Kozakiewicz gave a power point presentation. He stated he would not be able to answer all of the questions. He noted the both ordinances are on the town website. This power point will also be available.

Slide one showed a list of who did the work. The next slide showed the history of land use regulation and the vision statement from the Comprehensive Plan. Maps showed the “town center” area with the current zoning and the proposed zoning. The next set of slides showed the area around East Caroga Lake. The proposed zoning designated all of the land around the lake as Lake Front Residential and the areas off the lake changed from Resort to Hamlet.

Ordinance Changes

Definitions – Uses & terms: comprehensive, consistent

71 (old) => 223 (new)

Commercial uses => 71 definitions

Use table – Matrix of uses by zone with three categories of allowed use.

1,853 combinations.

Updated table of dimensional standards by zone classification

Minimum Lot Size (Acres)

Minimum Lot Size (Lot Width)

Minimum Yard Dimensions Front Yard Setback

Minimum Yard Dimensions Side Yard Setback

Minimum Yard Dimensions Rear Yard Setback

Maximum % of Lot to be covered

Maximum Building Height

Minimum Lot Width at Shore

Shoreline Structure Setback

Definitions of allowed uses:

(A) By right – Building permit automatically granted as long as project meets building code and zoning standards.

(B) Site Plan Review – Allowed use but site plan must be submitted to planning board for approval prior to granting building permit.

(C) Special Use Permit – Allowed only if specific use approved by planning board via application. May have conditions attached such as expiration date or event such as sale of property.

Uses requiring Special Use Permit:

Manufactured Home Park

RV Park

Accessory dwelling

Agricultural service

Animal Hospital


Mineral extraction

Private clubs

Wind energy systems

Solar farms

Supplementary regulations

Signs (updated)

Comprehensive regulations and definitions

Shoreline (updated)

Specifically incorporates APA regulations

New dock and boathouse rules

Sewage system setback

Adult use (new)

Adopted standard template that passes legal muster and minimizes potential impacts

An overlay zone was created on two town-owned parcels of Conservation District land on Lane Road.

Fencing (new)

Permit required if area enclosed exceeds 200 sq. ft.

Materials & distance from property line

Limit 6 foot height; 4 feet if vehicular traffic sight lines involved (includes plantings)

Survey or neighbor consent required if within 5 feet of property line

Parking (new)

Minimum specifications for of street if required by use – see table of standards

Site plan review item

Screening required if adjacent to residential area–

Additional regulations for specific uses (new):

Accessory structure

Service station

Multiple family dwellings

Guest cottage

Home occupations


Public utilities


Swimming pools, spas, hot tubs

Telecommunications facilities


Site Plan Review (updated)

Special Use Permits (new)

Regional project review (updated)

Non-conforming uses & structures (updated)

Administration & enforcement (updated)

Manufactured homes & RVs (new)

Subdivisions (updated)

The Change Process

Planning board monthly meetings

Compile list of definitions

Compile land use table

Review supplementary regulations – uses, technologies and issues unforeseen in 1979

Review administration & enforcement

3 years in the making

Advice and guidance from Jim Mraz

Submitted twice to APA for informal review & comments

Updated draft finalized

Hold an information meeting (May 2016)

Submit to town board for adoption

Town sends to APA for formal review

Incorporate required changes and review suggestions made by APA

APA board approves

SEQR conducted or negative declaration

General Municipal Law section 239-m review by county planning board

Town Board conducts public hearing

Accept as-is



New ordinance becomes effective

Questions: Council Member Glenn asked does the new ordinance have septic system setbacks. If a parcel is for sale or makes major changes does the system have to be addressed? Supervisor Selmser thought there was something in the proposed ordinance if there was a change is size and made larger there had to be a revision of the septic.

Does the new ordinance address an animal rescue? That would be required to go to the Planning Board.

Mr. Kozakiewicz noted the use chart shows what is allowed by right, or site plan review.

Council Member Manning asked how Air B & B were regulated in the new proposed ordinance. Mr. Kozakiewicz thought rental property/multi-family was talked about especially when it comes to density. Supervisor Selmser thought the code officer would have control over more requirements to make sure the systems are adequate for the facility. He stated there are some Adirondack properties that have laws for safety reasons. Council member Manning asked if it would be a separate ordinance. Mr. Kozakiewicz stated the proposed ordinance is concerned with what you put around what area.

Mr. Horton worked on this project and noted this is a living document. The current document is not clear.

Council Member Long stated they did try to harmonize the language with that of the APA. There are exceptions he noted.

The question was asked does the proposed ordinance address lake rights and docks? The response was that is a civil matter. All deeds read differently. This does not involve the town.

The Clerk noted the amount of work on the project and did attend a couple of meetings. My concerns were for the health of the lakes and the quality of life for all the residents in the Town of Caroga. I reviewed areas on the map that would allow agriculture animals – horses, cows and the areas that were on the lake and near bodies of water and streams. (Dolgeville Point) The concern was run off of manure piles.

The clerk asked what the definition of domestic animal is. On State Highway 29A and 10 there was a resident raising rabbits and eating them.

Another concern was Recreational Vehicles would be allowed to be occupied for 28 days throughout the year and parked in your driveway. It was noted that there is a state campground for RV’s which almost closed a few years ago and two transient mobile home park businesses in town. This is a quality of life issue for neighbors where there is a small parcel which could now be able to have an RV parked on it and live in with an in ground septic tank.

The proposed ordinance puts a lot of extra work on your code officer. He can barely do every- thing needed of him now. The board needs to take a look and make sure there won’t be a big impact on him.

The clerk brought up the many districts that guest cottages would be permitted in again with a concern for the health and safety of the lakes. They are for occasional use…..define occasional use? Is it just on a holiday weekend, twice a month is it two weeks a month? I think it needs to be defined better legally.

A couple of years ago a vacant parcel was purchased at the tax auction. The person called the clerk about a dump permit. She asked for the location of the camp…. The new property (State Highway 10) owners stated they were going to camp on the property all summer. When asked about bathroom facilities they responded they were going to dig a hole.

I noticed in the proposed ordinance that motor-homes can by right (except conservation) be parked on in all districts vacant lots and put in a septic system. Down on the avenues where there are 50 x 100 ft. lots the adjacent property would be devalued, and the town would not generate any revenue of real property. It is difficult to regulate now. Supervisor Selmser stated that is the complication – enforcing it to do it correctly you need someone close to 24/7 or at least 40 hours a week. Lots of activates take place on the weekend he noted. If no one is available on the weekends… it doesn’t give you the teeth to follow through on. He thought it was a good working document. “It had regulations that allow us to have better control if we can afford it.” The clerk didn’t think the town should give up the control we have now because we can’t afford this it was not a good plan.

I did talk to the APA and they did give their approval but it is up to this board and your decision to make the choices for our town. The APA did not necessarily approve of all that was done in the document.

One other thing that comes up periodically in town is people filling their land and raising the grade which effects the neighbor. She wondered if that was addressed in the updated ordinance.

I think the definitions were opened up too broadly. Once you try to define everything you are already behind the 8 ball because something new is always coming up. Supervisor Selmser noted the APA also questioned the wording of commercial. There are 65 of them and more can be added. Council Member Long stated the document will be revised.

Mr. Kozakiewicz noted a lot of time was spent talking about RV’s and their uses.

Supervisor Selmser stated at this time the public hearing will be kept open and reviewed and addressed at our next regular meeting. He stated by that time the county should be done reviewing Section 239 of General Municipal Law.

Department Reports:

Assessor– Victoria Hayner submitted a written report. She is going to training Supervisor Selmser stated.

BTI – Mr. Delesky is reviewing reports and will draw up and submit the year-end reports.

Clerk/Registrar – A written clerk report submitted along with the monthly report.

Code Enforcement & Sanitation – written reports submitted of his activities and permit fees as of 9/30/18 - $13, 609.00 collected. In the past month of September there was another $2,680.00 not figured into the budget. They estimate permits next year in the budget will have a revenue of $15,000.00

Blight – No report

Dog Control – 6 calls for the month, the board was given a report of all delinquent dogs’ renewals for the past two years. Mr. Dutcher did write 24 appearance tickets. The clerk will send them out in the mail tomorrow.

Golf Course – No Report

Highway – Mr. Putman is gearing up for winter. They are chasing pot holes, and trimming back branches. He found out the state contract dropped Cargill for salt. He believes there will be a slight increase in the price.

Council Member Kirch thanked Mr. Putman for all of his help with the well and waterlines to the golf course building and town barn. The water has been tested and there are no issues with the water from the new well. Mr. Putman wanted to make sure the system to the golf course is shut down properly. Council Member Long spoke to Mr. Jennings and he knows how to drain the lines and shut off the system.

Supervisor Selmser obtained a quote for a new electrical panel at the highway barn. The current box is antiquated. The board discussed having three phase wiring installed and will check further with National Grid and Fulton County Electric on this.

Council Member Kirch wanted to address the dangerous electrical box at the Highway Barn

The town supervisor did solicit and receive a quote from Fulton County Electric for work to be done to upgrade the electrical panel for $2,910.00.

Council Member Long asked if it would be 2 or 3 phase going to the box. It was asked if National Grid would bring the drop to the meter. The matter was tabled.

Lake Steward Program – There will be a meeting with Cathy McGlynn on November 2 concerning invasive species. Council Members Glenn and Kirch reached out to Gene Centi. Council Member Glenn thought it was a very positive meeting. Mr. Centi will get back to Council Member Kirch on Friday. Council Member Long clarified that there is some risk of losing Gene Centi. The clerk noted that the I-pads are being kept in her office over the winter this year. They are boxed along with a lock box and 11 sets of keys to the boat wash station building. Supervisor Selmser asked if there was a GPS device too. There was not the clerk stated.

Town Hall Building – Mr. Travis noted the town hall building water needs to be tested for nitrates. He will go to Saratoga this week. The roof area around the exhaust fan allows water to leak down the wall in the records room. Supervisor Selmser updated the board on the status to get the roof sealed. The material was ordered and is now in. Due to the weather the company has to finish another job and will start on town hall at the end of this week.

The exhaust fan bearing is gone. Mr. Travis asked who was going to fix it.

The boiler work was done. The insurance inspector will be back on Nov. 8th to do the final inspection.

Mr. Travis asked for volunteers to paint the shed next to town hall.

Lakes Management Program – (see above)

The clerk asked if the supervisor was going to sign off on the document she received listing the needed repairs to the boiler system. He thought the final inspection by the insurance agent should be completed first. The clerk read the document which asks the supervisor to certify that the changes have been complied with. There was a self-addressed envelope.

Youth – No report

Supervisor’s Report Contract for sale of Real Estate – to be reviewed in executive session Decision from September Executive Session National Grid agreement – to be reviewed in executive session with the town attorney.

Old Business: Electric Bids for highway garage Health Ins. Contract with CDPHP – Supervisor Selmser stated the board was given copies of the rates at the last meeting. It is a contract renewal. There is a minor increase. There are two documents that need to be signed off on and returned back to CDPHP.

RESOLUTION 2018-106 authorizing Supervisor Selmser to sign the two documents for renewal of our CDPHP plans was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday October 10, 2018 at the Caroga Town hall.

WHEREAS, the board received renewal information on the Health Insurance Plan CDPHP, and

WHEREAS, the board desires to renew the plan, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the contract is renewed from 12/1/2018 to 11/30/2019.

Seconded by Council Member Glenn

Discussion: it was noted it was a minor increase less than 1% or slightly less.

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

Fire Contract – Supervisor Selmser stated this was in hand also. The contract was renewed at a prior meeting with a step up increase in 2019 of 2%, 2020- 2%, 2021 – another 2%, 2022 up 2%, and 2023 a 2% increase. He stated the wording was identical to the prior contract.

RESOLUTION 2018-107 to authorize Supervisor Jim Selmser to sign the contract with the Fire Department was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday October 10, 2018 at the Caroga Town hall.

WHEREAS, the board received renewal information on the Fire Contract for the Town of Caroga with the Caroga Lake Volunteer Fire Company and

WHEREAS, the board desires to renew the 5 year contract, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the contract is renewed from 1/1/2019 to 12/31/2023 with a 2% increase in their fee under the terms of the contract.

Seconded by Council Member Manning

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

Supervisor Selmser asked if there were any questions on the financial reports given to the board. With those was a resolution submitted by the bookkeeper for budget adjustments factoring where we stood with these financials looking toward the end of the year.

RESOLUTION #2018-108 to make necessary transfers was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday October 10, 2018 at the Caroga Town hall.

WHEREAS, the board received a list of transfers necessary to maintain a balanced budget, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the following transfers be made:

To: A1620.42 Golf Course Buildings C/E $6,500.00

From: A7180.4 Special Rec. Facility C/E $6,500.00

To: A1910.4 Unallocated Insurance $2,300.00

From: A1620.43 Sherman’s Buildings $2,300.00

To: A5132.4 Garage C/E $8,000.00

From: A9040.8 Worker’s Comp $3,500.00

A9050.8 Unemployment $1,500.00

A9050.81 Unemployment G/C $3,000.00

To: A8090.11 Stewards $8,000.00

From: A8090.12 Weed Divers $8,000.00

To: A8090.41 Lake Weed C/E $2,000.00

From: A8090.12 Weed Divers $2,000.00

To: A8160.1 Garbage Personnel $10,065.00

From: A9010.8 State Retirement $10,065.00

To: DA9010.8 State Retirement $16,400.00

From: DA9720.6 Bond Principal $16,400.00

To: DA9055.8 Disability $550.00

From: DA9050.8 Unemployment $550.00

To: DA9060.8 Health Insurance $24,000.00
From: DA9901.9 Transfer to Equip Reserve $24,000.00

The clerk questioned the transfer from DA9901.9 Transfer to Equip Reserve for $24,000.00. She asked how money can be taken from a reserve. Supervisor Selmser stated it was not a capitol line item. The HRA reimbursement was reviewed by the bookkeeper. He stated the health care was going to be underfunded.

Seconded by Council Member Manning

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

Supervisor Selmser gave an update on communication with CT Male on the landfill ground water testing. They did the testing. No other quotes were forthcoming for other requirements they say are needed.

New Business: Board of Assessment Review Cathy Ann Wallace term is up. It is a 5 year reappointment. Council Member Long made a motion to reappoint her. Supervisor Selmser thought a communication with her should be done. He will do that.

The Clerk gave all the board members the contract for the Humane Society. It will be discussed at the November meeting.

Council Member Kirch noted there is a state requirement to have sexual harassment policy for all municipalities that we need to adopt. They provided a model policy that all board members received and looked at. He noted the town’s name needs to be inserted to be complete. Then it needs to be distributed to all town employees and a training session needs to be held in the next few months,

RESOLUTION #2018-109 to adopt the states model sexual harassment policy as provide was offered by Council Member Kirch at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday October 10, 2018 at the Caroga Town hall.

WHEREAS, the board each received a model sexual harassment policy, and

WHEREAS, only the town of Caroga name needs to be inserted to complete the document, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board hereby moves to adopt the states model sexual harassment policy and will then begin to plan for a training session for our employees and notify employees in writing.

Seconded by Council Member Long

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

Since Mr. Putman was still here the board discussed accepting Brianna Drive as a town road. Mr. Putman has addressed the cost of the survey and the necessary paperwork with the people involved and everything has been taken care of. A copy of the receipt is at the garage. Council Member Long measured the road to be 766’. Supervisor Selmser stated it was almost ½ mile when he drove it.

RESOLUTION #2018-110 to accept Brianna Drive as a town road was offered by Council Member Manning at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday October 10, 2018 at the Caroga Town hall.

WHEREAS, the board each received a land survey done by Ferguson and Foss dated September 25, 2018 an old logging road off of S. Shore East Caroga Lake Road from the clerk, and

WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Highway Superintendent to take over maintenance of this dirt roadway that has been deeded over from the lands of Russell E. & Claudia I. Insogna also identified as SBL# 83.-3-1, to be known as Brianna Drive, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board hereby moves to accept the deeded road with a width of 49.98’ and a length of 892.8’.

Seconded by Council Member Glenn

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

Correspondence: Thank you from Western Fulton Co. Senior Center use of Glenn Harris Park
Assoc. of Towns 2018 Winter Planning & Zoning School notice
Workers Compensation 3rd Quarter
Boiler Safety violation notice sign off that corrections were made
James A Brennan Memorial Humane Society contract for 2019
Mohawk Valley Economic Development Dist. Inc. meeting11/2 luncheon
Resume from Michael Fitzpatrick Sr. of Fonda for Code Assistant
4th Local Gov. Innovation Conference Nov. 15 & 16 Albany
Adirondack Assoc. of Towns & Villages membership meeting 12/2 Lake George

At 8:31 pm Supervisor Selmser made a motion to enter into an executive session for contract negotiations. The motion was seconded by Council Member Long. All board members were in agreement.

At 10:05 pm Council Member Long made a motion to exit from the executive session. Council Member Manning seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.

Resolution #2018-111 to accept the contract for the property from Dave Matteo was Council Member Kirch at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday October 10, 2018 at the Caroga Town hall.

WHEREAS, three (consequently four) rounds of bidding were conducted on parcel 83.6-3-2 beginning on June 1, 2018 and

WHEREAS, on June 28, 2018 a bid of $1,750.00 was received from Dave Matteo representing Hashtag Adirondack Management of 57 S. Main St. #86 Neptune NJ 07753, and

WHEREAS, the town attorneys have drawn up a standard form offer to purchase and contract for sale of real estate, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that James K. Selmser is hereby authorized to sign said contract for the property known as 2103 State Highway 10 Caroga Lake NY and further identified as SBL 83.6-3-2 the purchaser shall pay the purchase price as follows:

a) $ 500.00 deposit/down payment upon signing of this contract

b) $1,250.00 in cash, certified check or attorney’s trust/escrow account check at closing

And be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk shall post, within 10 days, public notice of the sale which is subject to permissive referendum for the next 30 days.

Discussion: the clerk stated the notice was posted when the board made the resolution #2018-103 in September. The board asked that the notice be re-posted.

Seconded by Council Member Long

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

Council Member Kirch asked if we needed another budget meeting. Supervisor Selmser responded that “Joanne and I completed” he thinks “close to it.” The revised budget was forwarded. The supervisor stated a public hearing is needed for the next town board meeting. “We have a tentative right now.” The clerk has to post that. Adjustments can be made to the tentative. The supervisor stated the only factor he sees is a final decision is the tax levy amounts. He adjusted some things there. The supervisor gave out a comparison of where that leaves us in comparison to prior years. He noted we are going to be behind in the highway fund. He estimates the actual amount to be $177,000 but the fund balance says $223,000.00. “I adjusted that slightly but we will still be short in that area.” The total amount to be raised by taxes is $906,862. That is an increase of $16,000 and change vs the maximum that we can go is $22,000.

The rate will increase 1.6% and the fire 1.4%.

Supervisor Selmser stated the prior year’s reports were not correct. The taxable assessed rate of $156,000 didn’t get changed last year, and was the same for at least 3 years.

Council Member Long had a question about the 2018 highway budget amount. The supervisor stated the county goes out more decimal places than the town does. The discrepancy is because the wrong assessed value was being used. As things stand now the increase is 1.41%.

The clerk stated in talking to the bookkeeper the town may want to bond the second truck. Either a 3 or 5 year term may be an option. She thought that might help this budget. The supervisor stated the payments would not be incurred until 2020. Council Member Long stated he was a little nervous bonding anything as a municipality. The supervisor stated it is a regular occurrence.

Council Member Long was also concerned about the attorney line item for 2019. Money can be transferred from another line item was the response.

Council Member Glenn wanted to bring up some bad news. When the town switched from oil heat to propane three years ago the town saved money he wanted to set up a capitol reserve fund for the town hall building. The cost used to be $35,000 per year by switching the bill went down to $11,500.00. Supervisor Selmser noted they did that last year in the amount of $55,000. The money saved went for something else Council Member Kirch stated. The goal was to save for a new roof.

RESOLUTION #2018-112 to set a work session for a sewer district was offered by Council Member Kirch at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday October 10, 2018 at the Caroga Town hall.

WHEREAS, Council Members Kirch and Glenn have been gathering information on a sewer district,

WHEREAS, they would like the county to come in and do a presentation to the board to explain what they have been working on to see what the options and cost would be and the ultimate objective would be to decide as a board if they want to pursue that money to have a formal assessment done and begin working on that, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the board shall hold a work session on Wednesday November 28th at 7 pm.

Seconded by Council Member Manning

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

RESOLUTION #2018-113 to schedule the public hearing on the 2019 budget was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday October 10, 2018 at the Caroga Town hall.

WHEREAS, there were two budget work sessions this year on September 28th and October 3rd now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town board hereby moves to set a public hearing at the November regular monthly board meeting on Wednesday November 14, 2018 at 7 pm.

Seconded by Council Member Kirch

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

Supervisor Selmser stated there have been a couple of communication on use permits for Sherman’s. They are not until next year. He suggested discussing it at the next meeting.

Minutes were not approved.

Supervisor Selmser asked for a motion to pay the bills as presented for audit. Council Member Long made the motion, seconded by Council Member Manning. All board members were in favor of the motion.

The clerk stated there was an item under the Supervisors report that was not addressed. Supervisor Selmser stated it was the response letter to Lita Hilliard. He felt “it needed a response and I asked our attorneys to prepare that and they advised us and we have reviewed it and made adjustments to it and it has been sent to her.” I can make that as a motion if you feel that it’s...” The clerk noted this needs to be put on the record as the decision was made during the September executive session with your attorney. The board took action.

RESOLUTION#2018-114 to ratify a discussion and action taken as a result of an executive session held on September 12, 2018, was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday October 10, 2018 at the Caroga Town hall.

WHEREAS, the town board entered into an executive session at the September 12, 2018 meeting to discuss a personnel matter, with the town attorney, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that as a result of the executive session the board took action by directing the town attorney to draft a letter to Lita Hillier.

Seconded by Council Member Manning

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

At 10:17 pm Council Member Long made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Council Member Kirch. All board members were in favor of the motion.

Respectfully Submitted,

Linda M. Gilbert, RMC, CMC

Caroga Town Clerk

Highway #188 – 200 $ 5,250.12

General #322 – 348 $10,500.32

Prepaid # 171-197 $97,522.82

Gen. Park # 47-51 $ 1,144.78

Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025