State of New York
County of Fulton
Town of Caroga
Minutes of the regular monthly Caroga Town Board meeting held Wednesday May 8, 2019 at the municipal building located at 1840 State Highway 10 at 7:00 pm with the following persons in attendance by roll call:
Supervisor James K. Selmser - Here
Council Member John Glenn - Here
Council Member Jeremy Manning - Here
Council Member James Long - Here
Council Member Kent Kirch - Here
Other town department representatives in attendance were Steve Putman – Highway Superintendent, and Don Travis – building maintenance. There were about 55 members of the public in attendance.
Supervisor Selmser opened the meeting at 7 pm by asking for the roll to be called. The salute to the flag followed.
Public Speaking – Martha Price read a letter outlining the various wins that can be achieved at Sherman’s Park. The success of the Caroga Arts Collective non-profit will spread economic success through out the Caroga Lake area.
Lynn Delesky thanked the 17 volunteers who helped with the roadside cleanup on Saturday. They collected 50 bags of garbage. Council Member Kirch thanked her & JD for organizing it.
Phil Addeo asked if any decision had been made on when the referendum vote will be. He asked how much in advance the voters have to be notified. He asked if it would be a special election or during the general election in November. He wondered if there will be an opportunity to meet the candidates running for election. He gave the supervisor a list of the questions he asked so the board could respond.
Doug Purcell – President of the Museum sent a letter to the board as a follow up for a sign on the Sherman’s property directing people to the museum. The Code Officer waived the fee for the permit however this has to go before the Zoning Board of Appeals. (Mr. Purcell is the Chairman of the ZBA and felt there may be a conflict) The town has supported the museum for 20 years but he does not feel their donation should go for a hearing fee.
RESOLUTION #2019-037 to waive the fee for the signage requested by the Caroga Museum was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held Wednesday May 8, 2019 at 7 pm at Town Hall.
WHEREAS, Doug Purcell President of the Caroga Museum asked that a sign be placed on the Sherman’s property to bring attention to the Caroga Museum and the Sherman’s Exhibit at the museum at145 London Bridge Road at the April meeting, and
WHEREAS, the Code Officer has identified a need to hold a Zoning Board of Appeals hearing on the placement of the sign, and
WHEREAS, there is a fee for the building permit and the ZBA hearing, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town Board does hereby move to waive the fee for the hearing.
Seconded by council Member Kirch
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
John Lorence requested of the board that they hold a work shop to air out any other questions and to get out information to the public on the other proposal that was presented for Sherman’s. He feels strongly that we should all be working together on this.
Scott Horton stated he was running for supervisor and is fully invested in this town. He has done a lot of property improvements in town. He noted the need to pull this town together. He wants to go to a referendum and see what happens. It bothers him that the energy the CAC has brought to town is being tarnished. He is on the other side of the issue. He stated the town is going broke and we have to find revenue sources. He spent years working on the Comprehensive Plan for this town. It is a good blueprint. He noted the need to be mindful of the budget. He noted the sales tax revenue is not keeping up with expenses. He wanted the board to focus on we are going to grow revenue in this town.
Beth Morris stated for four years all we have talked about is Sherman’s. It has divided the town on both sides. CAC is a wonderful group but the board has to do what is best for the town not for one specific group. She wanted this board to get a declaratory judgement. This prohibits other people from wanting to put a bid in on a piece of property that does not have a clear title. The title is clouded. This board does not want to hear any other proposals. She stated the town does not know what the fair market value of the property is. The residents have a right to know this. You don’t know the appraisal of the property – residents have the right to know this. Finally she stated you don’t want this to end the way it did four years ago when an article 78 was filed and two members of this board’s names were on the article 78. Stop and think what you are doing. If you do not stop and listed to what people are saying that is what is going to happen.
Bill Bishop thanked Kyle for the meeting he held on Monday. He supports the music fest. He noted Mr. Abdella was there and four of the board members - one wasn’t. Mr. Abdella said if it is not turned over or sold to the CAC he will take the town and the developers to court.
Kyle Price thanked those at the meeting on Monday to listen to some of their ideas for Sherman’s. In order to move forward he wants to have a discussion and hear the concerns. He want to hear people’s thoughts and dreams are for the property, what connections you have. He wants to make the property open and accessible to the community. They are willing to undertake costs and the responsibility to make it a place for everyone to enjoy. He thinks there are ways we can all work together. If anyone has any questions people can talk to him.
John Lorence noted that Sherman’s has never been as open to the public as when it was a private organization being run as a business. He has offered to work with CAC. They are so close on so many things. One plan is geared toward business bringing jobs in, improving taxes and still have CAC there. One plan does not exclude the other. He wants to work together.
Kim Hart noted the need to communicate with each other. She stated the CAC plan is to bring in revenue and bringing in business. Someone interjected it was a non-profit. She noted they give back to the community. A few years ago the town put together an advisory council to look at proposals. There was a decision made by that council. She noted how important communication and facts were for people to make their decisions on.
Beth Morris recognized the previous speaker’s passion on this subject. Mrs. Morris noted how special the music group is. She served on the committee along with Jeremy Manning, Kent Kirch, and James Long. Mr. Selmser was the former Vice President of CAC. She stated that this was a direct conflict of interest. The property belongs to town and is worth more than $50,000.00. She wanted to find out what the property is worth and how much the town can get for it. “We need money now.” People struggle to pay taxes.
Kyle Price noted Caroga Lake was ranked 7th in top Airbnb destinations in upstate NY this past year. He liked to think this was in recognition of the attraction of people coming into town. He also thought as a non for profit it can be an asset to the town to create opportunities and bring back the heart and soul of the community.
Lynne Delesky noted May is national Stop the Bleed month. There is a national campaign to highlight the importance of stop the bleed training. A person can bleed out in 3 – 4 minutes if a major artery is ruptured. She and her husband recently became certified to teach stop the bleed classes. They will offer a free stop the bleed training class. A sign-up sheet was circulated for a class in June or July. “An hour out of your life could save a life.”
A moment of silence for former BTI applicator Buck Fick Jr. was held.
Department Reports:
Assessor’s Report – Victoria Hayner submitted a report noting Grievance Day is June 5th 4 – 8 pm.
BTI – Lynn Delesky reported the team has put in over 300 hours this year monitoring and treating the streams. There are upward of 150 streams and tributaries in the town. Some black flies have hatched but they are working to get the 2nd & 3rd hatching. A picture of the larva was shown. There was an article in the Sunday paper on hunting the illusive black fly.
Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar – The Tax Collector presented the 2019 tax books for audit. A report was given to emergency personnel that there are exotic animals housed in town now. They need to be reported annually to the clerk. The Assessor filled out a 3 month calendar for retirement reporting, Mr. Jennings is doing his now. The historic fact of the month – in March of 1957 the town signed a contract for spraying insect control three times for $1495.00. The Town Clerk challenged whether a meeting the board attended with the town attorneys was legal. [The meeting was legally conducted under an exclusion to the Open Meetings Law whereby the board may receive advice from their attorney.]
Code Enforcement & Sanitation – John Duesler submitted a written report noting 13 building permits were issued during the month of April. He received $960.00. There is no fee structure for camping on private property in town. The overnight camping permit has not been revised. Letters were sent out to get compliance for properties to be safe and to get cleaned up. Four property owners were given 14 days to comply or tickets will be issued. He continues to close out permits from 2014 on forward. The supervisor noted he has made terrific progress so far.
Dog Control – The clerk read a report from Mr. Dutcher; he received 5 calls for the month. He responded to one dog bite case and took one stay to the humane society.
Golf Course – Mr. Jennings reported to the clerk that the course is open but he is fighting with the weather. They are mowing where they can. The front 9 is walking only. He needs some sand and ½ load of #2 gravel.
Highway – Mr. Putman attended a recent county association meeting where Assemblyman Smullen confirmed that the winter recovery CHIPS money would not be available this year from the state. In another meeting with the state it was also confirmed through Mr. Clements. He noted the board can go for certain economic development funding. Gloversville just received some money this way. Mr. Putman showed the board a draft proposal for the alienation of municipal parkland from 2007 for the salt storage shed. He noted surveys were done. Copies for the board will be made and handed out. He hopes the board will get serious about this. We told the state we were going to do this and it hasn’t happened. The board thought an updated survey may be needed. Quotes will be requested from local vendors. The highway department is chasing pot holes and washouts.
Supervisor Selmser asked if he had heard back from the state on the violations. Documentation showing compliance were sent via email. The highway clerk spoke to Steve Paszko. He had not opened the emails yet, but will send a letter once he reviews the documents.
Supervisor Selmser asked Mr. Putman if he was still good with doing the mowing per the contract the county sent over. Mr. Putman thought he could do the work fine for him. It is only twice a year. The town would be responsible for 112, 111, & 137. He will mow one strip. Mr. Putman had not seen the contract.
Lakes Management Program – It was noted that money is in the budget for the program. The board discussed hiring John Olm as Steward Supervisor for West Lake boat launch and boat wash.
RESOLUTION #2019-038 to hire a Steward Supervisor & stewards for the boat wash station & West Lake access was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held Wednesday May 8, 2019 at 7 pm at Town Hall.
WHEREAS, the board desires to hire a Steward Supervisor for the Lake Steward Program, and
WHEREAS, John Olm was suggested as a replacement for Mike Durkee, and Hank Younglove, Alayna Hester, Lorraine Mott, and Kayli Stead were suggested for the boat wash station & West Lake Access, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the board does hereby set the rate of pay as $2,000 per season for the Steward Supervisor and $11.10 per hour for the stewards.
Seconded by Council Member Manning
Discussion: Council Member Glenn noted he served on this committee and has not met Mr. Olm. He wanted him on board but wanted to meet with him. He suggested a temporary appointment until they can meet as a committee.
The resolution was amended as follows: that the Steward Supervisor shall be a temporary appointment until next month
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Mr. Putman stated for the reporter present from the Leader Herald that he is lifting the 5 ton limit on town roads as of Monday May13, 2019.
Mr. Centi reported he has full crews with a waiting list of people to work. He has 8 divers and 2 tenders. He picked up the new dump trailer. He anticipates the divers will start somewhere around Memorial Day depending on water temperature. There are problems with the harvester trailer. It is rotting, and has problems with the wheels. It has outlived his purpose. Council Member Glenn stated it would be discussed at an upcoming meeting. Mr. Centi will get some quotes (new and used) to replace it. Council Member Kirch suggested checking with the local marinas. Supervisor Selmser announced that the town was not selected to get an invasive species grant.
Town Hall Building – Mr. Travis noted a water test needs to be done on the town hall building. Other tests are needed in July and August. He suggested sealing the floor in the gym and having the walls scraped and painted. He got some quotes last year for $1,400 - $1,600.00 for the painting. Mr. Travis announced he is retiring July 4 of this year.
Supervisor Selmser reported on the problem with the water source at the highway garage. Testing was done. Council Member Long interpreted the results of the testing. He noted the absence of coliform & E. coli and that there is iron in the water.
Council Member Long stated for a long time now we have wanted to have back up power for the Motorola repeater in the gym. That is finally complete and up and running, “I did that.” He thinks it has about 48 hours of standby time.
Youth – Council Member Manning stated the program will operate July 8 to August 16. He is working with the director on finalizing the application. Colleen Ricciardi will have a better report on the program at next month’s meeting. Supervisor Selmser noted the health department did not received reports, from the test locations, on the water testing. The town paid a fine which were submitted in the prepaid bills.
Historian – A bill was submitted by the historian today. The board decided not to pay it this month.
Supervisor’s Report
Supervisor Selmser contacted the people who requested the use of Sherman’s 6/27/2020 for a wedding. They agreed to the $250.00 price. Another request was submitted for use of the Sherman’s property on 6/8/2019 for pictures to be taken in the carousel building. The supervisor asked if the board wanted to establish a rate or waive the fee.
RESOLUTION #2019-039 approve the use of Sherman’s Property was offered by Council Member Kirch at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held Wednesday May 8, 2019 at 7 pm at Town Hall.
WHEREAS, the board desire approve the use of Sherman’s for a wedding on June 27, 2020 for Matthew & Lisa Montgomery, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the fee shall be $250.00.
Seconded by Council Member Glenn
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
The next request was discussed. Mr. Purcell noted this should be checked with the code officer. Last year when he was on the Sherman’s property for events the town did not allow anyone on the carousel. The board noted pictures could be taken in the building but not on it.
RESOLUTION #2019-040 to approve the use of Sherman’s Property was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held Wednesday May 8, 2019 at 7 pm at Town Hall.
WHEREAS, the board desire approve the use of Sherman’s for wedding photographs around the perimeter of the building not near or on the carousel, on June 8, 2019 by Patricia Boyer between 5:30 & 6:30 pm, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the fee shall be $50.00.
Seconded by Council Member Kirch
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
RESOLUTION #2019-041 to enter into a Mowing Contract with the Fulton County Highway Department was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held Wednesday May 8, 2019 at 7 pm at Town Hall.
WHEREAS, Supervisor Selmser discussed with the Highway Superintendent Steve Putman a contract submitted by the Fulton County Highway Department for mowing county right-of-ways, and
WHEREAS, the town would undertake mowing county right-of-ways once before June 30 & once before September 30 of 2019 on County Roads 111, 112, 137s & 137 for a total of 7.28 miles, and
WHEREAS, the town would be paid $425.00 per mile for a total contract of $3,094.00 to be made by the end of October, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the highway department shall enter in this agreement which may be suspended on five days written notice by the County Superintendent of Highways and Facilities for failure to perform and the county reserves the right to correct any condition that in any way does not meet his requirements and charge the cost back to the town.
Seconded by Council Member Long
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
The supervisor gave an update on the financing on new highway truck through Municipal Leasing Consultants. Their rates are approx. $600.00 less than NBT. Once we are closer to the delivery date of the truck the current rates will be obtained. The rates may go down. He was quoted interest as being $6,597.00 by MLC – NBT $7,150.00.
The supervisor noted there is a meeting coming up with the Adirondack Assoc. of Towns and Villages that he would like to attend in Saranac Lake. There will also be another meeting he attends on the county level in that vicinity. He will submit the mileage to the county the room will be $35 Monday room $104.00
RESOLUTION #2019-042 for Supervisor Selmser to received reimbursement to attend meetings was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held Wednesday May 8, 2019 at 7 pm at Town Hall.
WHEREAS, Supervisor Selmser discussed with the board two meetings he needed to attend on behalf of the town and county, and
WHEREAS, the town board is in favor of the Supervisor attending the two meetings, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Supervisor Selmser is authorized to attend the Association of Town’s & Villages meeting on June 3 in Saranac Lake with an overnight stay the evening before with costs of $104.00 for a room rate and $35.00 to attend the meeting. And be it further RESOLVED, that mileage would be reimburse by the County.
Seconded by Council Member Long
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Sexual Harassment training will be scheduled in early to mid-August by Christian Dunn. It will be conducted at our facility with at least one other town. The clerk noted from the training I attended this week even volunteers, who are considered employees as they are under our workman’s compensation, should be notified of the town’s policy.
Old Business:
Street Lighting – The supervisor spoke to Jessica Waldorf from the NY Power Authority (NYPA) today. He asked her for an update on the cost of standard photocell lighting that had been quoted before. He asked her to do it without the purchase of the fixtures from National Grid. Thinking it may be behoove the town to purchase them directly. The board was given copies of the information she provided today. A meeting will be coordinated at the county level with the different towns that are participating. She will also be asked to meet with the town to discuss the street lighting and also the master cost recovery agreement will be sent out to the town in the next few days as it was approved by the credit committee this week. The supervisor also asked for a building audit for a review of the lighting in the meeting room and at the highway garage. He hopes this information will be available at the next meeting.
The supervisor noted this initial proposal came to the board on December 21, 2018 and there is a clause on page 2 that the offer would remain open for 180 days. The town has until June 21 to respond. The initial proposal from the power authority which included the $31,500 with a payback of 5.8 years with the annual crossflow with financing was 6.53 years. The new proposal without the cost of the fixtures takes the payback with financing to 4.32 years. He hopes to meet with her before the deadline. At least the financing is approved.
Council Member Kirch wondered what the trade-off was if we did not purchase the equipment through them. He wondered if there might be other financial liability or additional maintenance if we owned the fixtures. The supervisor responded that we would still be contacting them to take the old fixtures down and putting the new ones up. That is still a cost to the town.
Laura Nealon works for the city of Gloversville they are also looking into the cost of conversion. She noted there are rebates available which equal the cost to convert to the LED’s but you still have to pay for the maintenance cost. If the town owns them they have to fix them due to an accident or any other problems. She noted the huge cost of the federal prevailing wage to hire a high voltage electrician.
The supervisor thought there was a maintenance factor that had the possibility of a single contractor dealing with all of the municipalities in the area. The supervisor discussed having a work session on this.
RESOLUTION #2019-043 to set up work session on June 5th 2019 was offered by Council Member Kirch at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held Wednesday May 8, 2019 at 7 pm at Town Hall.
WHEREAS, the board discussed converting the street lighting in the town to LED previously and would like additional information, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town board sets a works session for Wednesday June 5, 2019 at 7 pm to discuss the lighting and any other matter to come before the board.
Seconded by Council Member Manning
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
The Supervisor then wanted to discuss the proposal by CAC for the Sherman’s property. He stated there would be a formal presentation on that and a discussion regarding going forward and scheduling a voter referendum. Council Member Manning suggested May 22 or 29th. The supervisor stated he has the original signed documents in hand.
RESOLUTION #2019-044 to set a work session on May 22 2019 was offered by Council Member Kirch at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held Wednesday May 8, 2019 at 7 pm at Town Hall.
WHEREAS, the board discussed proposal by CAC for the Sherman’s property, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town board sets a works session for Wednesday June 22, 2019 at 7 pm to have a formal presentation by the Caroga Arts Council with the purpose of moving, forward and scheduling a voter referendum.
Seconded by Council Member Long
Discussion: Council Member Manning responded to an earlier question on the time frame for a vote. At any point in time if a decision is made to that issue to referendum 60 days have to pass before a vote can be taken and no more than 75 days.
Council Member Glenn wondered if the coincided with the general election. It would be well before that was the response.
Information needed to be clarified by the board of elections.
Council Member Manning thought the point was to try to have something happen during the summer when people are actually here as opposed to the fall when there is absentee ballots and no one is around.
Comment: that will cost an extra $5,000.00. Council Member Long responded “we spent a total of $4,000.00 a year most of that goes for the general elections for party primaries and small elections it is just several hundred dollars.” Several people respond that is not correct. The supervisor responded it would be around $1,000 - $1,200.00. This would be a mandatory referendum. Through the advice of counsel the best course of action would be make this subject to referendum. Nothing would happen unless the voters approve it.
Council Member Long noted a problem with the June 5 meeting date it is grievance day.
It would be a public informational meeting.
Council Member Long asked to go back to the June 5 work session.
Seconded again by Council Member Long
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Comment: When is Mr. Lorence going to be given an opportunity to make a presentation? He has asked for a work session with the board on numerous occasions. The public is talking among themselves….
RESOLUTION #2019-045 to amend resolution #2019-043 and to set up a work session on May 29th 2019 was offered by Supervisor Selmser at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held Wednesday May 8, 2019 at 7 pm at Town Hall.
WHEREAS, the board discussed converting the street lighting in the town to LED previously and would like additional information, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Caroga Town board sets a works session for Wednesday June 29, 2019 at 7 pm to discuss the lighting and any other matter to come before the board.
Seconded by Council Member Long
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Council Member Kirch announced to the public that there is a work session on the LED lights originally scheduled for June 5th is now moved to 5/29 at 7 pm here. The informational meeting on the CAC proposal is on May 22 at 7 pm. The documents will be made public prior to that date.
Comment: What about the John Lorence proposal? Supervisor Selmser stated May 29 he can speak and give an update.
Council Member Long stated the Sherman’s Advisory Committee helped John Lorence perfect his proposal over the course of many months. [PUBLIC talking over the board] Council Member Kirch called for order from the public. The public asked for all of the information to be put on the town website including the street lighting proposal. Supervisor Selmser agreed it could.
Comment: there was a third proposal we haven’t heard anything about. Council Member Long said “we’ve been through this oh my god.”
Supervisor Selmser stated it was a letter with no substance to it. They had an opportunity to come to the board and submit additional information. “If we had it we would give it to you.”
Comment: wasn’t there a packet for each board member with a signed offer in it. The supervisor stated there was a list of requirements. One was about the title on the property and tax relief for at least 10 years. It had a list of strings. Council Member Long stated he would not tell us what he was going to do until after we went into contract.
Comment: strings don’t bother you guys you just signed a waiver with stipulations in it.
Council Member Manning spoke at length to Clayton Sitterly and asked him for a small paragraph of what the general idea was. He also asked him to come to the town to explain the proposal to the town’s people and the board. He said no not until the property was promised in sale. The matter was tabled until more information came back to the town. It was noted this was confidential.
A member of the public wanted to see it in writing. They were looking for transparency.
Supervisor Selmser stated it was a legal contract and counsel advised the board until there is discussion and agreement it does not become available. Council Member Long stated he wanted to see what the proposal was about – he refused to tell us what it was about unless we agreed to sell it to him.
Comment: if the person who submitted the proposal says it is OK put it on the website and let the public see it.
Council Member Manning stated it was not a proposal.
Supervisor Selmser noted the attorney can come to a meeting to explain this situation on May 22.
Comment: did the CAC submit a proposal? We want to see what they are doing.
Council Member Manning noted these were submitted years ago as was the one by Mr. Lorence. Council Member Long noted CAC submitted it multiple times to the public.
Mr. Lorence stated he was only given one chance to discuss his proposal. He has requested a work session with the board and was denied. He has never been given his one cheering session like the CAC. He hears innuendos about his project which is not true. His proposal says to refurbish the existing facility. In the CAC original proposal they said they would tear down the facility.
Council Member Manning wanted to discuss this in two weeks. Supervisor Selmser asked Mr. Lorence to come back with some current new information or refresh the board’s memory of what was presented before. [Gavel in use] Supervisor Selmser told Mr. Lorence before to keep in touch. Council Member Glenn suggested having another work session so we could vet all of those things, the alternatives, to the CAC proposal.
Comment: the public asked for the documents to be placed on the website prior to the meeting. A member of the public wanted to see the CAC proposal. Someone wanted to have all three proposals discussed on one night. It was noted that these work sessions are being held before a lot the summer people are here.
Council Member Glenn suggested multiple work sessions. The lighting should be on a separate night.
Council Member Manning stated we have been doing this for four years.
Supervisor Selmser asked do the voters want to have choices before or do they just want to make a decision yes or no? [Chatter among the public] Supervisor Selmser noted the board planned to have more than one town hall meeting. Chatter continued among the attendees. [Gavel]
The board received two applications for fireworks displays one on July 3 and one on July 6.
RESOLUTION #2019-046 to approve two fireworks displays by Majestic Fireworks was offered by Council Member Long at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held Wednesday May 8, 2019 at 7 pm at Town Hall.
WHEREAS, the board received two applications for fireworks displays in the town one on July 3rd 2019 at Pine Lake Park and the other on July 6 sponsored by the Canada Lake Conservation Association, and
WHEREAS, two certificates of Liability Insurance were received by the town with the producer being Britton Gallagher One Cleveland Center Floor 30 1375 East 9th Street Cleveland OH 44114 now therefore be it
RESOLVED that the supervisor is hereby authorized to sign both of the proposals for the fireworks display as amended - to correct the date to state the year as 2019.
Seconded by Council Member Kirch
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Council Member Manning noted the smart growth grant was supposed to be announced last fall. It was finally announced two weeks ago. He would like to start the initial round of construction on the Wheelerville Trails Bike Plan. He wants to submit a grant application for $80,000.00. At no time will town money be spent to match up towards that. There will be volunteer hours spent. Tonight he wanted the board to approve two resolutions one to approve him to go after the funding for the Smart Growth Grant and two as to approve a five year plan with a multi-phase approach to constructing the trail system as designed by Steve Ovitt of Wilderness Property Management. Council Member Manning noted the plan is to start in Caroga and then expand southward. If the grant doesn’t happen, a lot of this just goes out the window. Things could still be done with volunteer efforts. He needs something to go with for preparing a grant. Council Member Kirch stated this is all privately funded. Council Member Manning responded there is no town funding. He noted the price from Steven Ovitt is about $40,000.00 per mile. Other guys can do this for $10 - $15,000.00 per mile. This is for a Smart Growth Grant which need to be submitted by June 7th, 2019. Council Member Manning then read the following plan in its entirety which became a resolution.
RESOLUTION #2019-047 for the Town of Caroga to accept a Five-Year Wheelerville Trails Plan was offered by Council Member Manning at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held Wednesday May 8, 2019 at 7 pm at Town Hall.
WHEREAS, the Caroga Town Board desires to move forward with the Wheelerville Trails Plan, and did review the five year plan submitted by Council Member Manning as follows:
2019- Phase 1- General Trail Layout. Begin Construction
Appoint Trail Director (unpaid position)
Seek 2019 DEC Smart Growth Funding
Assemble volunteer work team
Establish 2020 trail budget (grant funded)
On-site layout of trails consistent with WPM recommendations
Begin work on intermediate climbing trail from parking area to summit (Pro layout, volunteer build)
Create seasonal Lead Trail Builder/Trail Laborer positions in town budget. Positions to be grant funded.
2020- Phase 1 (Cont.) Construction
Hire Lead Trail Builder
Hire Trail Laborers (if funding is available)
Seek and apply for available State/Federal grant funding
Construction of main trunk trail. Beginner level. (Pro build)
Construction of additional intermediate summit trail on north side (pro layout, volunteer build)
Construction of top-to-bottom flow trail (Pro build)
Improvement of parking area/installation of information kiosk
Adoption of trail rules, season dates, hours, etc.
Establish 2021 trail budget (grant funded)
2021- Phase 2
Hire seasonal trail employees
Construction of second top-to-bottom flow trail (pro build)
Additional intermediate trails added as space allows (volunteer build)
Construction of golf course perimeter trail connecting to additional town lands
Seek and apply for available State/Federal trail funding
Establish 2022 trail budget (grant funded)
2022-Phase 3
Bridge Irving Pond outlet at Town-owned parcel, connect to golf course trail (pro build)
Intermediate loop trails added on additional town lands (pro layout, volunteer build)
Seek available State/Federal trail funding for additional work if necessary
2023 and Beyond- Phase 4
Connect to Peck Hill State Forest Trails via Morey Rd/Ferris Lake Wild Forest. (pending UMP approval)
Seek available State/Federal trail funding to continue additional trail development on town lands.
Work with local landowners to allow trail system expansion into adjacent private lands
Maintain ongoing relationships with volunteers and bike clubs needed to maintain trail system.
The Town Board of the Town of Caroga hereby approves the Five Year Caroga Recreational Trails plan as the guideline for the instituting the trail study produced by Wilderness Property Management in May, 2018. This plan will serve as the general outline for timeline, construction goals, personnel and financing of the Wheelerville Trails Project.
Seconded by Council Member Long
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
RESOLUTION #2019-048 to authorize the Wheelerville Trails grant submission was offered by Council Member Manning at the regular monthly meeting of the Caroga Town Board held Wednesday May 8, 2019 at 7 pm at Town Hall.
Whereas, the Town Board of the Town of Caroga recognizes the need to improve and diversify its recreational offerings for both residents and visitors, and
Whereas, the Town Board of the Town of Caroga purchased parcel SBL#53.-1-14 on March 23, 1961 with the State of New York providing 75% of the purchase price, with the condition that land be forever restricted to recreational use only, and
Whereas, the Town of Caroga was awarded a 2017 Smart Growth Implementation Grant, in the amount of $6,000, to develop a feasibility study and conceptual plan for a high quality, multi-use, non-motorized trail system that would include recreational opportunities for mountain biking, hiking and nature observation on town-owned property between State Highway 10 and Irving Pond outlet, and
Whereas, Wilderness Property Management, Inc. (WPM) met with Town of Caroga representatives to document specific interests for bike trail development on town parcel SBL#53.-1-14, and provided a plan and analysis for the development of a cohesive and high quality trail system that included recreation opportunities for mountain biking, hiking, and nature observation on town-owned lands, and
Whereas, the Town of Caroga wishes to begin in the summer of 2019 a multi-year Wheelerville Trails layout and construction project and continue a phased approach to completing the Wheelerville Trails project through the use of professional trail builders and skilled volunteers, and
Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Town Board of the Town of Caroga hereby authorizes the submission of an application for the 2019 Adirondack Park Community Smart Growth Grant Program, in the amount of $80,000, for the funding of the layout and construction of the Wheelerville Trails Project as described in the feasibility report completed by Wilderness Property Management, Inc. and in a time-frame as set forth by the Town of Caroga’s Five Year Recreational Trail Plan.
Seconded by Council Member Long
Adopted by a vote of 5 Ayes: Selmser, Glenn, Manning, Long, Kirch
Council Member Kirch stated because of his involvement with the Fulton County Center for Regional Growth he attended a meeting with the Caroga Lake Volunteer Fire Company to meet with a banker from Greene County Bank to talk about financing for the new fire house. The result of the meeting the Fire Department has decided to work with the bank. He is not asking for a resolution tonight. He wanted to make everyone aware that they are starting to move forward. They are looking to potentially break ground this summer. In order for them to get the rate the bank promised – they specialize in fire department loans. They get a credit if they are tax exempt. As a town we have to endorse this. It doesn’t mean we are on the hook for anything. It is just for tax purposes for the bank to be able to offer the lower rate to the fire department. The fire company will (is required) hold a public hearing prior to the June Town Board meeting.
Supervisor Selmser asked if there were any questions or comments regarding the correspondence or any other new business.
Letter from Mary Ann Losee re: planning Board Chairman behavior
1st Quarter Workers Compensation report for 2019
Fleet Safety bulletin 27% of all vehicular crashes are related to cell-phone use
Monday May 27th Memorial Day Caroga Transfer Station closed open Tues 5/28 8 - 4
Thank you from Eccentric Club for donation
Council Member Long made a motion to pay the bills as presented for audit as amended late this afternoon. The motion was seconded by Council Member Kirch. All board members were in favor of the motion.
At 9:05 pm Council Member Long made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Council Member Manning. All board members were in favor of the motion.
Submitted, (had two images)
Linda M. Gilbert, RMC, CMC
Town Clerk
General #’s 122 - 147 $6,568.89
Highway #’s 56 -74 $11,692.15
General Park #’s 5 – 12 $1,976.50
Prepaid #’s 99 – 114 $21,405.26
Copyright © James McMartin Long 2017–2025