State of New York
County of Fulton
Town of Caroga
Minutes of the regular monthly Caroga Town Board meeting held Wednesday January 9, 2019 at the municipal building located at 1840 State Highway 10 at 7:00 pm with the following persons in attendance by roll call:
Supervisor James K. Selmser - Here
Council Member John Glenn - Here
Council Member Jeremy Manning - Here
Council Member James Long - Here
Council Member Kent Kirch - Here
Other town department representatives in attendance were: Steve Putman, Highway Department, John Delesky, BTI. There were about 18 members of the public in attendance.
Public Speakers:
Scott Seeley from the Fulton Montgomery Farmers Market Association Inc thanked everyone for a good year. He asked if there was anything that needed to be changed. They are looking to lengthen the season next year from the Friday of Memorial Day weekend to the second Friday in September from 3 – 6 pm. Council Member Kirch noted when partnered with another group event there was a larger turnout. Supervisor Selmser asked that a form be filled out for use of the property.
Bill Bishop noted the Caroga Arts Council upcoming events at Lake Pleasant Inn, and Nick Stoner Inn 19th Hole. Council Member Long noted they are on the town website.
Linda Gilbert wanted to correct a statement heard earlier in her office. Just because an amount is placed on a line item in the budget it doesn’t mean that amount is to be paid out. Every two years members of the town board potentially change so the board seated the prior year does the budget. I have compared specific job titles with other towns in Fulton County. The Town of Caroga pays 4 to 5 times more than other municipalities pay for the same job. I am concerned about our tax dollars.
Prior to the agenda the reorganizational business was conducted. Board members were given copies of the resolutions.
RESOLUTION #2019-001 stating Organizational Business – Miscellaneous was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the reorganizational meeting held Wednesday January 9th, 2019. The following information was examined:
Financial Institutions: NBT 142 N. Comrie Ave. Johnstown NY 12095 and
NBT Bank 2nd Avenue Gloversville NY 12078
The Regular meetings of the Town Board of the Town of Caroga will be held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
That the Supervisor is authorized to do the following: Invest money anytime that there is money to invest, pay fixed bills such as telephone, electric, gasoline, propane, salaries, contract, and insurance etc. when due. Pay quarterly salaries of elected officials on the same day as the second bi-weekly payroll of the following months: March, June, September, and December.
That Gas Mileage for the year 2019 will be $0.58 per mile per IRS regulations. Detailed logs shall be kept and submitted monthly.
The official town website will be
That the Highway Superintendent is authorized to spend $5,000.00 without authorization — keeping within budget appropriations for daily and weekly supplies.
The official newspaper – The Leader Herald
If an elected or appointed official is going to be out of town on vacation or to a seminar, etc. for more than 48 hours, the Supervisor or Town Clerk should be notified and it should be marked on a calendar in the Town Clerk's office.
Holidays – New Years’ Day, Martin Luther King Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, General Election Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day.
The motion was seconded by Council Member Long
ADOPTED by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
RESOLUTION #2019-002 Naming Elected Officials and their Positions was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the reorganizational meeting held Wednesday January 9th, 2019. The town board reviewed the list of elected officials as follows:
Supervisor – James Selmser
Highway Superintendent – Steven Putman
Town Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar/Records Management Officer - Linda Gilbert
Town Justice - James Subik
Council Member – John Glenn
Council Member – Jeremy Manning
Council Member – James Long
Council Member – Kent Kirch
Seconded by Council Member Long
ADOPTED by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
RESOLUTION #2019-003 Naming Appointed Positions for the year 2019 was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the reorganizational meeting held Wednesday January 9th, 2019. The following persons are hereby appointed as officials in the Town of Caroga for the year 2019.
Sanitation Inspector & Code Enforcement Officer – John Duesler
Registrar of Vital Statistics - Linda Gilbert
Dog Control - Howard Dutcher
Health Officer – Howard Dutcher
Youth Director – Coleen Ricciardi
Historian –Richard Nilsen
Building Maintenance Staff – Donald Travis
B.T.I. Coordinator – John Delesky
Weed Harvesting Coordinator – Gene Centi
Sole Assessor – Victoria Hayner Term to run until 9/31/19
Golf Professional/Greens Keeper/Manager - Steve Jennings
Planning Board Chairman – Al Kozakiewicz
Zoning Board of Appeals Chairman – Douglas Purcell
Alternate Members to the Planning Board – Tor Shekerjian & Jennifer Blowers
Alternate Member to the Zoning Board of Appeals – Blank
Code Clerk- Jennifer Blowers
Deputy Town Supervisor – James Long
Deputy Highway Superintendent – Henry Snell
Deputy Town Clerk –Judith Aldinger
ZBA & Planning Clerk – James Long
Bookkeeper and Budget Officer – Joanne Young
Court Clerk – Thelma Subik
Clerk to the Highway Superintendent – Linda Gilbert
Seconded by Council Member Long
ADOPTED by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
RESOLUTION #2019-004 to set yearly salaries and hourly rates for the year 2019 was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the reorganizational meeting held Wednesday January 9th, 2019. The following salaries were reviewed and discussed as follows:
Salary Elected & appointed Officials to be paid quarterly
(4) Town Board Members $3,043.75 ea.
(1) Budget Officer $2,781.00
(1) Weed coordinator and Director $16,000.00
Salary Elected & appointed Officials to be paid monthly:
(1) Town Justice $15,810.00
(1) Dog Control Officer PT $ 5,698.00
(1) Attorney to the Town As Billed
(1) Court Clerk $ 3,366.00
Salary Appointed Officials to be paid annually:
(1) Health Officer $
(1) Historian $ 652.00
(1) Deputy Superintendent of Highways $ 2,144.00
Salary Elected & appointed Officials to be paid bi-weekly:
(1)Supervisor $10,232.00
(1) Bookkeeper to Supervisor (secretary) $24,277.00
(1) Town Clerk/Tax Collector $33,040.00
(1) Sole Assessor $25,235.00
(1) Registrar of Vital Statistics $ 773.00
(1) Superintendent of Highways (refuse Coordinator duties) $45,328.00
(1) Greens Keeper (Manager/Golf Pro) per contract $42,616.00
(1) B.T.I. Coordinator $15,680.00
Youth Director $ 5,540.00
Youth Teacher $ 1,540.00
Appointed Employees to be paid hourly:
Highway- Motor Equipment Operators – Starting Rate $16.33. +24 Mo. $17.29 .48 Mo $18.23 .60 Mo $19.25
Highway Mechanics – Starting rate $19.83
Code Enforcement Officer-not to exceed $30,000.00 $30.90
Deputy Town Clerk $12.875
Laborers (Golf Course I) $14.56
Laborers (Golf Course II $14.14
Assistant to Golf Professional (Pro Shop I) $11.10
BTI Technicians (I) $12.11
BTI Technicians (II) $11.16
(1) Clerk PT (Code Enforcement) (Not to exceed $8,000) $12.875
Divers senior – has worked for the town previously $21.99
First year starting Diver rate $21.35
Tenders – senior $12.85
First year tender $12.48
(1)Laborer (Janitorial) $13.25
Boat Wash/Lake Stewards $11.10
Summer Youth Recreation Counselor $11.10
Summer Youth/Recreational Bus Driver $16.00
Summer Youth Recreation Life Guard $11.50
Seconded by Council Member Long
ADOPTED by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
RESOLUTION #2019-005 to reappoint Mike Voght to the Planning Board was offered by Council Member Long at the reorganizational meeting held Wednesday January 9th, 2019.
WHEREAS, Mike Voght’s term on the Planning Board expired December 31, 2018, and
WHEREAS, Mike Voght worked on the recently enacted Zoning Ordinance during his previous tenure on the Planning Board and that experience will be valuable to the Planning Board, and
WHEREAS, Mike Voght has expressed a desire to be reappointed to the Planning Board, and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Town of Caroga Town Board reappoints Mike Voght to a seven-year term on the Planning Board commencing January 1, 2019.
Seconded by Council Member Manning
ADOPTED by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
RESOLUTION #2019-006 to Appoint an Administrator for CAROGALAKENY.COM, to Appoint a Town Webmaster, and to name the Town Official Website TOWNOFCAROGA.COM. was offered by Council Member Long at the reorganizational meeting held Wednesday January 9th, 2019.
WHEREAS, is generally not current, and
WHEREAS, can only be accessed by citizens willing to allow the dominant search engine company to track their use of via third-party JavaScript, cookies, etc., and
WHEREAS, it is inconsistent with the goals of this administration of both open government and citizen privacy to require that citizens consent to tracking by the dominant search engine company, and
WHEREAS, Town Board member James Long has voluntarily, at no cost to the Town of Caroga, hosted Town of Caroga laws, ordinances, hearing notices, decision letters, meeting minutes, calendar dates, etc. on the website, a website which does not track citizens in any way, and
WHEREAS, Town Board member James Long has expressed a willingness to continue to maintain Town of Caroga online content at no charge to the Town of Caroga, and
WHEREAS, the queries to the dominant search engine continue to resolve to, resulting in confusion among citizens, board members, and committee members, and
WHEREAS, mitigation of problems with can be accomplished, at no cost to the Town of Caroga by appointing James Long webmaster with administrative authority over the domain, and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Town of Caroga Town Board appoints James Long host and administrator of, appoints James Long webmaster to the Town of Caroga, names the official website, and stipulates that James Long provide all services at no cost to the Town of Caroga.
Discussion: Council Member Glenn asked if the Caroga Lake NY will be gone all together. Council Member Long stated he will do a redirect. Supervisor Selmser stated it is just for the year 2019 Council Member Long will pay for both domain names.
Seconded by Council Member Manning
RESOLUTION #2019-007 to appoint Dunn & Dunn as Attorneys for the Town as Independent Contractors to Provide Legal Services as needed was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board on January 9, 2019.
WHEREAS, Dunn & Dunn’s work on all new town legal affairs during the past year has been commendable, and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Town of Caroga Town Board appoint Dunn & Dunn as attorneys for the Town as independent contractors to provide legal services as needed for the year 2019.
(The clerk asked for their address)
Council Member Glenn asked what their hourly rate was. It is $250.00 per hour. Council Member Glenn stated one or two months ago Council Member Long made a statement concerning our previous town attorney – Sal Ferlazzo. He said “we” as the town board felt that he was not attending to our legal affairs in a timely basis. (He paraphrased) “I for one don’t understand who “we” represents.” Council Member Glenn stated he felt Sal Ferlazzo did an outstanding job for the town. He did it for a rate of $175.00 per hour. He wanted the board to consider and recommended bringing back Sal Ferlazzo of Girvin and Ferlazzo as the town attorney. Council Member Manning stated it took four months to get a reply to one particular issue. He stated we were billed for ½ hour for a 15 minute response to an email. Council Member Manning stated Dunn & Dunn do not charge for phone calls, travel or emails and they are responsive. Council Member Long stated Girvin & Ferlazzo does not travel for free. Supervisor Selmser thought Dunn & Dunn were helpful in guiding the board on some critical legal issues.
Mr. Putman wondered why the overbilling was not stepped to immediately. Council Member Manning stated he could not completely verify that. Council Member Long noted a minimum duration for billing was done. Council Member Kirch stated he has a similar concern about the hourly rate but the cost charged to drive to and from our meetings takes the difference down to very little. It was noted that interviews were conducted. Supervisor Selmser thought everyone was on board with making a change last year.
Mr. Livingston questioned the statement that Dunn & Dunn didn’t charge for phone calls. He has seen paperwork for thousands of dollars from Dunn & Dunn.
Council Member Glenn didn’t think board members should speak in generalizations on behalf of the board.
Council Member Kirch noted Dunn & Dunn are working on one project and Ferlazzo is working on other projects… he did not see any reason to make a change right now.
Council Member Long stated Dunn & Dunn do not receive a retainer. They are not officials of the town. This resolution is not a commitment of the town.
Seconded by Council Member Manning
Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes; Selmser, Manning, Long, Kirch
1 Nay Glenn
RESOLUTION #2019-008 to accept the current (2018) Procurement Policy and make it the 2019 Procurement Policy was offered by Council Member Kirch at the Wednesday January 9th 2019 town board meeting.
WHEREAS, the Town Board shall review annually the Procurement Policy at its organizational meeting or as soon after as practical, and
WHEREAS, no amendments were made to the document on file, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town board does hereby move to accept the 2018 policy and make it the 2019 procurement policy without any changes.
Seconded by Council Member Long
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Department Reports:
Assessor’s – was given to the board. The supervisor stated she is doing her normal yearly maintenance work.
BTI – Nothing to report
Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar – The Tax Warrant amount is $3,194,209.76. Paid to date is $253,437.51 leaving $2,940.$772.25 to be collected.
The Town Clerks books were presented for audit. The town board may examine them when convenient. A guide from the Comptroller’s Office has a checklist for the board to use. The monthly report was given to the supervisor. Receipts will be given for all moneys turned over to the supervisor.
The clerk noted the temperature in the hallway is 62°F all day long the office door cannot be kept open.
There was an email from Bill Kerekes the drug testing coordinator. He has everything set for Non DOT drug and alcohol testing for non-highway employees. There is no cost to the town except for the random quarterly testing. The testing can be done at the clinic. A list needs to be created. Training would need to be done with the employees. Mr. Putman stated by adding on to the program it makes the town safe and secure and helps with insurance.
A memo will go out to all departments to record all work related injuries and illnesses in 2019.
The clerk spoke to Jeff Bouchard at the County Dept. of Solid Waste about the demo team. He has hired a couple new employees. He stated that he could help Caroga if there was a need. Supervisor Selmser serves on that county committee and will reach out to David Rhodes.
Code Enforcement & Sanitation – Mr. Duesler continues to be busy. Supervisor Selmser stated we may want to review some possible questions he presented on his report regarding some staffing.
Council Member Kirch thought his report was one of the best he has seen prepared. Since 2016 there have been 21 new single family dwellings, 5 broke ground last year and there are 3 pending for 2019.
Mr. Duesler has requested approval to go to an annual training in March. The board would like to know the cost and will discuss it next month.
Dog Control – No report
Golf Course – No report
Highway – Highway Superintendent Steve Putman spoke to the Ford dealership about the pickup ordered last year. It has a registration # and he hopes to have it by the end of February.
The county wants a hook welded on to the garbage truck so they can drag it across pile to dump it. He will not allow this to happen. This is how we get flat tires. Mr. Putman wants the supervisor to talk to the county about it. The clerk suggested writing a letter to the board of supervisors.
Mr. Putman asked for a monthly report from the bookkeeper. The clerk did not receive copies either today.
The Highway Superintendent noted both S. Shore Roads are in terrible shape, there is ice pack on them. He is trying to cut back on salt use around the lakes.
Mr. Putman has been talking to companies about fleet buying. It is a good program for 5 – 7 years. They come and evaluate our equipment. We would then have up to date safe equipment. Repair costs would go down. It would be for all four plow trucks. Freightliner, Tracy Road, International, and Peterbilt offer this program. He doesn’t want to waste anyone’s time but they will come and talk at a meeting if the board is interested. Council Member Kirch suggested getting something in writing and look at the different programs. The companies want to make sure the board is interested. The companies do not do maintenance.
Mr. Putman is still looking into getting back into the CAT program. Supervisor Selmser asked if replacing the Gradall in the future could be done with a similar program.
A couple of his men have asked about a buy out for insurance. The board discussed and reviewed who was eligible to receive the benefit. It is not in the highway department contract.
Supervisor Selmser stated they had to be full-time employees. The clerk asked who was eligible to receive this benefit.
RESOLUTION #2019-009 to amend resolution #2015-007 was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting held on Wednesday January 9th, 2019.
WHEREAS, the board reviewed resolution #2015-007 as it pertains to employees eligible for a health insurance buyback, and
WHEREAS, the town board has discussed the health insurance benefit offered to its employees who are eligible for health insurance, and
WHEREAS, it was noted that some employees do not take health insurance benefits offered, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town board does hereby move to compensate those eligible to receive health insurance benefits the amount of $2,500.00 if they do not participate in town health insurance policy.
Seconded by Council Member Manning
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Mr. Putman pleaded with the public to wear reflective clothing while walking on the roads in town. He has recently come across people wearing black/dark colors while he is out plowing. Another problem is cars playing cat and mouse with the plows. He will contact the police about this.
Lastly as a town official he has observed a person (employee) living in something town owned for nothing. This is theft of services. There is nothing that says this person can do this. It is double dipping. Supervisor Selmser said it is seasonal and something the board is going to consider under a contract. The board will review the contract. Mr. Putman compared this to him allowing his daughter to take the town truck and use it for free. He wants this addressed.
Lake Steward Program – Council Member Glenn reported that 2 stewards will be assigned to Caroga in 2019. One will be at the campground and the other on Canada Lake. He also noted the 4 webinars being offered.
Town Hall Building – Supervisor Selmser has done more research on replacing heaters at town hall. To answer the clerk if the town desires to enhance heater units in the hallway it would cost $6,500 and $7,500. The units in the justice court and code need work. Mr. Travis stated the temperature in the morning in the court room has been as low as 52°. The motor binds up and gets hot - the bearings are bad. Apollo and Adirondack Mechanical were contacted for quotes.
Adirondack cannot supply the units cost effectively. This is a safety issue. To replace the code unit is $5,200.00. To replace the motor in the court unit is $995.00. Mr. Travis suggested putting the motor from the code unit into the court room. Apollo can have the unit in a weeks’ time.
RESOLUTION #2019-010 to purchase a replacement heater was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting on January 9, 2019.
WHEREAS, there has been an ongoing problem with heating units in the code office and court room, and
WHEREAS, Apollo Heating and Adirondack Mechanical were contacted about replacing the heater unites, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board hereby moves to purchase a replacement heater unit from Apollo Heating 868 Burdeck St. Schenectady NY 12306 under emergency conditions for an amount not to exceed $6,000.00 including installation.
Seconded by Council member Kirch
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Mr. Travis was asked to call them in the morning.
Youth – No report
Supervisor’s Report
Supervisor Selmser noted the financial report showing the estimated fund balances from last year. He stated he will put together some more year end reports in February for the transfer station activity revenues vs the permits and the final results for the golf course.
The board members received an updated response from NY Power authority in the last couple of days. The document was forwarded to our attorneys. He hopes to make some decisions at the February meeting on this. Council Member Long stated the town was not going to be able to change the terms of the contract with NY Power authority so he said he would go for it now. A resolution could be made pending review by the attorney. Supervisor Selmser looked over the plans being offered and suggested going basic – photocell. Council Member Kirch agreed. Cellular coverage was discussed and agreed it would not work here.
RESOLUTION #2019-011 authorizing Supervisor Jim Selmser to sign an agreement with NY Power Authority pending review of said agreement by Attorneys Dunn & Dunn was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday January 9, 2019.
WHEREAS, the town was given a presentation at the December 12, 2018 Town Board meeting on energy services program for a comprehensive street lighting upgrade by NY Power Authority, and
WHEREAS, the board desire to move forward with implementing LED street lighting, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town board hereby moves to go for the simplest option which is the photocell based solution upon completion of a review of the agreement by attorneys Dunn & Dunn and as outlined in a document dated December 14, 2018.
Seconded by Council Member Kirch
Discussion: Council Member Kirch asked if we know which local towns in the county are already signed up to do this with them. Supervisor Selmser responded Ephratah, Oppenheim Stratford and Town of Johnstown. The cities are going with another provider.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Old Business:
Proposed Sewer District – Council Member Kirch just sent information to the board today. In November there was a work session on a proposed sewer district. In the work session the board agreed they wanted to pursue grant funding to pay for the design study. Scott Henze from the county suggested the town ask for a more comprehensive proposal for the design study. Travis Mitchell from EDP was asked to revise the proposal to a full comprehensive report. That is what was sent to the board today. New pricing is $30,000.00 of that the town would ask for grant funding of $24,000.00 and the town would put in 20% or $6,000.00 in as a local match. He noted that money would not be spent until the town was awarded the grant. The grants are submitted in July and awarded in December.
RESOLUTION #2019-012 Authorizing the submittal of a grant application within the New York State Consolidated funding application (CFA) process to prepare a preliminary Engineering Report for a central Sewer System was offered by Council Member Kirch at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday January 9, 2019.
WHEREAS, the Town of Caroga is proposing to submit a grant application within the New York State Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) grant process to prepare a Preliminary Engineering Report for a Central Sewer System, and
WHEREAS, said New York State Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) application is proposed to be submitted in July 2019 and awarded in December of the same year, and
WHEREAS, on January 22, 2013 the Town Board adopted an updated Comprehensive Plan that outlines a vision for growth and development to include a Town Center that is serviced by a municipal sewer collection and treatment system, and
WHEREAS, in 2013, the Town Board designated representatives to a committee to participate in the Adirondack Park Agency's Hamlets III Smart Growth project with the Town being identified as a "Host Community", and
WHEREAS, on November 14, 2018 the Town Board adopted an updated Zoning Ordinance reflecting the vision of the Comprehensive Plan and concepts identified within the Hamlets III Smart Growth project, said Zoning Ordinance being an Adirondack Park Agency approved Local Land Use Plan, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has requested the services of the
Fulton County Planning Department through a Planning Services Agreement
to assist the Town in the development and submission of grants to support
the Town's effort to prepare a Preliminary Engineering Report for a
Central Sewer System, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board desired to solicit cost proposals from Engineering firms to develop the Preliminary Engineering Report for a Central Sewer System, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board received proposals from several firms and ultimately selected one (1) to be used to apply for grant funding within the New York State Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) grant process to prepare a Preliminary Engineering Report for a Central Sewer System, and
WHEREAS, said proposal includes 20% MBE participation, and
WHEREAS, the estimated cost of preparing the Preliminary Engineering Report for a Central Sewer System is $30,000, and
WHEREAS, through the New York State Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) grant process, a grant would be applied for that could pay for 80% of this cost, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined that the submission of a grant application and the preparation of a Preliminary Engineering Report to be Type II action under 6NYCRR Part 617.5(c)(18) of State Environmental Quality Review, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board understands that a 20% monetary contribution towards a successful grant application may be required and therefore would utilize the services of the Fulton County Planning Department to participate through the Planning Services Agreement and provide a local match in the amount of $6,000 to be used as the Town's contribution toward a successful grant application.
RESOLVED, the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute and submit a Grant Application through the New York State Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) process requesting $30,000 to prepare a Preliminary Engineering Report for a Central Sewer System, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor be responsible for executing all financial and/or administrative processes relating to the implementation of the grant, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board shall provide $6,000 of local match to prepare a Preliminary Engineering Report for a Central Sewer System.
Seconded by Council Member Long
It was noted that the town has 10 free hours of planning services from the County.
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Council Member Glenn received information from Mike Durkee on the grant. DEC has announced a new grant for invasive species prevention and control. The proposals are due by February 15th.
Supervisor Selmser noted at a prior meeting there was a correspondence from the Caroga Arts Collective for use of the Sherman’s property. Initially there was a conflict on one date. A standard property use request form has been submitted.
RESOLUTION #2019-013 authorizing the supervisor Jim Selmser to sign the property use request form submitted by the Caroga Arts Collective was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held January 9, 2019.
WHEREAS, correspondence was received from the Caroga Arts Collective, and
WHEREAS, a property Use request form was submitted for the use of the Sherman’s property on July 5, 6 20, 27, August 3, 17 with a start time of the night before clean up the following morning, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to approve the use of the property for 5 days with a total fee of $2,500.00 and be it further RESOLVED that one of the dates either July 5 or 6 will change as to accommodate an artist.
Seconded by Council Member Kirch
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
RESOLUTION #2019-014 to send John Byrnes to class was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held January 9, 2019.
WHEREAS, the town received notice of the Saratoga Planning & Zoning Conference being held on February 6, 2019, and
WHEREAS, new board member John Byrnes needs to attend annual training for serving as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals, and
WHEREAS, Planning Board Members Lynne Delesky, and Mike Voght (if it doesn’t snow) would also like to attend, now therefore be it
RESOLVED that the above mentioned planning and Zoning board member are authorized to attend the training in Saratoga County.
Seconded by Council Member Kirch
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes; Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Supervisor Selmser made a motion to pay the bills as presented for audit. Council Member Long seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.
Council Member Kirch thanked Mr. Putman and his crew for plowing the lot at Sherman’s for ice fisherman parking.
At 8:39 pm Council Member Long made a motion to adjourn, Seconded by Council Member Manning. All board members were in favor of the motion.
Linda M. Gilbert RMC, CMC
Town Clerk
General #’s 1-31 $23,459.86
Highway #’s 1-13 $15,750.26
General Park 0 $0.00
Prepaid #’s 1–10 $28,357.38
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025