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Minutes of a Town Board Meeting held Wednesday, December 19, 2018

State of New York
County of Fulton
Town of Caroga

Minutes of the Caroga Town Board year end meeting held Wednesday December 19, 2018 at the municipal building located at 1840 State Highway 10 at 7:00 pm with the following persons in attendance by roll call, the flag salute followed.

Supervisor James K Selmser – Absent

Council Member James Long – Here

Council Member Jeremy Manning – Here

Council Member Kent Kirch – Here

Council Member John Glenn – Here

Other town department representatives in attendance were: Steve Putman, Highway Superintendent; Don Travis, building janitor; and John Delesky, BTI coordinator. There were ten members of the public in attendance.

Deputy Supervisor Long opened the public comment period. There were no comments tonight.

RESOLUTION #2018-143 to offer bereavement leave to Don Travis for his father’s death was offered by Deputy Supervisor Long at the December 19, 2018 year end meeting held at Caroga Town Hall.

WHEREAS, Mr. Travis recently lost his father, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to offer Don Travis bereavement leave.

Seconded by Council Member Glenn

Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Long, Manning, Glenn, Kirch

The clerk asked what the meant. Council Member Long responded that he gets 5 days bereavement leave if he uses it for that purpose whatever he uses that. The same terms as the highway contract are what the board is offering him. Up to five days bereavement.

Deputy Supervisor Long stated the second order of business was a term expiring on the Zoning Board of Appeals. The participant on the Zoning Board has not been attending this past year. A few people have recommended John Byrnes. The new chair of the Zoning Board of Appeals has made the recommendation.

RESOLUTION #2018-145 to appoint John Byrnes to the Zoning Board of Appeals was offered by Deputy Supervisor Long at the December 19, 2018 year end meeting held at Caroga Town Hall.

WHEREAS, one term on the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) expires as of December 31, 2018, and

WHEREAS, the board desires to fill the vacancy because the ZBA will have a meeting before the reorganizational meeting, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to appoint John Byrnes of 101 Old State Road Caroga Lake NY to a five year term to expire on December 31, 2023.

Seconded by Council Member Manning

Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Long, Manning, Glenn, Kirch

RESOLUTION #2018-146 to make year-end transfers as necessary to maintain a balanced budget and to authorize the setting up of two new reserve funds was offered by Deputy Supervisor Long at the December 19, 2018 year end meeting held at Caroga Town Hall.

WHEREAS, the Caroga Town Board held its year end meeting on December 19, 2018 to make year-end transfers as necessary to maintain a balanced budget and to authorize the setting up of two new reserve funds, and

WHEREAS, the Town Board has identified a need to establish a capitol reserve fund for the Garbage Truck, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the board makes the following transfers:

To: A1910.40 Unallocated Insurance C/E $200.00

From: A1910.41 Unallocated Golf Insurance $200.00

To: A3620.40 Code Enforcement C/E $150.00

From: A3620.11 Code Clerk P.S. $150.00

To: A7180.41 Port a Johns $50.00

From: A7180.40 Special Recreations Facilities $50.00

To: A8010.40 Zoning C/E $100.00

From: A8010.10 Zoning Clerk $100.00

To: A8090.41 WEED C/E $50.00

From: A8090.12 Weed Divers $50.00

To: A8160.41 Landfill Testing $3,100.00

From: A9060.81 Golf Course Health Ins. $3,100.00

To: A9055.80 Disability Insurance $80.00

From: A9050.80 Unemployment Ins. $80.00

AND be it further RESOLVED that the Caroga Town Board hereby moves to set up the following reserves:

TO: A9950.90 Capitol Project Fund $10,000.00

TO: A9950.92 Garbage Truck Capitol Reserve $10,000.00

FROM: General Fund Cash $20,000.00

Council Member Kirch wanted to discuss the transfers as he has not seen them

before. The small ones under $300.00 – Deputy Supervisor Long explained there were some shortfalls in the accounts. He stated, “We are underfunded on the capitol project and we’ve been underfunded on the garbage truck.”

Council Member Kirch asked if the landfill testing was because of the recent tests. Deputy Supervisor Long stated it was “because of the tests we did not anticipate.”

It was noted that the town has been behind on testing. It is assumed that once we catch up on this we won’t have to do as much testing in the future.

Seconded by Council Member Kirch

Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Long, Manning, Glenn, Kirch

The clerk received a call this morning from the New York State Health Department regarding the Electronic Death registry. They will be putting it the program into effect this spring. The organization director needs to sign a document that authorizes the registrar to be given security access and a pin number for the new state electronic death reporting system.

RESOLUTION #2018-147 to authorize the Registrar of Vital Statistics to sign a document as it pertains to the Health Commerce System was offered by Deputy Supervisor Long at the December 19, 2018 year end meeting held at Caroga Town Hall.

WHEREAS, the Registrar Linda M. Gilbert received paperwork from the New York State Depart of Health for the Health Commerce System which will securely electronically collect and distribute data among state entities, and

WHEREAS, authorization in the presence of a notary is necessary now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Registrar, Linda M. Gilbert is hereby authorized to sign the necessary documentation so that she may execute the duties and responsibilities in a timely manner with due diligence.

Seconded by Council Member Manning

Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Long, Manning, Glenn, Kirch

The clerk passed around a form from the county for any changes to the 2019 directory. The deadline is January 12, 2019 to return the changes.

Lastly the clerk received notification from the Department of Labor notifying the town that they were selected to participate in the survey of occupational injuries and illnesses for the calendar year 2019. The town is being asked to keep occupational safety and health records throughout 2019. The survey is mandatory under Public Law 91-596 and is approved under OMB No. 1220-0045. Deputy Supervisor Long noted his two business also received the same notice. I will probably send out notification to all department heads.

Deputy Supervisor Long made a motion to pay the bills as presented for audit. Council Member Kirch seconded the motion all board members were in favor of the motion.

At 7:15 pm Deputy Supervisor Long made a motion to adjourn. Council Member Glenn seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.

Respectfully Submitted,

Linda M. Gilbert, RMC, CMC

Town Clerk

General #’s 418–423 $2,423.97

Highway no bills submitted

General Park No bills submitted

Prepaid #’s 246–249 $2,341.13

Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025