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State of New York

County of Fulton

Town of Caroga

Minutes of the regular monthly Caroga Town Board meeting held Wednesday March 13, 2019 at the municipal building located at 1840 State Highway 10 at 7:00 pm with the following persons in attendance by roll call:

Supervisor James K. Selmser - Here

Council Member John Glenn - Here

Council Member Jeremy Manning - Here

Council Member James Long - Here

Council Member Kent Kirch - Here

Other town department representatives in attendance were Steve Putman – Highway Superintendent, and Don Travis – building maintenance. There were about 24 members of the public.

Supervisor Selmser opened the meeting at 7 pm by asking for the roll to be called. The salute to the flag followed. The Supervisor reminded the public about the statement at the top of the agenda regarding behavior at the Town Board meetings.

Doug Purcell stated his correspondence was on the agenda. He submitted two requests for approval by the board. The first is on behalf of the North Bush Methodist Church and the Durey Creek Blue Grass Band for the use of the Sherman’s property on the last Fridays in June and July, in conjunction of the farmers market, for an ice cream social. The second is on behalf of the Caroga Historical Association & Museum. They would like a sign on the Sherman’s property to self-promote visitation opportunities.

Mike Voght – asked the board to take in consideration doing the mowing in house. “We are in dire need of other things.” He stated they have the equipment and men to do it.

Bill Bishop – Thanked Kent Kirch and Jeremy Manning for taking care of removing ice from the edge of the roof at Sherman’s. He noted they were dedicated board members that whenever anything needs to be done at Sherman’s they are always there.

Scott Horton – He had two things. He handed out an editorial page from the Sunday Gazette on Sunshine week. It is about transparency in government. The second item had to do with Sherman’s. He thought a minimum of two things should be done: 1) a declaratory judgment and 2) a professional appraisal of the property. “How can the voters and the taxpayers know if they are getting the best bang for the buck, the best deal, without that appraisal from a professional?” Without those two things how can the voter trust in the board’s decision and vote yes on a permissive referendum.

At 7:10 PM the public session was closed.

Department Reports:

Assessor’s Report – Report Submitted to the board. She continues to update and maintain the 2019 roll. She will be out of the office as so noted in the report. She will be back in the office on Tuesday April 2nd.

Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar – The clerk stated we have a bid opening tonight. The board was asked about the price to sell the new zoning books. The previous books sold for $10. The new have color maps. The county will be contacted about the price to reproducing them. It was noted that the entire document is on the Town website in several formats.

I have been participating in webinars for records management and the Electronic Death Registration System. There is still a bucket in the records room with water in it.

I was at a meeting on Monday for Retirement Reporting – the town has some work to catch on with this.

One item the Supervisor asked about the cost for the non- DOT testing for employees who work with town equipment. I will contact the agent about the initial costs.

Bid Opening – there were 5 bids.






Additional Info

3/2/19 10:25

Michael Kowalski

Mowing & weed whacking


Just mowing $2,200.00

3/12/19 2:30

Creative Land Care

Mowing & weed whacking


David Knapp Owner

3/12/19 12:28

Lawn Tech LLC

Mowing & weed whacking


Extra cost for spring/fall cleanup

Scott Parillo Owner

3/12/19 9:48

Tri Valley Maintenance

Mowing & Trimming


John Wiltey Owner

3/12/19 9:36

Fairchild Enterprises

Mow & Trim & Blow

$300 week Sherman’s $500 mo. Cemetery

Lia. Insurance

Greg Fairchild Owner

Supervisor Selmser stated the main purpose of the bid opening was to find out what our costs could be if we had to go outside, The Supervisor will discuss this with Mr. Jennings tomorrow. No action was taken now.

BTI – Mrs. Delesky reported a couple of technicians did try to check some streams but there is too much snow it was not safe to be out in the field.

Code Enforcement & Sanitation- John Duesler submitted a written report. Council Member Kirch discussed the software request with John. The supervisor confirmed the money for the program was covered in the budget. Council Member Kirch wanted to see the demo prior to purchase.

The supervisor noted that from Mr. Duesler’s recent training there is a big emphasis on ADA regulations coming down from the Federal Government in the next year or two. The town will have to abide by these Federal regulations in addition to our local zoning and state building codes. The town may have to make some enhancements to the building.

Dog Control – No report from the Dog Control Officer. The clerk reported 2 delinquent renewals from January and 9 still from 2018.

Golf Course – Rich Ruberti Wheelerville Superintendent wrote a letter thanking Mr. Jennings for working with kids. He also thanked him for his help with the annual golf tournament.

Supervisor Selmser wants to meet with Mr. Jennings about his contract. He noted the recent ad in the Leader Herald newspaper listing the rates. The rates did not change from last year.

RESOLUTION #2019-028 to set the 2019 Rates for the Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday March 13, 2019 at Caroga Town Hall.

WHEREAS, it is the boards desire to set the rates for 2019 season, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to set the rates at the Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course as follows:

Senior Rate – 65 years of age $425.00 until May 1st, 2019

The incentive rate -until May 1st 2019:

Individual Membership -$495.00

Couples Combined membership - $915.00

Starting May 2, 2019

Individual Membership -$550.00

Couples combined membership -$975.00

Juniors -age 20 and under -$125.00

Weekly Play -$120.00

Monthly Play $240.00

18 Holes (Monday through Sunday) Yellow Ticket -$22.00

9-Hole Ticket -$12.00

Lockers - $35.00

Fall rate begins September 15th and runs until the end of the season- 18 holes with a cart is $24.00.

Seconded by Council Member Manning

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

The board members were given a copy of the Golf Pro, Greens Keeper, Manager, Steve Jennings contract. He is currently working without a contract. It has not been reviewed with him. There was some revised verbiage. Council Member Manning asked the supervisor to point out the changes. The supervisor stated the rate of pay – increased by 3% “like everyone else”, #5 residential apartment above the pro shop for himself only. Other family use will be allowed under a rental fee determined by the town. The last two items were added #13. Conditions identified by insurance inspector needed correction action must be done within 7 days of notification, & #14, Required Departmental Monthly Updates to the Town Board forms will be submitted to the town clerk before monthly town board meetings.

Council Member Manning suggested a rental contract.

The clerk questioned the date the contract would run – yearly from the date approved? The supervisor noted he gets paid yearly. He noted the number of pay periods per year was corrected last year. The matter will be discussed at the April meeting.

Mr. Putman questioned the % of pay noting the highway department was lower.

Highway –There was an inspection by Steve Pasco of DEC on the petroleum fuel tanks. There were a couple of minor violations. He doesn’t understand why things that were the same last year were not in violation yet this time they were. This is a yearly inspection. There are photos from previous years.

Mr. Putman attended his monthly county highway meeting where they discussed the governors desire to cut the emergency winter CHIPS funding. This would be over $15,000.00 for the town.

The water at the barn has been great but it has a wicked odor to it. He urged the board to get it tested including benzoates and iron contamination. The line did not freeze this year.

Mr. Putman noted the 911 signs took a whooping this year with all the snow. He suggested making them higher and placing them back a little further.

Salt use – we have gone over our allotment. We order a year in advance. The county is linked in together under the same contract with different amounts. They hold you to the amount you order. If you don’t use (take) what you order there is an extra charge – if you use over the amount ordered there is an extra charge. He ordered 400 tons. This will cost the town over $600.00. Everyone in the county went over this year. He is working with his association to do something different next year.

The board had talked to him about getting on board with reducing the amount of salt used in the town. He uses the minimum amount he can. He’d bet a week’s pay check the state uses more salt in a week on the roads around our lakes then the town does in a year.

Frost is coming out of the roads. Fisher is rough; he appreciates calls from the public reporting a bad road.

Salt Shed – The clerk contacted some people and information for a grant was given to council. The County Highway Superintendent was also contacted about the size and cost of their shed. He noted the public is welcome to get sand from the pile but to be careful of any overhanging ridges. He does block those areas off.

The trial seasonal closing of East Shore Road West Caroga Lake was discussed. Mr. Putman referred to

Section 2 -53 (c) of his highway superintendent manual. It refers to traffic control signs and the Town Board’s role Council Member Manning asked for a copy of the information. It was suggested that changes are done a few weeks prior to the Memorial Day Holiday. Water barriers would be used. Both ends would be blocked from entering onto East Shore Road but vehicles would be able to exit from either end. The road would remain a two way street. Entrance would be gained onto East Shore Road from Bath Ave, Grove, Chapel, and Lakeview. Mr. Putman also wanted an electronic digital sign showing your speed.

RESOLUTION #2019-029 to Implement the Highway Superintendent’s proposal for a change in the traffic pattern on East Shore Road West Caroga Lake was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday March 13, 2019 at Caroga Town Hall.

WHEREAS, it is the boards desire to work in conjunction with the Highway Superintendent Steve

Putman to implement a trial seasonal change in the traffic pattern on East Shore Road West Caroga Lake,

Now therefore be it

RESOLVED, to only allow exiting from East Shore Road - no entrance at the end points. They would be closed for entrance, - exit only with incoming traffic being diverted through Chapel at the south end and through Grove Ave. or Bath Ave. at the north end.

Seconded by Council Member Glenn

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

Council Member Glenn asked about the beaver problem near the outlet. Mr. Putman stated the beaver was trapped out. Council Member Glenn spoke to Eric Bartlett who does bridge maintenance with the State DOT. He could be contacted with problems in the future.

Town Hall Building – Supervisor Selmser noted the heating unit in the code office was replaced and corrective action in the court was finalized last Friday. Boiler #1 had a problem and was out of service. Apollo inspected the unit and went back to the vendor and the replacement unit was covered under warranty. We have to pay the install cost.

There was a reoccurring problem with roof leaks. Those were addressed in February and on Monday morning two drain areas were worked on again. This will solve the problem temporarily.

Supervisor Selmser forwarded copies of structural evaluations of the town hall roof done by CT Male to the board. He and Council Member Long looked over the document which gave a recommendation of structuring the roof differently. Estimates in 2007 ran anywhere from up to ½ million dollars.

Supervisor Selmser noted the continued need for a generator. The highway department has a critical need for power at town hall to run the repeater for their radios. Council Member Long suggested a continuous uninterruptible power source (large battery backup) for just that piece of equipment. This will be worked on next month.

Youth – No Report

Historian – No Report

Lakes Management Program – Council Member Long discussed the contracting/employment of aquatic invasive species inspection stewards. They are at West Lake boat launch, at our boat wash station across the street, and Caroga Lake Marina. This year the state will cover two of the steward’s positions. Karl Ziemann offered to conduct the boat inspections for free, 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, if the board sends a letter thanking them. His wife attended training last year and the town did pay her. Council Member Long crafted the following resolution.

RESOLUTION #2019-030 to Thank the Caroga Lake Marina, LLC for their offer to inspect boats transiting their boat launch for Aquatic Invasive Species at no charge to the Town of Caroga was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday March 13, 2019 at Caroga Town Hall.

WHEREAS, the Town of Caroga Town Board previously paid for an Aquatic Invasive Species Steward to inspect boats transiting the Caroga Lake Marina, LLC boat launch, and

WHEREAS, Caroga Lake Marina, LLC has offered to inspect boats transiting their boat launch for Aquatic Invasive Species at no cost to the Town of Caroga, twelve (12) hours per day, seven (7) days per week, from May through October, if the Town of Caroga Town board thanks Caroga Lake Marina, LLC for their efforts, and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Caroga Town Board thanks Caroga Lake Marina, LLC for their offer to inspect boats transiting their boat launch for Aquatic Invasive Species at no cost to the Town of Caroga, twelve (12) hours per day, seven (7) days per week, from May through October.

Seconded by Council Member Glenn

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

Supervisor’s Report

The Annual Report was filed last Tuesday.

A sales tax report was also filed.

Financial reports were given to the board. A couple of things were highlighted. The Key Bank CD in the amount of $240,000.00 is on the report. On the statement of revenue and expenses report interest was highlighted noting its growth. The supervisor expressed his concern for the low rates to bank officials. Last year the town earned $14.00 in the general account this year it is $573.00. In highway it was $6 last year this year it is $161.00 in highway. This is only for the past two months.

The clerk followed through with the filing for the State Federal Surplus Property Program. Both the Town Supervisor and Highway Superintendent signed off on the 8 page application. Various surplus equipment was listed on the town’s wish list. An effort needs to be made to review the website for first dibs.

Supervisor Selmser noted a discussion took place on the county level regarding the loss of state funding and how it affects Fulton County. A resolution was made at the County level criticizing the governor from possibly taking funds away from the towns. The clerk suggested putting information on the town website to contact the governor regarding this issue.

Old Business:

Supervisor Selmser and Council Members Long & Kirch audited the judge’s records.

RESOLUTION #2019-031 to Accept the Caroga Justice Court records for 2018 was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday February 13, 2098 at Caroga town hall.

WHEREAS, the Honorable James Subik Caroga Town Justice presented his books for audit to the Caroga Town Board, and

WHEREAS, over the course of the last few weeks three (3) board members did review the judges books as presented for audit for the year 2018, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to accept the books as presented for audit.

Council Member Long seconded the motion

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

Council Member Manning gave an update on the bike path noting that the state has not yet announced 2019 funding for Smart Growth. He did get a rough draft from Stephen Ovitt proposal to do the building of the trails. He has raised his price per linear foot. He wondered if the board wants to get other bids from other builders. He would like to and also explore some other work arrangements. We will need this before we can put in for a grant application. Council Member Manning will gather information on this.

New Business:

Canada Lake Conservation Assoc. has asked to use the town hall for two meetings. The board was notified of the June 23rd executive board meeting and the annual meeting on July 13th at 7 pm.


George Rohrs interested in employment also wants to open crepe stand at Arts facility @ Sherman’s & perhaps use cafeteria kitchen

Request by N. Bush United Methodist Church to use Sherman’s property 6/28 & 7/26 in conjunction with farmers market (use of information building)

Nathan Littauer Foundation request for golf package for 4 & Carts

Adirondack Park Local Government Day 4/3 & 4/4

Keep Mohawk Valley Beautiful -2019 Great American Cleanup Effort “POSTPONED”

Adirondack Park Local Government Review Board wants support asking for a plan to provide cell coverage, and the support of snowmobiling and increasing trails in the Adirondacks

Municipal Leasing Consultants

Fulton/Montgomery County Clean Up Day 4/27 9 to Noon Call Sarah (518) 332-5469 to volunteer

Bike Share Program will have an informational session

Caroga Historical Assoc. & Museum request approval of a sign on the Sherman’s property

The board discussed the proposed signage at Sherman’s. Council Member Kirch asked if they considered posting the sign on a building. At a meeting of Caroga business owners this week utilizing the information booth was suggested. A design change from what was submitted was discussed. Having a slot for brochures was desired.


RESOLUTION #2019-032 to place signs drawing people to the Caroga Historical Assoc. & Museum on the Sherman’s property was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday March 13, 2019 at Caroga Town Hall.

WHEREAS, the Caroga Town Board received a correspondence with a drawing from Doug Purcell President of the Caroga Historical Association & Museum asking to place signage on the Sherman’s property to promote visitors to the museum, Now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to allow up to two signs being placed on the Sherman’s property to promote visitors to the Caroga Historical Assoc. & Museum.

Council Member Kirch seconded the motion

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

Supervisor Selmser asked to be informed of what the plans were going to be exactly.

RESOLUTION #2019-033 to allow the North Bush United Methodist Church to utilize the Sherman’s property was offered by Council Member Kirch at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday March 13, 2019 at Caroga Town Hall.

WHEREAS, the Caroga Town Board received a correspondence from Doug Purcell on behalf of the North Bush United Methodist Church to request the use of the Sherman’s property for an ice cream social in conjunction with the Farmers’ Market on June 28th and July 26th, Now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to allow the use of the property including the use information building which is also a source of power for the sound system.

Council Member Long seconded the motion

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

RESOLUTION #2019-034 to make a donation of four (4) greens fees (including carts) to Nathan Littauer Hospital for their upcoming golf tournament offered by Supervisor Selmser at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday February13, 2019 at town hall.

WHEREAS, the Town Clerk received a letter dated March 4, 2019 from Kelly Colby, the Development Coordinator at Nathan Littauer Hospital, to request a Nick Stoner golf package for four people (including carts) to be awarded at the Littauer Adirondack Challenge on July 12, 2019, and

WHEREAS, the town has been very generous with this package for the past 10 years. Now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to donate four (4) greens fees and two carts being donated by Steve Jennings – Golf Pro to Nathan Littauer Hospital for their upcoming golf tournament the Adirondack Challenge on July 12th, 2019.

Council Member Long seconded the resolution.

Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes, Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch

Supervisor Selmser noted an upcoming boater safety course being offered by the Sheriff’s Department on March 25th and 27th at the emergency operations center 2712 Route 29. Must attend both sessions from 4:30 to 8:30 pm. It is free to the public and required for any persons born after May 1, 1996 who intend on operating a boat and any person regardless of age who operates a personal water craft. Call to register.

The clerk noted the AFLAC representative will be here tomorrow at 9 am for town employees.

Council Member Kirch asked if a date had been set for town wide road side cleanup yet. Mrs. Delesky responded they usually correspond with the county date.

Council Member Kirch made a motion to pay the bills as presented for audit. The motion was seconded by Council member Long. All board members were in favor of the motion.

Council Member Glenn spoke to an interested land development company about the Sherman’s property. Supervisor Selmser stated “this could be a possible contract which would be a possible legal issue.” Council Member Manning stated Mr. Sitterly did not want the details to become public. Council Member Glenn proceeds to read a document and gave the name of the interested party. The clerk and the board indicated that he should stop reading. Council Member Glenn noted in his conversation with Mr. Sitterly the interested parties offer had expired and he was going to step aside. Involved board member discussed their emails with the interested party. It was stated that this is one of the reasons the board can go into an executive session.

Former Council Member Russitano stated he wanted transparency. The supervisor stated the public session was closed. It was noted nothing is finalized yet. Supervisor Selmser stated the board has other issued to discuss in executive session tonight for a personnel issue and for possible contract issues with property.

At 8:34 Council Member Long made a motion to enter into an executive session to discuss a personnel matter with a former employee of the town.

Rick Sturgess asked if the people/taxpayers of this town will have the final decision of what happens with that property. Supervisor Selmser stated our intent is to review and make a suggestion and then you the voters will make the final decision. Mr. Sturgess asked if the Sherman’s property has been appraised. Supervisor Selmser responded, “We actually have an appraisal of the property that was done by our insurance company. They are experts. They value property for insurance valuation so that it is a good starting point right there.”

Council Member Kirch seconded the motion on the floor to enter into an executive session. All board members were in favor of the motion.

At pm 9:14 pm Supervisor Selmser made a motion to exit from the executive session. Council Member Long seconded the motion. All board members were in favor of the motion.

As a result of the executive session the board moved to forward the information to the Town Attorney.

An update on the Morey Road situation was also discussed by the board in executive session. It is still ongoing. No decisions were forthcoming. The proposal that Council Member Glenn referenced was also addressed. No decision was forthcoming.

Once again Council Member Glenn stated that “there was an offer by a group for an alternative to the direction that the town is currently contemplating with the CAC.” He stated Clayton Sitterly represents this group. They have offered cash purchase of the property. It does require clear title. Council Member Long stated “and we can’t provide clear title we are not in a position to do so.” Council Member Manning’s concern was he did request more information. The feedback was minimal. In his conversation with them they stated they would not present publicly prior to sale. Council Member Kirch stated the facts in his mind are #1 no clear title today, #2 we have very limited information on what their proposal is. #3 very little information about the buyer and their history/track record in these types of projects. Discussion continued with board members. Council Member Manning wanted to vote to accept or reject the proposal presented by Clayton Sitterly. Council Member Kirch stated, “In a situation where you’ve got a piece of real estate that you don’t want to keep I hate to take any options off the table.” Council Member Long stated if he manages to get clear title via an agreement with George Abdella that would be a game changer. If he did that and provided details that the Sherman’s advisory committee asked of Mr. Lorence and CAC – that would be helpful. The matter was tabled.

Supervisor Selmser sent an email to the board members of the Historic activity for Sherman’s. Council Member Glenn proceeded to read the document; the other board members were familiar with the document. This was put together to refresh the memory of the public. Council Member Kirch stated if we had done this sometime earlier than today a lot of what happened tonight might have been avoided. This will be distributed through many venues.

Council Member Kirch explained this document makes no decisions it is simply a communication so that people can be better informed.

RESOLUTION #2019-035 to adopt this document entitled the Status of Sherman’s Caroga Town Board Statement as our historical record was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held on Wednesday March 13, 2019 at Caroga Town Hall.

WHEREAS, the Caroga Town Board desires to communicate with the residents/voters of the Town of Caroga to impart a history of the Sherman’s property, and

WHEREAS, the board desires to adopt a document entitled the Status of Sherman’s - Caroga Town Board Statement, as their historical record, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the board does hereby move to adopt said document below and does further RESOLVE, to distribute the document and further publicize this as widely as we are able including but not limited to the town website, including but not limited to Facebook, a physical handout - available (news flash), and via the Leader Herald newspaper.

Seconded by Council Member Manning

Adopted by a vote of 4 Ayes: Selmser, Manning, Kirch, Long

1 Opposed - Glenn

The Status of Sherman’s

Caroga Town Board Statement

March 13, 2019

Dear Caroga Citizens,

Many town residents have expressed a desire to learn the current status of the Sherman’s Property. To begin, we want to make clear that any decision regarding the future of Sherman’s will be put to a public vote. We believe this is the only way to ensure that all voters have a fair and equal chance to be represented in determining the future of the property.

The information provided below will explain the situation as it currently stands, identify one possible option that the Town Board is presently considering, and outline a path forward that will ultimately put the decision in the hands of you, the voter. The history of the acquisition and the events that occurred since the town acquired Sherman’s are summarized below.

Timeline of Events

Where Things Stand Today

Since the Town has owned Sherman’s, concerts have been held, a weekly farmer’s market has been hosted, and other groups have used the property for various events. While these are positive steps, we don’t believe that town ownership represents a viable long-term solution for the property. Simply put, we believe the cost of developing and maintaining the Sherman’s property is too much for the Town of Caroga and its taxpayers to bear. For this reason, we have been negotiating with the Caroga Arts Collective for a possible sale of the Sherman’s Property. They have proposed to use the site as a year-round arts and education center, performance space, conference center, potential future town hall space, and maintain the grounds for public use. We have received other proposals, but due to the high possibility of a costly lawsuit with Mr. Abdella, lack of detail, limited public benefit, as well as concerns about the lack of adequate wastewater infrastructure at Sherman’s that could ultimately cause the return of the property to the Town, we have decided to not pursue them at this time.

What Next?

The Town Board and Town Attorney will continue negotiations with the CAC in an effort to achieve the best possible solution for the Town, with the greatest public benefit. If we reach an agreement, we will make the details public and host multiple public meetings where questions can be answered and input provided. After this, if the Town Board decides to move forward with the contract, any resolution accepting the contract would be made SUBJECT TO REFERENDUM, meaning that it would only pass if it enough voters said “yes”. If we do not reach an agreement with the CAC or if the voters say “no”, we will consider other options.

In Summary

The Town Board has a responsibility to ensure that any decision regarding the future of the Sherman’s property makes both the most economic sense for the Town, while also doing the most public good, and this Board will remain committed to fulfilling that responsibility. We understand that the future of the Sherman’s property is an issue in which we have all become personally invested. For this reason, we believe that any decision should be made by the voters themselves, and not by the Town Board alone. Once an agreement is publicly released we welcome your ideas and strongly encourage you to participate in town meetings.

The Town of Caroga has owned Sherman’s for over four years. While there has been much public debate during this time, we believe it is time to start making some decisions. To that end, we are committed to conducting an open, productive, and inclusive process in which we may collectively determine the future of the Sherman’s.


The Town of Caroga Town Board

At 9:35 pm Council Member Long made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Council Member Glenn, all board members were in favor of the motion.


Linda M. Gilbert, RMC, CMC

Town Clerk

General #’s 65 - 97 $17,698.83

Highway #’s 29-41 $25,988.46

General Park #’s 0 – 0 $0.00

Prepaid #’s 45 – 73 $33,429.93

Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025